Switch Mode

Chapter 630

Chapter: 630

As the First Queen went through the documents sent from the government office, she chuckled and tapped her fingers on the desk.

“Looks like all the duke families have jumped ship, except for Serlan, who’s been caught weak at the knees.”

Thanks to the Count Artea and Count Newman joining forces and negotiating behind the scenes, most of the count families also pledged their cooperation, with those uninterested in politics believing in the might of the Alrn and Kent families and siding with them.

Now the only cards left in her hand were the nobles she had already grasped control over ages ago and a handful of petty pawns.

It was a devastating blow that Duke Kurten bent his beliefs and decided to join the other side. If it weren’t for that, things wouldn’t have escalated this far.

“It’s complicated.”

Despite the dire situation spiraling out of control, a genuine smile lingered on the First Queen’s lips.

While Renne and Arthur had exceptional abilities, it still wouldn’t have been enough to navigate this mess on their own.

Putting individual strengths aside, they were utterly lacking in political savvy.

Lucy Alrn. If it weren’t for that one person, I wouldn’t be stuck in this turmoil.

After all, it was that very person who persuaded Duke Kurten.

It was she who pulled in Duke Burrow, who would have stuck to neutrality.

And she was also the one who made the Newman family, probably seeing this as a money-making opportunity, choose a side.

It was she who got Count Artea, who was solely focused on reviving his own family, involved.

Moreover, it was Lucy Alrn who managed to drag Benedict Alrn out of his hole, who was holed up in his territory like a hermit.

“I’m sure she also hinted at what I’m planning.”

The assessment of Lady Alrn wasn’t wrong, but realizing her true worth came a bit too late.

If I had just a little more time, or if I could have befriended her during those isolated times, I wouldn’t have worried at all.

It’s a ridiculous thought. Who could imagine the current Lady Alrn when seeing her back then?

“Still, thanks to her, I can rest easy.”

Even if everything the First Queen envisioned fails, the kingdom will remain at peace.

Even if she sins by borrowing the power of the Evil God, the kingdom would thrive even more than before.

So, the First Queen can now jump from the heavens with peace of mind.

“Your Majesty!”

One of the court officials rushed into the office, his pale face already broadcasting that the news he brought was dire.

“Four of the Grand Dukes have requested a council meeting!”

Ah, so this is how it comes.


“A royal council, I see. I’ve heard there were records, but I didn’t actually think it would happen.”

Duke Burrow chewed on his lip as he stared at the desk while Duke Kurten replied to him.

“It’s nothing less than a threat to pull us down, so it’s more or less impossible.”

“And needing the consent of numerous duke families makes it even trickier.”

“I still can’t believe these four families are moving with the same agenda.”

As Duke Bedfer, who was of a similar age to Kurten, smirked, Duke Partan turned his head with a vicious smile.

“I can’t just sit here watching the kingdom fall apart.”

Everyone nodded at their justified reasons, but in truth, no one there truly harbored a patriotic heart.

Right away, Duke Bedfer was here to make his grandson the king,

Duke Kurten came for the sake of a friend,

Duke Burrow was just repaying a favor, and

Duke Partan certainly didn’t come exclusively for the kingdom either.

“Looks like the First Queen is approaching.”

However, none of that mattered. If their desires were different but their goals aligned, the dukes could collaborate endlessly.

There’s a reason the five Grand Dukes have remained intact all these years.

“Is it for real?”

“It doesn’t seem like a magical act. Karia, what do you think?”

“It looks legitimate to me.”

“Alright. Then let’s just stall for a bit. We can manage a couple of nights without sleep, right?”

“I’ll give it a shot.”

“It’ll be fine. As you get older, you need less sleep.”

They had no intention of letting the First Queen go until all was said and done. Not even if she drew her sword.


At the time the royal council was about to commence, the three princes of Soladin and Cardinal Johan from the Church of God were raising their voices at the main gate of the palace.

“Speak properly, Cardinal Johan! Can you take responsibility for what you just said?!”

“O First Prince of Soladin, I hope our doubts are unfounded. It would be troublesome to have a traitor among the great kingdom established during the Age of Mythology, wouldn’t it?”

“Provide evidence! I say, no matter how high-ranking you are as a cardinal of the Church of God, you cannot treat a kingdom’s royal family this way!”

The palace guards and the knights who had gathered amidst the unexpected commotion,

The citizens who had flocked nearby,

And the clergy who followed Johan were all desperately trying to grasp the situation. Yet, it was only the prince and Cardinal Johan at the center of the turmoil who had the luxury to observe their surroundings.

It was natural, after all. They had rehearsed and were playing a part in a drama all along.

“Cardinal Johan! Please contact the Saint! She would testify to our innocence!”

“The Saint is resting from the fatigue of facing the Dark Evil God.”

“Stop talking nonsense! I returned from the battlefield with her! She—”

“It’s the Sovereign’s judgment. Even if the Saint were to arrive, we cannot reverse this decision!”

Right now, all of them raised their voices for the sake of the onlookers to hear the turmoil.

When things spiral out of control, everyone needed to move quickly. When the matter was quietly resolved, they would have grounds to launch an attack on the church.

“Emotions between us are running too high.”

And so, when the second prince eventually ascends the throne, it would become a justification.

“There are many onlookers. Let’s go inside for now.”


“You too, little brother!”

“I told you to just call me brother…”

“Second Prince’s words are correct. If it’s really the Sovereign’s will, then there’s nothing they can do, right?”

As the Second Queen appeared from within, the situation began to calm, and the clergy from the church naturally stepped foot in the royal palace.

“I truly hope our doubts turn out to be baseless.”

“Yes, that way everyone can be happy.”


Above the royal palace, Erginius and the Fairy Queen keenly observed below with worried eyes, shrouded in the powers of darkness.

“I never imagined the divine position would feel this uncomfortable.”

“The Age of Myths ended a long time ago. With the arrival of the age of humanity, it’s only natural that a god’s authority should be limited.”

“I understand what you’re trying to say, but I can’t shake off this feeling of powerlessness. Why does nothing seem to change after all this time?”

Erginius had felt powerless when he couldn’t rescue the Fairy Queen, and even when he had to delay the war of the Age of Myths.

What good was attaining divine status if he, as a human, remained unchanged?

“Yes, that’s true. You are just like before.”

“…Is that really so?”

“You were just as glorious as the time I admired you.”


“Yes. You didn’t give up on saving me and now you plan to stay by my side forever.”

“That was just me rectifying my mistakes.”

“Then what about now? You’re waiting to intervene the moment the balance collapses, aren’t you?”

When Erginius fell silent at the pointed remark, the Fairy Queen chuckled and pulled him into an embrace.

“Rest, my queen.”

“Don’t worry. Nobody can see us anyway.”

“Even so, this…”

“My children are by Lady Alrn’s side. If anything happens, I’ll let you know.”

“…Just up to this point.”

“What? Just up to here? What’s beyond this?”

“Why are you asking when you already know?!”

“Know? I don’t know a thing!”

As she giggled at Erginius, whose earlobes had turned red, the Fairy Queen laughed at the Mages waiting around in the capital.

“Really. You’re such a tease.”

“I’ve been holding back for a long time. I’m actually keeping myself in check right now.”

Sigh. If I ever get a chance to talk to Lady Alrn, I must ask Erginius to call me a regular nerd.

If everything ends well.


In the underground tunnels beneath the capital, a path that even the kingdom’s Intelligence Department had forgotten over countless years was, frankly, not a place where one could wander around.

What is this smell!?

Being shoved into a stink tank would feel better than this!

What’s more annoying is that I’m slowly getting used to this stench!

“Joy. Just a bit more endurance. We’re almost there.”

“…Phoebe, how can you stay so calm? Even Lady Kent, who is usually blunt, seems droopy.”

“A saint is someone who brings hope to the most difficult, dirty, and awkward places. I think this is fairly decent?”

“It feels like your face is glowing.”

“Saint, respect.”

“Impressive. Truly impressive.”

Hearing Fray and Visi showering her with compliments, Phoebe pointedly insisted she was merely doing her duty while subtly glancing my way.

“Pretty good for a pathetic saint, huh?”

“Uh-huh. Thanks.”

Whew. It really should be coming to a close now.

Where are we? Where do we need to go to breathe fresh air!?

[Stay calm. There’s a saying that the more frantic you are, the further you stray.]

‘…Shall I shove you down that water instead?’

[Sorry. I’ll remain quiet.]

‘If you were going to do that, you should have stayed quiet from the start.’

[Oh! Is that a door over there!? It looks just like a door!?]

Upon hearing my grandfather’s words, I turned my head and clicked my tongue in disappointment.

Damn it. Why is it the actual exit? If I thought it was a misstep, I would have shoved it in without doubt.

After squeezing through the exit and inhaling the divine air, I looked around after cleansing the filth.

Phew. We’ve successfully infiltrated the royal palace.

“Clumsy one.”

“We’re already done. No one can spot us now.”

Utilizing the best stealth technique one might dare to call the power of darkness, we made ourselves scarce as we climbed the stairs leading upwards.

To get ready to NTR the king from the First Queen!

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not work with dark mode