Switch Mode

Chapter 608

Chapter: 608

After wrapping up the business at the holy site, Arthur returned to the royal palace only to be summoned by the First Queen before he could even step into his room.

The courtiers, who typically hovered around the First Queen like bees around honey, had vanished, leaving her alone to handle paperwork. With a smile, she greeted Arthur.

“I’m sorry for calling you before the ceremony has begun, but I’m in desperate need of someone to help me.”

No intent to hide that little white lie, huh? Given that she would normally summon her older brother to sit next to her, what could be her reason for calling me instead?

“I’ve never handled royal duties before, Your Majesty. I’m likely to be more of a nuisance than a help.”

“I know of the Third Prince’s brilliance. I’ll assist you until you get the hang of it, so please, just have a seat.”

– She’s not planning to give up on me. Just sit tight.

Guess that side of things seems right.

sigh I suppose I have no choice but to cater to the First Queen’s whims for now.

“What should I do?”

“Well, first…”

As Arthur listened to the First Queen’s explanation, he couldn’t help but curse inwardly. Is she losing her mind? This is definitely not a job you’d assign to a rookie!

Sure, she said it’s just about following the procedures, but it’s not even a matter of difficulty at this point.

I have no right to take on this task.

“Should I explain it again?”

“No, I understand everything you just explained.”

“Then do you believe this is something you should not do?”

“Yes. Exactly that.”

Power should only be given to those who can take responsibility for it.

If one forgets their place and takes on power, there’s a chance that what they wield will come back to bite them.

Arthur, who possessed nothing but the royal bloodline, always kept this truth in mind to survive.

That’s why he could speak with conviction.

This is a matter I shouldn’t reach out for.

“I’m sorry. Instead, I’ll fetch my older brother.”

“The First Prince is out at the moment. It’ll take him a while to return. He’s gone to the Alrn family.”

His older brother, who hardly steps out of the royal palace, decided to wander off to the Alrn family of his own accord?!

Seems like the incident from before really upset him!

But isn’t that place crawling with fans of Lady Lina and Lucy Alrn?

Only unpleasant thoughts come to mind. I hope the Alrn family can keep their wits about them and manage things.

“Third Prince?”

“…I’m sorry, I was just lost in thought for a moment.”

“I don’t know what troubles you, but the you of the past is different from who you are now. You have the right to carry out this task.”

That’s probably true.

I don’t have to worry about being swallowed up in faction battles like when I was a kid. Now I’ve got those who’d shelter me.

But apart from that, I’d really rather not have my name engraved on this paperwork.

“Your Majesty, let me cut to the chase. I have no intention of becoming king.”

“Why is that? Don’t all boys have an interest in power?”

“Well, it’s because everyone enjoys being lifted up.”

“Is that not the case for you?”

“Yep. Not at all.”

Receiving praise from others is undoubtedly a delightful experience.

Having a bunch of people around me who only say good things about me is certainly part of the joy of power.

Watching people flip out over a word is something that can make anyone happy.

But then if you take a step back and really think about it, the scenario changes. There’s no loyalty without a cost.

All those who latch onto power have their own wishes. If you can’t satisfy them, the power is bound to be precarious.

“I prefer to watch chess rather than play it. In fact, I like other things even more than playing chess.”

My mother always told me to be happy.

How to become happy? I still have no idea and probably will have to figure that out moving forward, but one thing is certain.

When I have power, I definitely won’t be happy.

“I can’t wrap my head around why I haven’t set my sights on you.”

“…Did you not hear what I just said?”

“I did. That’s why I’m more interested. A person who wants to become king isn’t someone suited for the role.”

The First Queen seemed genuinely amused as she set her pen down and chuckled lightly.

“Usually, those who sincerely say they want to become king, only seek the power of the throne. They dream of wielding power from a position of dignity, appearing dignified and bold.”

Arthur’s mind drifted to the Second Prince Cecil, who once roamed around declaring he would become king no matter what.

Having gone through several experiences and matured, his brother now believed he should become someone worthy before pursuing power, instead of merely seeking it out like he used to.

Back then, he only gazed longingly at the crown’s power.

“If they felt the weight of the king’s responsibilities like you do now, could they boldly say they want to be king without worry?”

“Maybe if they believe they have to be themselves.”

Even knowing the answer is clear, Arthur purposely twisted his words. He had a foolish thought not wanting to say what the other person wanted to hear.


Unaware that it might actually please the other party.

“I think so too. If one believes they need to be a king, then they shall become one.”

Feeling a shiver from the First Queen’s sweet smile, Arthur knew he couldn’t delve too deeply into that feeling.

Before anything else, the First Queen issued her decree.

“Please review what I shared with you today thoroughly.”

Once out of the office, Arthur rubbed the back of his neck and let out a sigh, moving his feet.

Maybe he should check out the Alrn family just in case something unexpected happens.

– Hey brat. Do you know what that woman’s real surname is?

“Why do you suddenly ask that?”

– Just answer me. Right now.

“From what I know, it should be Boloshi. That’s what she was called back when she was active in the knight order.”

– Really? Is there such a family as Boloshi?


– Just answer, please.

Arthur tried his best to ignore the piling questions from Soladin’s fragment, as it was rare for it to ask so earnestly.

“I believe they’re a minor noble house on the western side, under the influence of the Rahbi Ducal Family. I also think that the First Queen’s ability to become queen benefitted significantly from their support.”

– Was that just my misunderstanding?

“I’ve satisfied your curiosity, now tell me. What’s bothering you?”

Arthur interrogated, and after holding back a response, the fragment whispered.

– The woman’s thought process seems strikingly similar to that of a warden.


The way this guy used the term must not refer to its simple dictionary meaning. He had an exceptionally serious expression.

“Explain. You don’t have restrictions now anyway.”

– Do you remember the pact formed between Soladin and Lord Erginius?

“Ah, so that’s what you’re getting at. He helped with the nation’s formation in exchange for keeping the seal.”

– But you see, promises tend to fade away over time if left unchecked, so someone is needed to constantly remind us of them.

“So, is that what you mean by a warden?”

– An essential fragment of Soladin that shared a similar situation to mine. It shattered at some point.

Unlike himself, who stood guard by the seal, the warden who had to operate outside couldn’t withstand the ravages of time.

“So, does that mean there are no such beings left in this world?”

– …That’s correct. Even Lord Erginius didn’t say a word upon seeing that woman, so I suspect it’s just a silly thought. But something, something feels off.

As Arthur listened to the fragment’s explanation, he halted his steps towards his room.

How it might affect him to have this information about the warden, he wasn’t entirely sure.

However, if the First Queen planned to push him toward the throne, he’d need at least one item to prepare for that time.

“Let’s see if your instincts were right.”

– Do you have a plan?

“We have someone on our side who knows all the information about the kingdom.”

Well, how conveniently fate has aligned. He had also worried about what might transpire between Lucy Alrn and his older brother, but now a task had fallen into his lap.

Feeling relieved that he found an excuse to escape Lucy Alrn’s mocking, Arthur stepped into the teleportation array, heading toward the Alrn family mansion, seriously thinking he might have lost his mind.

“You look ridiculous in how you move, talk, and fight! If this was the forest, you wouldn’t even get a glimpse of my face! You ugly brat!”

“What a pathetic little pervert who can’t do anything but slack off under a girl’s feet! At this age, you should have learned to hide your desires! Ha! Is it too much to expect a fox who can’t even become livestock to have such dreams!?”

“It’s not ugly; it’s honest! You twisted freak thinks you can do anything in bed through your imaginations at night!”

“Fitting for an animal to echo sounds like a dog! Living in eternal heat must be a beast’s instinct, huh!?”

The owner of the forest and the First Prince of the kingdom pointed their weapons at each other, devoid of dignity, decorum, or civility. The only ties connecting them were the feelings they clashed against each other in this back-alley brawl.

“You disgusting male who doesn’t even realize how much their target hates them! You should thank your bloodline! If this was nature, you’d have been weeded out!”

“Are you in a position to say that!? You look like you’ve been weeded out for ages!”

What was even more surreal than the pure murderous intent both were exuding, was the sight of the knights cheering heavily from either side.

Every time one side gains the upper hand, the knights respond as if they’re drunken fools who’ve lost their sensibilities.

“Wiped out?! Who’s talking about that, the wavering male!? You are just a frenzied beast!”

“So that means you’re a beast too! Humans are creatures that can resist their instincts!”

What truly gave Arthur a headache, however, was Lucy Alrn sighing dramatically, looking up to the heavens between the two of them.

“Um, Third Prince?”

“…Who are you?”

“It’s Karia. I came to speak with my employer, but what kind of situation is this? Why is Benedict yelling from Lina’s side?”

“I’d like to know that as well.”

Through Arthur’s sigh, once again the owner of the forest and the First Prince collided, sending the knights into a frenzy.

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not work with dark mode