Switch Mode

Chapter 617

Chapter: 617

People believed that the Hero had led the gods’ civil war to the Divine’s victory.

They praised him as the savior who stood against the destruction of the continent, hailing him as the messiah who delivered hope to humanity.

Yet, the Hero himself felt uneasy about such words. He understood that his victories were merely a temporary delay of misfortune.

“I’ve been told I’m a foolish and reckless human, but there’s one sight I can never forget.”

“What might that be?”

“People’s suffering.”

There were times when a child survived by resorting to consuming their parents’ corpses. In an era when cries of wishing for death echoed, no one could dare say, “That shouldn’t be.”

Everyone had grown accustomed to death rather than life, and the only reason to endure a miserable existence was a vague hope for the future.

The days the Hero lived as a Hero were some of the most despair-filled days in history.

“It’s common to get used to a certain degree of suffering, but I could never do that. The miseries people bore felt fresh every time.”

He knew it was utterly foolish, yet the Hero etched every one of their grievances into his heart.

He held close the despair they felt. And to become a beacon of hope for others, he smiled and raised his weapon, vowing to prevent such misfortunes from recurring.

“I became a Hero to eradicate misfortunes from this world. But knowing that what I’ve done is merely postponed misfortune, how could I remain idle?”

“How foolish. You naïve old man.”

“I’ve heard that one before, but it’s hard to change one’s nature.”

Even in the face of endless despair, the Hero’s determination to raise his weapon had once been a glimmer of hope during the civil war, but that was no longer the case after the war ended.

Most who survived the long and horrendous war simply wished for rest.

“They aren’t wrong. I’m the odd one here. Just when the war barely ended, I’ve decided to act to stop a calamity that will come hundreds of years later—isn’t that the definition of foolish?”

Thinking of the distant future felt trivial considering the present reality.

The land, after enduring a prolonged war, was too barren to support life.

Forests where fruits should sprout had mostly burned down, the beasts meant for food had vanished, and even the young capable of labor were scarce.

Adding to that, many everyday skills required for agriculture and livestock had faded during the lengthy conflict, making recovery seem nearly impossible.

The biggest problem, though, was that the gods had abandoned humanity.

Those who had lived alongside the gods now found themselves in a situation devoid of guidance.

Although the war had ceased, the miseries of existence had not ended. Life for humans still felt like hell. Who in such a situation would rise up for a distant future?

“Sure, some folks shouted that I must be obeyed since I’m the Hero, but in my eyes, that could lead to conflict. So, I left them on my own accord. It’s my stubbornness, and looking for solutions alone seems fair. However…”

“You miserably failed, didn’t you?”

“…How did you know?”

“Because you’re just a good-natured old fool. You probably got too into trivial matters and made no progress on your goal.”

Just listening to grandpa’s stories gave enough insight into the extent of his failures.

How many setbacks must one face before such an optimist crumbles?

The destruction of the Evil God was indeed a hopeless task.

As long as the concept exists in this world, they will never disappear.

The only true answer would be to remove the title, but even a mediocre person who seizes such authority would merely become a villain, tainted by the evil of the concept.

…Now that I think about it, isn’t the best method to keep sealing the Evil God as is? Trying to play hero could only escalate things.

“Hmm. As you’ve pointed out, I’ve had my fair share of failures. I’ve caused trouble for my companions too. I once thought that perhaps taking on the divine title could solve everything, but that’s not something a human mind can bear! I nearly messed up big time!”

“That almost happened, huh?”

So, you did attempt it, didn’t you?

If you messed up, that means your divine persona could’ve crushed you!

Wait! So that was the time when you ambushed grandpa in a nearly delirious state!

You clearly did something weird while still trapped in the influence of that divine title!

I thought he fell into despair after endless failures, but it seems he just lost his marbles!

Then grandpa’s worries fell flat! I just misunderstood everything!

“Erginius suggested that if it’s unbearable for humans, we should create something that can withstand divinity,” but that’s easier said than done!”

“Actually, it seems feasible?”


“It’s a tad overstated for the pitiable one, but it’s still true.”

“That… can’t be right? Erginius himself judged it impossible after trying.”

Until now, the Hero showed little reaction to the sudden surprise, but the fact that someone could seize divine might clearly threw him off.

It’s not surprising he’d be flabbergasted if something he thought impossible became reality.

Hmm. But isn’t it just a coincidence? The Fairy Queen mentioned it would be tough without sharing the burden of divine influence.

“Indeed. The Fairy Queen is exceedingly close to the divine realm. Combining Erginius’s spirit with hers might just lead to a miracle.”

Conveying such news changed the Hero’s shock as if it were all but a fabrication.

“Anyway, concerning Erginius and the Fairy Queen, if you ever meet them, please convey my congratulations.”

He even expressed regret that he couldn’t be there personally and shed tears, relieved that Erginius’s wish was fulfilled, even indirectly.

“Cough! Yet, while I’ve pondered various methods, the conclusion remains unchanged: the best approach is just to leave the Evil God sealed. Assuming the seal holds, there’s no safer method than this.”

“Are you really that naïve? Consider the facts. Does an unbreakable seal even exist?”

“I concur. No matter how powerful the magic, it’s powerless against time. An eternal unbreakable seal cannot exist. So what must we do? After contemplating endlessly, I posited that an unwavering spirit can serve as the seal.”

Understanding the Hero’s words wasn’t difficult. This guy chose to become the seal himself. Even if it meant being left alone for centuries, he resolved to fulfill his duty.

“What I guard here is the core of the Evil God Agra. Even if the other Evil Gods awaken, as long as Agra doesn’t resurrect, disasters of that magnitude won’t arise again.”

Preventing all calamities is impossible, but isn’t it only right to do the best one can? Watching the Hero smile, believing in that idea, I felt a lump of emotions twist inside me.

Being a Hero doesn’t imply that enduring solitary confinement for long doesn’t bring joy. He’s that type who is boisterous and generous toward others.

Unlike Erginius, who would be home in solitude, he wouldn’t feel at peace.

Still, he chose solitude because he believed it was a task he must shoulder.

“The dungeon you’ve conquered was a trap designed collaboratively by the Almighty God and Erginius. They said it siphons away considerable power from Agra’s seal, hence the bizarre structure.”

“…Are you guys idiots? If that buffoon wakes up, that’s the kind of dungeon we’d have!”

“I suppose that’s true. There’s now one more reason to guard the seal.”

“No way.”

“Well, as someone like you is out there conquering this dungeon, it might not be so bad.”

Hearing the foolish Hero made me reflect.

I admit there’s a certain nobility in his chosen end.

His sacrifice certainly makes the world a bit safer.

But I can’t endorse the Hero’s actions.

Why? I can’t help but wonder.

Peace founded on one person’s sacrifice is an unstable peace that could collapse with that one individual’s fall. Or, it could be wrong to leverage misfortune as a price.

Perhaps there could be alternate methods.

Yet, such notions are just feeble excuses.

The reason I glare at the Hero’s radiant smile is that I find his audacity personally distasteful.

“Thanks to our little chat, I feel like I’ve gained enough energy to last another five hundred years. Cheers for entertaining the dull tales of an old dude.”

The Hero is still human. He must be harboring countless emotions within. And I bet more of them are negative than positive.

Yet, to smile without complaints is probably not much different from how he laughed as a Hero.

He’s likely putting on a brave face to reassure me.

How… annoying, coming from a pathetic adult.

While I’m agonizing about how to break that mask, the Hero suddenly cut in with a smile.

“Don’t you still have many things to do? You shouldn’t waste time on a ghostly figure.”

“Why should it matter to you how I allocate my time? Are you concerned? Didn’t expect you to be such a softie, old man!”

I scratched the surface just to see his reaction, but the Hero’s smile remained steadfast.

“By the way, let me inform you that what you saw at the dungeon’s end was your inner voice. I don’t know what you saw, but I hope that inner counsel will be of aid to you.”

I wanted to say I’d stick around a bit longer, but my form started to blur first. Since the Hero is the owner of this space, I was being pushed out.

“Do pass my regards to the little ones residing in your weapon. Oh, and check, because I’ve placed a bit of my power within it.”

Watching the Hero wave me off like a parent bidding farewell to their departing child only made me more irritated.

Why is he acting so cavalier?

I’ll do what I want!

I offered my sympathy only for that failure to turn me down—how rude!

Hey! Pathetic deity! You summoned me here, don’t you have something for me to do?!

Speak up! Right now!

I want to smack that smile off that face of his!

– Ding.

As if to interrupt my shouting, a familiar notification sound appeared before me.

And the message written there thrilled my heart.

[Please give the Hero a good smack.]

As my dissolving form regained shape, I felt divine energy engulfing me more than ever.

Wow! Finally doing something befitting a divine being! Now this is how you pray!

“O God, why are you here?”

“Hmm, perhaps I wanted to chase away this cowardly adult who fears the outside world♡”

It’s the in-your-face counseling from a Mesugaki. Please share your honest feelings along with your anger.

A proper education? Feel free to give it a go.

You imbecile!

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not work with dark mode