Switch Mode

Chapter 597

Chapter: 597

I was filled with anticipation for the food to come, but suddenly, I jolted and trembled at the words Rene had just said.

“What was that line? Did I think I had changed, but there are parts that haven’t?”

How did that slip out like something from a childhood friend scenario!

“Rene, don’t tell me you have more talent for being a host than a prince?”

If this world had a gender-reversed setting, he would surely be famed for his beauty!

Is this what they mean by being a charming man?!

Gah. If I could see this through a monitor, I could enjoy it with pure innocence, but being on the receiving end of that line makes my skin crawl!

…Should I just run away from this fancy food? It feels like a scream is trying to escape on an instinctual level.

Ugh. No, hold on. This is exactly the kind of thing I wished for.

I just need to think of it as buttering up a superior. Imagining a 40-year-old manager saying such a line is enough to endure this!


Now that I imagined it, it got even more disgusting. My stomach churns from the thought.

“If you make such exaggerated retching noises, it hurts me too, you know.”

“…Don’t mind me. I meant to hurt you.”

“You’re just as cantankerous now as you were before.”

Looking back at the lines from when we met at the Partran Festival and what he’s saying now makes it clear that Lucy was quite close to Rene back in the day.

I can’t wrap my head around how Lucy, who was a complete disaster, ended up getting close to this dark-skinned guy.

Did Rene have some hidden preferences or something?

There wasn’t much detail laid out in the game. Sure, in a no-kill route, there was a moment where the protagonist knocked him back to reality, and he showed some fondness then.

Please don’t let it be another masochist! I already have enough trashy people begging to get stomped on around me—adding one more doesn’t make sense!

“Are you still hanging onto that past event?”

What event? Did he punch Lucy out of frustration for putting up with her disdain?

“I don’t plan to apologize. I don’t think I was wrong back then.”

Of course not. Hitting a brat who belittles you with all kinds of words is justifiable revenge.

“And above all, it makes no sense for me to apologize after all this time. Our circumstances have completely swapped.”

…Huh? Circumstances swapped? It seems like he’s saying it seriously, but there’s not enough info for me to grasp it.

“What’s with that look? Did you forget?”

I didn’t forget. I just literally don’t know.


Rene shot up from his chair, biting his lip while glaring at me, muttering under his breath.

“I’ll keep track of this. Enjoy your meal in peace.”

After Rene dashed out, I was left alone in the room, still unsure why he had that expression.

What happened back then that would make him look so hurt?

To solve that puzzle, I’d need to dive into Lucy’s memories, but it’ll take some time for my body to fully recover.

Thinking I don’t want to remain frustrated until then, I got up and headed towards the corner of the room.

Let’s see. Considering the height difference between Joy and me, it should be around here.


When I pressed the presumed cheeky spot, a feminine scream echoed as the darkness lifted.

With the collapse of the drinker’s composure, the magic vanished.


“Hello, you silly. Did you have fun pretending to be a detective?”

“Huh. How did you know?”

“Well, maybe it’s because you’re a silly goose?”

My senses, which had been critiquing the aesthetic values of your presence while wishing you wouldn’t figure out my weak spots, had already known you were following me right from the start.

“Joy, didn’t I say you wouldn’t catch on at all?”

“Actually, the First Prince was completely oblivious! This isn’t my fault! Lucy’s just too impressive for her own good!”

“Are you really that oblivious? Or are you just pretending not to know?”

“If the First Prince knew, he would have subtly hinted at it! That’s who he is!”

“Hey, you two dolts. Take a seat. Some sucker went to pay so food is on its way.”


Sitting next to Lucy, Joy couldn’t shake the blush from her cheeks.

It was embarrassing enough sneaking around after her, but to be caught right from the start?

Ugh. I could die. What kind of person does Lucy think I am?

“You silly.”


Startled by her calling, Joy bit her tongue in self-loathing.

I want to disappear right now. Anywhere but here!

If I could just calm down a bit, I could talk to Lucy rationally, but that’s impossible at this moment!


Joy jolted from the sting on her forehead, staring blankly as Lucy smirked at her.

Calm down. Calm down. Staying silent would be rude. I’ve already made enough blunders, and I can’t afford to make more!

I should switch to Duchess mode and apologize while explaining why I acted like this!

“I’m sorry, Lucy. When I heard you were going to meet the First Prince today, I got really worried and ended up following you.”

Expression. Tone. Gesture. Perfect! My portrayal of a Duchess is impeccable! If I can keep up this facade, I might just get through this worst-case scenario…

“It’s okay. It’s not like you doing silly things is a first-time occurrence, anyway! In fact, I’m kind of glad you’re so silly, since it makes for a good show.”


“More than that, silly. What do you think all this is?”

The various tools spread out on the desk were some of the things she had gathered while walking around with the First Prince.

Birthstones symbolizing the month Joy was born. Several artifacts that she desperately wanted. Plus, there were other items that would surely be beneficial to her.

“You really went from shop to shop, didn’t you?”

“I had one host who couldn’t say no to me. Took full advantage of that.”

Calling the First Prince a sucker? That’s something only Lucy could pull off.

With a smirk on her face, Joy instinctively reached out to pat Lucy’s head.

“…Ah! Sorry! I—uh…”

“Mmm. To touch someone without permission? You’ve grown up, haven’t you?”

“W-what makes that word come up here!? I’m not a grown-up!”

“Eh, whatever. I’m nice, so I’ll let you off this time. But next time, you’ll need to pay a heftier price.”

“Yes, yes!”

Is everything okay for now? Hesitating, Joy continued to play with Lucy’s hair and couldn’t help but gasp.

Lucy’s hair is so soft. How does she manage to keep it smoother than silk? I have to remember to ask a maid later.

“How long are you planning to keep that up?”

Joy, mesmerized by Lucy’s charm, finally snapped back to reality at Arthur’s voice and pulled her hands away.

“Lucy Alrn. Thanks for the gifts, but there’s something I need to ask first. What happened between you and my brother?”

Arthur! How could you ask so bluntly?!

Didn’t you just see the vibe here? This is a sensitive topic! You need to be a bit more subtle!

This is why clueless guys never understand women!

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

See! She doesn’t want to answer!

“Is it something you can’t share with others?”

“I don’t know what fantasies you’re having, you incompetent prince, but really, I don’t remember a thing. How could I remember anything with that gloomy person?”

“Are you really lost on this?”

“Yes! So what’s with that gloomy prince making a fuss all by himself? Is he upset for being a sucker? What a narrow-minded dude.”

Wait, she really doesn’t know!?

Why?! The intense emotions from the First Prince clearly signify there was something significant between them! So why doesn’t she get it!

“Lucy, you seriously don’t know anything?”

“What? Don’t you believe me? How rude for a silly like you.”

“Yikes! Ouch, ouch!”

Getting pinched by Lucy, Joy recalled the high emotions from the First Prince.

I still don’t want to give my precious friend Lucy away to anyone else!

But! This makes the First Prince feel so pitiful too!

“Hey, hey!”

“Wasn’t there something you wanted to say first?”

“Uh, um. I am s-sorry, Lucy.”

“Oh ho? Well, I guess I’ll accept your apology. The Duchess with zero pride.”

Joy, with flushed cheeks, took a deep breath and faced Lucy again.

“Regardless, it’s clear something happened between you and the First Prince! You just forgot!”

“So now you think I was at fault?”

“Don’t reach out! It’s terrifying! Anyway, if you forgot, you can just think it through! I know what happened the last time you met the First Prince! So recall it!”

I understand if it’s better for Lucy not to remember her last encounter with the Prince!

But these kinds of conclusions are bad for them both! A story ending in tragedy is the worst of all!


Joy blinked in surprise as Lucy suddenly burst into laughter.

W-what? Why is she laughing?

“Oh, your silliness just makes it that much better!”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Want to know? You might end up hurt emotionally.”

“…Y-yes. I’d love to know.”

“Well, here’s the twist. I don’t want to tell you.”

Seeing Joy’s blank expression, Lucy continued to laugh for a while, resting her chin on her hand with a mischievous grin.

“Say whatever you want. I just hope it won’t be boring during my meal.”

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not work with dark mode