Switch Mode

Chapter 567

Chapter: 567

The man trapped in the magic circle frowned, struggling to shake off the magic that clung to him, but the grand mage Erginus’s spell wasn’t about to let him go.

I know. I know it took Erginus centuries to create that magic. His passion never faltered over those long years.

He never crumbled before countless temptations. That’s why I believe. I believe his magic will reach that Evil God of Darkness without fail.

“Heh. How surprising.”

Finally, Erginus’s magic completely clung to the man’s body.

“Is this the obsession of that Erginus reaching me?”

Hearing the man mutter, I forced my broken body to rise again.

My form was restored by the holy magic, but another wave of pain washed over me in torrents. Strangely enough, that pain was bearable.

Maybe it’s because I just faced death; my senses are probably still numb. As I managed to regain my bearings and turned my gaze around, I caught sight of the darkness slowly dissipating.

Erginus’s magic had stripped the man of his control.

But it’s still not enough. To achieve our plans, we need to make that Evil God exert even more power!

“How does it feel to be beaten by the humans you so despised?♡ Huh?♡ Huh?♡”

“I don’t need to use my powers. I’ve already figured out why Erginus placed this spell on me. He wants me to swallow all the darkness within me.”

…He figured it out already!?

That’s so unfair! If you’re that strong, shouldn’t you be a bit of a dimwit to maintain balance? What’s the deal if both are outstanding!?

“I won’t do anything. Just me being freed from my seal is already causing changes in this world.”

With his arms spread wide, the man flashed a smug grin.

He was right. There’s no need to exert himself to shake off the magic right now.

As the Evil God revives, the darkness will spread over the world, and eventually, that spell will be overwhelmed by the Evil God’s growing power.


“Seems like you’ve got a crappy memory, huh?♡”

The man is missing one crucial detail.

“Provoking me is pointless. Even if I can’t use my powers, you won’t lay a scratch on me.”

“Right♡ I’m just a small, cute, delicate girl♡ I’m so terrified of a perv like you that I can’t even move!♡”

This spot—

“Yet that rotten old lady is different, right?♡”

It’s inside the Fairy Queen’s dream.

“I found you.”

With a voice that would turn the world into winter, the Fairy Queen appeared, rushing straight at the man with eyes devoid of reason.

“You crazy bitch!”

For the first time, the man’s face faltered. The Fairy Queen’s standing was a substantial threat to him at this moment.

“Do you really think someone like you can handle my darkness?”

“Yes, yes, yes! Of course! This is MY dream! In a dream, anything is possible!”

“Stop interrupting and get lost! If you’ve lost your mind, go be fertilizer in the dirt!”

The Fairy Queen, seeking the power of darkness, focused solely on the man. Looks like this gave her a moment to breathe.

Before taking a sigh of relief, I turned my head back to check on my friends’ conditions.

“Everyone’s okay. Lucy. You don’t have to worry.”

The faces of those gathered next to Joy were pale, but they seemed physically and mentally unscathed.

“While Lucy buys time, I’ve managed to push back the power of darkness.”

As expected. That man’s goal is only to torment me. While his attention is on me, he managed to save my friends.

Since provoking him didn’t work as intended, I ended up playing the role of the tank successfully.

“…I’m sorry, Lucy.”

Huh? Why apologize? You did the best you could at that moment!

“I said I’d do something no matter what, but I almost got everyone killed after failing.”

Now that’s true. If we hadn’t broken the Evil God’s seal, we would’ve ended up with a bad ending after getting it snatched away by the Fairy Queen.

Thanks to you, Joy, I’m able to make that decision confidently.

“While you were screaming in pain, you couldn’t do anything.”

You didn’t do nothing! You saved the others! If you hadn’t taken the Evil God’s power away, who knows what might have happened by now?


Ugh! Seriously! I don’t like that slumped demeanor! It makes your surface and core look stupid!

Ignoring the ongoing uproar behind me, I squeezed Joy’s cheeks.

“Come on, get it together!”

“You idiot. Are your eyes just for decoration? We’re still in danger, you know?”

“Yeah, but…”

“No complaints until that lunatic’s gone. I’ll need to mock you plenty after that.”


“And think about it. If you’re such a pathetic loser, what does that make the rest of us? Worthless microorganisms? Just bugs hiding behind a girl?”

Hmm? That’s odd? Normally, Arthur or Frey would be complaining around this time, right?

Huh? Why are they all looking gloomy this time?

Ugh! This is so annoying!


Before I could say anything, Karl, rising from his spot, spoke up.

“Even bugs have their own uses. We can wallow in self-pity later.”

“…You’re right. We still have our heads attached.”

“Exactly. There’s still fun to be had.”

“Are you seriously saying there’s fun to be had after witnessing that?”

I could vaguely guess what they’d encountered.

A glimpse of darkness seeing into their hearts.

Normally, that sight would break a person in spirit, yet my friends showed no sign of faltering.

“Well, it seems like we’re on track with the plan. Joy, isn’t it still lacking? The darkness he’s gathering isn’t impressive.”

“The problem is that the old woman’s reason has flown out the window. She bum-rushes in like an idiot, making it easy to handle.”

“But even if she regains her sanity, it won’t be good news. We’re not at a level where we can respond to her.”

“How about we help the Queen and attack the Evil God? Joy, any chance of interference with his powers?”

“I can, but I don’t know how that magic on the Evil God will change.”

Meanwhile, my friends are planning to jump into their fight. Even after dodging death multiple times, they weren’t scared and wanted to press forward.

[You’re quite similar.]

‘Gah!? Why are you suddenly talking!? You startled me!’

[I’m sorry about that. But I bring some interesting news.]

‘…Interesting news?’

[I received some intel from Lord Ganshu. Even the darkness has history it doesn’t want to be uncovered.]

The moment I heard Ganshu’s name, I flared up, but the continuation of the story calmed my rage.

Ha. Hahaha! What a grumpy old man!

I didn’t think he had their weaknesses figured out too!

Got it! I had a lot I wanted to say to you, but I’ll forgive you for this!

Thanks to this, I’ll get to see an amusing scene!

“Hey, losers. Don’t you wanna see that loser squirming in embarrassment? You know, with all the tears and all?”


“Oh? Isn’t this strange? It’s my dream, so why can’t you bend to my will? Why? Why?”

“Why don’t you figure that out by yourself?”

The man simply bent low to dodge the Fairy Queen’s hand as it came from across the space, landing on a colossal hole that wasn’t there just moments before, clicking his tongue as he created a dark base to stand on.

“How annoying.”

Normally, dealing with the Fairy Queen wouldn’t be difficult.

With just a wave, I could erase her from this world.

But right now, I’ve got restrictions preventing me from drawing darkness.

I’ll have to endure, no matter how much I dislike it.

Until the day when darkness blankets the world, humans wouldn’t dare stand against me.

“Hit me!”

“I reject that.”

And when that day comes, I plan to play with the beloved toy of the gods to my heart’s content.

Ah, I can’t wait to hear those screams.

Imagining how Armedi will despair at the sound of her child wailing fills me with glee.

But I must hold back. The reason I lost to those humans was due to complacency.

I’ve got no intention of repeating the same mistake. Especially if it’s an opponent that has created miracles numerous times.

“Wow♡ Popular, aren’t you?♡ It’s amazing that there are people needing a loser like you!♡ How fascinating!♡”

Turning towards the voice, I spot the Apostle of the God and various other lowly creatures.

The noble apostle is one thing, but I thought the others would run away by now. What makes them crawl into danger again?

They never change, do they? Those lurking around heroes don’t know how to value their lives. It only adds to the fun of breaking them.

“Considering you willingly came here, it seems you’re a bit anxious. Did that crazy queen turn out to be more incompetent than you thought?”

“Puhaha!♡ What nonsense!♡ Who’d expect anything from that rotten old hag?♡ If you go near her, your hopes will wilt away!♡”

“Oh? So do you have a plan? Try something, or I’ll be forced to make you sing again.”

Her screams were quite sweet, indeed.

Truly, the voice of a child chosen by the God.

After she shatters completely, should I use her as an instrument?

Not a bad idea.

“Hey♡ Do you see this?♡ Huh?♡”

“…The insignia of Ganshu? How could an Apostle of the God have that?”

“You know♡ That grumpy old man’s got a terrible personality, right?♡ Must be from lurking in the library and getting all moldy in the heart!♡”

No way. That’s just bravado. There’s no way such a nasty guy would spill his secrets to any human!

“I’m telling you, he’s so sick of an old grump that it’s ridiculous!♡ He’s writing down events from ages past, you know!♡”

There’s no way that trash would share anything about himself with an Apostle, much less this girl.

“Are you thinking I’m being boastful?♡ Puhahaha!♡ Sure!♡ It must be so!♡ Keep denying reality all you want!♡ Just know your black history won’t disappear!♡”

“Pfft♡ Look how pale your face is!♡”

“You brat.”

“Why?♡ Do you want to stuff something in my mouth now?♡”

“Enough. If you keep this up…”

“If I keep this up?♡ What will you do?♡ Are you gonna make me cry like before?♡ Huh?♡ Huh?♡”

“…I’ll kill you.”

“Wow~♡ You’re so scary!♡ Truly a pathetic mess!♡”

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not work with dark mode