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Chapter 537

Chapter: 537

There are numerous ways for a nation to become prosperous, but the most straightforward one is territory.

Expanding the land a country possesses means that the number of citizens affiliated with that nation increases, which in turn boosts tax revenues, enables mobilization of more troops, and signifies the nation’s power by itself.

Even someone like me, who isn’t well-versed in politics, can understand why many past rulers were obsessed with conquest wars when considering these benefits.

“…You say there’s a way to increase our territory?”

The madwoman before me, willing to do anything to make the kingdom great, couldn’t help but be captivated by the word ‘territory.’

She surely understands better than I do what increasing usable land means.

“Yep. Unlike you, who’s too busy dealing with your delusions as the incompetent Queen, I’m quite capable.”

“It’s hard to imagine. If there were any valid methods, I’m certain I would’ve tried them long ago. The chaos that would ensue from increasing territory would outweigh any benefits.”

“There won’t be chaos. Ah. Well, not none at all. There will definitely be some pedophiles popping up, like the perverted apostle, who can’t control themselves around kids.”


Because of the distortion from the Mesugaki skill, the First Queen blinked, and Benedict next to me chuckled as he unfolded a map.

“I intend to restore the Fairy Forest.”

Upon hearing Benedict’s words, the First Queen’s earlier excitement chilled as if it were all a lie.

“Is that what you meant?”

“Why are you disappointed?”

“Because this was deemed impossible long ago.”

The Fairy Forest had long been a headache for the kingdom. The malevolent energy seeping from the sealed forest not only rendered vast tracts of land useless but also triggered the emergence of countless dungeons.

Moreover, the ever-unstable seal, while preventing invasions from other nations, diminished the advantage it provided and led to unnecessary expenditures for catastrophe preparedness.

The First Queen had been searching for a way to restore the Fairy Forest not just to be able to increase territory but also to eliminate various losses.

The conclusion she reached, however, was that it was impossible.

“First off, it’s the seal placed by Lord Erginius that poses a problem. It requires an immense amount of resources to break that seal.”

Even after hundreds of years, the seal established by Erginius—who remains firmly known as history’s greatest genius—cannot be easily undone.

While a method may exist, the costs involved are so high that it would strain the kingdom’s finances.

“Even after breaking the seal, there’s a problem. The monsters trapped inside are legendary beasts sealed during the Mythological Era. They’re entities even heroes have given up facing.”

Even if we consider fighting them with the current strength of the kingdom, it would inevitably lead to many sacrifices. Even if we were prepared to accept those sacrifices, there’s no guarantee we could avert all disasters.

“Furthermore, what will we do about the malevolent energy lurking within?”

Even with several bishops from the Divine Church present, it is evident they can’t completely suppress that evil energy.

While requisitioning various sacred artifacts from the Artea family might create a possibility, it would also largely burden the kingdom’s treasury.

“Can we even confirm if we can wake the Fairy Queen, who’s in a deep slumber, and defeat her?”

The Fairy Queen is something very close to divinity. When such a being wakes and unleashes disaster, will the kingdom even be able to defeat it?

Even assuming we manage to bring it down, is it a victory worth the innumerable sacrifices?

The First Queen did not think so.

“There’s no point in discussing this. In fact, I won’t even permit the attempt at restoration. I won’t sit idly by and watch the kingdom’s future vanish.”

Where did the declaration of not opposing me go? The sharp killing intent radiating from the First Queen made my skin tingle, but her threats were blocked as Benedict released his energy.

“I’m well aware of what the First Queen has mentioned.”

“In that case, please leave. If you were to sacrifice yourself for a futile cause, what kind of damage would the kingdom face?”

“I, Benedict, have never forgotten my role as the sword guarding the kingdom’s border. I have never harbored any futile notions. Therefore, I can say with confidence that if this proposal were baseless, I wouldn’t have even listened to my daughter’s words.”

Having defended the kingdom’s territories through long years and shown unwavering loyalty despite possessing immense power, the knight’s solemn words stirred hesitation within the First Queen.

It was refreshing to see her falter, something I hadn’t expected from the madwoman known for her uncompromising nature, but I didn’t have the luxury to enjoy that moment.

The First Queen’s gaze, having been tapping on the table with irritation, shifted towards me.

“Could you explain your plan in detail? So that I can comprehend it.”

Ugh. So, the moment has finally arrived.

I was worried about how to explain this beyond the translation of the Mesugaki skill, but with Grandpa giving me guidance right beside me, it shouldn’t veer too far off track, yet each word still filled me with anxiety.

But, it’s something that must be done.

Taking a deep breath, just as I leaned forward, I heard Grandpa’s laughter ring in my ear.

Startled, I stumbled a bit, and the First Queen looked at me with a puzzled expression.

‘W-Why are you laughing out of nowhere?!’

[Just something interesting happened.]

‘What is it?!’

[You’ll find out soon enough.]

I was grumbling at Grandpa’s puzzling comment when another set of footsteps entered the room, interrupting us.

Turning my head, I saw a frail-looking man with black hair. Unlike the current aristocrats, he donned a simple but neat outfit, confidently walking beside us, undeterred by the shocked gazes of others.

“Who are you? How did you infiltrate the palace?”

“I helped design this palace. Why would its magic reject me?”

“…No way.”

“Greetings, Queen of the Kingdom. I am Erginius, known as the Great Mage.”

The First Queen stared at Erginius with an expression filled with shock. I didn’t know why she, who I expected to be unfazed no matter what happened, was trembling like that.

“Don’t speak nonsense. Even heroes are subject to the constraints of human lifespan, aren’t they?”

“Can you truly say there’s no exception? You can’t deny that I am Erginius.”


What seems certain was that the First Queen had no doubt this unexpectedly appearing pitiful skeleton was indeed Erginius.

‘What is this about?’
[There’s probably something related to the palace. He designed the palace, after all.]
‘So even you’re not sure?’
[What does it matter? You can just ask that guy later. More importantly, Lucy, there’s something more crucial now.]
‘Something important?’
[Yes. The persuasion you need to do? He’ll do that for you.]

…That’s right? With Erginius, the one who sealed the Fairy Forest appearing right in front of me, there’s no need for me to explain myself!

If this guy explains everything and presents the evidence, even the First Queen wouldn’t be able to refute it!

Hah! This is great! I feel bad for mocking the pathetic skeleton guru all the time!

“Just now, Your Majesty, you mentioned that restoring the Fairy Forest is impossible, but I think otherwise.”

“You think it’s possible?”

“I’ve been preparing for this moment for hundreds of years. I assure you, it is possible. I’ve made it possible over the span of centuries.”

Now that I think about it, why is Erginius speaking so confidently all of a sudden? Wasn’t he just a coward begging for his life in front of the Clumsy Fox?

Why doesn’t he seem flustered in front of the First Queen?

The difference between the two? Hmm.

I think I understand, but I’ll just keep it to myself—for the sake of both the First Queen and Erginius.

“If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I’ll gladly answer them.”


Thanks to the sudden appearance of Erginius, persuading the First Queen became incredibly easy. Erginius addressed every single point raised by the First Queen with substantiated evidence.

After the discussions concluded, the First Queen requested some time to think, but I knew the answer that would emerge from her contemplation would likely be one.

And naturally, it’s not that she doesn’t want to restore the Fairy Forest.

Her claim that it’s impossible stemmed from weighing the pros and cons—she believed the cons outweighed the pros.

If she becomes convinced that the benefits outweigh the risks, there’s no way she wouldn’t be eager to restore the Fairy Forest.

“Uh, Lucy.”

Once we hurriedly exited the palace, Benedict whispered to me. Startled by this sudden murmur, I took a step back, but he showed a pained expression.

“What is it, you creepy Daddy Troll?”

“…Is this guy really Erginius?”

“Well, the delusional Queen may be a lunatic, but she’s no fool.”

Benedict stared at Erginius with wonder, not doubting either me or the First Queen.

Seeing this, Erginius shrugged and smiled.

“Truly doesn’t resemble me. You wouldn’t suspect us to be father and daughter if you saw us together.”

“My daughter resembles my wife much more than she resembles me.”

“Was your wife like this too?”

“Not at all. She was an angelic person,”

Benedict seemed to sense something from Erginius’s vague comment, but he didn’t pry further and turned his gaze towards me.

“If you had informed me about this beforehand, I would have willingly cooperated.”

“I never expected this pathetic, pathetic mage to speak so well in front of a lady.”

“…I did show a pathetic side a lot.”

So he admits to being a loser?

“More importantly, you pathetic mage. Why does the delusional Queen think you’re the real deal?”

“I possess permissions to utilize various functions within the palace.”

So he has something that can only be possessed if one is the real deal. I can understand why the First Queen was so flustered.

“So, is our job here in the capital done for now?”

“Yeah. What would there be to do in a place full of pathetic trash anyway?”

“Then let’s hurry back. There are plenty of preparations to be made to bring the sealed evil god.”

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