Switch Mode

Chapter 623

Chapter: 623

When the crazy psycho b*tch opened her eyes, her first instinct was to unleash a torrent of curses, but she quickly shut up upon seeing her surroundings.

After all, with two princes and a young lady from the duke’s family around, it dawned on her that one wrong move could cost her head.

“Hey, Ganerin. You were always good at reading the room, even if your work was half-assed, right? What do you think you need to do to survive?”

“…What are you curious about?”

“About His Majesty the King. You know something, don’t you?”

The brat looked puzzled, as if she didn’t understand what I was saying.

Could it be that she knows nothing? Is she really this clueless despite being in a high-ranking position?

“Ha! Wow, you’ve really gotten good at acting, huh.”

“No, really. I don’t know anything.”

“I can see it, you fool.”

But her natural acting was meaningless in front of Karia’s abilities.

Even with her supposed mind-reading powers, Karia easily peeled away all the thoughts the brat had embedded in her head.

“Do you remember how I interrogated you before? You’re doing it again. That makes this all the more fun.”

As Karia cracked a grin, the brat’s shoulders started to tremble.

“Do you want to go somewhere private with me, or would you rather cooperate here? Either way, I don’t mind.”

“Ka-Karia, you know the constraints we’re under.”

“Just don’t talk. If I ask you a question, just think of the answer in your head.”

The tone of Karia’s order prompted the brat to urgently nod her head. What kind of person was Karia back in the day to make this brat so compliant?

“Alright, everyone. If you have questions, go ahead. She says she’ll cooperate no matter what you ask.”

“I’ll go first.”

Rene raised his hand.

“How much does the information department know about what the First Queen is up to?”

“They’ve been involved from the initial cover-up to the disinformation. Everything has passed through their hands.”

“What about the First Queen’s objectives?”

“They don’t seem to know that either. They just do as they’re told because they’re just foot soldiers.”

After Rene stepped back, Arthur chimed in.

“Is the royal information department aware of the watcher’s existence?”

“They don’t know, just like me. Getting that information will probably require some pressure on the current Duke of Kurten.”

As Arthur clicked his tongue and fell silent, everyone’s attention naturally shifted towards Joy, who had been blankly staring ahead. She belatedly realized the attention was on her and shook her head.

“What about the employer?”

“The filthy scum have been babbling about what the delusional queen is up to.”

“There hasn’t been much of value, but let me list some: negotiations related to the Fairy Forest, talks with the dark mage faction, tracking missions on various key figures, investigations into Erginius-sama, and preparations for the National Foundation Day event. Ah, looks like they were planning to make a move around this time.”

Things were progressing a year ahead of what I knew. Originally, something was supposed to go down during the third year’s National Foundation Day.

“Speaking of National Foundation Day, there’s less than a month left.”

Karia nodded at Rene’s remark.

“They’re apparently ready to do something.”

“What kind of plan do they have?”

“To eliminate the troublemakers amidst the chaos created by that insane b*tch. Beyond that, she doesn’t know anything. It’s all about playing it by ear.”

“So only the First Queen knows the specifics.”

“It’s clear that it’ll be a major incident, one big enough that it wouldn’t matter if several nobles died.”

“This is insane. We need to know what’s happening in order to prepare on our end.”

“It’s related to that idiot.”

Amidst the heavy atmosphere, I casually threw in a comment.


“I’m talking about the Evil God Agra.”

“Right, the biggest loser among the losers. He shows up only when he thinks he can win, then runs away crying and whining.”

In the game, the First Queen awakens a fragment of the Evil God sealed underground in the Soul Academy. She plans to use that power to bring about the kingdom’s everlasting prosperity.

“How can that possibly happen? I mean, if the Evil God is resurrected, won’t everything turn into chaos?”

“Ha! Do you think a loser like that is a loser for no reason?”

Agra had been sealed for hundreds of years, split into multiple fragments, and had no clue which was the true center anymore.

No matter how great its original power was, it couldn’t possibly still be formidable after all this time.

Especially not the part sealed beneath the Soul Academy, which was weakened even more.

Erginius had likely drained its power over the centuries.

Even if it does break free, it won’t be much of a threat.

Compared to the dark Evil God I encountered in the Fairy Forest, it would be like a helpless baby.

If that’s the opponent, then seizing its power should be pretty doable. In fact, it’s likely to happen.

“Fine, I’ll give you that, but what does that have to do with the kingdom’s prosperity? If things go wrong, you might get labeled as heretics, and the country could collapse.”

“Then you should just toss out the worthless shell. Seriously, what a loser. I mean, to get used by humans and tossed aside while calling oneself a god.”

Through that power, the First Queen intended to achieve her own goals, planning to personally take down Agra.

The unsealing would be presented as a tragic accident that was resolved through many sacrifices.

By claiming to have personally defeated Agra, who could argue against it, making it harder for the church to interfere, or so I thought.


“Your Highness the First Prince, wait a moment. There’s something that still needs to be confirmed. The most important thing: why did she commit such madness?”

“Isn’t that obvious? Why would a delusional queen commit such acts? Naturally, it’s for this pathetic kingdom.”

The monarchy means that the fate of the kingdom relies on the capability of just one person, the king.

If an exceptional person sits on the throne, it’s a wonderful thing. If an ordinary person takes charge, it’s acceptable as long as nothing catastrophic happens.

However, if a fool wields power, the monarchy can topple quite easily.

Even if a capable king sits on the throne now or has raised an exceptional successor himself, what will happen after that?

A hundred years from now?

After an unfathomably long time has passed?

She decided that to ensure she would create a sage who could lead the palace to prosperity forever.

“Is it possible to achieve that by borrowing Agra’s power?”

“It’s definitely possible. If you can’t do that, why would you even call yourself a god?”

If the dark Evil God stands for the symbol of light represented by Armadi, Agra is, in essence, its polar opposite.

If Armadi heralded the dawn of the world, then Agra is the one who signals its end.

The beginning and the end. Creation and destruction. Birth and death.

If one were to delay the end by borrowing Agra’s power, achieving immortality wouldn’t be out of reach.

“…Thank goodness we managed to escape the palace.”

“If either of us had been there, we’d have been caught up in it.”

Don’t you think everyone’s believing this a bit too easily?

I mean, the others are willing to accept it since they know I’m one of the apostles of the evil god, but Rene, you shouldn’t be so gullible too.

Why do you just take my words for granted? You’re not usually this kind of person.

I was tempted to say something about how Rene would show up as the final boss if his reasoning failed him, but it was a letdown.

I really wanted to show him how embarrassing and miserable he’d be during that moment.

“Lucy, can’t we just watch over the seal under the academy right now?”

“You absolute dumbass. Use your brain a bit. How many idiots do you think are following the delusional queen over there?”

Given that there was someone who had been guarding the Evil God’s seal next to Arthur, and considering that more of the First Queen’s people have likely infiltrated the academy compared to the game, it’s safe to assume they’ve already secured it.

“…Big brother, it seems Lucy Alrn’s words might be true.”

“How do you know that?”

“There’s a way to confirm it. Just know that much.”

I figured as much.

[Let me ask you one thing. Why didn’t you stop it, knowing it could be seized? ]

‘How could I guess where the delusional queen would escape to?’

It’s impossible to fathom the mind of a lunatic.

It’s better to fight under the circumstances I understand than to give the delusional queen a variable that would allow her to use any means to achieve what she desires.

‘If I get betrayed at the last moment, it’ll be a huge problem.’

An opponent who’s impossible to handle on both sides? Even a veteran like me would find it tough. I’d be better off preparing for the final confrontation in advance.

‘Don’t worry, Grandpa. You know I’m a genius when it comes to dungeons, right?’
[Ha. That sounds reassuring.]

As I shrugged and chuckled, Arthur and Joy were examining their current strengths.

Are they thinking they’ll face off against a fragment of Agra later?

That’s right, but it’s not like they need to be that tense about it!

The enemy is hardly more dangerous than the one we faced in the Fairy Forest, assuming I’m right.

“Everyone. How can you all be so calm knowing you’re going to fight Agra, the master of Evil Gods?”

Rene blinked in awe at our nonchalant preparations, seemingly shocked by our ease.

“It’s not our first time dealing with Evil Gods.”

Then Joy followed with a laughter.

“While it is indeed nerve-wracking, we have Lucy with us. As long as we’re together with her, we will definitely be victorious, just like before.”

Upon hearing their responses, Rene, who had initially stiffened, sighed lightly and wiped his face.

“With this, I can’t even complain about being weak.”

“Isn’t it funny? You’re the oldest, yet the most cowardly? You can still run if you want. What if you accidentally pee yourself?”

“I won’t even think about running away.”

Hmm, really? Let’s see how well you hold up to that resolve. If I see you pissing yourself in the middle of the action, it’s over for you.

As I shot a judging look at Rene, heavy footsteps echoed from the hallway.

Could it be more guests have arrived? Just as I turned to see, the door to the parlor swung open.

“Brother! I’m sorry! I failed!”

Prince Cecil Soladin, clad in nothing but his underwear, burst in.


“Little brother? What in the world is going on?”

“Did you blow it all?”

“Yep! It’s a complete failure! The Duke of Kurten is just too good at gambling! We didn’t even get to the starting line!”

Cecil, who was laughing without a hint of shame, then spotted me and cheerily greeted me.

“Oh! Lucy Alrn! Long time no see! How have you been?”



“Are you about the size of a peanut?”

And I totally failed to return that greeting.

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not work with dark mode