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Chapter 529

Chapter: 529

The day after the ruckus caused by the perverted apostle, many students left the Academy to enjoy an unexpected break, but we remained behind.

We had a place to head to before going back. We gathered early in the morning to talk about it, but unfortunately, I failed to get to the point.

“If there was something so fun happening, you should have woken me up! How unfair!”

My friends, who assembled before I arrived, were discussing yesterday’s events.

“The Apostle of the Church demonstrated the process of creating the painting that goes into jewelry!”

Ugh. Just thinking about yesterday sends chills down my spine. I had to endure the stares of so many people for what felt like an eternity.

What was even more annoying were the few idiots grumbling about the attention I was getting.

When I heard someone say it was entertaining to see me quiet, I almost burst out!

I couldn’t say anything since everyone was going at it, but the perverted one and the fury of that damn brat were off the charts.

“Hoo! Young Lady, you truly know nothing! Your usual fierceness makes your angelic side even more beautiful!”

“Not knowing the charms that arose from that day on the island is the real issue! Who are you, a mud-clod, to judge Lucy?!”

When they yapped beneath my feet, I couldn’t think of anyone more disgusting. But seeing them rave about me was a bit reassuring.

Though my disgust didn’t waver, it was nice to know others felt the same way.

“Come on! You guys experience how much I struggle? Feel the creepiness of these perverts!”

With that mindset, I was watching the Young Ladies when I noticed others running away in disgust. I nodded in satisfaction.

If I thought I did well afterward, that silly fox’s tale about wanting to be stepped on wiped any gratitude from my mind.

“Not just one painting, but dozens!”

Oh. Right. I was wondering why it took so long to finish just one painting—turns out he was working on multiple!

When I checked the completed artworks after the job was done, it clicked that that’s why it took forever. They managed to complete so many paintings in such a short time! I was amazed.

“Alright, Young Lady. Let’s head to the next place.”


“Yes. Didn’t you see the clothes I brought for you?”

Once I realized that that was the perverted apostle’s way of having fun by dressing me up all day, my awe vanished.

It was truly horrifying. Changing outfits and then becoming a spectacle at yet another place.

How on earth do models endure this? I thought I could never do it again after that stressful experience!

“If you’re a friend, you should at least help me with this!”

Well, whatever. That’s just how the past is. I tried to forget it, but then, of all people, Joy presented that nightmare back to me.

“Excuse me! Prince! Phoebe! Lady Kent!”

Now that I think about it, last time when Joy made me wear a dress, she treated me like a doll!

She must be so sad that this time went so wrong for her.

What kind of punishment should I give this naughty girl?


“What? Respond! Don’t tell me you’re gonna say I look tired or something!? Do you know how hard we trained in the Alrn family?”

“No, just hear me out.”

“Joy, look behind you.”


Hearing Phoebe’s voice, Joy turned her head slowly to make eye contact with me, and I just smiled without saying a word.

Then Joy was startled, tilted to the side, and stumbled back, covering her face with her fan.

“U-uh, how long have you been listening, Lucy?”

“Since my clueless friend sighed over not seeing my cute self.”

“…That was almost my first time!”

Seeing her cheeks get all red, I approached her with a sadistic grin.

“I had a feeling your eyes weren’t normal when you looked at me.”

“Eh? Uh, no? Huh? My eyes?”

“Didn’t you know? Hmmm. So even with those eyes, you didn’t realize? How interesting!”

“W-wait a second, Young Lady Alrn! What are you talking about?”

“Even the clumsy Duke must have his worries. What if his only daughter ends up liking girls?”

“I’m sorry! I was wrong! I think I went crazy sleeping all day! Please stop!”

Joy was begging me for her life, promising to buy me the most expensive and largest parfait if I let her go.

Of course, that didn’t mean I forgave her. There’s no way the little brat would get a ‘not guilty’ after just one parfait!

While she sighed in relief, thinking she was off the hook, I quietly plotted to smack her on the back of the head later. A little payback, you know?

Hehe, Joy, you don’t know this, but I’ve put in over 20 hours into shaping your character!

No one knows better than me what looks best and what would be the most hilarious!

Don’t underestimate the collective brainpower of the perverts gathered behind the monitor!

As I kept throwing funny ideas around while devouring the parfait, I soon polished off a towering dessert that was bigger than my torso.

Shoving that much parfait down my empty stomach in the morning? My stomach’s perfectly fine! With my level of activity, I don’t even have to worry about gaining weight! Being young is the best!

…No, wait. Saying it like that sounds weird. Young body? Healthy body?

Anyway, it’s way better than my office worker’s body right now!

After the Academy servants neatly cleared the table, I activated the magic of my ring to block out sound and finally got to the point.

“Remember that cringe skeleton, the loser wizard, who wanted to meet me again right before he left?”

At that time, Erginius had asked me to come see him once more. He said he had a favor to ask.

After talking with Grandpa last night, I suspect his favor is likely related to the Fairy Forest.

Grandpa, who was his dear friend, said Erginius had lingering regrets regarding something related to that forest until the very end.

That means our goals are likely aligned.

Based on the information the professor gave me when he looked at Benedict with sparkling eyes, I’m planning to meet with Erginius, the creator of the barriers, cross-check the information, and finally extract what I need from the first queen.

This is the plan I’ve set for myself.

“I’m going to meet that creepy, cringe skeleton again. Is anyone oblivious enough to have plans?”

To execute this plan perfectly, I can’t act alone.

First, I definitely need to bring Joy, who only understands magic, so I can decipher what Erginius says.

I also need Arthur around, just in case the clueless one messes up and needs to be held back.

To talk about purifying the evil god’s energy that’s spreading there, Phoebe’s knowledge is essential too.

I don’t particularly need Frey, but since…

“Yeah. I have things to do.”

The one person I thought would absolutely tag along shook her head instead.

Things to do? You?

A brainless fool who only thinks about swinging swords can’t have anything to do!

No, even if you’re not talking about the sword, you always cling to me. Why give me the slip this time?

Is there a Frey-related event I don’t know about? I doubt it.

“I decided to learn more from the Sword Saint.”

Listening to Frey mindlessly stringing together her thoughts, I understood the situation.

So Yuden found something odd in the Kent family’s swordsmanship?

And she’s planning to go discuss it with the head of the Kent family after gaining more knowledge yesterday?

“Besides, it’s not like I can’t do it without you. I’ll get stronger and come back to take you down.”

There was a resolute determination in Frey’s words that made it clear she intended to come back even stronger.

If her goal isn’t just to beat me, I’d probably cheer her on quietly.

Well, Frey getting even stronger isn’t a bad thing. No matter what, she’s my precious friend and party member!

Wouldn’t it be convenient if she leveled up to the point where she could slice through dungeon gimmicks just like she did in the game?

Ah. But of course, I’d need to leave out the part where she indiscriminately cuts through everything! That version of Frey was honestly a disaster.

“Am I not even on your radar?”

“Of course not. You’re still useless, Prince.”

Arthur threw a comment with clear irritation, having been ignored about himself, but Frey shot him down with a deadpan response, saying today was still boring.

“Just wait and see….”

After Frey left, ignoring Arthur’s frustration, we used the Academy’s teleportation circle to revisit the desert.

“You told me I could come anytime, but I didn’t think you’d be back so soon.”

“Heh. What? Don’t like it? You secretly love playing servant to a cute little thing like me, don’t you? Trying to hide your true feelings is just pathetic for a commoner.”

“Haha. Did I get caught?”

Just like before, we sat in the carriage heading toward Erginius’s dungeon, but a variable emerged this time.


Unlike before, the dungeon’s ceiling hadn’t collapsed!

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not work with dark mode