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Chapter 522

Chapter: 522

Seeing the mighty Benedict collapse made us ponder what kind of chaos unfolded outside, but it didn’t take long to realize our worries were unfounded.

His blissful, goofy grin told us everything we needed to know about why Benedict had fainted.

Seriously, the guy lost consciousness just because his daughter is too adorable? What is going on in that head of his?

“Wow, to knock down the strongest man on the continent like this. Impressive, boss,” Karia chimed in as I approached Benedict and poked his cheek, which seemed to be lost in a dream.

“Stupid Papa.”


As soon as I spoke, Benedict jolted awake, blinking at me with a goofy grin before closing his eyes again with a chuckle.

“I must be exhausted… dreaming of Lucy being so sweet…”

“…Stupid dad. Have you really turned into a troll in your brain? If that were the case, shouldn’t you be howling with joy and crying? That’d be the quickest way to realize you’re out of your mind.”

“Hmm? Is that… Lucy?”

After my not-so-subtle nudge, it finally dawned on Benedict that he was awake. The fact that he needed a verbal smack from his daughter to realize reality was just sad.

What kind of fantasy was he living in? Was Dream Lucy all about “Oh, Papa, I love you!” or something?

…Imagining him beaming like an idiot in his sleep hearing those words made me a bit sympathetic.

“Hey, Benedict. What’s going on? Don’t you still have things to do at the territory?”

“…Karia, if you’re here, it must be reality.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Not much happening really. I’m almost finished with what I needed to handle, and I’m thinking of leaving the details to the staff back at the main house.”

“No, I meant what did you mean by that just now?”

Without sparing Karia’s grumbles a glance, Benedict stared at me blankly for a moment before clearing his throat and shifting his attention to the others.

“I am Benedict Alrn, head of the Alrn family.”

“I am Apostle of the Art Guild, Frete.”

“I’m the seamstress, Nikis.”

Benedict politely bowed to the seamstress but turned icy as his gaze landed on Frete.

In that moment, just like when he faced Possel in the arena, the sharpness of Benedict’s stare made Frete shrink in on himself.

“I’ve heard much about the Apostle.”

“Ah, really?”

“Yes. You’re the one who’s been making accessories featuring my daughter’s portrait.”

Wow, I’ve never seen Frete like this before. He’d usually stand stiff as a board no matter who he’s dealing with. Benedict really is something else.

“Thanks to you, my daughter’s face has become quite famous.”

“That wasn’t my intention; I got permission from the Young Lady first.”

“Haha, I’m not complaining about what you’re doing. Thanks to your accessories, my daughter has become a symbol of good fortune; how could I possibly complain?”

Though expressing gratitude, the sound emanating from the hand Benedict held onto Frete was anything but reassuring.

“However, I do have one concern. The portrait is so detailed… what if something sinister was in the artist’s heart?”

“Absolutely not!”

Frete’s outburst cut through the silence, causing Benedict to subtly lean back.

“Lord Benedict, do you know what artists pursuing their craft must never forget?”

“Well, no…”

“It is purity! Only when one puts aside personal desires and sees art as art can they truly pursue beauty!”

“Uhh, I see…”

“I don’t understand your worries! The Young Lady’s beauty could easily becribed as a goddess’ reincarnation! Yet, dear Frete! I swear on the goddess, I have never felt anything lustful toward the Young Lady!”

“Excuse me? What?”

“If you really don’t believe me, I’ll prove it here and now! Cough?!”

Seeing Frete trying to overpower Benedict with his zeal was hysterical, so I sneaked behind him and kicked his legs.

Even though he’s an apostle, it turned out he couldn’t train that area either, because he went down with an exaggerated scream.

“You can’t feel anything just by looking at a girl as cute as me? What a useless piece of work, right?”

“Cough. Huh…”

“I figured it’d just cause trouble, so I helped out. How about it? Grateful?”

As I watched Frete on the floor, Benedict rushed to my side looking utterly shocked.

“…Uh, Lucy. I acknowledge the Apostle’s initial inappropriate language was wrong, but for a noble young lady to use such…

“Shut it, stupid Dad!”

“Stupid Dad?”

“If you think about it, whose fault is it that you couldn’t take down a perverted guy like him? So why are you scolding me?”

“Uh, um…”

“Apologize quickly. If not, I won’t even talk to you, Papa.”

“I’m sorry! Lucy! This Papa was wrong!”

With those two fools handled, I snorted and settled into the sofa.

“So why is my stupid Papa making such a dumb face?”

“…I received a letter from Queen Number One.”

Benedict handed me a piece of paper with information similar to what Karia had mentioned.

[ She’s coming across way more easygoing than I expected. This will make negotiations easier. ]

‘Not that I particularly want anything, though?’

[ If there’s nothing, then make something! Opportunities like these don’t come around often. ]

Even as Grandpa said to think about what I could take, I wasn’t particularly interested. Just the thought of being involved with Queen Number One was giving me the creeps; I just wanted to wrap things up as quickly as possible.

“The Alrn family’s stitching has mostly been resolved as well. If you want, Lucy, I was planning to take you with me to negotiate. This Papa has done many things for the kingdom.”

Hmm. So does that mean Benedict came with pure intentions to help me out?

…Suddenly felt a rush of guilt washing over me.

I thought he was just coming to do his usual daughter-freak antics.

He fainted upon seeing me, and he was causing a ruckus with that strange perverted apostle, so I figured he must be doing his silly antics as usual.

I honestly thought about putting a damper on him, but to find out he came with good intentions…

“I’m not entirely clear on the details, but if my dear daughter desired anything, I thought I’d help her as much as I’ve neglected in the past. Guess I’m butting in again.”

Seeing him smile awkwardly, I sighed and sat on his lap.

Benedict’s huge size made his thigh feel like a proper seat to me.

“Sir, Sir?”

“A useless, incompetent Papa, but still, his heart is admirable. So this is a reward. Is that okay?”

“Absolutely! Just your warmth makes all burdens in my heart melt away!”

“Ewww. That’s a bit gross.”

No matter what I said, Benedict was too busy grinning with a silly smile that was melting away.

And speaking of melting, when I turned my head away from the unsettling gaze of Karia watching me fondly, my eyes met the perverted apostle lying sprawled on the floor.

“W-What a lovely scene! Thank you… ache!”

I swiftly kicked off one of my shoes, completely knocking the perverted apostle out.

So now, what can I ask from Queen Number One?

Honestly, material goods hold no real significance.

There’s a ton to squeeze out of the pervy apostle.

I don’t need weapons or armor, and most magical devices are mostly useless.

Even if we’re talking scrolls, it’s still a bit iffy to consider them rewards for this whole deal. Hmm, is there anything good?

Ah. Just a sec. Grandpa mentioned privileges and promises could also count. Then I could…

“Hey, you in the back, with the expression like you just spotted someone trying to run away.”

“…What about my face?”

“Got any maps of the Henhouse Queen’s Forest?”

“The Henhouse Queen? Forest? Oh. Wait, you must mean the Fairy Forest?”

“Slow on the uptake, huh? Why are those wrinkles on your face increasing while the folds in your brain keep getting fewer?”

“How am I supposed to understand that? Ugh. Fine. Wait a moment, I’ll bring it.”

The map Karia handed over contained information about the Fairy Forest and its nearby territory.

If this is indeed the Baron Mel region I know, then the size of the Fairy Forest is beyond what I expected. You could easily call it a small nation.

And within this forest lies those sealed since the age of myths.

After such a long time passed, what state are they residing in now? Have those entombed fallen into the depths of eternal slumber? Or do they still possess the same power they had back then?

Has the dark energy from battles long past finally waned, or does it still thrive?

To conquer the Holy Forest, I absolutely need to gather information about these matters.

I can only imagine what disaster could unfold if I’m not cautious.

‘Grandpa, the magic that put the Fairy Forest to sleep was based on a barrier, right?’

[ Why do you ask? ]

‘Please answer me. It’s important.’

[I’m not the one who created the magic, so I can’t be exact, but it’s probably correct.]

‘So that means to awaken the Fairy Forest, I need to break this barrier, right?’

[Yes, that’s the quickest and most direct way… wait a second, what? Break the barrier?]

Hearing the shock in Grandpa’s voice made me chuckle.

‘I’ve had a revelation. From the God.’

Alright, let’s see just how far the royal family’s intelligence reaches.

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not work with dark mode