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Chapter 637

Chapter: 637

Watching the furious piggy shaking with rage, I ponder its strategy for utilizing Agra’s powers.

The usual approach involves leveraging its innate immortality.

An enemy that simply won’t die is a pain in the neck by itself.

As we saw earlier, even those weak minions that vanished from our mere touch transformed into terrifying foes once they gained that immortality.

If a monster like Benedict or Lasha stood on the other side with immortality, well, that would spell disaster.

Even if a deity were to arrive, who knows if they could handle such calamity?

However, despite its strength, as a dungeon boss, that approach isn’t ideal.

Seeing as this is a dungeon, there’s likely a strategy to tackle its immortality.

To be honest, if it only relied on an undying body, I would express my disappointment by hacking away at its body, mind, and soul.

But I doubt piggy would act so carelessly.

In its piggy-brained worldview, didn’t I overcome trials thanks to the deity’s help?

There’s no way it would arrogantly flaunt its success relying on mere immortality. So now, the remaining question is how it’ll fight utilizing the authority of the end.

What will it show me? Something even more revolting than what I’ve seen?

“Are you shivering from fear of peeing yourself?♡”

As I smirked while asking, I felt a chill run down my spine.

Trusting my instincts, I raised my shield just in time for a strong impact that slightly pushed me back. At least it knows the basics of using its powers.

“I’ll make sure you’re the last to die.”

“Why?♡ Are you not standing straight for others to see?♡ You’re so shameful and perverted!♡ How cute~♡”

I focused my divine energy and heightened my senses to the extreme, channeling the power of embrace into my armor to draw all attacks directed at me.

Agra’s power pertains to the very ends of all things in the world.

Thus, it can shoot magic toward the end—it can make it reach the destination that should’ve taken time to arrive.

It can make a bullet appear right in front of my forehead.

This is an incredibly absurd strength, but there are ways to respond to it.

Ultimately, the impact point is determined when the magic is deployed.

If I see the magic manifest and redirect it with the power of embrace, then I can defend against it.

After forcibly changing the direction of the curse piggy shot and shielding against it, I grinned at the scowling piggy.

“Do you want to tear off my armor that badly?♡”

The lustful gaze of the piggy never left me.

It’s not its fault. Mesugaki skills don’t get mitigated even by a deity’s powers, and besides, it had a knack for taunting even the dark evil god.

But my friends won’t be lenient just because it’s not its fault.

The moment Arthur’s sword made contact, piggy’s head floated away.

The bewildered look in the head’s detached gaze confirmed that it hadn’t noticed the ambush at all.


“Wanna bet on how many times I can swing before I hit?”

“I refuse! I’ll lose!”

The onslaught continues.

Frey and Arthur swing their weapons at the disembodied head, the speed of their blades astonishingly fast, yet they don’t collide with each other.

Having sparred countless times when they got the chance, they know each other’s movements so well that no words are needed to synchronize.

As piggy got blown into dust, it reappeared at the spot where Joy had prepared her magic.

That was the setup. To be engulfed by darkness.

To become swallowed by the endless hell, resenting its own immortality.

“Such trivial tricks!”

Naturally, the king emerged from the shadows.

His evil god’s powers are the real deal.

He absorbed a piece of the evil god; how could he possibly be caught off guard by a hastily formed spell?

Nevertheless, he must have felt the danger. He realized that if his power weakened, he might truly wander that hell.

“You insignificant parts of the kingdom!”

With piggy’s fury, the surrounding walls crumbled, and the soldiers we had left behind swirled around us.

Is this Phase Two then?

“At this moment, I declare that this place has become the domain of the great deity.”

With Feibi declaring the area of holiness, the soldiers were pushed back.

These had come into being due to Agra’s powers.

The moment they step into this space, they’ll melt away like ice cream.

Piggy isn’t without its effects either. Since it bears a piece of the evil god, it can’t avoid the burden of this place.

The one and only thing that Agra’s power can’t handle is this holiness.

Well, it can’t completely block it either, but…

“Do you think this will be enough to stop me? Ha. What a joke!”

As he raised his hand, the swords held by Frey and Arthur shattered and scattered.

Joy’s staff split in half.

Their clothing looks strong enough to hold for now, but thanks to the divine blessings on their bodies, it won’t be long before their lives will be at risk.

“Pray that the deity’s holiness does not wane, for the moment it fades, you’ll meet the same fate as your weapons.”

This is precisely why dealing with the evil god Agra is so bothersome. All the carefully prepared gear turns to dust.

“Prince, do you have another sword?”

“I have one in the spatial pouch, but is it worth it?”

“If we put some aura into it, we might manage.”


I fetched a sword from my inventory and tossed it to Frey.

Eagerly gripping the hilt, Frey’s eyes lit up as if meeting a fateful love.

Seems like she appreciates the sword imbued with miracles from the mythological era.

“It’s not free. If you mess it up, you better expect punishment. Stupid swordsman.”


As Frey imbued the sword with aura, a colorless aura lay on the white blade. Something intangible was felt through its momentum, though it can’t be seen.

Then, as Frey swung, the piggy’s body was split in half.

“I’ll be counting on you!”

I’ll reaffirm this.

I will never fight with Frey again. Not ever.

Resolving anew, I raised my shield just as Arthur and I met eyes.

“What’s up?”

“N-No, just…”

“Oh, right. I had something for you, incapable prince.”


I approached Arthur, who looked at me with overflowing anticipation, and whispered into his ear.

“Ugh!? What?”

“A reward♡”

“Do we have time to play?”

As the resurrected piggy shouted in irritation, I smiled knowingly.

“Feeling jealousy towards your son? ♡ Puhahaha ♡ That’s why you wanted to steal it? ♡ Our piggy ain’t handsome, ♡ like a peanut ♡ who’s premature ♡ smelly ♡ and not manly at all ♡”

Unable to take it anymore, our piggy lunged at me. Applying the power that had acted on the magic onto itself.

But sadly for him, the level of his resentment was almost laughably clear so I could greet him with my mace. Piggy’s body crashed outside the divine domain.

“Look at you, you can’t even perform properly as a pervert~ ♡”

As the gaze of the piggy, who finally stood, met mine, a sense of accomplishment surged through me.

The lost reason of his was unwittingly declaring that he was a pathetic pervert wanting to conquer a young girl.

“How dare you.”

“Are you angry? ♡”

“How dare you.”

“Do you want to be reminded that you’re a little brat? ♡”

“How dare you!”

“Go ahead ♡ If you can, that is ♡ Pathetic things ♡”

In its lost reason, piggy attempted to attack me in every way possible.

Pouring out the magic and curses it created, throwing off the ground’s balance, temporarily mimicking the limit of nothingness, extinguishing light.

Though the way it utilized the power of the gods was quite adept for someone experiencing it for the first time…

That was all it was.

I could commend it.

I could applaud its creativity.

But that’s all.

Despite having countless ways to screw up, my smile never faded.

Even while it dashed forward, ignoring the attack aimed at it.

No matter how it lashed out, it was still nothing compared to the malice I had witnessed from real humans.

In the end, it was just a second-rate villain, as pathetic as ever.

While I dealt with the raging piggy, my friends continued their butchery of the swine.

His arms. His body. His legs. Just as they pulverized the head earlier, they dissected him, ultimately finding…

The shard of the evil god that permeated piggy’s body. After confirming the weakness, I locked eyes with my friends.

Then, intentionally pretending to stumble, I staggered.

Objectively speaking, it wasn’t a great act.

If piggy had any sanity left, it would’ve certainly caught on.

But, in its intoxicated state, it could only perceive things through a lens of lust, not logic.

I watched as the sword in piggy’s grasp approached, cutting its way to me without considering the process.

It couldn’t even realize it was leading itself into a trap.

Three. Two. One.


With a cheerful sound, the sword bounced off as the disgusting piggy’s body was laid bare.

Ropes woven from holiness ensnared its limbs, Joy’s magic erased additional layers placed atop the body, and the two swordsmen disassembled the dried-up flesh, allowing me to intercept the shard of the evil god.

The king, who had been recovering at lightning speed until now, began to collapse and reform like any weak minion.

“No! No! No!”

He frantically tried to snatch the shard from my hand, but the movements of a pathetic god stripped of power were slow to the point of inducing yawns.

Even if he wanted to give up, he could hardly do that.

Kicking his abdomen sent him flying, and the shadows of darkness awaited to ensnare him.

“Let me go! I am the king of this land!”

One leg gets drawn in.

“I am a great king who will forever uphold the glory of Soladin!”

His knee submerged in darkness.

“What do you desire?! Wealth?! Status?! Treasures?! Speak! I shall grant whatever you ask!”

Submerged up to his waist in the black lake.

“Arthur! Our son! I am your father! The man who loves and protects you!”

“Thought you’d be okay with becoming part of yourself, didn’t you?”

“That little brat! I shall offer you the one you love! I’ll let you do as you wish! So please!”

Not thinking Arthur would be swayed, he turned his head to Feibi.

“Saint! I beg for the mercy of Aramadi for this evil one! A chance to be virtuous again!”

With Feibi watching him sternly while remaining silent, he hurriedly turned to the side.

“Lady Partran! Disciple of the great mage Erginius! I beg for mercy for this wretched life!”

“Lady Kent! Think of the honor embedded in your sword and spare my life!”

“Please, please, please!”

Finally, just the king’s head remained as he met my gaze.

“Deity’s Apostle.”

I approached without answering him.

“If needed, I’ll lick your feet, I’d crawl if you ask. I will fulfill your every desire! With all my soul, I’ll partake in your ventures! I swear before the god of vows!”

“Have I not told you several times that I don’t speak pig language? ♡”

As I stomped on piggy’s head and sunk it into the darkness, the gloom dissipated, and tranquility absorbed the surroundings.

Ah, I must say I’m quite the saint. Even to that grotesque pig, I’ve bestowed a blessing until the very end.

To be precise, it’s not entirely the end.

It will forever live, created directly by Erginius, trapped in its own darkness.

One could say it achieved its dream, so I should congratulate it.

Though, considering it suffocated in darkness, it won’t hear the mockery.

Phew. It looks like it’s all over for now.

Checking to see if a door leading outside appeared, I slowly scanned my surroundings.

I just want to ensure nothing else is lurking.

It’s not like I’ve been ambushed only once or twice.

I won’t feel safe until I see the message from the pathetic god.

“Lady Alrn!”


Ah, just as I thought. Is piggy trying to make yet another ugly struggle?

Where are they looking?

My arm?

[…It’s my first time being looked at so closely.]

The energy flowing from the shard of the evil god crawled up my arm. The moment it made contact, my arm turned black, as if it had already approached death.

[Get lost! Remnants that have lost to humans!]

[Oh, you poor servant of Aramadi. Long time no see.]

As a relaxed voice filled my brain, my body naturally shook.

My body temperature dropped.

My heartbeat slowed. My will to live dimmed.

The normal operations of my body didn’t feel so normal anymore.

[Are you trying to disrupt the balance?!]

[If a single shard can plunge Aramadi into despair, I’ll gladly do it.]

[You won’t be able to!]

“Of course, I won’t. That’s a given.”

The breath that had stopped returned. The warmth blossomed from deep within my heart, circulating through my bloodstream along with the feeling of being surrounded by warmth.

…Wait a second. This isn’t Feibi’s holiness, is it?

As I slowly lifted my head, I saw a vague human form behind the tears brought forth by the fear of death.

“Finally, we meet face to face. Deity’s Apostle.”

Why is the Pope here?

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