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Chapter 575

Chapter: 575

Watching Leydan Tanton fumble with the sunset on his face, and the Fairy Queen, now blooming like a red flower, Lucy—or rather, Ruel, who borrowed her body—nodded along as he listened to Erginus explain the plan.

“Not a bad plan for a virgin’s noggin. But hey, are you feeling confident? You might end up in a pitiful sorrow alongside this world if things go south,” he teased.

“No need to worry about that. If I die, I’ll go out alone,” Erginus replied.

Seeing the determination in his eyes, Ruel kicked him in the knee to make him kneel, placing a hand on his head.

“Lucy’s divine power ran dry long ago, so I can’t bestow any special blessings, but I can at least pray for luck to accompany one who chooses the path of hardship.”

“…Thanks,” Erginus said, grateful for Ruel’s light-hearted smile. He suddenly stood up, ready to bow to everyone, but Benedict, standing next to Lucy, interrupted him.

“I’ll accept your thanks after all this is over. You’re not planning to back out, are you?”


Erginus’s eyes widened at that, and when he saw others around him nodding in agreement, he bit his lip but then broke into a grin.

“Got it. I’ll be going then.”

“No need to come back. Only that ‘virgin loser’ doesn’t deserve love except from some chicken lady about to be thrown out,” Benedict chimed in.

“Ha ha. Still, thanks are due.”

After Erginus, the Fairy Queen, and the Dark Evil God bound to them delved deep into the forest, Ruel let out a long sigh and stretched.

Having borrowed Lucy’s body, a few blue panes popped up before him, but he didn’t touch them—this was something Lucy needed to check.

“…Hey, Leydan.”

“What is it, you stupid troll? Are you worried that the daughter you utterly adore is in trouble? Heh, such a big body with such a small mind,” he jabbed.

I was about to say that your girl is sleeping fine inside, so you shouldn’t worry, but why did that come out so differently?

Even when I stayed inside Lucy, I felt it—this distortion of authority couldn’t be calculated at all.

“Could it be… that you taught Lucy that tone?”

“Is that bothering you? Must’ve really liked it, huh? Did you enjoy being despised by your daughter?”

Seeing Benedict’s narrowed eyes, Ruel bit his lip.

No way! I met Lucy just two years ago. How could I have taught her such a bizarre tone? It’s unfair!

“It’s a joke. You probably came to Lucy about two years ago.”

“…How do you know that? Creepy. Seriously.”

“It’s just, since around that time, Lucy’s movements suddenly improved, but they were nothing like our Alrn family’s style. I had a vague suspicion that something was influencing her.”

He had no idea it could be the Holy Knight Ruel, which made Benedict chuckle.

“If you already knew, stop pretending to be so heroic! Seems like it runs in the family, that whole ‘like father, like daughter’ thing.”

“By the way, Lucy’s tone doesn’t change even when you’re using her body,” he pointed out.

“Ugh, the taste of a pathetic god is just what you get, huh? I hope he keels over soon.”

Ruel clamped his mouth shut, having been forced to blurt out blasphemy, and Benedict chuckled.

“Definitely feels like it’s you, Leydan. Lucy would’ve acted like it was no big deal.”

“Hey, troll. Want to play a secret game with me? I can offer you something you’ll like.”

“Oh, so you want me to keep it a secret from Lucy? Understood. I need to keep the teacher’s dignity intact.”

Having spent so long with Lucy made him quick on the uptake.

But how can a guy who understands so well turn into someone who looks pitiful every time Lucy speaks?

He seems to grasp all the right points.

“It depends on who’s speaking.”

Ah, so he feels hurt because it’s his daughter. I can kinda understand that feeling.


“Oh. Just seeing you like this makes me feel sorry. Hi!”

“Am I… really pitiful?”

“Paybi! This is distorted! You know it!”


With Paybi biting her lip, all eyes turned to Ruel, and he felt unfairly judged.

Why do I have to face such blame for something I didn’t even say? How has Lucy been able to withstand this!?

Ugh. To resolve this situation, I’ve got to calm that kid down.

I can guess what she was about to ask, so how about I just give an answer?

“Resenting yourself while worrying about what others think is really pathetic. Just stick around and boost that self-esteem, piggy.”

She probably just wanted reassurance that she’s doing alright.

Even if being with Lucy restored some virtue, that virtue hinges entirely on Lucy.

Doubts about oneself can’t just vanish like that.

So naturally, she turns to me for answers.

It’s not wrong to just tell her what she wants, but it’ll only lead to further dependence.

Ultimately, the last answer has to come from within.

I wonder if that message got through; judging by her serious expression, she seems to have understood at least a little.

Ahh, it’s frustrating. Why is that kid, who’s already found her answer and is recognized by her goddess, still fumbling around?

Is Lucy’s bright light such a negative influence?

If only she’d realize she shines just as brightly on her own.

“Hey. Hey. Leydan.”

Ruel barely got to breathe a sigh of relief when Frey quietly sidled up next to him.

“What is it, you little beast?”


“…Are your eyes just for decoration? Do you think this frail, delicate person has the energy to play with a beast like you?”

Oh, I’d love to play around, but Lucy’s body has already hit its limits.

Moving right now feels like a forced effort, pushing every last ounce of strength.

If I keep this up, I won’t have a leg to stand on when Lucy complains about me later.

“Yeah. There is.”

“Kid. I’m—”

“If you don’t, I’m going to tell Lucy you were just as cocky as she is, Leydan!”

…That’s a problem.

I don’t know if it’s relaxed camaraderie or what, but Lucy’s just been waiting for a chance to tease me lately.

And if I get caught saying something while borrowing her body in a situation like this…

Just imagining it is terrifying. How long will I get to be the butt of the joke for that!?

“Got something on your mind?”

“Ugh. This barking dog is so annoying, but not right now. Hold on, you mutt.”


He tilted his head in confusion, and Ruel turned his gaze skyward.

Night was approaching.


Ah, the privilege of observing that kid while swallowing insults was gratifying.

Thanks to that, I could pen quite the enjoyable tale.

While smiling deviously at the earthly scenery, he frowned at an unwelcome visitor that appeared with a bang!

“Why does it always smell like decay here? It makes me feel queasy.”

“It’s the optimal setup for storing books.”

“Hah. What a funny excuse. This dump must really tickle your fancy, huh? It’s just moldy.”

“If you don’t like it, get lost. Crow.”

“Only one person ever permitted that nickname to me, you know?”

The Goddess of Beauty and Art, Lapetos, met Ganshu’s sharp gaze with one even sharper.

“Ugh. What do you want, Lapetos?”

“I’m here to save those two. Cooperate. Their beautiful story hasn’t yet vanished from this world.”

“Your interference might corrupt that story.”

At Ganshu’s remark, Lapetos fell silent.

She knew well that the story they had chosen was indeed the most beautiful landscape.

Yet, her visit was proof of her fondness for those two and the various others who remain on earth.

“Just have faith and watch, you stupid crow.”

“Oi. You. Did you just—”

“Believing in them isn’t believing in me. It’s believing in the great god himself. This is the scenery he chose for his own apostle.”

Ready to explode with anger, Lapetos ultimately closed her lips, squeezed her eyes shut, and brushed her hair back as she took a seat opposite Ganshu.

“Let something go wrong, and see what happens.”

“Ha ha. You really gonna hit me?”

“I’ll dress you in the special outfit I prepared. My kid just sketched something delightful not long ago.”

“…Delightful outfit?”

With an ominous feeling, Ganshu tried to ask for clarification, but no answer came. The Goddess of Beauty and Art was too busy watching the approaching night.


The goddess’s apostle said that darkness would influence those who receive power.

If so, couldn’t the opposite also be true?

When affecting something, you must be prepared to be influenced in return.

Darkness wouldn’t escape that rule.

Reaching this conclusion, Erginus sought a dream from the Fairy Queen.

“Please think of me in the scenery of your dreams.”

Even if it wasn’t voluntary, it was a fact that the Fairy Queen had handled darkness for centuries.

Her will was already deeply embedded in that darkness.

Additionally, the existence of the Fairy Queen is conceptually close to divinity.

Her will would wield a significantly greater influence than any other living being.

“If you think of me, then surely I can be part of it.”

Although Erginus spoke from a scholarly perspective, the Fairy Queen received his words quite differently.

To always think of him in her dreams?

So does that mean she would always be herself?

Even if she understood that wasn’t the implication, her face still turned red.

“Whew. Are you saying you’re going to confront me with the power of love? That sounds wonderful?”

With the Evil God watching from the sidelines and snickering, the two figures stiffened, but it wasn’t long before they exchanged smiles.

The power of love—it was such a poetic phrase.

“Erginus, are you ready at heart?”

“I’m prepared since the moment I spoke. What about you?”

“No need to ask. I have solely thought of you for hundreds of years.”

“Well, what a delightful coincidence! I feel the same way.”

They smiled at each other before simultaneously casting their gazes towards the Evil God.

“Have fun. Just don’t let the ending suit the darkness.”

As the Evil God finished his last words, his head crumbled, and darkness poured out around him.

The darkness, now lacking a master, searched for a new one. Standing amidst the rolling tides of darkness, the two gazed at each other.

“Your Majesty, could I borrow your hand for a moment?”

As the queen extended her hand, Erginus grasped it. His magical power sunk deep into her being.

The Fairy Queen did not reject that power; she even welcomed it, aware that it brought the nightmares of the last several centuries.

“How long shall we dream this time?”

“You should brace yourself.”

“…I see.”

It’s alright. There’s nothing wrong. This dream belongs not just to her. With this person, even centuries can be endured.

“When you open your eyes again, you will wander through an eternal dream.”

“Uh. That’s a metaphor, right?”

“Don’t point it out! Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to suppress my embarrassment!?”

“Ha ha. But really, I know that the Erginus I know is far removed from any metaphor.”

The surrounding darkness thickened. The sunset faded, and the impending night painted a clearer picture.

“Do you have any parting words before you go this time?”

“I have so many things to say that must be delivered to you.”

“Is that so? Umm. Then I’ll go first. I love you, Erginus. Even after hundreds of years, I can say that with passion.”

At the Fairy Queen’s confession, Erginus opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, her lips stopped his breath.

“…Y-you, your majesty…”

“I told you, right? I’m no longer pure.”

With a sweet smile that could charm even the moon, she pulled Erginus close and closed her eyes.

The Queen of Fairies dreams.

A woman in love dreams.

A love that has never grown weary over hundreds of years.

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