Switch Mode

Chapter 492

Chapter: 492

“Ah, this is fun. I think I understand why you stick to that kind of tone.”

Adri returned, looking quite pleased after poking fun at Luca.

I get that feeling. When you’re the one being messed with, you get all riled up, but it’s such a thrill when you’re the one doing the tormenting. Yup.

“But listen up, you brat. You do realize this is just a waste of time, right?”

“Old hag, do I look like I have a brain that’s rotting like yours? Please don’t drag me into your pathetic nonsense.”

Just as Adri said, what I’m doing right now is merely a delay tactic.

Bringing in those who fell victim to Luca in the past, causing a rift between the void followers and Luca, and playing psychological games to make him hesitate—none of that will completely crush their power.

But who needs problems? My goal is to stall for time, and that’s all good.

“While the dementia-ridden hag is reminiscing and giggling, I’ve been sweating it out up here.”

So far, it’s just as I’ve envisioned. In fact, with Luca entering the scene, things have taken a turn for the better.

As the void followers use their powers to deal with the undead, the influence of the void within the barrier is diminishing.

Thanks to that, the ones on the surface will have an easier time against the void followers.

And being able to witness Luca’s shocked expression is a huge bonus.

But that doesn’t mean everything’s smooth sailing.

“How long will our poor prince be stuck in dreamland?”

Arthur needs to wake up before the void followers’ plans come to fruition. Only then can all of this wrap up nicely.

If Arthur doesn’t open his eyes by then, well, we’ll have to roll up our sleeves and handle things ourselves.

“Doing all this won’t earn you a kiss from the adorable princess. That’s just a pitiful way of thinking. How sad.”

Watching Arthur still lost in thought, I sighed deeply and started to strategize for worst-case scenarios.

After all, I bear responsibility for having aided the followers in their plans.

When the worst comes to worst, I’ll need to toss caution to the wind and pull some crazy stunts.


“That’s just a trace left behind. That’s not the true Erginius.”

When Arthur recounted his encounter with the Great Mage, the little brat scoffed with her arms crossed.

“I should’ve guessed. No matter how great Erginius is, he can’t surpass human limits.”

The weight of the name Erginius seemed to crush her spirit, but Arthur didn’t care in the slightest.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but even if what I met was a fake, it still contained a piece of the real Erginius, right?”

“Yeah, I suppose. It was that great one’s fake after all.”

“Then it makes sense that I can manipulate the barrier.”

“I get it, I get it. I’ll let you out, but promise me one thing.”

The little brat waved her hand frantically, letting out a long sigh before approaching Arthur.

“Promise me that once the urgent business outside is done, you’ll come back here again.”

“Is it okay for someone like me, who doesn’t even have the qualifications, to do that?”

“If a fake possessing Erginius’s knowledge informs you, the one with Soladin’s blood, about the barrier, then it must hold some significance. No, wait. What’s going on here?”

Out of nowhere, the little brat abruptly stopped talking. There was a panic in her voice that indicated something was amiss.

“Please tell me you’re not saying something’s gone wrong, and you can’t let me out?”

“…It seems so.”

“Ugh. Damn it. Fine, spill the beans on what’s going on.”

“You’ll find out even if I don’t explain.”

“What kind of airy nonsense is that…”

The peaceful blue sky suddenly turned pitch black, and an unease enveloped the air around Arthur.

As a chill ran down his spine, Arthur blinked in shock, while the little brat observed the changes and clicked her tongue.

“You’re right. The followers of the Evil God are taking control of the barrier.”

“You’re saying the influence of the Evil God is here?”

“Yup. Thanks to that, letting you out has become difficult. My authority is being gradually stripped away.”

The little brat grumbled as she waved her hand into the air. The surroundings briefly returned to normal, but that change didn’t last long.

“…Tsk. Hey, you. You wanted to get out of here as quick as you could, right?”


“Then pass the trial and gain control of the barrier. That’s the fastest way right now.”

“A trial?”

“There’s no time to explain in detail. Just say whether you’re in or out.”

As the little brat hurriedly raised her voice, the ominous aura around them grew increasingly thick. If only I had some time to think.

Damn it, Lucy Alrn. Is this really what you had in mind?

Is everything going according to your predictions?

If so, you should’ve at least clued me in! I deserved a heads-up!

“Make your choice quickly! Time is running out!”

“Fine! I’ll just do it!”

The moment Arthur eagerly nodded, the little brat grabbed his wrist, and they both disappeared in an instant.

Where they once stood, the energy of the void seeped in.

Being nothing, it could become anything; being nothing, it harbored jealousy towards something else.


In a hell where nothing existed, a sword swung endlessly.

I’ve failed yet again. I couldn’t complete the task entrusted to me by the Young Lady.

How hard could it be to capture just one person?!

Fuming with self-loathing, I moved desperately to escape this space, but hell showed no signs of an end.

No matter how many demons from hell I slayed, more just kept popping up. Even if I dashed madly to find the end, the scene of hell just wouldn’t fade away.

Because of that, my anxiety grew increasingly frantic.

I need to get out of here quickly. I must fulfill the mission entrusted to me by the Young Lady.

I have to do my best not to become a stray dog.

I can’t afford to sit around doing nothing.

Damn it.

Damn it.

“Damn it!?…”

Cursing under my breath, I opened my eyes to find Erin’s worried gaze upon me.

What… the heck?

Just a moment ago, I was wandering through the hellscape, so how the heck is Erin here?

“Get a grip, you idiot.”

Cutting through my confusion was the scolding voice of an elegant woman.

Assuming Lily wasn’t there, the composed and haughty Lina stood beside me, flanked by two misty foxes.

“Did you not even notice that you were dreaming just moments ago?”

“A dream…? All that scenery was a dream?”

“Getting treated like a dog every day has turned your intelligence into that of a dog? How could an incomplete deity send everyone in this space to hell?”

Hearing Lina’s scornful click of her tongue, I looked around and realized that what she said was entirely true. I sighed in relief… but then I quickly noticed the most important and precious person was missing.

“Lady! Where is she?!”

“She’s gone off to do her own thing. Sir Knight.”

“Which direction did she go?! I need to be by her side!”

“Sir Knight.”

“Erin! Please, tell me quickly! I’m!”


In her cold voice that felt like frost settling, I momentarily fell silent.

It was then that I realized how much the Erin I once knew and the Erin standing before me had changed.

The first Erin I encountered was weak and pitiful, merely a collateral.

She had been sold as a maid to tie the knot with the Alrn family and had only been assigned the most grueling tasks.

But how about the Erin now? Growing up alongside the Young Lady, she had become someone formidable.

Among the mansion’s maids, she was someone not to be underestimated.

She even showed enough strength to draw the Chamberlain’s attention.

She had endured all manner of hardships, and now radiated such a strong will that even my ferocity felt dwarfed.

She was no longer someone to be protected but had become a stalwart individual, no less than her Lady.

“Is the Lady someone weak who can’t do anything without being protected?”

“…No, certainly not.”

Is Lucy Alrn someone who needs protection? No way. If Lucy were truly that weak, I would never have needed to prove my worth.

“The Lady has entrusted you with her work.”

“…Yes, that’s true.”

“But what happens if you, Sir Knight, won’t trust her?”

Hearing Erin’s reprimand, I lifted my head for a moment before letting out a weary smile.

“I’m sorry, Erin. I must have become anxious after failing so many times, feeling utterly useless.”

“Is that so? The Sir Knight I know seems far from inept.”

“Ha ha. I used to be like that. Back in the day.”

As Erin sat across from me silently watching, I finally mustered a smile and stood up.

“You’re really a strong person, aren’t you, Erin?”

“I’m just trying to look strong. I can’t afford to be weak if I want to stay by the Lady’s side.”

“Come on, keeping the warm atmosphere is nice and all, but let’s get to work.”

Lina, frowning slightly, muttered something, prompting me to check my gear.

“What should I do?”

“Simple. Just be the fangs of the Alrn family and smash through any obstacles.”

“Now that’s what I’m best at.”

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not work with dark mode