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Chapter 525

Chapter: 525

When I heard that someone was tailing me, I momentarily halted in my tracks, but after a little thought, I couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was off.

‘Sure, I know the tailers are skilled, but can they really fool Benedict?’

Is it even possible for some stalkers to bypass the senses of a monster like Benedict? If such people were following me, I should probably just let them trail me quietly.

[That’s unlikely. Your father must have caught on long ago.]

‘So he’s just letting it slide, huh?’

[It’s one of two things: Either he thinks they pose no threat to you, or he considers them a nuisance that’s not worth his time. Personally, I think it leans towards the latter.]

‘Why’s that?’

[If not, your father wouldn’t just let those snoopers wander around.]

I guess that’s true.

Benedict’s daughter complex is kind of excessive.

He’s not the kind of person to allow someone threatening me to just roam free.

If he could, he’d probably rip those who are tailing me to shreds in no time flat.

Benedict doesn’t like to be messed with.

I wonder who they are. It’s not like that monster finds political nuisances bothersome, so they must be from the political circle.

[So I propose this: Do you have any thoughts on giving your father a justification?]

‘Are you suggesting what I think you are?’

[Exactly. That thing you do best.]

Hearing my grandfather’s playful tone made me chuckle without realizing it. Joy, who was next to me, tilted her head in confusion at my laughter.

“What’s so funny?”

“There’s only one thing in front of me.”


“Pfft. You got it. I couldn’t help but laugh seeing your poor, exhausted face that looks like a train wreck.”

“Is-it really that bad?”

“Your hair’s a mess like a dry mop, the wrinkles around your eyes are sagging, and drool’s running down your chin.”

“Ugh?! N-no way! There’s no drool!”

“Seeing you flustered made me think you might’ve spilled, huh? Pffft. Hahaha!”

“Lucy! You shouldn’t tease your friends too much.”

As Joy turned red in the face, she hurriedly spoke, looking at Benedict, who was trailing behind us.

“Lady Alrn, do I really look that tired right now?”

“…Hmm. To be honest, yes. You should probably take a break.”

“Oh, I see.”

After receiving Benedict’s serious advice, Joy rushed off with quick, small steps, and I went outside the building with Benedict.

[There’s one on that tree, another behind the building, and one sitting on the bench. And…]

Following my grandfather’s lead to check on the tailers, I widened my eyes a bit.

These fantasy world stalkers are no joke. With magic and divine powers making things surreal, they’re really hard to notice.

If I didn’t have any aesthetic sense, I wouldn’t have caught on even with my grandfather’s hints.

[What do you think? Is there anyone worth poking at?]

‘Well, there’s one that seems suitable.’

[Good. Then let’s take action right away.]

Why is Grandpa so thrilled? Is provoking someone that funny to him?

I enjoy watching livestock freak out over the things that girls babble about, but isn’t it odd for a grandpa who’s a nobleman and a holy knight to find this amusing?

While pitying those who regard this grandpa as a demigod, I kept walking down the street, then suddenly stopped and whipped my head around.

“What’s up, Lucy?”

Benedict asked with a puzzled expression, but I didn’t respond. Instead, I walked over to a guy sitting on a bench.

The boy in uniform was reading a book when he sensed my presence and raised his head in surprise.

“…Lady Alrn?”

The bewilderment in his eyes looked as natural as a leading character in a extreme drama.

However, there was a limit to this. The power of the quirky Crow Goddess managed to uncover something strange in his expression.

“What… have I done?”

“Are you pretending to be innocent now? ♡ I saw your eyes filled with lust like a randy monkey! ♡”


Whether I caught him off guard, or if it was Benedict’s ominous glare that scared him, the student was genuinely flustered and stuttered.

“You’re still glancing at my legs, aren’t you? ♡ Do you think I wouldn’t notice those eyes that scream ‘I want to lick you’? ♡”

“N-no! I would never look at you like that!”

“Hehe ♡ For someone who looks so nervous, your furtive glances sure seem sinister! ♡ If it weren’t for my silly papa, I might have been ambushed!? ♡”

With my fingertip poking at my chin, Benedict’s gaze turned feral.

Even though I’m not the target, my back prickles with the intensity of his murderous intent. I wonder how this guy feels, struggling with even breathing.

“I truly would never! Lord Benedict! How could I ever harbor such vile thoughts towards the Lady!”

“Hmmm ♡ Is that so? ♡”

The reason why I chose this guy as my target for provocation is twofold.

One, he’s just the easiest one to mess with.

Two, he was genuinely following me with interest.

What am I saying? There are plenty of sickos out there.

As I giggled and shrugged one shoulder, my upper garment slipped off, exposing my pristine skin and deep collarbone.

Naturally, the guy’s gaze was drawn towards it, and he attempted to act calm but couldn’t hide his physiological response.

“What’s this? ♡ Huh? ♡ Huh? ♡ Want to answer me, you disgusting pervert? ♡”

“I-I can explain!”

“I just had to say it—don’t claim it’s your natural size! ♡ I’ll actually die of laughter if someone so small tries to fluff up their self-esteem like that! ♡”

Stepping forward, eyes locked on his groin, I kept on baiting him.

“Thinking it over, you might be a pervert, but you’re definitely not a pedo ♡ There’s no way a tiny guy like you could be an adult! Right? ♡”

Leaning in close, I teased him, and I could sense the hidden power rising from him.

I understood why Benedict noticed them yet chose to leave them be.

I also figured out why my grandfather was egging me on to provoke someone.

It’s clear now; the energy flowing from the guy is definitely divine energy.

“Oh dear.”

Benedict swiftly caught the hand reaching for my collar and crushed it with a predatory grin.

“It seems you’re in quite a predicament.”

The rage-drenched face of the guy instantly turned pale.

“Knowing you’re from the Church, I stayed put. But how do you repay my courtesy this way?”

“Oh, Lord Alrn, there’s a misunderstanding—”

“A misunderstanding? Can you explain what exactly that misunderstanding is? I hope it’s a proper explanation because if it’s not, I fear my anger will not subside.”

The ruckus stemming from me quickly spread to our surroundings.

Being noticeable as we are, it’s only natural for others to gawk at Benedict and me while we raised our voices.

In the midst of Benedict’s fury, my laughter, and the curious glances of onlookers, the guy’s face drenched in cold sweat went back and forth, opening and closing his mouth, unsure of what to do.

He surely knows it’s not going to be quiet anymore.

“Lord Benedict Alrn. Lady Lucy Alrn.”

The one interrupting was a man who stepped forth through the curious gazes, faintly radiating divine energy so we could sense it.

He bowed respectfully before continuing.

“I’d like to explain things, so would you allow us to leave this place?”

“On what grounds should we consider that?”

Hearing Benedict’s retort, the man took out a uniquely shaped cross from his cloak.

…That’s a badge of the interrogators.

Wait, wait a second. Are the ones tailing me the church’s interrogators?

Why are those lunatics, who go around punishing heretics, following me?!

“I swear by the great being I serve that I had no intention of bothering the Lady. How could we act against a friend of the saint?”

“…Understood. I hope your explanation will soothe our concerns.”

“I will answer sincerely.”

The church’s interrogator led us to a private room in the academy.

It seemed he had ordered someone to wait outside, as the person inside bowed upon seeing the interrogator and promptly left.

Then, the man cast a barrier so no one could eavesdrop on our conversation and sat opposite us.

“Allow me to introduce myself again. I’m Nian, interrogator of the Church.”

“Pray tell, what would a busy interrogator of the church be doing here?”

“Recently, a miracle has unfolded at Soul Academy.”


“What I refer to as a miracle is not some abstract concept. It’s an event you can only describe as the will of the great being.”

His words might sound vague, but Benedict showed signs of confusion, while I couldn’t help but know what he meant as the miracle’s actual beneficiary.

“Hmm. Yes, I gather there was such an event. However, what does that have to do with my daughter? If anything were to happen, wouldn’t it be best to seek out the saint first?”

“Normally, yes.”

The interrogator acknowledged Benedict’s query, intensifying the serious look in his eyes.

“This time, it’s different.”

The wild glint in his eyes passed over Benedict and locked onto me.

“Because the saintess is not the miracle’s beneficiary.”


Did I get caught?

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not work with dark mode