Switch Mode

Chapter 635

Chapter: 635

The king found Erginius’s proposal rather strange.

When you consider the power dynamics, it was leaning a bit more in favor of the king.

Having obtained the powers of the evil god, he had overcome his last physical deficiency.

Even facing five radiant talents, he believed he wouldn’t be defeated.

Though there were miracles raised by the apostle of the god, he couldn’t be certain, but the fact that he was at an advantage remained unchanged.

Yet, in this situation, Erginius proposed that he create the dungeon however he wanted.

He was telling him to go ahead and build a castle to hide in. It was evident to anyone who wasn’t an idiot that siege and defense were both obvious advantages.

Erginius, who gained the power of darkness, couldn’t possibly be unaware of the difference in strength or the advantages of creating a castle. So why was he making such a proposal first?

Why was he handing the king an advantage? What on earth was his game?

He thought and thought but, no matter how he spun it, the king couldn’t come up with a reason.

Could he really be trusting in the power of the dungeon that Lucy Alrn possessed?

Thought he could offset the god’s power with only the evil god’s abilities?

Did the hero Erginius, who had gained the powers of darkness, really overlook such things?

That’s absurd. There’s definitely something he trusts. Something I didn’t anticipate.

“Are you scared?♡ Can’t even hide in a corner alone?♡”

“Shut it.”

Hah. Whatever Erginius believes in doesn’t matter.

He suggested making a castle first after all.

Whatever variables he believed in, it could just be crushed. Whatever thoughts he had, he could create an atrocious place that rendered those thoughts meaningless.

“Sure, Erginius.”

Creating dungeons was the plaything and cultured pastime of kingdom men.

I, too, would naturally focus on dungeon creation.

No, rather I was all the more dedicated to it.

Since I couldn’t join in the fun of wielding swords like the knights, I did my best to elevate my prestige in this aspect.

So I knew very well how to create an atrocious dungeon.

“Just promise me one thing. That our duel will end solely with us.”

“Don’t worry. That’s also one of the restrictions.”

The king chuckled at the idea that even outside help was something that could disrupt the balance.


After the king departed to create his dungeon, Rene quietly observed Lucy Alrn, who was humming a tune.

In his head, he understood.

In terms of dungeons, if Lucy Alrn showcased her abnormal abilities, she would surely surpass any trials prepared for her.

Erginius, being aware of this, would choose dungeon creation even while giving the advantage to the opponent.

But was this truly the right thing to do?

This wasn’t about testing us.

If it were to kill us, it was akin to willingly handing a weapon to someone who would do anything.

Would Lucy Alrn’s abilities be exercised without hesitation even when reason had been cast aside?

“What are you worrying about so much?”

At Arthur’s question, Rene shrugged.

“It’s like sticking our necks out, asking the opponent to kill us.”

“Is that how it looks?”

“Isn’t it?”

“Not at all. From my perspective, it seems like the opponent is pleading to be killed. The opponent is Lucy Alrn, after all.”

Rene was perplexed at Arthur’s unwavering belief.

Standing before one with the power of the evil god was unimaginably terrifying.

His mind crumbled quickly, and he firmly believed that self-harm was the best means.

Only after some time did Rene realize how foolish he had been.

Arthur wouldn’t be unaware of this fear. He wasn’t someone who borrowed the power of the evil god, but a hero who faced the dark deity directly.

“Aren’t you afraid?”

“Having been through worse, this is fine.”

“How can that be?”

“Oh. You must not know. I’ve jumped into hell with that Lucy Alrn.”

Arthur chuckled at how he was speaking purely from his own perspective, while he enumerated several risks that Lucy Alrn posed.

“She’s small. She can be treated like a friend by a child. Her body is so fragile that she’d probably blow away on a windy day. But oddly enough, when that girl stands in front with her shield, it gives me faith. As long as Lucy Alrn is at the front, there’s no way we can lose—that’s my baseless faith.”

Seeing Arthur’s smile, Rene closed his mouth that had opened and silently observed Lucy’s surroundings.

The kind smile on the saint’s face as she listened to Lucy’s explanation.

The Partran noble lady, frowning as if questioning why that is so.

Kent’s noble lady, who was swinging her sword in midair, not even paying attention.

“If Lucy Alrn is the hero, then are you all the hero’s companions?”

“That kid is a hero? Does that make any sense?”

“Being the apostle of the god makes sense, doesn’t it?”

“…If Lucy Alrn begins to be worshipped, wouldn’t that cause a big problem?”

“That would be amusing. Just imagining the priests of the church mimicking her tone is delightful.”

The two burst into laughter at the thought of a serious old man clearing his throat and saying “pathetic~ pathetic~” from the podium.

“Useless prince. The only thing better than that foolish knight is your head. Is that why you’re being lazy? Do you want to become that much of an idiot?”

“I heard everything.”

“Prove it. If you can’t, you know what that means?”

Seeing Arthur, losing his temper in between them, Rene tried to force a smile.


Instead of reappearing, the king sent a door to invite us in.

Did he want us to walk through the dungeon door and enter it?

Sounds fun. There’s a sense of presence, and I like it.

What’s he prepared for us?

Would he throw childish traps as soon as we step through the entrance?

As usual, the moment my foot crossed the threshold, the floor caved in.

From within those revealed walls, all sorts of traps poured out.

Magic. Curses. Arrows. Poisons. Everything designed to kill intruders.

Seeing my friends fall behind me, the emotion I felt was anticipation.

Well prepared, indeed. The setup was such that fooling around would inevitably lead to getting hurt.

But you know, this isn’t the end, is it?

This is just a prelude.

The king wouldn’t have expected us to fall this easily.

He’d probably think a few injuries wouldn’t hurt much.

The real deal is below us. Right?

“Just as I expected.”

“Frey Kent.”

“Got it.”

When Frey swung his sword around, all the traps along the walls were slashed away. Even those that had already been triggered were no different.

Thus greeted by the ground, we landed without a scratch, facing a magnificent castle.

Countless archers and mages stood on the parapets, aiming at us, while soldiers stepped forward, spears raised to pin us down.

There was only one staircase leading upwards, and it was long and winding, making it clear we would have to endure countless attacks along the way.

And high above, hanging in the void, was the king.

Dressed in tattered royal attire, he looked down at us with a smile.

Probably means to intervene with his own power here and there.

“This is nothing like whatever Lucy Alrn was talking about.”

“Is this really a dungeon? It feels more like a warzone.”

“Right? It looks dangerous and makes me tingle.”

In other words, this is a hunt.

Like the army appearing to hunt dangerous beasts, the soldiers of this castle were trying to hunt us on the king’s command.

[Efficient, but at the same time, it’s pathetic. What kind of dungeon is this?]

The instant I heard my grandfather’s annoyance, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Why? This is a great dungeon by any standards.”

If you were to ask what defines a dungeon, everyone would likely have different answers.

But there’s a commonality.

A place brimming with enemies, littered with traps, containing a dangerously powerful boss, where a reward awaits at the end.

This satisfies all the criteria for a fabulous dungeon.

Considering that our enemy is the king, I kind of like the theme.

When did a king become someone to fight right on the frontline?

A king is a ruler. He possesses the might of countless troops. He’s someone who should be standing tall above and revealing his arrogance.

Look. Where else could there be a place that fits the king’s dungeon better?

“Lady, command us.”

Hearing Feibi’s words, I scanned my surroundings.

Spear-wielding soldiers slowly approaching us.

Knights lying in wait behind them for their chance to strike.

Archers who’d turn us into hedgehogs the moment I gave a command.

Mages who, even if their allies are obliterated, would unleash spells to kill us.

“This is a pretty nice spot for a pigsty. I bet they sweated buckets stacking bricks to build this place.”

Since the opponent has created such a magnificent location, it’s only right for us to show something impressive in return.

Alright then. To the fearful little piggy trapped in its brick castle, let’s show you the demolition.

I’m no silly wolf who huffs and puffs to blow down a house or tears it apart with claws.

The most efficient way to demolish a castle is—

“Remember when we tore that apart from the fool prince?”

“Using it now seems efficient.”


“Hey! Isn’t it infuriating to look down from above? Let’s drop you all the way down to your level.”

“Feibi, channel some magic.”


As Joy tossed the jewels she had been holding onto, blowing mana into her ring, gems that should have fallen to the ground hovered in the air.

And from those gems, magic circles began to form.

“I’ll start the fireworks.”

From countless magic circles, flames erupted, blasting apart the parapets.

Some were intercepted, some blocked by mages, and some flew off to unexpected locations, but who cares.

With countless flames erupting from the abundant mana inscribed on the gems, almost hundreds were sent ablaze.

Before the overwhelming firepower, a few battlements crumbled.

And the moment that order on the ground changed into chaos, my gaze met the king’s.

Looks like it’s starting off with my victory. Silly piggy.

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not work with dark mode