Switch Mode

Chapter 632

Chapter: 632

Taking a step back, I gazed at the king.

I still couldn’t sense the Evil God’s energy from him, but at this point, that was meaningless.

Whether he was driven mad by the Evil God in his lifetime or was just inherently insane, the fact that the king himself was a participant in this plan meant we were pretty much screwed.

– That guy… he’s a necromancer. A quite skilled black magician, at that.

– Ha ha. I didn’t expect to find anyone with necromancy skills at this level. I was quite shocked at first.

If Adri is the one saying he’s skilled, then he must have dabbled in dark magic since his past life. Guess he was already a lost cause from the get-go.

– But I’m grateful you’ve come. Thanks to you, the saint won’t act too rashly.

“Still trying to struggle pathetically?♡ It’d be better to settle down in the arms of the pathetic saint and ascend!♡”

– I’ll pass. I have a lot of attachment, you see.

“You definitely look like that♡ Your ugly heart is all over your face!♡”

Having Adri beside me made it hard to use a method to purify the entire castle, but so what?

There were more than enough ways to counter a necromancer.

The moment he was provoked enough to give us an opening, Frey would swing her sword just as planned, and then…

– Sorry, but I’m not into taking risks.

The moment the king raised his hand, the floor we were standing on vanished, and gravity welcomed us.

What the hell!?

– He’s possessing it! He’s taken complete control of the royal castle with his soul!

“Is that even possible!?”

– Normally, it’s not! But the opponent had the ability, time, and power to do so!

It seemed like taking control of an object once possessed wasn’t that hard, much like how Adri controlled her mansion in the past.

In other words, the castle was practically an extension of the king’s own limbs.

With a click of my tongue, I conjured a holy barrier and kicked off into the air, grabbing Visi.


“What a girly scream! That’s adorable.”

“Is this really the time for that!?”

As I brushed off Visi’s yells, I scanned the surroundings. Despite the sudden drop, my friends were already bracing for a landing.

“What do we do now!?”

“What do you mean, what do we do? We get back up there and make the pig squeal!”

“Do you think that’s even possible? The whole castle belongs to His Majesty!”

“Call him a piglet! That foolish fool! Is that really a king!?

And if it’s the necromancy controlling the whole castle, we have countermeasures too.

With a smirk, I looked at Adri, who then brushed her hair back.

– That pride of his is quite strong, you know? I’ll turn it around.

“Can you do it? Compared to that ancient lady, this pig is a young boar. He’s probably a fresh one.”

– He’s still a piglet. Just wait and see. I’m going to teach that young one his place.

“Ha ha. So you’re not denying the existence of that ancient lady anymore?”

– …You better wait and see!

After a fall that felt like an eternity, when we reached the floor, we were surrounded by knights of the castle.

They seemed dazed, likely having lost their minds already.

Honestly useless, both in the game and in reality.

If even half of them had the skills of our family’s knights, they might be treated like actual humans.

As I raised my mace to bash their heads in, they all collapsed to the floor.

While I blinked in confusion about what had just happened, I heard a stiff voice from Phoebe.

“I’m sorry, Young Lady. If I’d been a bit faster, I could have purified them before the necromancer did anything.”

Only then did I realize Phoebe had purified whatever had entranced them.

I could barely feel any divine energy. That just showed how quick, precise, and efficient her holy magic was—almost as if Adri had been unaffected at all.

“Don’t worry about it. What can I expect from the pathetic saint anyway?”

“I will make up for it.”

No need for that! If we’re measuring who made the biggest mistake here, it should be me as the planner of this!

Not liking that determined look on Phoebe’s face, I jumped slightly to tug on her cheek.

“Hang tight, you loser. The pathetic god is obsessed with me, not you!”


Just as I was trying to lighten the mood, I noticed the ceiling looming down to crush us again. If he can control the whole castle, could he do something like that too?

“Lucy. Is it okay to break a little bit of it?”

“Go nuts if you can, stupid swordsman.”

“Got it!”

Finally feeling free to smash something, Frey hummed happily as she drew her sword.

And the moment she swung her sword, the ceiling shattered into dozens of pieces around us.

“Now, that was pretty cool.”

Seeing that, I reaffirmed I’d never fight Frey again.

If I ever lost to that brat who’s becoming more and more like me, I can’t even imagine the shame.

Whatever excuses I have to make, I must remain on the winning side forever!

– That little girl might have overlooked one thing. This castle has centuries of history behind it.

As Adri opened her book, a shimmering aura radiated from her.

Even in the daytime, she brought a chill to the castle, showing just how elevated her stature as a necromancer was.

– Now, let’s dance.

– Are we being invaded?

– How dare you set foot here!

– Know your honor, filthy thing.

“Hey, grandma. What’s going on? Are we really being smacked around by that piglet?”

– What do you mean, they’re cooperating with the piglet!?

Are they treating Adri like an intruder? That bloated pig of greed is still our piglet?

– Shut up!

Just as I thought things were getting messy, a boy’s shout pierced through the air above us.

– Do you know who threatens Soladin right now!?

– Holy Origins!

– The great beginning of Soladin!

– Enough with the petty chatter! Collaborate at once! It’s the order of the Holy Origin!

That floating boy is the progenitor of Soladin? He looks nothing like what I imagined.

“Lucy Alrn! What kind of mess are we in?”

Why the hell is Arthur here too?

With a horde of clergy following him, that’s troublesome! This is getting annoying!

“Turns out the pig we were trying to rescue is actually a bad apple?”

“…Are you saying His Majesty attacked you?”

“If what you’re saying is true, then surely His Majesty must have brought the baggage along!”

So, this means the castle is shifting around along with us, huh?

What useless competency for no reason.

Shouldn’t that piglet just be busy munching on feed back in its pin?

“And what about the gloomy prince?”

“If you’re right, then probably the king brought him along.”

I had a flashback of Rene’s image from the game.

If that piglet tricked us by stealing Rene’s body, then it means I’ve never actually saved Rene.

Ugh, that’s humiliating. I’ve been played by a piglet who doesn’t want to be slaughtered.

“Everyone, this is our ally.”

“But Holy Maiden. The aura emitted by that necromancer is not ordinary.”

“Do you know how many lives it must have devoured to reach such a level?”

“Clear the way! That monster must vanish!”

Where the hell is Johan right now? That dumbass needs to shout to shut those guys up.


As Phoebe raised her voice, there was a look of bewilderment on the clergy’s faces.

“The great Lord recognizes that Adri stays by our side! Why are you judging this person!?”


“If you deny her, then first deny me! Call me a heretic if you dare!”

In the presence of the saint’s wrath, the clergy could only fumble, unable to muster a proper retort.

“If you have nothing to say, stay quiet! I’ll lend an ear to your grievances later!”

This is what’s scary when someone who usually doesn’t get angry actually loses it.

I could hardly intervene either.

Even Adri and Visi, who were being defended, seemed to be dumbfounded.

“Phew. Adri, just carry on with what you were doing.”

– Uh, right! Ahem! I understand! Everyone!

– It is by the Holy Origin’s order, so we shall cooperate.

– Tch. Someone should have taught them better about raising kids.

– This is why young folks…

Complaining a bit, the necromancers moved according to Adri’s orders, revealing a path leading up.

– Let’s go!


Rene watched the moving castle from his seat, observing quietly.

He could have escaped anytime he wanted, but he chose not to.

He had a guess as to who was waiting at the end of this road.

After some time, when the castle finally stopped moving, Rene slowly stood from his seat and drew his sword.

– After such a long time, you bring forth something ominous.

“Isn’t there a reason to respect you anymore?”

– That’s still your father.

“Even a beast protects its young; what reason do I have to regard such filthy vermin as a parent?”

At Rene’s sharp response, the king chuckled.

– So you believe you can take me down?

“If it must be done.”

– How foolish. Do you think we couldn’t have foreseen this scenario? You can never defeat me. You’ve been raised for your slaughter.

As the king said, Rene’s life had been one destined for consumption. Just like livestock raised for food, he grew up that way.

“Well, that might be true.”

So even if he bares his fangs, he can’t reach his owner.

“So I intend to borrow someone else’s power.”

“Oh my. Borrowing someone else’s power? That makes me sad. If you think about it, you’re the grandson of Erginius, aren’t you?”

“Should I call you grandmother, then?”

“I’ll pass, thank you. If I did, I think a less favorable title for the young lady would come into play.”

As the fairy queen appeared, hugging Rene, she flashed a mischievous smile at the king.

– How does one who should reside in the forest end up here?

The goddess, seemingly adjacent to divinity, startled the king, causing tremors in his voice.

“Ahem! As the first queen’s stepmother, I must inform you: I oppose this marriage!”

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not work with dark mode