Switch Mode

Chapter 530

Chapter: 530

After the second and third attempts failed, I took a step back, leaving the various explosives I had laid out on the floor untouched.

“Did I make some sort of mistake?”

“I’m sorry, but could you not treat me like an idiot beside you, oh pathetic prince? Hearing that from someone so ambiguously talented like you puts me in a bad mood.”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Ambiguously talented? Isn’t that an insult!”

Joy and Arthur raised their voices, drawn into my quarrel, but instead of responding to them, I pondered over what I had just done.

There was nothing wrong. The combination of the bombs and magic circles was definitely perfect. So, under normal circumstances, the ceiling should’ve collapsed just like last time.

‘Did he successfully counter it already?’

[It’s highly likely.]

The skeleton holding Erginius’s memories had less than a month; that was a short time.

But to think he could solve a bug in that time?

Does that even make sense? He was yelling helplessly not understanding himself, and now he’s cracked it already! It’s strange!

“…What a persistent loser.”

“Uh, Young Lady?”

While I grumbled, gathering the items sprawled across the floor, Phoebe softly spoke up.

“Isn’t something strange?”

“What? Are you upset that only those two got bashed? You want me to return the favor?”

“Huh? Ah, no! That’s not what I meant.”

Was she trying to say I made a mistake like the others? So what was it then?

“It’s strange that, after such a commotion above, Mr. Erginius doesn’t react at all, being right below us.”

Oh? Thinking it through, that’s right.

If this were a game, it’d make sense for Erginius not to respond. NPCs in the dungeon wouldn’t move if we hadn’t even entered.

But this isn’t a game. Erginius is down there moving around just fine.

And yet, after causing such an uproar above, he does nothing?

He must know who’s causing this ruckus!

“What if Mr. Erginius has gone wrong?”

“That can’t be! Even if he’s a socially awkward loser who can’t talk to women, he’s a genius for sure.”

Dealing with that skeleton is no walk in the park.

Besides, it’s not just about how great Erginius is; the dungeon below is terrifying.

It’s a dungeon that boasts a difficulty no one could match, likely guarded by a skeleton with the memories of its creator. The dungeon is an awful place that poses threats beyond the usual.

Even if we sent the mercenary band that brought us here, it’d be a blessing if they even survived.

The worse part is that the skeleton, holding Erginius’s memories, could easily affect the dungeon.

With Erginius able to place traps and enemies at the most annoying moments, defeating the skeleton in that dungeon seems almost impossible.

Heck, just being able to conquer that dungeon is only possible thanks to Erginius holding back.

To defeat the skeleton in that dungeon, you’d need a monster on par with Lasha, at the very least!

“So why hasn’t Mr. Erginius reacted?”

“What could it be? The socially impaired pathetic loser has probably been bothered by that last incident and is complaining.”

Last time, we could let it slide due to the circumstances, but not this time. We need to prove we’re worthy of speaking to him after conquering the dungeon.

Ha. It’s hilarious. Anyone could think we just showed up this time because we needed him, right?

The only reason we came back here is you summoned us, Erginius! Why are you whining like this?

You’re still a virgin because you’re maintaining that socially awkward attitude!

No way a girl would want to hang out with a loser who can’t even talk right!

“Are we supposed to conquer the dungeon? That doesn’t sound too difficult.”

“Excuse me, oh incapable prince, do you even know what kind of place the dungeon below is?”

“No, that’s not it.”

“Yeah, of course, you wouldn’t know. I didn’t expect anything. What does the incapable prince know about making others danger just because he can’t do his own job?”


When I pointed out what happened two days prior, Arthur stuttered. Huh. He can’t even deny his incompetence here.

“Or do you perhaps want me to be more at risk, wasting time? You wanted to see me hurt, didn’t you?”

“What nonsense are you spouting?! I certainly—”

“Thinking about it, pervy prince, you froze when you saw me all hurt before, right? What were you thinking at that time?”


“If you didn’t have any sinister motives, it should be easy to answer, right?”

While I hoped to see veins popping in his neck, Arthur’s response was the opposite of what I expected.

His face grew red as sunset, and he took a step back, mumbling in a silly voice.

Seeing that, I couldn’t help but squint my eyes.

I’d said it partly as a joke, but could it actually be true?

How disappointing, Arthur.

I had hoped you’d be a decent human, but you’re walking the path of a clueless fool.


“Ah! No! It’s true I thought nobly at that moment, but there was no sinister thought whatsoever!”

Joy, sitting next to me, pushed Arthur for a confession.

“It’s alright, Third Prince! Let’s repent to the gods together!”

“Absolutely not! Saint! What I thought was noble from the start, amidst that trial, that…ugh!”

Desperately trying to explain himself, Arthur finally buried his face in his hands, bowing his head.

Ugh. You call me a brat, but you had your own thoughts brewing inside you, huh?

Wait. On second thought, maybe it’s because I’ve grown taller?

Did evolving as I grew up cause that shift in feelings?

Thinking that lightened my mood.

Well, when you think about it, Lucy’s appearance is angelic. Any teenage boy would have some kind of reaction.

Nodding, I approached Arthur, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder.

“Sorry. A teenage boy in heat is a bit overwhelming. Would you mind just looking at my pictures in your room and taking care of it yourself? You cowardly virgin prince?”

…Oh? Wait. Did my mesugaki skills go a bit too far this time?

I just meant to say it could happen, but why did it turn into this!?

“Just kill me instead. No, wait. I’ll just die. I’ll bury my head in the ground and die here!”

Watching Arthur melt down from my teasing, I forced myself not to laugh.

Amidst all the chaos, the conversation veered off track, but I knew what Arthur wanted to say at the start.

He probably meant to say that with me here, the dungeon below could easily be conquered.

And he’d be right. I know several ways to conquer Erginius’s dungeon.

Even if Erginius tries hard to block the conquest, I’m confident I can surpass those obstacles.

But you see, if I just waltz in there, it’s only playing into Erginius’s little games.

I’m not in a rush, and I have some leeway with my schedule, so why should I let that skeleton have its way with me?

I didn’t come here just to be dismissed after being summoned by him!

If Erginius crawled back up saying, “My noble Lucy Alrn! Please, go conquer my pathetic and shady dungeon!” then I might reconsider, but seeing as he’s still hiding down there without popping up, he likely never wishes to ask.

“I want to just disappear from the world.”

“It’s alright, Third Prince. Lady’s beauty is enough to bring down even the saint of the art guild. You’re not at fault.”

“Y-yeah, that’s right! Prince! In fact, compared to others around Lucy, your reaction is quite normal.”

“Comparing it to those people seems like a mistake on its own.”

While Phoebe and Joy comforted the white ash of Arthur’s spirit, the more they spoke, the smaller Arthur’s shoulders grew.

If I got involved, I might see Arthur shed tears, so I decided to keep my mouth shut until the situation calmed down.

[So what will you do? From your actions, it doesn’t seem like you want to enter the dungeon.]

‘How did you know? Were you reading my mind!? Grandpa transformation!…’

[Ha. You’ve been with me for nearly two years. By now, I can tell you would charge headlong into a dungeon if you decided to conquer it. Not elbowing around like this.]

‘That’s not fair! You make it too logical to mess around!’

I was left speechless because it was all too true.

[Heh. Whining, are we? I could pretend I didn’t notice right now.]

‘No thanks. You did ask how I plan to proceed, right?’


‘I’m thinking of creating a power struggle. The way things are going, it doesn’t seem like this is something that will settle in a day or two. It’s better to nip it in the bud so I can have an easier time later.’

I need to let everyone know that the only one in a hurry here is myself. That way, even when I make unreasonable demands, they’ll know to follow along.

‘What do you think about the great Erginius admitting he’s made a mistake and begging to have a discussion? Doesn’t that sound entertaining?’

[Just hearing it makes my mouth water.]


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not work with dark mode