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Chapter 629

Chapter: 629

Vici was born into an aristocratic family, but they didn’t wield the same power that comes with nobleship.

As a child, she played with the peasant kids, completely unaware of her aristocratic status.

Even after she stepped into high society and recognized her noble standing, her attitude didn’t change.

Faced with the reminder of her family’s dwindling prestige while conversing with other nobles, she couldn’t puff up her chest too much.

Still, Vici didn’t harbor any hatred for her hometown. Despite its smallness, it was home to her friends, caring parents, and fond memories of her happy sibling from the past.

“When will I get to see my brother again?”

Sitting alone in the empty fields, her murmured words fell silent, and Adrien had no reply. He knew all too well that calling back a departed soul was impossible.

The magic of summoning spirits is solely for those who are unable to escape this life.

You can’t forcibly bring back someone who has found peace in their own existence.

Such things are beyond the reach of the living.

“Should I ask Young Lady Alrn? I might be able to grow like the others.”

– Don’t rush. Vici is growing at a perfectly good pace.


– Spirit summoning is dangerous magic. Rushing can lead to unforeseen consequences.

“…I guess that makes sense.”

A moment would come when she had to confront the truth.

But it wasn’t now. Vici wasn’t ready to accept that yet.

“Vici! Where are you?!”

“What’s going on?”

At the sound of a frantic voice from afar, Vici got up, brushed off the dirt, and raised her voice.

“What’s it?!”

“What do you mean, ‘What’s it’? Hurry up and come here!”

“Then what’s the matter?!”

Grumbling as she headed toward her mother’s call, Vici paused when she caught sight of Lucy Alrn crossing her arms and Joy Partan, who was surveying the area with sharp eyes.

What on earth are those two doing here? There’s nothing interesting in this backwater village!?

– I understand you’re flustered, but shouldn’t you help your mother first? She looks pale.

Ah, oh no! Right!

I might be familiar with those two from the Academy, but my mother isn’t!

Just looking at the scowling Lady Partan and the notorious Alrn Young Lady could be enough to send her into a faint!

In a panic, Vici took a deep breath, composed herself, and greeted them with her best noble demeanor.

“Lady Partan, Lady Alrn, what brings such esteemed guests to this humble place?”

“Really? Why should I care about your dusty little scent, background lady?”

Her comment was clearly bullying, causing Vici’s mother’s eyes to twitch.

“Stop! Mother! No! That’s not it!”

“Oh my, background…”

“Lucy, saying more will only lead to misunderstandings.”

Joy quickly intervened, bowing respectfully even though there was no need for it, and began to explain.

“As I mentioned earlier, we’re here because there’s something only your daughter can handle. Your daughter is capable—she has helped us many times at the Academy. I assure you, there’s nothing to worry about regarding the Partan family’s honor.”

With the only Young Lady of the Partan family invoking their honor, Vici’s mother couldn’t refuse, though she still looked uneasy.

“We need to discuss something privately for a moment.”

“Understood! I actually had tasks to handle outside anyway!”

Once Vici’s mother left, Vici recognized the spell being cast to block sound and quickly realized that this incident would be dangerous like the last.

“You want to ask Adrien something, right?”

“Yes. Is he here?”

“He’s right next to me.”

– Hello, Lady Partan.

As Adrien appeared and bowed, Joy flinched a little, then steadied her breathing.

– Given that you sought me out, I take it it’s regarding dark magic?

“Just as you guessed.”

“Rejoice! This is an area of specialty for that creepy grandma.”

The two of them were curious about whether a soul could be implanted into another body.

Could a person’s soul be injected into another’s vessel?

And if so, what countermeasures could be taken to prevent it?

– Yes, it is theoretically possible to inject a soul. You’ve often heard of the concept of possession, right?

Possession is one of the basic elements of summoning magic. It’s not just about bestowing a soul into a corpse; it’s also about infusing surrounding tools or objects to turn the battlefield in one’s favor, a combat technique favored by summoners.

– However, it’s not an easy feat to inject a soul into a living body. If we compare the human body to a castle, the soul being injected is like the besieging army, while the one defending is the body. If there’s not a significant difference in strength, taking over the body is impossible.

– Even if you manage to take over the body, the problems don’t end there. The body will strive to expel the invader. If you lose control even once, it’s over for you.

– Thus, possession usually involves either turning the target into a corpse and completely keeping it intact until the soul’s traces fade away or finding some method to make them agree.

Listening to Adrien’s explanation, Joy couldn’t help but frown.

She assumed Adrien was considering a scenario in which there was a will to seize the body.

If the intent was to force a soul into a body against its will, possession would be much more challenging.

Especially since the ones they’d be trying to possess are the First Prince and the Third Prince. An unilateral seize wouldn’t be possible.

So why did the First Queen let them go so easily?

Wouldn’t she have tried to trap one of them at all costs?

Why hasn’t she taken any action until now?

“Hey, Grandma. If the traces of a soul vanish completely, can even a loser like me possess it?”

– Theoretically, yes. A castle without an owner will default to the one who arrives first, right? But it’s just theory. The body turning to bones happens much faster than erasing the soul’s traces.

“Well then.”

Joy finally grasped the First Queen’s intentions.

If she acquired the Evil God Agra’s powers, other variables would no longer matter.

If Agra possesses the power of an ending, it’s entirely possible to condemn the soul tethered to the body!

The power of endings is extraordinarily broad!

It’s hard to even guess how far this power extends!

In the worst case, it could wipe our memories, rendering every last thing forgotten!

The more she thought about it, the more she felt as though she were being pulled into an abyss.

The despair encapsulated in the name of “God” was so vast.

The only reason we triumphed over the dark evil god was that Lord Erginius blocked that power.

Had we had to face every power alone, we surely wouldn’t be able to claim victory.

“…Perhaps the First Queen is waiting for us to come.”

“Isn’t it likely? She’s a delusional lunatic who can’t get out of her fantasies. She probably doesn’t even think she’ll fail.”

“So what should we do?”

If they carelessly dragged their feet and the First Queen mastered the Evil God’s powers, they would face certain defeat.

But rushing into battle would also seem futile. Quietly resolving this was entirely impossible, and rivers of blood were inevitable.

“May I ask a question? Why is the First Queen being mentioned?”

Joy pondered whether to share this with Vici.

She’s just a girl with a powerful spirit as her friend.

She was far from being someone worthy of the hero’s pedestal.

If she got tangled in this, she’d end up just like her friend.

“That delusional queen has recently gained a new occupation.”

Just as Joy was about to seal her lips after deep contemplation, Lucy interjected.

“Lucy?! You can’t!”

“She’s the same age as me. Even if she’s a loser, she has to contribute.”

Joy, who was trying to dissuade her anyway, fell silent when she saw the seriousness in Lucy’s eyes.

The Lucy she’d known was someone who cherished others more than herself. If she didn’t think she could protect them, she wouldn’t speak up.

“May I explain at least?”

“If you want attention, go right ahead.”

Taking a long breath, Joy succinctly broke down their current situation.

Vici and Adrien inquired if it made any sense, but Joy calmly persuaded them.

Before long, both recognized the horrifying situation facing their kingdom.

– Why are you telling us all of this?

Unlike before, Adrien’s tone was now filled with suspicion. Yet Lucy chuckled nonchalantly.

“Grandma. Next question.”

– Answer my previous question first.

“Is it possible to strip away control of a soul?”


The First Queen must have prepared for purification or summoning.

After all, we have two people who can handle the god’s divinity on our side.

However, she likely won’t be prepared against fellow dark sorcerers.

If Adrien, a spirit that could pass judgment before even the apostle of the god, could also strip away control, returning the soul’s will becomes plausible.

– No, it’s not possible.

“Isn’t that a bit too obvious? Do you even intend to deceive us?”

– Either way, I can’t do it.

“Are you just scared and backing off?”

– Yes. I’m scared. So I can’t do it.

Adrien’s evasiveness was because she was concerned for Vici.

So, no matter how often they tried to poke or bring up past incidents, or even present a decent proposal, it wouldn’t matter.

As long as she wanted to protect Vici, convincing Adrien was impossible.

“Lonely grandma won’t keep living off a background lady forever, right?”

– I’ll say this again. I am—

“Even if for the grandma, I can offer an extraordinary doll.”

In the game, if you clear all quests related to Vici, Adrien will get a body she can control.

It’s a tedious process, but with the current state of the kingdom, giving her one shouldn’t be too hard.

Adrien’s a spirit too. She longs for a body more than anyone else.

Though she tried to deny it, that yearning must be immense.

– I don’t need it.

Yet she flat-out refused.


Because she feared for Vici’s safety. Her precious friend’s life was worth more to her than her own desires.

“No. I need it.”

However, the feeling of friendship was mutual.

Vici prioritized her friend’s dreams over her own safety.

– Vici! This isn’t something you should meddle with!

“I know. But you see, that’s an important offer for you.”

– In the end, even if you die, it means nothing! This is nothing like that incident in the forest! I might not be able to protect you!

“If that moment comes, it’s probably Lucy who’ll die first.”

In response to Adrien’s near-screaming, Joy forced a smile and turned to me.


“Hahaha! Of course! I wouldn’t let losers like you overshadow me!”

I’m absolutely not allowing anyone to die.

If it comes to that, I’ll go down first.

Standing at the front while holding my shield means exactly that.

“Lady Adrien, Lady Vici, please help us. Lucy choosing you means we all need you to help lighten the mood!”

With Joy bowing respectfully, Vici requested time to converse.

After stepping outside and spending several minutes, both Vici and Adrien emerged looking like they had just experienced a heated argument, but in the end, it was Vici’s will that prevailed.

“What do we need to do?”

The first step to conquering the First Queen was ready.

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