Switch Mode

Chapter 505

Chapter: 505

Not long after Arthur intervened in the magic circle, a damn brat appeared beside him.

“Good job. You managed to regain control before being fully taken over.”

“Did you cut off the connection to the other magic circles?”

“Yeah. Now there’s no way the Evil God can—”

“That’s enough! Hurry and let me out! I have tons of stuff left to do!”

“Wait a second! There’s something I need to explain to you.”

“Forget that for later. No, I’ll come back later! I’ll listen to your boring story then!”

“Huh?! Just a moment! Just a little bit! Just a little bit, you impatient little punk!”

Leaving the brat’s complaints behind, Arthur hurriedly scanned his surroundings as he exited the trial space.

Damn it. Where did everyone else go?

What happened outside while I was taking the trial, huh?!

That Lucy Alrn brat doesn’t look like the type to get easily overpowered by others. But just in case…

‘…I’m sorry.’

Imagining Lucy’s tear-streaked face, Arthur bit his lip and rushed out of the room.

There were no signs of battle in the corridor.

That means someone must have gone outside to stop an intruder from getting in, huh?

Using every possible means, Arthur emerged from the broken wall and was greeted by a spirit disguised as a maid.

As soon as she saw Arthur, she bowed her head and then turned her body away.

Is she telling me to follow?

Knowing that this spirit was under Adri’s command, Arthur followed without suspicion.

The fact that someone came out to greet him means it’s not the worst scenario possible.

If things were really going chaotic, they wouldn’t have the luxury to do that. How long did I run, anyway?

The sounds of battle reached Arthur’s ears.

The lively sound of metal clashing against something.


A voice filled with fury that he couldn’t quite understand.

Is the battle still going on!?

Accelerating his pace, what Arthur faced was the sight of a small girl fighting a monster.

The creature oozing ominous black from its body exuded an intimidating presence.

But standing across from it, the girl didn’t back down in the face of that monster’s intimidation.

Her red hair was drenched in blood, losing its original color.

The face of Hayam, besmirched with blood and dust, looked filthy.

Her once pristine armor was now in tatters.

Even as her trembling arms and legs bore the weight of exhaustion.

She continued to deflect the attacks aimed at her, chuckling to herself.

Is she not scared?

There’s no way she isn’t.

Even if she puts on a strong front, she’s just a softie inside. There’s no way she wouldn’t fear for her life.

Does it not hurt?

Oh, I bet it does.

Even as a servant of the deity, she’s still human.

She certainly can’t be numb to pain.

Isn’t she struggling?

That’s just ridiculous.

Her rasping breaths.

Her wobbling legs.

Her unfocused gaze.

All prove she’s reached her limit—how could she not be struggling?

That girl is just enduring it. She’s simply holding on.

Hiding all the pain of loss deep in her heart, just like she concealed the pain of losing someone who loved her.

The moment Arthur realized this, the scenery before his eyes changed.

Lucy Alrn was shining.

In the dark scenery of the underground, only her surroundings radiated bright light.

Just like a scene straight out of a fairy tale.

Arthur, dazed as he watched Lucy fight, snapped back to reality when he saw the monster being sent flying far away.



While trying to heal his oddly shaped arm, a scream escaped him.

I really love the power of this skill, but the backlash is just too much.

Getting my arm shattered from a single attack? Really?!

If I wasn’t a servant of a deity, I wouldn’t even think of using such a pathetic skill.

As I grumbled to myself, footsteps were heard beside me.

“Lucy Alrn! Are you alright?!”

“Do I look fine to the utterly useless prince?♡ Is that how you royals see those below you?♡ So useless, lazy, and self-centered yet still a pitying tyrant!♡ Haha! What fun this is♡”

“…Well, if you have the energy to spout nonsense, you must be okay.”

I intended to take jabs at this useless classmate, but Arthur merely shook his head with a sigh of relief instead of going off on me.

Seriously, does this kid have no sense? If you can’t do your job properly, at least be a good punching bag.

If he had yelled like usual, I could’ve laughed it off.

This is boring.

– Ding.
– Ding.
– Ding.

While pondering how to vent my frustration, a flood of blue messages popped up before me.

Most of them had the names Armadi and Agra in them.

The fight between Agra, trying to intervene, and Armadi, blocking him.

Seeing Agra intervening in the middle means the pathetic deity must have lost.

Did he put in his all to fight for his servant? Or should I criticize him as a completely useless deity who couldn’t even protect his own servant?

No matter which it is, it’s really infuriating.

With the intention of reading it later, I closed the blue window and lifted Luka’s neck to toss him toward Arthur.

“…Professor Luka!? Was this monster Luka?!”

“Did you not know?♡ Wow~♡ You really are dense!♡ How did you even survive in the royal palace with such a dumb sense?!♡”

Arthur’s face flushed red this time, but he still didn’t get angry.

What’s with this? Why is he so patient? Is he actually feeling some misplaced guilt or something?

“Well, whatever. More to the point, useless prince. Open the exit for us.”

“The exit? What do you mean?”

“You can’t do that?♡ You gained control of the magic circle, and you still don’t know?♡ What on earth were you doing while snoozing? Did you pretend to sleep just to get a kiss? You perverted prince?♡ Haha! That’s why being a virgin—”

“Ah! Just shut up! I’m trying to figure it out!”

“How could you say that to such a cute little girl? Your compassion is so lacking~….”

“Will you be quiet already?! I just got this power! Ah… is this it?”

As Arthur waved his hand, a path leading outside opened before us.

Huh. Well, at least he didn’t just laze around.

“Let’s hurry out. We need to show that perverted professor his place.”


With Lina and Erin slung over both arms, Karl was sprinting desperately to shoo away the void followers.

“Lady Erin! Where to this time?!”

“Now take that alley over there… huh?”

“Erin!? This isn’t the time for that!”

“Shut it, puppy. Now is the time to pause.”

“Eh? L-Lina!? Why all of a sudden?”

Regardless of Karl’s confusion, Lina twisted her body and slipped free from his waist.

That threw Karl off balance, slowing him down, and the void followers chasing them were right on their tails, but when Lina landed on solid ground, she didn’t even glance at them.

“Is it finally over?”

The blackened barrier began to crumble with small cracks appearing before long, shattering like glass while the darkness collapsed.

The warm light of the sun streaming through the growing hole once again confirmed the Evil God’s defeat.

“What a tiring day this was.”

As the void followers sprinted towards Lina, she muttered to herself, but those stripped of the Evil God’s power were mere nothingness to the forest’s owner.

Those caught in her summoned flames choked and fell to the ground.

“After all this trouble, I hope they at least hand me a towel soaked with sweat, right?”

Lina, who had been rambling in stark contrast to her earlier grandeur, lit her cigarette while watching the head of the dragon flying in the sunlight.

“Now that’s quite a sight.”

“Yes, it’s truly beautiful.”

“That’s the Sword Saint.”


Waking up with a scream, Visi realized he was being chased by demons in hell.

Is my body alright?!

Nothing’s missing!?

Checking around to make sure he was intact, a loud rumble from afar made Visi quickly turn his head.

A massive dragon’s body fell beneath the sunny sky.

The booming sound woke those who had been lost in nightmares one by one.


“It seems things turned out well somehow.”

As the barrier crumbled, Frete, who suppressed the powerless followers of the Evil God, sighed with relief while brushing his hair back.

“That may be true.”

The bishop beside him forced a smile and continued.

“But it’s still not time for a rest. There are still students inside, aren’t there?”

“Yes, it might actually get busier now.”

Although the Church of the God and the Art Guild couldn’t be called good neighbors, none of the clergy present made a point of mentioning this.

Those here valued others far more than their own beliefs.

“Well, I have no shame.”

As the exhausted clergymen moved toward the Academy, the sound of armor echoed through the Academy Street, ringing out like a unified voice.

“May I place my hands on that work?”

Upon seeing the one leading the stern knights, Frete quickly knelt.

The bishop beside him did the same.

He offered the utmost respect he could muster.

The one standing before them was of a status worthy of such.

“You two, there’s no need for that… oh my.”

The one trying to stop Frete and the bishop looked down at the sword that was cleaving the sky beyond the dragon.

“Is that the Sword Saint?”

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not work with dark mode