Switch Mode

Chapter 554

Chapter: 554

The corruption that began in the Fairy Forest seeped deep into the land over a long, long time.

Even the barrier created by Erginius couldn’t stop the corruption that had penetrated deep into the earth.

The surrounding forest was invaded by the Evil God’s aura and began to wither away.

The beasts that once roamed there transformed into monsters.

Dungeons sprang up here and there, either being raided just before they went haywire or going haywire over and over again.

In the expanding territory, the innermost area was becoming a Magic Dungeon.

This is the land.

In the game, we would take on quests from the lord who protected this territory and explore the depths.

There were several dungeons with varying difficulty levels, making it a great place for grinding in a short time.

Eventually, it was discovered that there were more efficient areas, leading to it being abandoned. No surprise there; it’s a bit of a hassle here.

With the passage of time, the corruption from the Evil God’s aura grew stronger, making it almost mandatory to include a priest in the party. Even without one, the phenomena created by the dark Evil God’s lingering presence forced us to consume resources at a distance.

But it’s not like there’s anything unique to find here. Plus, stepping into this area reaffirmed my understanding.

This isn’t a place to linger for long.

Even before reaching the center, the Evil God’s aura was already thick.

Staying in such a place for an extended period could lead to mental problems.

I now understand why the lord right next to the Fairy Forest was so troubled.

The reason for actively collaborating this time makes sense. After all, if a bomb like this is right next door, it could blow at any moment, making anyone’s blood run cold.

“It really feels like the witch’s forest from an old fairy tale,” Arthur remarked as he stepped on the withered leaves, and Joy nodded from behind him.

“It feels like the trees might start talking, the crows will caw, and eerie laughter will echo from somewhere.”

“Does that mean we’re gonna end up in the witch’s stew?”

“…How strong does a witch have to be for that to happen?”

Arthur glanced at our faces before speaking again, tilting his head.

“Wouldn’t someone as strong as Sir Benedict be capable of that?”

“I’d rather not encounter such a powerful foe as an enemy.”

“Wouldn’t it be interesting though?”

“Count Kent, we might lose our heads before we find it interesting.”

“Is that so?”

As previously mentioned, this forest was no place to walk in with a smile, yet our group remained relaxed.

Simply put, the Evil God’s aura wasn’t able to seep into our surroundings.

With me, the Apostle of the Great God, sprinkling holiness at the front, and Phoebe cheerfully dispelling the darkness behind us, the disgust that most people would feel here was nonexistent.

“Hey, idiot. This is.”

“I was prepared.”

“Then say it before you speak. Why do you keep bothering me? Do you want to hear my voice that badly? Want to record it?”

“It’s okay… Ahem. I’ll pass.”

On top of that, Joy, who had learned how to deal with the phenomena caused by the Evil God, was erasing even the aura of the Evil God, so there was no problem progressing forward.

However, problems still existed. This place, filled with the Evil God’s aura, was swarming with monsters.

Entering here with just the five of us meant we had to be prepared for a series of battles with monsters.


[Something’s odd. The monsters don’t seem to be approaching this way.]

Today felt different. The monsters that were surely lurking in this forest were absolutely not coming our way.

Although I’ve visited this forest countless times in the game, this kind of occurrence had never happened before.

‘Could it be because of the holiness that Phoebe and I carry?’

[No way. Those monsters are essentially minions of the Evil God. If there was holiness around, they’d target us instead of running away.]


“Perhaps the Queen of Fairies is more influential than expected.”

The clumsy fox, which had been resting on my shoulder, stretched widely, let out a yawn, and then hopped down to the ground.

“I’ve never seen a fairy in person, but I’ve heard that they were more a phenomenon than anything else. If we are born from the will of the forest, then they are the very forest itself.”

“What does that have to do with this situation now, you clumsy fox?”

“If the being that is the center of those who frolic in nature has a significant impact, isn’t it only natural the forest would be affected too?”

…Oh. That sounds.

[Lucy, monsters are approaching.]

‘I feel it. Why are the ones that were circling outside suddenly coming here?’

“I guess I’m the unwanted guest here. I was hiding my presence because I thought it might be like this, but I feel like I’d just get in the way, so I’ll leave now.”

With those words, the clumsy fox stepped onto the barren land and began walking towards the outskirts of the forest.

“Please tell the Queen of Fairies about me when you meet her. If she’s beautiful, I must see her.”

As soon as the clumsy fox left, I felt the monsters start to move behind her. As she mentioned, in this forest, she really was an unwanted guest.

So, the fairies’ hospitality was beginning the moment we stepped into the queen’s domain.

The others seemed to have noticed the phenomenon that occurred when the clumsy fox dipped her head, staring at the spot she left behind.

“If what Lady Lina said is correct, it means the Queen’s power is stronger than what Erginius speculated.”

Erginius had presumed that the Queen’s power only reached within the barrier, but the occurrence now completely disproved that idea. The Queen’s power definitely extended beyond the barrier.

[…That guy shouldn’t have made such a mistake.]

‘Do you think he’s just getting dull after being stuck underground for so long?’

[I’d rather that be the case.]

‘What do you mean?’

[Let’s head to the area near the barrier. Once we get there, we should be able to figure it out correctly.]

You don’t seem keen on letting me know anything that isn’t certain, huh? Even though you say you don’t like it, you keep using that tone.

Well, whatever. Thanks to yesterday’s map, I’ve confirmed the route. The forest I knew and the current one aren’t too different.

Plus, having confirmed that monsters won’t come, I shouldn’t have any problem taking the shortest route.

“Useless bunch! Follow me!”

Even with my pace picked up considerably, my friends naturally trailed behind me.

They seemed so casual, I wondered if I should speed up a little for fun to make them flounder.

Could it be that the training we did every day was paying off?

Since they still seemed to have some leeway, I decided to up the pace. We needed to finish today.

The risk perception alerted me. The Iron-Willed voice grew louder.

[No need for attacks. Just defend.]

The old man was blabbering in a calm manner.

It’s not that there’s no need for attack. I need to have room for attacking or defending, right?!

From deep within the dark forest, a rock hurtles toward us.

It was a simple attack, but its power was different.

The rock was flying in like artillery shell, capable of crushing a person with its very presence.

I could take it head-on, but that would leave me vulnerable.

So, I aimed to bring my center of strength low and bounce it back up!


I could see the rock flying away, but there was no time to relax.

There were plenty more lurking in this area.

The dry, withered roots of the trees, having dragged downwards, sought to bind our ankles.


“Too slow.”

Before I could stomp down on it, Frey unsheathed her sword and severed all the roots. The sword, looking more like wind than wind magic, didn’t allow the roots any chance of action.

If Frey took care of that, next up were the suspicious powders flying in from every direction.

“Not on my watch.”

Instead of dealing with the wind pressure generated from swinging weapons, Arthur used his magic to blow away the powders.

He must have sped up his spellcasting speed compared to before. I don’t know what he’s been up to, but at this rate, he might even outpace Joy.

Good. I can leave the trivial stuff to those two and target the ones who pulled this prank.


As magic surged into Joy’s magic circle, the darkness around us cleared. Above the withered trees hovered creatures that looked grotesque, reminiscent of what I had seen during Ganshu’s trial.

They weren’t the fairies that danced with flowers but rather moths that seemed like they would abduct people at the command of a witch from an eerie tale.

The difference is that these creatures were significantly smaller than the ones I had seen before.

– Hehe.
– Humans. Humans.
– So many kind and pretty people.
– Let’s play.
– Let’s play together.

“Is this really a place with witches?”


“Hey, Lucy Alrn, do you know something?”

“Useless prince. If you keep using your head as decoration, it will stay useless forever. Think about where this place is.”

“…What? Are those fairies?”

I totally understand why it’s hard to believe. They look more like demons from hell than fairies.

But it’s the truth. They are the fairies that should have been sleeping in this forest. I can confirm it since I’m seeing them with my own eyes.

I don’t know why these guys, who should be asleep in the Fairy Forest, are outside the barrier, but with them appearing right before me, I can’t deny reality.

– You noticed.
– They really are nice people.
– Let’s play. Let’s play.
– What pranks should we pull next?
– How about the wind swoosh?
– No. How about the whoosh-whoosh?
– The whoosh-whoosh is too much!

Whoa. They’re treating us like total toys. I really don’t like it. Only I should be able to treat my friends like toys and play with them!

Sigh. Fine. If they wanna play, I’ll let them. Of course, it’s me doing the pranking while they become the toys.

When I was about to step forward while channeling my holiness into my voice to speak to them, Phoebe stepped up before me.

“Greetings, fairies. I’m truly pleased to meet those who go well with the fragrance of flowers.”

– Flowers?
– Us?
– There are no flowers here!
– Used to be, though.
– Are you an idiot?

“Perhaps that’s true. However, dear ones, isn’t it fun to toy with an idiot?”

– Right?
– Isn’t it?
– You know well!
– Not just an idiot, but not an idiot!
– What shall we play with?
– What shall we play?

The voices of the fairies, now consumed by the aura of the Evil God, were certainly not something to smile at, but Phoebe wore a gentle smile the whole time.

A warm smile brimming with goodwill. Did they realize? The fairies began to gather around Phoebe, chattering excitedly.

I never expected we could communicate. I thought they’d just act like they were talking without listening.

Was there something different about these fairies compared to those corrupted ones I saw before?

Seeing their childlike, bright laughter mixed with distasteful voices made me feel strangely conflicted.

Hmm. It seems that without doing anything, the problem has been resolved.

It’s good if that’s the case, but still… something feels off.

[You’ve lost in personality.]

‘Have I ever beaten Phoebe in that area?’

[That might be the case. It’s not like when I first met her, but now she really does display the traits befitting an adult.]

Well, whatever. I don’t need to do everything myself.

– So pretty!
– Like flowers!
– I want to dance around!

“No, everyone. Compared to that lady, I’m less significant than the weeds on the roadside. Just look! She’s standing there smiling, and it feels like the sun has come down, doesn’t it?”

– The sun?
– I don’t like it.
– Annoying laugh, irritating.
– Not particularly.
– Just a brat.

“…Well, at least that’s one thing I can’t argue with.”

“Saintess, this isn’t the time for that.”


Phoebe lightly cleared her throat, adjusted her voice, and looked around at the fairies.

“Before we play, may I ask you a few questions?”

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not work with dark mode