Switch Mode

Chapter 568

Chapter: 568

The man was seen charging at me, pulling the darkness that surrounded him.

It was a marvel to witness him gathering such immense power that it could seem to overpower Erginus’s magic, desperately trying to close my mouth.

However, the night was just widely spread throughout the world, neither deep nor thick. With my light, I could transform into the sun and turn the night into dawn.

“Haha!♡ It’s a pathetic darkness just like its owner!♡”

Even if this darkness were to retreat, facing the man would still be tough.

Though he lacked his powers, the being standing before me was undeniably a divine entity.

It’s not easy for a mere human to inflict wounds.

But when it comes to blocking his attacks or disturbing his movements, I can absolutely do that.


The punch the man threw was unimpressive from a void’s perspective.

But when there’s overwhelming divine power behind it, the story changes.

The shock that struck directly onto my shield vibrated through my worn-out body.

“Heh♡ Is that all you’ve got?♡”

Enduring the impact that traveled through my bones, I smirked.

Just then, the crazed man attempted to attack again, but the three knights waiting beside me were quicker to extend their weapons.

The divine power embedded in those weapons was given to them by me! In a situation where he had limitations on his powers, this attack wouldn’t be easily overlooked.


As he vanished into the shadow, the man tried to emerge from behind me, but that was well within my expectations.

The holy magic prepared by Phoebe shot towards my shadow.

“I can’t comprehend. How can someone like you predict my actions?”

“Why ask something so obvious?♡ It’s because your intelligence is at the level of a beast. You idiot♡”

Hmm. It seems he’s somewhat immune to standard provocation. Maybe he resists status ailments with his powers.

Had I not known his weaknesses beforehand, this would have been quite troublesome. If I hadn’t known his weaknesses, I mean.

“Why don’t you play with us instead? Come join us.”

“Damn it.”

The man’s gaze, which had been fixated on me, suddenly darted to the side in panic.

The Fairy Queen was charging toward him with her children. Five fairies, wielding their thorny weapons with three pairs of wings, rushed at him. Though those thorns seemed trivial, the furrow in the man’s brow reflected their true threat.

[A fairy’s spear!?]

‘That’s a name I’ve never heard before.’

[Of course! It’s a weapon that vanished along with the fairies!]

Fairies are beings blessed by nature, thriving and enhancing the beauty of it.

To be shunned by the fairies is to be shunned by nature itself.

[That spear is evidence of their hatred! You must not get pierced by it!]

The thorns they wield are the fairies’ wrath, hatred, and resentment.

The weapon drawn to exclude the enemy could pose a threat even to deities.

Fairies are conceptual beings, after all.


‘Does that mean they’ve gotten close to becoming fairies by pulling out those thorns?!’

As mentioned earlier, fairies are conceptual beings. If those beings were engulfed by dark powers and fallen from grace, they wouldn’t be able to wield fairy weapons.

But now, they had drawn the fairies’ thorns.

They wielded the fairies’ weapons.

With Erginus engulfing the powers of darkness, they had gradually returned to being fairies.

“Hey, bugs♡”

Throwing aside my heavy shield and shrinking my mace that used to light up the world into a pendant, I approached with only my light, nimble steps, shaking off the fear resting on my shoulders.

Noticing what I intended to do, Joy drew a small magic circle before me.

This was the magic I had seen in Lina’s forest before. It was definitely a spell that amplified sound.

As I smiled gently in approval, Joy timidly stepped back, grinning.

“I’ll play with you♡”

Riding on Joy’s spell, my voice spread through the twisted forest.

“I’ll give you a special chance to enjoy my dance♡”

Normally, the fairies wouldn’t pay any attention to my words.

Their true master is the Fairy Queen.

Their prayers are pure and righteous, and she stands right beside them, so they wouldn’t dance to the tune of a brat like me.

But now, things have changed.

The pure Fairy Queen has lost her purity; she is no longer their origin.

If someone emerges who receives even more love from the fairies than her, they would ultimately be drawn to that person much more easily.

“Let’s go mock that idiot together♡”

Just like now.

“It’ll definitely be fun♡”


Stepping onto the stained earth, I unleashed my divinity, urging the divinity to expand and return the land to its original color.

Returning it to the light before it was tainted by darkness.

“The pathetic idiot who thinks he’s the best has way too much material to mock~♡”


As I stepped onto the earth, now revealing its original hue, greenery spread from the center of where I danced.

Knowing full well that I wasn’t the one causing this, I casually turned my head and caught sight of Phoebe’s trusting eyes filled with deep faith.

Faith in the miracles that would surely befall the Apostle.

Responding to that slightly burdensome gaze with a smile, I danced again.

I frolicked among the flowers.

Come here.

Let’s dance together.

Let us all play together.

Spring has finally arrived after such a long time, hasn’t it?

– What sort of mischief are you brewing?

A fairy flew next to me as I danced.

Wielding a thorn with only one finger on each of its four arms, it could easily be called a bug, but oddly enough, I glimpsed a pure smile on the fairy’s face that didn’t appear tainted.

“I’ll share loads of tales about that idiot’s failures♡ Watching him fidget and freak out will be entertaining, don’t you think?♡”

– …I think it’ll be fun.

– How sneaky! Trying to have all the fun by yourself!

– I want to play too!

– Me too!

– Me too!

“Puhaha♡ Don’t fight among yourselves, bugs♡ No matter how much you team up, you can’t fill the stage with your puny selves!♡”

Tap. Creating a stage among the flowers.

This is not the black stage that has existed in the fairy forest for hundreds of years; it’s a white stage. A stage of light. A stage of the sun.

“Are you seriously going to leave it be?”

“Yeah, you probably should.”

“At the very least, we should shake it off and leave.”

“We can’t let the Young Lady through!”

Three knights’ swords blocked the man’s path. The moment he saw them, he grit his teeth, trying to seep into the darkness, but Joy was quicker to obstruct it.

Joy. Though she worried her magic might go awry, she ultimately did it.

– So what story are you going to tell?

– How are you going to mock him?

– Let me hear it.

– Say it with a voice more beautiful than a bird’s song.

“Hey♡ This idiot is a latter-day old fart living like a pathetic divine being!♡”

Saying he’s a latter-day kind of old fart could be a sign of humility. The Evil God of Darkness has lived as long as a divine being.

Where there is light, darkness is bound to exist. Since the moment the divine being began to share warmth with the world, the Evil God of Darkness has existed in the shadows.

“But do you know why he became the subordinate of another loser?♡”

So, if everything flowed according to the current of the world, the one opposing the divine being should undoubtedly be the Evil God of Darkness.

Yet that is not the reality.

The center of the Evil God is Agra. A perverted brat hell-bent on tormenting girls.

Not this idiot who is currently freaking out before me.

“He got his ass kicked♡”

The Evil God of Darkness was defeated by Agra.

“Again and again♡ Over and over again!♡”

Stripped of his authority.

Stripped of his powers.

Stripped of his faith.

Despite continuously charging in, all that remained for the Evil God of Darkness was the term “defeat.”

“Puhaha♡ Isn’t that just too stupid?♡ If he had just given a bit of his pride, he wouldn’t be in this state!♡”

Thus, the Evil God of Darkness became a follower of Agra.

“Did he really think he could win?♡”

“Shut up.”

“Maybe at one point, he just loved getting beaten up by losers~?”

“Shut up!”

“Or maybe he secretly wanted to become the pathetic loser’s little sidekick?♡”

“Shut your mouth, you little brat!”

As the man, enveloped in darkness with not a single star in sight, shook off the three knights and charged at me.

“Puhaha♡ Look!♡ The little pup is charging in barking!♡ Isn’t it hilarious?♡”


Oh, you foolish Evil God.

Aren’t you forgetting something?

– Puhaha!

– Hehe, how pathetic!

– His looks are unremarkable, but his reactions are hilarious!

– Let’s play!

– Let’s play together!

– Let’s play with our toys!

This is still within the realm of the fairy’s dream.

– You’re such an idiot!

– So weak!

– Little puppy!

– Pathetic!

No matter how much you kick up a fuss, you’ll simply be a toy for the fairies.

“Shut it! You bugs!”

– How did it feel to lose?

– Were you sad?

– Or was it actually fun?

– You ran in knowing you’d lose, didn’t you?

– What do you call someone like that?

“Masochistic Pervert♡”

– Masochistic!

– Just a masochistic fool!

From all over the fairy forest, my voice echoed.

The fairies imitating me hurled their voices at the man.

The snickers of mesugaki mocking an adult filled the forest.

“Shut up!”

– Shut it!

– Why me?

– Try to stop me!

– You can’t, can you?

“Shut the hell up!”

– Seems like something you’re ashamed of has been unveiled.

– How pure!

“Don’t judge my past on your own terms! You filthy bugs! Know your place and shut up!”

“Hihihih♡ Is saying ‘shut up’ all you can do?♡ You really sound like a parrot!♡”

The man’s eyes locked onto me. The swirling tide of darkness swirled, trying to engulf me.

“No♡ No way♡ That’s an insult to parrots! They actually have beautiful voices, unlike you!♡”

The man’s voice stilled.

His movements froze.

Seeing this, some fairies surged forward with their spears, but the man didn’t react.

As if those trivial things weren’t worth responding to.

“Why?♡ Want to commit a crime?♡ Go ahead and try it♡ If you have the courage, that is!♡”

Amid the fading fairies, I saw the man opening his mouth.

His voice bled out into the darkness, getting absorbed.

The darkness immediately responded to his commands.

The darkness gathered.

Swirling around him, who had turned into a shadowy figure.

Holding on to each other to complete a darkness that allows not a single ray of light.

The darkness on the earth.

The darkness stuck to the trees.

The darkness that had seeped into the fairies.

The darkness that covered the sky.

All sought to reunite to return to their original form.

“Lady Alrn!”

“I already know without you squealing like a pig, you idiot divine being.”

This moment, as darkness attempts to return to its primal state, is the ending of our, Erginus’s, and my plan.

From my pocket, I create a glass bottle, shattering it.

The soil left behind where the divine and the evil clashed. A sacred artifact like a sea that embraces everything. I raise my prayer to the heavens with its power.

To let the miracle of purification reach even those who should have been cast away.

“Let’s dance again.”

Once the darkness fades…

“Lean on the flowers of spring.”

As the spring’s freshness once again touches the forest…

“Let’s spill laughter like we did back then.”

Even the fairies who have lost everything will find salvation.

“What are you doing? Work faster, you pathetic divine being.”

It’s time to unfold the miracle.

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not work with dark mode