Switch Mode

Chapter 546

Chapter: 546

When I heard about the upcoming duel among the knight orders, I couldn’t help but think that the First Queen was trying to offload command onto someone else.

Well, considering the Alrn Knight Order, they’d all be like a bunch of monsters, right?

Starting from that rookie who’s kinda pathetic, all the way up to Possell. You just know that they’d hold their own even in the final stages of the game, causing players to go, “Ah, so that’s why they hid their true selves for so long!”

How could the First Knight Order ever defeat those guys?!

Oh, but don’t get me wrong. They’re not total pushovers. I mean, they’re supposed to be the crème de la crème of knights, and they definitely have a certain level of prowess. They’ve been portrayed as tough adversaries in the game.

But that toughness only goes so far in reality. You can’t just take characters who are ridiculously broken and expect them to compete at that level!

Benedict seemed to think along similar lines as he accepted the First Queen’s challenge.

The next day, when Benedict returned to the territory and informed the knights, they erupted in cheers.

“Haha! When was the last time we had a real battle like this?!”

“The First Knight Order truly are formidable! I’m ready to wield my weapon!”

“I’ll do my utmost to protect the honor of the Alrn family!”

These knights, who seemed to be all brawn and very few brains, grinned at the thought of clashing with the kingdom’s best.

Sure, they might talk politely, but let’s be real, a guy could talk big about “protecting” while secretly plotting to take out the ladies!

Or, wait, was it the other way around?

Anyway, despite their serious chatter, seeing the knights so riled up made me want to declare that I would start my intense training and head toward the training grounds.

[Alright, I guess it’s time for me to share what I’ve realized.]

‘If it’s some nonsense, I’m gonna be mad.’

They didn’t even tell me the real value of the Fairy Forest. Next thing I know, I’ve lost my chance to snag an overpowered character, and now I have to face the consequences.

[Relax. I’m not planning on becoming cannon fodder.]

With a light chuckle, my grandfather set me in front of the mirror as usual.

[Do you remember the advice given to me by the God of Martial Arts?]

‘Something about softness and strength being opposites, right?’

I had pondered this saying quite a bit since then, yet I hadn’t gained any enlightening insights.

Isn’t that just a cliché saying from martial arts novels? Comparing trees and weeds, saying sometimes the weakest can be the strongest or whatever.

What does that have to do with the weapons I wield?!

[The fairy weapon you’re handling is boundlessly soft and fluid, like the wind flowing in spring. That’s precisely why I wanted you to specialize in it.]

He was talking about the weapon and style we’d initially chosen. We aimed to draw softness to its limit.

The playful dance of the fairies was so delicate that it was better to evade rather than counterattack.

I agreed with my grandfather’s assessment.

‘Is this all I can manage?’ is a far less annoying thought than ‘Can’t even hit the one in front of me?’

[I obsessed over specialization. Just as I focused on strength in my past, I believed that aiming for one goal would make me progress faster.]

‘That’s correct, right?’

[Generally, yes. However, the dances of the fairies don’t follow that logic.]

My grandfather reminisced about the time he faced fairies.

[They seem fragile and delicate. Playful and likely to scatter. But they are anything but weak.]

People who got tricked by their looks quickly found themselves dead when getting involved in the fairy’s mischief.

If one genuinely made the fairies angry, catastrophe could unfold. If the Fairy Queen turned against them, it could lead to the nation’s downfall.

Having faced the Fairy Queen who had fallen under the Evil God’s sway, my grandfather spoke of her strength, the terror of the fairies, and the fear of entering their woods.

[You will soon realize that the fairy dance resembles you in many ways. From their dainty appearance to their playful laughter, they have a captivating allure for everyone, while concealing immense strength beneath.]


[So come, let’s dance a fairy dance together. We’ll play with them.]

After finishing his abstract description, my grandfather got into the specifics of how to adjust my technique.

[Step more lightly. As if you’re walking on air.]

I shed the heavy steps of a knight and began stepping lightly like raindrops falling into a puddle.

[Your arms and legs should be softer. Flowing with the currents.]

I tossed away the stiff stance I had maintained since lifting my shield. I linked my actions fluidly like a dancer on stage. I began dancing the fairy dance.

[And now, unleash it. Like a colossal wave shooting forth from a calm sea. So fierce that no one can react in time.]

While my lively steps weren’t stiff, they were swift.

So I could land back into the earth whenever I wanted to draw upon that strength.

While the gentle movements didn’t have the raw force of rigid strength, their seamless continuity added more power with every step.

By the time I reached the end of my dance, the energy contained was greater than before.

I swung my mace.

I unleashed the strength hidden within the dance.

I showed fury to those who were enchanted.


The moment I struck the air, a blast of wind roared through, tousling my hair.

Amid the ringing echo that filled my ears, a familiar notification chimed, and a blue spear appeared before me.

[You have learned the Fairy Dance [Ruel Style]!]

Did my grandfather’s long-conceived weapon finally earn recognition as a skill?

Gazing at the message, I couldn’t help but let out a smirk.

Ruel Style, huh?

Aside from what grandpa made, this skill didn’t exist anywhere else, so does that mean there’s a special significance to the term Ruel Style?

[Excellent, Lucy.]

‘No, I’m just doing what grandpa told me to do.’

[You unveiled a dance far superior to what I envisioned. I doubt I could even keep up with parts of your dance.]

‘It would be great if you could compliment me like this all the time.’

Smiling slyly, I almost melted under grandpa’s doting praise, then suddenly snapped back to reality, remembering to share the notification that grandpa’s creation was acknowledged by a pathetic god.

[…How glorious.]

After a moment of silence, in which grandpa seemed deeply moved, he finally uttered those words and fell silent again.

Hmm. Normally, I’d poke fun and tease him right now. But sometimes, just showing some respect is not a bad idea.

…Thinking about it, this isn’t the first time grandpa’s techniques have been recognized as skills.

What about Sacred Martial Arts or the miracles he performed back then?

Okay, staying quiet now. I don’t want to become that insensitive guy who keeps prattling on.

Besides, with this new skill being Ruel Style, perhaps it links with other skills like Sacred Martial Arts and miracles?

As curiosity kicked in, I decided to experiment right away.

Drawing upon the sacred power within me, I visualized the enemy in front of me.

What came to mind was the opponent I had recently faced with my weapon.

Luca, tainted by the Evil God.

After seeing him sporting a playful smile, I returned it and watched as he charged at me.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I deftly dodged the relentless strikes Luca was throwing at me.

His fierce onslaught seemed capable of smashing anything in its path, but it wouldn’t be enough to bring down the waves.

Flowing like water, I avoided the attacks while surveying the route I had traversed.

Every step I took left behind traces of the sacred presence.

The holy energy from within me lingered on the ground, marking my passage.

Observing this, I was struck with a delightful idea and moved even faster.

A stage formed beneath me.

Instead of drawing magic circles with my hands, I painted the ground with my movements and steps.

I created a place to dance. A performance space illuminated brightly by the sun.

Whoa. I never imagined the tedious lectures I got while learning Sacred Magic from grandpa would serve me this way.

“Hey, pathetic god! If you have any sense, puff some power into this! I know you enjoy being treated like a tool by a cute girl, so don’t pretend otherwise.”

Though the words I used were rather impertinent, the stage I had conjured shone brightly just as I envisioned.

A stage for dancing the fairy dance.

One that cages evil, purifies malevolence, and bestows strength upon those who do right.

And it finally created a space where I could more easily enchant my enemies.

If you think about it, this is closely akin to the application of sacred territory, but that doesn’t really matter.

What’s important is whether this concept-based technique is practical.

[You’re shaking your body here like a shrine maiden dancing at the altar.]

Hearing my grandfather’s awed voice, I realized this could be quite the useful tactic.

Alright. I’ve made another one. Should I call it the Fairy’s Domain?

But it seems this method could be adapted for various uses beyond just the Fairy’s Domain.

As long as it can be created using sacred energy, the possibilities are endless.

“I think I’ve finally reached the point where I’m grateful to still be alive at this age.”

Surprised by the voice that came from behind me, I turned my head and spotted Karl and Inuki walking in.

Our rookie knight, perhaps moved by something, was wiping away tears, while Inuki approached me, expressing sincere admiration.

“I’m glad you were stubborn. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to make you armor befitting you.”


Wait. Is the armor finished already!?


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not work with dark mode