Switch Mode

Chapter 536

Chapter: 536

The reception room of the royal palace was so pristine that it felt almost pathological.

No matter where I looked, not a speck of dust was in sight, and the decorations—pure white—didn’t even show the tiniest imperfection. The view outside, a perfectly manicured landscape bathed in warm sunlight, made me imagine just how much the royal gardener must have struggled to maintain it.

It’s funny how clean doesn’t always translate to beautiful. The reception room was so dry it could make anyone’s aesthetic sense go numb.

Since this was my first time experiencing such meticulousness, I idly roamed around, but the man waiting beside me softly whispered in my ear.

“The Queen will be coming in soon.”

“Oh, really? Hah. Guess she’s so caught up in her delusion that she’s irreplaceable, she’s busy all the time.”

At my comment, a few of the courtiers waiting in the reception room looked visibly perturbed. How annoying. I couldn’t even provoke them properly before they started getting flustered.

If I really started talking smack, things might escalate.

But with Benedict standing next to me, it shouldn’t be a huge problem.

“Heh. It’s become a habit, you know? Even knowing I can’t handle everything, it’s hard to let go of tasks.”

Just as I sighed internally, a voice came from behind me.

Startled, I turned to see the First Queen standing in the doorway along with her attendants.

Huh. When did she arrive!? I didn’t sense a thing!

Wait, it’s weird that even Benedict and Grandpa didn’t notice her at all, right?!

What in the world changed about the First Queen?

“We greet the illustrious Queen of the Kingdom.”

““We greet the illustrious Queen of the Kingdom!””

Benedict bowed his head first, and the others in the room followed suit to greet the First Queen, but I couldn’t join in.

“Lady Alrn.”

The old man behind the queen gave me a meaningful glance, but there was no way my stiffened knees would bend.

What the hell do you want me to do? Even if I wanted to, I can’t! The Mesugaki skill doesn’t allow me to kneel!

“Your Grace!”

“Am I supposed to bow to someone so incompetent that they almost got me killed trying to do everything by themselves?”

“How dare you!”

“Please show some decorum!”

“Why are you old geezers who can’t even stretch your legs causing such a ruckus? Why are you pretending to be lively when you’re actually so stiff?”

“Wh-what insolence.”

“Even if she is the daughter of a hero—”

“That’s enough. It’s true that the Lady has helped mitigate my incompetence.”

The old men, faces reddening as they endured the insults from the Mesugaki, struggled to rein in their anger and took a step back.

“It’s been a while, Lady Alrn. You seem to have grown a bit taller since last time.”

“How could you notice something like that after seeing me only once? That’s just creepy. Total goosebumps.”

“You are a talent that will lead the future of the kingdom. Not noticing fine changes wouldn’t be acceptable.”

Ugh. It’s official; I’m marked by the First Queen. Someone who thinks I’m worthless is scrutinizing even the tiniest details!

Please let it not be anything bad. Considering what I blurted out last time, that seems unlikely.

As I lamented internally, the First Queen inhaled softly and glanced at her attendants.

“Hmm. With others present, it might disrupt our conversation, right? Everyone, please step out for a moment.”

“But Your Grace…”

“Lord Benedict Alrn is here with us. Do you think anything might happen?”

The elderly men who remembered how Benedict rampaged on the battlefield glanced at his broad shoulders before silently vacating the room.

So, the reception room now only contained me, Benedict, and the First Queen.

“Lord Alrn, you…”

“You don’t need to worry about me. I’m just here as my daughter’s guard.”

“A knight of the continent’s strongest protecting her? Heh, what luxury.”

With a light smile, the First Queen sat across from me, giving me a wink.

She looked genuinely friendly on the outside, but I couldn’t shake the ice-cold chill that permeated her expression.

She might be smiling, but her eyes? Totally unreadable! That made me uneasy.

“I have a lot I’d like to discuss, but since I’ve already wasted your precious time, let’s get straight to the point.”

Oh? Really? I came here worrying I’d be chopped up after some small talk, and now she’s getting to the point? Thank you!

“Why are you so wary of me?”


“I’ve never done anything disrespectful toward you. I even let your past rudeness slide with a smile. So why does it seem like you regard me as an enemy?”

D-Did she see through me?!

I was so obviously wary it was embarrassing!

Was my guard too in-your-face? I thought the Mesugaki skill would keep me under the radar!

[Interesting. From the outside, you seem like just a cocky brat.]

‘Grandpa! This isn’t the time for that! What’s my game plan?!’

[You think just because I tell you how to handle it it’ll magically work out?]

‘…Err. Well, it’s better than having no plan at all.’

[Just go along with whatever she says. Don’t make it look like you have hostile intentions, but also don’t let your guard down.]

That’s easy for you to say! I know this woman is willing to go to any lengths to make the kingdom great!

If the kingdom is to regain its former glory, this loony is willing to turn her son into a god! Who should I be wary of if not her?!

It’s pointless to mention it; she wouldn’t believe me anyway, but I know all the trouble she’s caused or will cause, so there’s no way I can warm up to her!

“Is Lady Lucy wary of me, Your Grace? Perhaps you’re mistaken?”

“No. Lord Alrn. You’ve been cautious of me this whole time.”

What? Why is she reading me like Karia does?

“I’m not specifically saying anything. It’s just that I don’t understand.”

That’s essentially saying my earlier words speak for themselves!

You’re not that naive! You’re no fool when it comes to your position! You’re putting pressure on me!

How could you act all innocent while being a rotten witch inside?!

“Can I hear your reasons?”

Facing the frigid gaze of the First Queen, I was convinced she wouldn’t let me off until I gave her a convincing answer.

What should I say? How can I come up with an excuse?

[What are you hesitating for? Just act shamelessly like you usually do.]

Ugh. I guess that’s my only option.

Listening to my grandpa, I sighed internally and leaned back in my chair, crossing my legs before glancing at the First Queen.

“Why would I need to provide a reason for disliking a delusional person who’s lost in their fantasies?”

“Is it just a personal preference? If that’s the case, then I’m relieved. I thought you were told something by Karia.”

…Why on earth is Karia coming up here? I hadn’t imagined her name in the slightest, so I bit my lip.

“Did you know?”

“Didn’t Karia make it obvious? She flaunts her real name while she’s at it, it would be weirder if I didn’t know.”


“Oh, don’t worry. As long as Karia is working for Lady Alrn, there’s no reason for me to exclude her. No way.”

“Are you out of your mind? A single spinster isn’t a reason to care about someone like her, right?”

If the First Queen hadn’t realized Karia’s presence, I might have avoided trouble, but knowing she does means I can’t just let it slide.

If Karia were to be excluded by the First Queen…

Well, I’d feel quite sick over that.

“Ha haha. Nonsense. It’d be more believable to say you feel pity turning into a hag like yourself.”

Trying to glare down the First Queen who seemed unmoved, I felt no tremor on her face.

“The reason I wanted to exclude Karia before was that she might cause serious problems if she stepped out of the kingdom’s bounds.”

A smile appeared on the First Queen’s lips.

“But as long as she’s under Lady Alrn, she won’t threaten the kingdom, right?”

“Really? You think so?”

“Of course. A lady who treasures her friends wouldn’t harm the kingdom. I know that very well.”

The madwoman had a conviction seemingly etched on her face that you could believe anything for the kingdom’s sake.

“So I have no thoughts of being hostile towards either Karia or you. What possible benefit could I have from crossing you?”

“Ah, so the delusional Queen is scared of little old me, huh?”

“Yes, I am afraid. What if you were to leave the kingdom?”

Of course, she nodded, hands crossed over her legs, speaking with a smile.

“Rest assured. As long as you belong to this kingdom, I have no intention of harming you.”

For now, that’s a relief.

Thank goodness! I shudder just thinking about what that lunatic might do in the future—jeez, that could turn into a whole rivalry.

“Well, I guess since the delusional Queen is so desperate, I’ll have to agree to some extent.”

“Thank you, Lady Alrn. Shall we get to the main topic? About the reward you’d like.”

Phew. It’s really about to kick off.

Alright. Let’s stick to my plan.

All I’ve got to do is say what sweetens the deal for this kingdom-loving tyrant.

Then, even if I speak a little disrespectfully, it should still pass!

“What I want is your help, o delusional Queen. You’re so incompetent you nearly get kids like me into danger, but you still have power, right?”

“What sort of help?”

“Assistance in expanding the rather laughable territory of such an incompetent kingdom.”

At my words, I almost caught a glimpse of sheer joy in the corners of the First Queen’s eyes.

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not work with dark mode