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Chapter 523

Chapter: 523

As the news spread that the Soul Academy would be closed for several months, students started packing their bags one by one to head home.

Some couldn’t resist their parents’ nagging about their well-being.

Others had to consider the practical reason of earning tuition for the next semester.

And some, being carefree, just thought they deserved some relaxation after all their hard work.

Aside from that, everyone had their own reasons for preparing to leave.

As a result, the atmosphere at the academy became increasingly chaotic with the break of dawn, but Joy felt detached from all that chatter.

“This part of the magic circle had such a meaning, huh?”

“Seeing it like this, there are definitely parts that align. Especially this bit; you could consider it a healing-type holy magic.”

“Indeed, the idea from Lord Erginius is truly remarkable.”

“Do you think we can apply this to existing spells?”

“Definitely possible. We could use it right away in our academy’s training ground…”

Joy sat there, listening with a blank stare to the professors of the Magic Department as they demonstrated the interpretations of the magic circle—conversations that soared way above her student level.

When she was first asked by the Dean of the Magic Department to interpret the magic circle, Joy didn’t think it would escalate to this point.

It wasn’t because she underestimated the professors’ passion; after all, she had been learning for a long time, so how could she not recognize their enthusiasm?

The reason Joy thought it would be an easy task was simply that she didn’t know much yet.

Recently, after learning directly from Erginius about the magic circle, Joy had proven her grasp of the magic by restoring a collapsed one.

In fact, she accepted the Dean’s proposal because she was confident she could do the same thing over and over again.

However, if someone asked her if she had reached a level where she could understand and explain all the knowledge contained within the magic circle, Joy would shake her head in alarm.

There was no way she could grasp the essence of a great mage like Erginius in just over a month.

She could use magic, but she hadn’t absorbed the principles and concepts embedded within it. So after drawing the magic circle for the Dean, she intended to explain the function of each drawing and step back.

“Wait a moment. This is a magic that embodies purification?”
“Yes, that’s what I believe.”

“Is that really possible?”

The issue started with the Dean’s question. The magic circle, which looked nothing like the mainstream magical system, was making the Dean’s head spin.

“I only learned it works like so.”

Joy had no answers for the Dean’s questions either.

Having learned the magic circles through a rigid rote method, Joy had no idea why the magic circle was drawn that way.

“…Lady Partran, I have one request.”

Faced with an answer that just wouldn’t come no matter how hard he thought, the Dean made a request.

He’d include numerous restrictions such as non-disclosure and prohibiting misuse, and asked if he could bring in another professor from the academy.

Seeing the earnest look in the Dean’s eyes, Joy nodded without hesitation. She didn’t particularly want to monopolize the knowledge related to this magic circle, and Erginius hadn’t told her to keep it confidential either.

“It looks like an ancient magical system… Please hold on. I’ll go get some materials.”
“…Indeed. Some of the magic once used in the past aligns with this magic circle.”

The professor brought in had sifted through numerous materials before answering their questions, but it didn’t resolve the next set of doubts that arose.

“I think we should summon Professor Conta. If it’s him, being the one researching ancient attack magic, he’s sure to help.”
“Lady Partran, would that be alright?”
“I have no objections.”

So another professor joined the research.

Questions were resolved, yet new ones emerged again.

To solve those questions, yet another professor would show up.

Throughout this process, there wasn’t a professor who refused the Dean’s proposal, even though the restrictions he placed were rather heavy.

In unison, like they had all made a decision, the professors nodded, and when Joy, who had her doubts, asked one, the professor smiled brightly, reminiscent of a child, as he answered.

“The biggest reason we were struggling to interpret Lord Erginius’s magic circle was that it was mixed with too many magic circles. But now, Lady, you’ve broken that barrier for us.”
“We’ve received the opportunity to face the wisdom left by the great mage Erginius! How could we refuse such an opportunity?”
“Anyone who refuses this would be unworthy to be at the Soul Academy.”
“Thank you so much for this glorious opportunity, Lady Partran. If there’s anything I can help you with in the future, just name it.”

Of course, Joy had her chances to slip away.

Along the way, other young ladies and her friends, including Phoebe, as well as her older brother, had come to check on her.

Each time, Joy tried to say she’d take her leave, but crushed under the passionate gaze of the other professors, she failed to voice her intentions.

Amidst the enthusiasm of multiple scholars tossing around insights, a mere student like Joy felt utterly powerless.

Thus, being somewhat forced into participating in the professors’ heated discussions, she had to watch as the moon rose and set with a blank expression.

The conversations among those who had made noticeable achievements in their fields were academically very fruitful.

Joy could not deny that she had learned a lot just listening to them.

But there’s a limit to everything!

After struggling like hell in that inferno yesterday, wasn’t it absurd that she would have to spend the night researching without rest?!

I’m really exhausted! I feel like I might collapse from overwork!

“Lady Partran?”
“…Ah. Yes, yes. I’m listening.”

“This part is the foundation of the barrier, right?”

Even while grumbling internally, Joy diligently answered the professor’s question.

“Yes, that’s correct. It plays a role in distinguishing between the inside and outside.”

“Is that so?”

“Is that so?”

“Aha, it’s similar to what I saw elsewhere.”

The professor who was conducting research in both the field of barriers and archaeology had sparkling eyes peering through the hazy dusk.

“Do you know about the Fairy Forest sealed by Lord Erginius?”
“Yes, I do. I believe it’s a place prohibited from access due to the evil god’s energy encroaching nearby.”

“I had the chance to visit there with a priest from the church long ago, and we discovered similar magic back then.”

“Lady Partran?”

Just as the professor’s story was about to take a thrilling turn, a voice calling out to Joy broke in at the perfect moment.

“The Young Lady of the Alrn family is looking for you.”

Lucy? I heard she collapsed yesterday; she seems fine.

What a relief. Letting out a sigh of relief, Joy noticed everyone’s gaze on her as before, but she steeled herself and turned away from their looks.

If I let this opportunity slip by, who knows when I’ll get out of this hell! I need to escape! I absolutely must!

“Let’s go. If you come later, I’ll tell you the rest.”
Leaving the professor’s voice behind, Joy stepped out into the hallway and let out a bright, empty laugh with not a single cloud in the sky.

I’m so tired. I feel like I might just drop dead.

Physically, I might be okay, but mentally I’m even more exhausted than when I trained at the Alrn family.

Ugh, I really wish I could just go back to the dorm and sleep, but I can’t…

First, I need to greet several young ladies, check on my friends, contact the family, and then…

“What’s up, Joy? Did you die and come back or something? Why does your face look like that?”

Joy, who had been gazing blankly at the sky, turned her head at the cheerful voice.

Wow. It’s Lucy. She’s wearing such an adorable outfit!

She’s wearing shorts that reveal her thighs and a loose, wide white shirt tucked in at the hem, with a long top covering her arms.

Usually, Lucy gives off an impression of a sharp princess, but right now she feels more like an active young girl. She looks like she’s ready to bounce around!

What a pity. If only this wasn’t outside, I would’ve hugged her right then to recover some of my mental stamina. And behind that exuberant Lucy stands…

“…Sir Benedict?”
“It’s been a while, Lady Partran.”

Snapping back to reality from the imposing, fierce grin of the giant, Joy hurriedly fanned herself, hiding her tired face.


Joy really does look exhausted.

I don’t think she’s the type to get tired easily, so what in the world happened?

Could it be that she has been rolling around with the professors of the Magic Department all this time?

I did hear she got caught by the Dean of the Magic Department, but has she really spent the whole time without a moment of rest, rolling with those people?

It doesn’t sit right with me. Here they are, working her like that when she’s already had such a tough time.

And the nerve of those professors to not give our cute Joy a break!

If I find out they’ve been torturing her, I’ll snap their damn legs like chopsticks and make them focus on their precious research for the rest of their lives!

As I was getting furious over things going on somewhere I couldn’t see, Joy suddenly raised her voice.

“What?! The academy is going on break?!”

“Didn’t you know? That’s why everyone’s preparing to leave.”
“I had no idea! I’ve been so caught up talking about magic with the professors!”

“Magic, huh?”
“Yes. It’s about the magic circle left by Erginius… Unfortunately, the explanation is quite long.”

“Oh. You don’t have to bother with that.”

“Thank you!”

Joy’s voice shot up in glee over the fact that she didn’t have to explain, but she quickly turned a shade of red on her cheeks and changed the topic.

“So, um, what brings you here looking for me?”

“Hey, didn’t you read almost all the magical books in the library?”
“Yes. I’ve read everything I thought would be useful.”

“Then could you find me a certain book? I mean…”

As I rattled off the titles of books that contained content related to the Fairy Forest, Joy nodded, then tilted her head.

“All those books were written by a single professor, you know?”
“Yes. He’s currently in the research lab. Should I call him?”

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