Switch Mode

Chapter 649

Chapter: 649

After trying out the Power of Purification, I’ve come to realize that this ability heavily relies on the user’s judgment.

I guess that’s the nature of powers in general.

I was able to handle the Power of Embrace without much trouble because I kept its usage focused and pushed through confidently.

If I get accustomed to it, I should be able to explore a wider range of uses.

But there’s a catch: time is short.

From now until the Pope puts his plan into action, there are only about two months at best. I can’t handle divine powers like the Pope in such a short time.

To even face the Pope, I need to have something clear in mind, just like when I used the Power of Embrace.

If I fail to achieve this goal, I’ll be blocked by the Pope’s powers just like when I failed to wake the fairies.

With these thoughts swirling in my head, I decided to ask Chumyeon how to properly wield the Power of Purification.

Chumyeon had been useless when we were inside the Pope’s mansion, but now outside, he functioned well.

[Head to Talina.]


One of the famous cities in the Mage Empire.

It’s also a place where you could buy various magical items in the game, but as the story progressed, it became inaccessible.

Wait, am I really in the Mage Empire right now? So this is the southern plains of the Empire?

I’m not entirely sure what Talina has that would help me, but one thing is certain.

My enemy will soon show up there.

As the Pope attempts to resurrect the evil god Agra, the world is gradually changing.

The divine and magical powers are growing stronger, newborns are more easily blessed, and dungeon difficulties are skyrocketing.

There are various environmental changes among these, but what’s important to me is that we are getting closer to the Mythical Era, awakening long-sleeping beings one by one.

And Talina is the starting point for that awakening.

Considering that the Pope is the one who dropped me here, it feels like a deliberate prank.

How dare a zealot attempt to test an apostle!

Haha. Alright then. Since the repugnant Pope has played a prank on me, I guess I should return the favor!

[Aren’t you going to contact your friends? You could reach them using the crystal.]
“Sure, but that wouldn’t be dramatic, right?”
“Anyway, I’ll see them again in two days, so I’d prefer to move alone until then.”

There’s no need to give my friends explicit instructions. They already know their tasks and are preparing for the future.

So, I’ll just stick to what I can do.

Sure, it’s a bit personal, but this is definitely for the world.

After I firmly declared this, Grandpa didn’t bother to add anything more.

He probably thinks that the pathetic god is going to say something.

Though, said god is currently silent.

With a decision made, I immediately dashed across the plains.

I didn’t waste time pondering where to go. As long as I knew my current location, it was easy to figure out my next steps.

Even if I got a little lost, my instincts would sort it out for me, so there was no need to panic over finding a map.

[Are you tired? You’ve been running all night since yesterday.]
“Do you think I would feel tired after all this?”

I’m not that exhausted. After repeatedly training with the Alrn family, staying awake for a few nights became nothing unusual.

[That’s good to hear. How long until you reach civilization?]
“I’ll see some villages in a few hours, but I’ll ignore them. I need to go to the city at the end.”

It’s a reality that my speed surpasses most vehicles.

There’s no need to create a ruckus by waking people up.

I must prevent any bad reputation from spreading for future benefit.

If I carry the favorable reputation from the Art Guild’s accessories, I can surely weather any backlash that comes later.

I should make sure to inflict any backlash on the pathetic being I can silence. I cannot afford to turn into a troublesome brat.

How long have I been running following the map in my head?

As the black curtain of night draped over the sky, the stars and moon shone brightly, dancing upon a bed of blue silk as I closed my eyes when I spotted a large city wall in the distance.


Upon reaching the vicinity of the city walls, I covered my appearance with a hero’s cloak and hood.

I stood out way too much for a casual stroll.

For a dramatic entrance, I needed to keep my identity hidden until then.

[But won’t it be a hassle when you pass through the city gate?]
“It’s fine. I have a pretty good conversation starter.”

As I confidently approached the guards, following a merchant who had been checked earlier, the soldiers squinted their eyes and glanced around.

“Hey kid. Who are you with?”
“Some abandoned kid?”

Who are they calling a kid?

With my temper flaring at their comment on my complex, I forced myself to stay calm and presented my pouch to the guards.

“Hey, check this out.”

Wait, why do I feel fear instead of greed in their eyes?

Isn’t it typical for them to just overlook things when you slip them a bribe?

[How much did you put in there?]
“One gold worth of silver coins.”
[That’s way too much! If you wanted to pass quietly, you should’ve just slipped a few silver coins!]
“Isn’t more better?”
[Think about it! A random kid walking up with a large sum; who wouldn’t be suspicious? They’d either think it’s fake or involved in something shady!]

Why do I have to worry about the implications of giving a bribe!? This is a real-life online game disaster!

‘What do I do now?!’
[What do you mean, what to do? Just run! You should know a detour or two, right?]
“I don’t!”
[You don’t know?!]
“I don’t know everything, you know!?”


As I was pushing for a plausible solution from Grandpa, a familiar voice called from behind.

I jumped at the sound of the woman’s voice I heard every morning back at the mansion and slowly turned my head to check under my hood.

Dressed in her favorite simple gray dress, she naturally caught the soldiers’ attention.

“Did our lady do something?”
“Ah, she wants to get inside.”

Why is she here? How does she know where I am?

Crow! Was it you who told Erin!?

Why are you meddling when I’m just going back tomorrow?

You could expose just how much of a useless pervert you are in public!

“Could you kindly excuse this?”
What?! You brought that pathetic dog along too!?

Go ahead, spread the rumor across the continent!

As I was inwardly lamenting, Karl approached the guards and whispered something.

The soldiers nodded and cleared their throats, signaling me to pass.

Looking at me with satisfied smirks made their thoughts obvious.

Having entered the city, I immediately headed to an inn with the two of them.

“Lady, what you intend to do is unclear. It’s okay if you don’t tell us, but please just say if there’s anything we can help with.”

Erin’s words, stating she’d serve as a mere spectator rather than a nuisance, made me shake my head.

After coming this far, I don’t want to abandon them. There surely are areas they can help with, and leaving them behind isn’t my style.

“In that case, feel free to pitch in. We are your tools.”

Wow, Erin is totally cool. It’s so much better than Karl, who’s just snotting away beside me, nodding like a fool.

“Pretending to be cool, huh? What could you possibly contribute, oh useless one?”
“I’ll do my best even if it’s just a little!”

Watching her smile made me shrug and turn my gaze out the window.

The city shared a similar scale to the dungeon city I had visited before, yet it was far more refined than any adventurer’s city and rekindled visions I had of it through the monitor.

The sight of a city crumbling due to the monsters pouring out of a suddenly emerged dungeon.

“For now, I’ll find a few of those show-off wannabes and make them cry.”
“Well, where are you headed first?”
“You know this lame place worships losers who dare to call themselves gods?”
“Yes, the place dedicated to the God of Magic.”
“That pathetic loser borrowed power from the same junk he hangs out with.”

The Apostle of Magic.

Ah, just picturing that jerk’s face makes my blood boil.

Even after just halfway through, this wizard, who gets wrecked by Joy’s talent, still holds on to his pride, which really annoys me—but he’s just a side character, so instigating him has been hard.

But now this is reality, and my freedom is at its peak!

Hehe. I think I’ll take my anger out on him now.

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not work with dark mode