Switch Mode

Chapter 647

Chapter: 647

Karia glared at the continent’s map in the dark room.

She might not know the Pope’s exact whereabouts, but she had a rough idea of his route.

She even knew about the things he personally owned.

Yet, no matter how thoroughly she searched, she couldn’t find their hideout.

“Is that crazy First Queen right? Did she create some space in another realm to hide?”

Divine powers are unpredictable, Karia thought. “Take the power of darkness as an example: it’s not just about erasing light. It can manipulate shadows, tap into someone’s negative emotions, access memories they want to forget, and even meddle with futures they’d rather not imagine. Who knows? It might even encompass more than that.”

Erginius explained that divine powers are impossible to gauge without the person wielding them knowing their true extent.

Even the wielder might not fully grasp its scope.

The trouble was, the current opponent was the Apostle of Agra, who had survived the gods’ war until now.

No way a mentally unstable person like the Pope let his abilities go unchecked over the years. He likely did all sorts of craziness without a care.

Thus, Karia knew she had to adopt an unconventional mindset herself.

“Damn it.”

Nothing came to mind.

While she could make some judgments within the realm of common sense, this was proving to be a struggle.

When she was enchanted by the fire evil god, she couldn’t even guess the curse’s source was the evil god.

This was her employer’s specialty, but unfortunately, that dear boss is currently taken hostage.

“Don’t worry too much.”

The First Queen, whose arms were bound in the cuffs made by Erginius, leaned against the wall and chuckled.

“I told you last time, didn’t I? The Pope will never harm Miss Alrn.”

“I’ve heard endlessly about how the Pope is beyond bizarre. But our employer isn’t exactly normal.”

True, her nature was that of a playful girl, but at times, she could go a bit nuts.

In those times, she charged headfirst at her opponent without a thought for her own safety.

“After listening to our employer, even I sometimes lose my reason. The Pope might be one thing, but I can’t see other trash putting up with that.”

“That’s good. If it escalates in an unofficial gathering, we can claim justification. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Lady Alrn became the queen?”

“You ruined that chance.”

“Right, it was because of me that it failed.”

Karia let out a hollow laugh at the nonchalant admission as she battered her head and plopped down in a chair.

“What on earth was so good about the king?”

“That’s a profound question. Hmmm. To start, his appearance, I guess.”

“That’s not it.”

“Why not? Isn’t his chubby physique nice?”

“Are you serious?”

“I’m serious.”

Seeing Karia gaze at her blankly, the First Queen leisurely continued.

“He had a decent personality. He genuinely cared for the country and loved me. He was quite smart and had solid political skills.”

“But that was all a façade. In the end, he was just a pathetic loser struggling not to die.”

“Who can remain calm in the face of death?”

“That may be, but at least he wouldn’t think of stealing his child’s life.”

“…That would be me.”

“You didn’t propose it! That guy’s a loser, no doubt.”

The First Queen merely smiled, offering no further reply.

But Karia understood. She could feel the turmoil brewing inside her.

A woman blinded by love even viewed the lunatic who tried to consume her child as someone she loved.

A truly detestable person, yet for now, that was beneficial. As long as the king’s safety was in their hands, the First Queen wouldn’t betray them.

“I guess that’s enough chit-chat.”

When Karia announced her readiness, a few people emerged from outside.

Johann, who had previously headed to the Holy Land with Phoebe.

Erginius, who was churning up information about the Pope’s real intentions.

Alsetin, who was active on-site instead of Karia.

Prince Arthur, present in place of the other princes.

Confirming the faces before her, Karia slowly stood and closed the door.

“Cardinal, please report on the situation.”

“The Saintess has successfully taken control of the Holy Land. The Church of the Lord will do everything in its power to deal with the corrupt Pope.”

Phoebe, who headed to the Holy Land, managed to seize everyone within a day.

The Sword Saint reported that guards weren’t even necessary.

Anyone with a hint of faith in the Lord wouldn’t dare harm Phoebe.

Additionally, things had gone smoother thanks to the doll of Ruel, saved by Lucy’s party last time.

With the appearance of one who resembled a hero, he bolstered Phoebe’s words, ensuring no one doubted her legitimacy.

Thus, she organized the leadership of the Holy Land based on the Cardinals following Phoebe and sent letters to various countries denouncing the former Pope.

Someone who was once closest to the Light of the Lord had now grasped the evil god’s hand out of twisted greed.

In typical circumstances, each country’s leadership wouldn’t easily accept such claims.

The public face of the church had always been the Pope.

He was the one who personally forged connections with kings, so how could they suddenly change their evaluations overnight?

However, this time they couldn’t lightly dismiss what had happened, because it wasn’t just the Holy Land speaking out against the Pope.

The Art Guild rose up.

Soladin made an official declaration.

The Sword Saint issued a formal condemnation.

The Fairy Queen expressed her regrets.

And the Great Mage Erginius personally declared the Pope to be humanity’s enemy.

As various nations busily gathered information, Karia surmised that no one wanted to side with the Pope.

“Thank you for your hard work. Next, Prince Arthur?”

“There was some chaos, but the atmosphere is beginning to stabilize. Tomorrow, I’d like to request cooperation from the doll.”

“Would that work for you?”

“You won’t betray me, right?”

“Fufu. I’m glad you’re placing your trust in me.”

Karia exchanged glances between the visibly reluctant Arthur and the pleased First Queen, shrugged, and then turned to Erginius.

“I’ve uncovered the Pope’s crazed objective. He aims to erase all gods and make the Lord the one and only deity. A lunatic’s plan if I’ve ever heard one.”

“…Is that even possible? You said erasing gods was impossible.”

“I can’t assert it outright, but he likely believes it’s within reach.”

The Pope may be a deranged lunatic, but he isn’t stupid.

There must be a reason he’s betting everything on what seems like an impossible plan.

“Therefore, it would be wise to prepare for the worst.”

“First and foremost, we must prevent the outbreak of the age of mythology.”

“Have you pinpointed the Pope’s location?”

“…No. I apologize. I’ve searched all likely places but didn’t find a clue. Alsetin, has anything changed since before?”

“No, nothing has changed. I suspect he utilized the power of the evil god as master suggested.”

“I suspected as much. The Queen mentioned something similar. Even while moving the fairies, they couldn’t find a trace.”

If even the fairy network couldn’t detect something, that was clear evidence of the evil god’s power being in play.

“Things just became trickier.”

“It might be better to hope Lucy Alrn manages to escape by her own means.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“I’m half-serious. Who knows what strange way she might come up with to escape?”

Lucy always solved problems in unpredictable ways.

This time, her uniqueness surely wouldn’t fail to manifest. It was entirely possible that just as they figured out a method to track down the Pope, Lucy Alrn would suddenly pop up out of nowhere.

“Well, even if that were to happen, our tasks wouldn’t change.”

The peal of Erginius’s laughter echoed as he listed various items Karia had requested.

To do what they could, just like Lucy did.


Ugh, damn it. My head hurts.

That damned Pope, the perverted old man.

If you’re gonna send me off, at least do it nicely!

Why are you trying to mess with me even on the way out?

Is this some sort of “remember me even if it hurts!” routine? That’s what cute girls should do!

If an old man with more wrinkles than brain cells is gonna act foolishly, I might as well bury him six feet under!

[Finally woke up, huh.]

‘How long have I been out?’
[About two hours, give or take?]
‘Ah, that crazy Pope, I’ll make him shiver with rage one way or another.’

Stumbling to get up, I surveyed my stark white surroundings, tilting my head in confusion.

‘So where exactly am I?’
[Looks like one of the northern mountains.]
‘That’s something we could figure out just by looking!’

Looking down revealed snow.

Looking up showed a clear sky.

I was staring at a stunning view that I’d likely add to my bucket list, yet chills crept up my spine.


Quickly drawing on my divine power to regain warmth, I thumped my head a few times.

“Hey, fairies! Wake up quickly!”

“You need to let your Queen know I’ve escaped!”

“That’s the only way Erginius will teleport here to save me!”

‘…Huh? Why is there no response?’
[Looks like you fell victim to the evil god’s power.]
‘No way.’
[You’re not dead. However, you probably won’t wake up until the powers fade.]

Phew. Thank goodness. I almost melted down right here and started crying.

So, should I just wait until they wake up?

Wishing for a suitable cave, I turned my steps to find a vast expanse of white land stretching toward the far horizon, freezing me in place.

‘…Um, old man. They are waking up, right?’
[We can only hope.]
‘What if they don’t?!’
[What else? You just walk over there.]
‘That’s so irresponsible!’
You think it’s no hassle for you?! That old man seriously! Keep it up, and I might sell you to a junk shop?!

[Looks like the Lord gifted you something. Using that might give you a solution, no?]
‘If you had something like that, you should’ve told me sooner!’
Turns out escaping from the mansion cleared the quest!

Please, please let something useful pop up in this situation!

That pathetic god better not let me down this time!

Desperately wishing, I opened the blue screen and screamed in joy at what was written there.

[You have perfectly cleared the quest!]
[The Miracle of Purification transforms into the Power of Purification!]

The Power of Purification! Even the name sounds impressive!

With this, I can wipe away the evil god’s power suppressing the fairies!

Hell yeah! That’s the Armadi effect! A great lord like that is on a whole different level!

Hehe! Alright! Let’s head home! I’ll finally get to wear a dress again and offer a prayer!

With unrestrained joy, I reached out to the fairies, but a moment later, my lips quivered, and my arms fell.

…How do I use this Purification Power?

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not work with dark mode