Switch Mode

Chapter 626

Chapter: 626

‘Am I right? I told you it would be fine.’

I stretched my shoulders in victory, but my grandfather’s reaction was somewhat sour.

[…Is this really something plausible in reality?]

‘Of course it is! It happened, didn’t it?’

[No matter how lucky you are, this is just…]

What had just occurred was an event that could only be described by saying that the gods favored me. From the beginning to the very end of the game, I kept getting the best hands. If anyone saw that, they would probably ask if I was trying to lose my neck for the thrill.

In truth, Duke Kurten seemed to think I had cheated, and he was still saying, “I’ll give you whatever you want, just tell me what technique you used.”

But surprisingly, I had no tricks up my sleeve! I knew nothing about gambling skills! I didn’t even know how to shuffle cards properly, so how could I possibly know gambling tricks?

“Just sheer luck? How can a human have such good luck?”

“My employer is only speaking the truth.”

Adding to my explanation, Karia backed me up, but the Duke’s gaze was still filled with pity. He probably wanted to know what had driven him to the corner.

That’s called luck! My luck!

And hey, if someone’s going to doubt, it should be the dealer! The one who dealt me a 21 every time is the real culprit!

“Employer, that guy can’t cheat. He swore to fairness. If he breaks it, his soul will be taken.”

“Then the only one capable of such miracles is the Young Lady Alrn here.”

“Sugar Duke, even if your eyesight is failing, why do you keep thinking only about what you see? There’s something above too, you know?”

“…Are you talking about the gods?”

Exactly! If this wager is all innocent, then the only one manipulating things is that pathetic god!

“Well, what can I say? That pathetic god couldn’t bear to see me lose to an old geezer like the Duke.”

What the hell am I supposed to do while that guy shows favoritism?!

If you’re so mad, why don’t you just be reborn as a cute Mesugaki!?

If you were a loli Mesubaba, that pathetic god would probably be drooling all over you!

That guy is a total pedophile!

“The gods…”

Not knowing my thoughts, the Duke blinked at the mention of the gods and let out a nervous chuckle.

“Ha. I understand. If the gods wills it, then I have nothing to say.”

Huh? You’re really just accepting that? I figured you’d keep digging for info!

Are you also a perv like Count Artea, unable to handle the divine?

If that’s the case, let me know upfront so I can run for it.

“I’ll give you the key to the treasure vault. Take what you desire.”

“Um, you seem to be mistaken. I have zero interest in the smelly family treasure. What on earth would I do with that?”

“Don’t worry. This is a reward separate from our cooperation.”

“Did you not hear me? I don’t need that kind of junk!”

I knew exactly what was inside Duke Kurten’s treasure vault. I’d raided it a couple of times, after all.

There are precious items like the gem of life, a magical sword, and maybe some top-tier armor, sure, but none of them are of any use to me right now.

And thinking about my friends’ gear leads to the same conclusion.

Honestly, no matter what I get, it’ll just be clutter taking up inventory space. I’m not even a little bit excited about it.

“Well then—”

“Please tell me about the insane First Queen instead. I’ve heard you were quite close with her.”

What I was demanding from the Duke was information about the First Queen.

Given the circumstances, my knowledge of the First Queen was a bit mismatched from the realities of this world.

If I left this mismatch unchecked, it could lead to unexpected variables when dealing with the First Queen later on.

So I had to pin this down. No matter what happens, it would be best to prepare to handle it.

Keeping his eyes closed in silence, the Duke finally opened them with a sigh.

“It was a promise made with the late king, but now that king is gone, it should be fine.”

“Duke! Did you know about that?!”

Rene, who had been watching our conversation, jumped in with a shout, and the Duke slowly nodded.

“Yes. The First Queen visited before and told me directly.”

“But how could you… no, how could you allow the king’s death to go unchallenged!”

“Because that was the king’s wish.”


“I will tell you everything, so please wait a moment. By the time I finish, you’ll know everything.”

“How can I trust your words?”

“Of course, you shouldn’t. But believe in Karia’s abilities instead.”

At the Duke’s words, Karia chimed in.

“I’m sorry, but Duke Kurten, I can only read others’ thoughts. If the subject has a problem in their mind, my ability is useless.”

“It’s fine. This person’s mind is sound. I can vouch for that.”

The one who answered Karia’s doubts was the Clumsy Fox glaring at the Duke from Benedict’s shoulder.

“Can you be certain?”

“I am a body known as the Misty Fox. Do you think I wouldn’t be able to discern fog in my mind?”

“There are always ‘ifs’ involved.”

“If I make a mistake, I’ll earn Lucy’s wrath. Think I’ll risk that? I’m saying this with certainty.”

“…That’s fair enough.”

With not a shred of dignity in that statement, Karia nodded in understanding, and once again locked eyes with Duke Kurten.

“Then will you tell us?”

“I hope you are satisfied.”

With a light smile, the Duke looked around at everyone present before cautiously speaking up.

“This is quite an old tale. We need to trace it back to before the late king ascended the throne.”


Not long after Duke Kurten gained his title, the Duke was fully aware of the heavy weight his position held, and his only solace was his childhood friend.

Even while he grumbled about the academy being a miniature version of politics, he probably felt the same way about the clever prince who had made the academy his domain in just two months.

“Seiji, you knew about the magical tools, right?”

“I pride myself as better than any average expert.”

“I’ve discovered something very interesting in the royal palace’s basement. Care to take a look?”

There would be no way he’d bother showing something he found in a restricted area without a good reason.

Invited by the prince, the Duke saw a person disassembled into pieces.

No, to be precise, it was a doll eerily close to being human.

“I originally intended to restore it on my own, but that proved impossible.”

“Each device is engraved with intricate magic.”

“From what I’ve investigated, this belongs to the Grand Mage Erginius.”

“Is that so?”

“Absolutely. It matches what I saw in the royal library.”

The prince, whose body was frail but whose mind was exceptional, inspired enough trust in the Duke to believe him.

“May I take a moment to examine it?”

The magic engraved within the doll was interesting and, in a sense, familiar.

It was somewhat similar to the magic used in modern times to create golems. Specifically, the magic inscribed on the doll was just a lot more precise and detailed.

“Any glimmer of hope?”

“It seems easier to bring in the little one from Partan.”

“Ah, but the Partan prince can be a bit prickly.”

“He’s just a little stuck-up, but he’s a decent lad.”

“Do you think it’ll be difficult even with your help?”

“Let’s give it a shot.”

“Hah! Thank you! You’re my only hope!”

The two of them gathered whenever they had the chance, restoring the doll. The prince was particularly passionate about it.

What he was finding within that doll was anyone’s guess, but he dived deeply into it, even neglecting his daily life.

Even when the Duke tried to put a stop to the prince, it was no use.

The Duke was convinced he wouldn’t be able to stop the prince until the doll was complete and, for the prince’s sake, he did his utmost.

How long had it been? When the Duke returned to that secret place for another test, the prince greeted him with a beaming smile.

“Seiji! You finally made it! I thought I would die waiting for you!”

“What’s the matter?”

“Of course! Something really good came up! Come on, let’s go in!”

That day, the Duke faced the doll’s cold, emotionless gaze for the first time. The mechanical eyes were chillingly void of emotion.

“This is Seiji Kurten, who helped restore you!”

“Nice to meet you, Duke Kurten. I am a nameless doll. I sincerely thank you for your help in waking me up.”

The doll, awakened from a long sleep, claimed to be the creation of Grand Mage Erginius.

It said it existed to monitor whether the contract between Soladin and Erginius was being upheld back when Soladin was founded.


“Monitor! So it’s a watcher!”

As Arthur interrupted the story and shouted through the room, the Duke’s eyes widened.

“How does the Third Prince know about this?”

“You should know too! That Erginius became the god of darkness!”

“Indeed. The grand mage explained this to you himself.”

Arthur skillfully dodged the accusations aimed at him as pieces of disturbing information bombarded his ears.

“Then I’m sure you’re aware that the First Queen was also a watcher.”

With a tone that conveyed it didn’t mean much, the Duke’s words caused everyone in the room to freeze. Even Lucy Alrn, who had been relaxed until that moment, was stunned.

“Did you not know?”

“…Erginius said he couldn’t find his traces.”

“Ah. The miracles granted by the Pope surpass even the wisdom of the Grand Mage.”

Once again, an unexpected silence enveloped the room at the mention of the Pope.

“This is something I will naturally mention as the story progresses, but let me clarify now: The First Queen has regained her vigor thanks to the blessings of the Pope.”

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not work with dark mode