Switch Mode

Chapter 520

Chapter: 520

“It seems the letter to the Alrn family has already been sent. Benedict should be wrapping up his work soon, so I’m sure he’ll check it right away.”

“Auntie, do you know what’s inside?”

“Probably nothing much. After all, the one in the wrong in this matter is the First Queen. With that monster Benedict lurking behind her, she has to be polite to her employer with a good excuse.”

Grandpa’s words were spot on. In that situation, even that wicked First Queen couldn’t say anything when I dare stood my ground.

[No matter how many years pass, the affairs of humans don’t change much.]

The hero who could only smile like a fool because he believed that good would come from good.

The wizard who dedicated his life to studying magic and consequently had his social skills shattered.

The knight who thought of nothing but flirting with women wherever he went.

Ruel’s political skills, leading these hopeless individuals through negotiations with various groups, hadn’t faded even after hundreds of years.

[Now it’s just a matter of tying up the First Queen with your various excuses. Then you can get just about anything you wish.]

“I really don’t want anything from that crazy person.”

[It doesn’t have to be something material. Promises. Contracts. Debts. You just need to secure something intangible.]

No, I just don’t want to keep a long-term relationship with the First Queen.

I complained to Grandpa, who didn’t seem to grasp what I meant, but he just smirked with his usual mischievous grin.

“Looking at you reminds me of the saying ‘birds of a feather flock together.’”

[What do you mean by that?]

“I mean you and your companions are on the same level.”

[What nonsense! Do you have any idea how hard I’ve worked to deal with those brats? How can you say we’re alike!?]

“Feeling a bit guilty, are we?”

[It just makes me speechless! If we use your logic, you’d be a similar kind of pervert as Lady Lina!]

‘…That’s not true!’

I might have some shady aspects, but being compared to the Clumsy Fox is just too much!

Being lumped together with that trash who threw away his dignity while holding the status of the Forest’s Master is basically declaring war!

“Employer, why are you so angry?”

While I was genuinely sparring with Grandpa, Karia asked, clearly confused.

“…Don’t make pointless comments. I’m doing important bilateral negotiations that even some old hag like you can’t imagine!”

This time, for sure, I absolutely cannot let this humiliation go, Grandpa!

I’ll show off my refined speaking skills, honed from all that Mesugaki training!

“I don’t know what’s so important, but is it more important than meeting the two craftsmen?”

Huh? It still takes quite some time to reach your hideout…

Wait, why am I there already? Where did the time go in between?

I must have been incredibly heated thinking about being compared to the Clumsy Fox.

Recalling the image of that fox flicking its tongue made me shudder, and I decided to talk to Grandpa later as I stepped inside the hideout.

“Wow. You look younger than I imagined. Are you finally 10 years old now?”

The blacksmith, Inuki, blurted out as soon as he saw my face.

It was certainly a rude thing to say, but in a way, it made me happy. Since he threw the first stone, I can freely roast him now.

“Your cranky old man self is even more decrepit than I imagined! ♡ Can you even lift a hammer with those scrawny arms? ♡ I feel like my bones would break if I merely shake hands with you. ♡”

Inuki, a far cry from being gentle, immediately flushed red, ready to spring up, but the sewing granny beside him held him down.

“Why are you picking fights with someone like your grandchild?”

“…This is just a greeting. Greeting.”

“And I responded to your level, didn’t I? Stop messing around and stay put.”

The granny’s soft yet strong voice had the power to put someone down. As Inuki grumbled and held back, she smiled and bowed her head.

“It’s been a while, Young Lady. You’ve grown taller since we last met. You should get your clothes fitted anew.”

“You’ve got good eyes. Seems age hasn’t dulled your senses?”

“If I lacked such sense, I wouldn’t have been able to sew this long.”

“Wait, taller? Is that so?”

Inuki, who had intruded on our cheerful conversation, received glares and clicked his tongue in disbelief. With age, his behavior is no different from a rebellious brat.

“Have you forgotten how to talk to people after living in seclusion for too long? ♡”


“Or are you struggling to escape your former glory? ♡ If it’s the latter, look in a mirror, you old pervert! ♡ Seeing your pathetic appearance should put things into perspective, you know? ♡”

“There’s nothing exaggerated about those rumors! I’ve heard a lot about how those stories about me are exaggerated, but it seems not to be the case!”

Inuki raised his voice, his temper flaring, yet he didn’t leave his seat.

How can this foul-tempered grandpa stay just for the sake of bickering?

Heh, heh.

I approached Inuki’s front dramatically as if a fairy were to walk on flowers and shoved my smile into his face.

“If you hate me so much, just disappear! ♡ Why stick around while complaining? ♡”


“Did you fall for me at first sight? ♡ Hoo, hoo, you won’t even be able to put strength between your legs, but how honest you are about wanting me! ♡ A blacksmith? No, you’re just an old perverted lolicon! ♡”

“Ah! Damn! Alright! I admit it! I can’t beat you in this battle of wits! But I can’t let someone with your talent wear shabby armor! I have no idea what kind of armor you’re after, but I shall make it according to your wishes! Just keep your wretched mouth shut!”

Armor? Why’s armor suddenly coming up? I’m just poking fun to vent my anger!

“Ha-ha. Truly, as the Apostle of the Art Guild has said, you’re hiding a lot beneath that cute face.”

What? Me? What am I hiding, Granny?

Oh, well. I don’t know for sure, but things seem to be going well, so I’ll just keep smiling.

As long as I keep a playful smile, everything should work out. Right?

“Of course. When have I ever misjudged someone?”

Seeing the perverted apostle emerge from the shadows, my eyes widened in shock. Why is he here when he should be keeping tabs on Luca!?

“Professor Luca is currently detained within our guild. You needn’t worry as our guild members, including the Sword Saint, are guarding the area closely.”

“Given your track record, the last time you nutcases had a mentally unsound individual in your ranks, didn’t you?”

“Hmm. That’s a painful thing to say, but this time is different. We’ve installed numerous measures to prevent any vile energy from flourishing.”

…Numerous measures? Does the Art Guild have such protocols? Upon displaying my wary curiosity, the perverted apostle laughed.

“Would you like to come see? If it’s you, Young Lady, I’d be more than willing to show you our most secret places.”

At that moment, my instinct was screaming at me.

I must not accept that offer. The moment I witness what’s hidden, I might end up undergoing something terrible.

Feeling a chill run down my spine, I quickly shook my head, and the perverted apostle showed clear disappointment.

“Oh, is that so? Well, don’t worry; I assure you, my worship of the Goddess and Young Lady is so profound that it’s safe for you.”

Even if he’s a crazy pervert, if he’s this devoted, maybe there really is something to it.

Yeah, I’ll just take it in stride. I don’t want to get any more involved.

“I know it’s safe, but then why are you here? Is your lust more important than your guild’s duties, you perverted apostle?”

“Well, on my way back yesterday, I happened to run into Nikis. I wanted to consult about clothing for the Young Lady. I was also hoping to find out where the best scenic spots are within the Soul Academy.”

Only then did it hit me—the contents of the contract I had given to the perverted apostle.

I had to be the model for the outfits he was making while posing as requested, along with wearing various accessories!

“Would you have needed my advice if this was the past?”

“Absolutely! I’m still amazed when I see the garments made by Master Nikis. I would be grateful for any guidance you could provide on my creations.”

“Ha-ha, well, that’s lucky! I also had something to ask of the Apostle.”

The sight of the two of them seriously discussing the outfits to wear, despite the civilized tone, was bizarrely giving me cold sweats.

Should I run for it now? No, that would just postpone things. Maybe it’s best to just grit my teeth and endure it?

Yes, that’s right. I had to withstand the gaze of that Clumsy Fox as it licked its lips at my skin in a bunny outfit. This should be a piece of cake! Ugh!

Steeling myself, I held back my urge to back away and wished that their conversation would wrap up quickly.

No matter what, I needed to finish this conversation and contact the Alrn family.

“…Huh? Wait a moment.”

Just then, Inuki, who had been watching the two of them ramble on excitedly, suddenly raised his voice.

“Lady of the Alrn family, can you replicate the steps you just took towards me?”

“Old perv, do you want a whiff of my scent up close? You’re kind of gross in a creepy way.”

“Shut up and just answer whether you can or not!”

Feeling the seriousness in Inuki’s gaze, even though I didn’t understand his intentions, I emulated the fairy’s walk just to be safe.


Inuki, who let out a short gasp, leaned forward with his arms crossed, furrowing his brow before letting out a deep sigh.

“Just where did you learn that fairy walk?”

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not work with dark mode