Switch Mode

Chapter 498

Chapter: 498

I hoped those idiots would be a bit more confused, but looks like that’s not happening.

If only I could just stall till the end and declare victory without lifting a finger!

And then, smacking that Luka idiot after he charges at me, while I watched him gnash his teeth and whine, would have been real entertainment.

It’s a pity. But eh, this isn’t too bad as it is.

There’s also something amusing about stomping on someone who thinks they can outsmart me.

Holding up my shield, I pretended to stifle a laugh while I checked out their line-up.

Three had dropped off during the dungeon dive. What’s left is Luka and five followers of the Void.

Despite coming from a common adventurer background, Luka’s skills as a professor at the academy are no joke. And those other followers of the Void? They seem to boast some solid chops, having survived quite a few hardships themselves.

Considering how the Void’s power is permeating this area, their strength will likely be greater than my expectations.

I’d be lying if I said I could handle them all by myself.

But that’s okay. Just as they aren’t alone, neither am I at this moment.

– Good to see you again, followers of the Void. What will you do if you bump into someone else while your comrades are desperately searching for you?

Adri emerged from behind, leading her reanimated minions. At the forefront were the recently deceased followers of the Void.

The sight of those who had to do unwelcomed tasks, dead yet not truly so, made those who had been their comrades shudder.

“Hello, Professor Luka.”

And then, Frey revealed her face from behind me.

“Oh. Greetings, Lady Kent. Impressive, isn’t it? Coming out of the hallucination like that.”

“I thought it was pathetic. Is that really impressive?”

“Hmm. I guess my judgement was off. You, Lady, are much more remarkable than I imagined.”

Just recently she was facing me as a teacher, and now Frey displayed no hint of hesitation.

To her, Luka isn’t worth her interest at all.

“In a way, this is a fortunate turn of events. Now I can deliver a trial unto you.”

“A trial? Are you going to make it entertaining?”

As she responded, Frey unsheathed her sword, surrounded by a colorless aura and charged at Luka.

Luka, holding daggers in both hands, braced to receive the gust of Frey’s swing.

What he did was straightforward.

He didn’t swing his daggers with elegance.
He didn’t suppress with overwhelming strength.
He didn’t show miraculous speed, either.

Just a few steps.

In just a few steps, Luka not only dodged Frey’s sharp attack but dove right into her space, forcing her to retreat.

“…You read me?”

“Lady Kent, I must say, I’m always on the lookout for those who show aptitude. You are no exception. In fact, considering you’ve always been with Lady Alrn, you’re hardly an exception.”

That’s Luka’s specialty: analyzing each individual and devising a strategy tailored for them.

From what’s been described, the strategies he forms don’t stop at determining preferred actions or aversions; they push into identifying those 0.3-second gaps that pop up while wielding weapons, honing in on how best to exploit them.

When shown in-game, it was the protagonist party preparing every weapon, skill, trait, and combination the party found annoying waiting for them.

That’s why there have been methods of forcing Luka into specific strategies.

Like, handing him a two-handed axe labeled the ultimate weapon at the Soul Academy. Or making him fight in a flashy manner like a magical girl.

Those experimental moments were genuinely fun—I even pulled an all-nighter once trying to figure out how to make him even worse!

Anyway. There’re two fundamental ways to deal with Luka.

One is to stack stats high enough to smash anything he prepped, and the other is to outsmart the way he outsmarts.

The first sounds great in theory, but realistically it’s a no-go.

Right now, I have to go with the latter.

“Are you not coming? Lady Alrn?”

“Huh?♡ Do I have to go?♡ Why would I want to breathe the same air as that creepy pervert?♡”

“Haha. Right, you wouldn’t be one to come first, would you? I knew that.”

While Luka wore a grotesque smile, the followers of the Void began clashing with Adri’s undead behind me. Individually, the followers of the Void had the edge.

Having died yet drawn together thanks to Adri, their rage fueled by the Evil God made them far stronger than just merely undead.

But with the number advantage under Adri’s command and her commanding use of necromancy, she aimed to level the field.

She was strong, no doubt. But was she that strong? It feels like she’s leveled up a lot from what I knew. Wouldn’t she be a public target for the Church by now?

[It seems it’s not the Church you need to worry about.]

‘If things get really dangerous, what will the Lord say? He’s very sensitive about that, you know.’

I was slightly surprised seeing Adri take control while I was still thinking about how best to stall for time, but I soon turned my gaze back to Luka with a smirk.

“So why are you just standing there?♡ Shouldn’t a pervert be drooling and charging in?♡ Or are you just a pathetic loser without the guts to get upset?♡”

“…Alright. Since you asked nicely, I’ll indulge you a bit.”

“Puhaha♡ Asking nicely?♡ Really overestimating yourself there!♡ Just gross!♡”

Luka lunged forward.

The severity of his steps, the strength in his legs, his weapon’s direction, and the focus of his gaze—all checked out.

I confirm everything.

And I’m convinced.

His strategy isn’t wildly different from what I know.

It’s close-quarters combat to the extent that moving my shield feels cumbersome.

If he can’t knock down the wall, he’ll go over it, apparently.

Having anticipated this, I dropped my shield and headbutted Luka right in the face.

Surprised, Luka stumbled back with a light thump of impact.

With that, Luka’s first move ended in failure, as my shield now blocked his path.

“Seems you couldn’t handle touching my skin even after all that boasting, huh?♡ This is why sympathy is revolting!♡”

Instead of rising to my taunt, Luka stepped forward again.

Hmm. I thought he’d adjust his strategy on the spot, but he’s still trying to dive inside.

My grandfather’s maneuvers and my various skills seem too quiet for a decisive move.

Now that’s disappointing.

Though he acts nonchalant, he’s possibly losing his mind over my provocation.

Well, whatever.

If he’s in a state ripe for playing with, then I’ll take my chances.

“Did my skin feel that good?♡ Puhaha♡ Watching you dash in there was a real desperate sight!♡ What’s a girl to do?♡ Shall I play with you one more time?♡”

Having found a good first test subject for my new club technique, Luka isn’t half bad.


Luka was aware that his reasoning was far from normal.

His emotions, stained a bizarre red, allowed only thoughts of killing this brat before him, shutting out all other reasoning.

Realizing this was odd, Luka frantically struggled to regain his composure, even as he obeyed his instincts.

If things continued as they were, he’d only be wasting time and getting played by Lady Alrn.

If he thought about how she had analyzed and countered his strategies, he realized he could truly lose if he kept losing reason.

That couldn’t happen. Now that his previous strategy has been countered, he must change course.

I need to think. I need to think!

“…This is bad.”

Trying to recapture his lost sanity, Luka was only able to shove his dagger in between Frey’s advancing sword strikes in the nick of time.

Was his reaction too slow? Even after twisting his trajectory, Luka still bore a cut across his face.

Just a fraction slower and he would’ve been dead.

Feeling a cold sweat run down his back, Luka shed the momentary rage that had taken hold of him.

And at that moment, he realized what had captured him.

When hearing Lady Alrn’s voice, it was familiar for anger to surge.

Though it’s separate from how irritating her tone, expressions, and actions could be, Lady Alrn’s voice has a power that stirs human emotions.

He was well aware of this.

He’d seen her wield that power numerous times.

Because of that, he thought he could cope to some degree and had devised several countermeasures.

But all of that became meaningless the instant he stood before Lady Alrn.

Her power so easily snatched away his rationality.

What is it? What’s different? Why has my reason been consumed by her?

Why has thinking become such a burden?


Just as Luka finally regained hold of his sanity, the moment he caught sight of Lucy’s movements, he uncovered the source of the issue.

In her natural beauty, she effortlessly drew gazes, but—

If you look closely, you get caught up in the playfulness held within.

A sort of dance-like movement.

How wondrous.


Even those filled with vengeance against their foes are entranced.

Even those fighting alongside her find their eyes drifting towards her.

Caught in that moment, with an infuriating grin, Lady Alrn couldn’t help but—


I wish I could stomp her down.

I want to make her wail.

I want her to bow down and apologize.

I want to see her shaking in fear.

A vow?
What meaning does it hold?

What does it matter—a vow long broken, drenched in darkness?

From deep within, Luka felt something whispering to him.

And he decided to follow that voice.

To become Lucy’s trial.

To achieve his desire.

To teach that damned brat a lesson on etiquette.


[The Evil God Agra is watching you.]

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not work with dark mode