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Chapter 485

Chapter: 485

Standing on the rooftop of a building, Karia and Frete observed the sharp standoff between the followers of the Evil God and the priests of the Church of the Lord, all centered around the hole Yuden had created.

The two groups, both filled with mutual disdain, seemed to be evenly matched.

Considering that the followers of the Void were in a more advantageous position, it would imply that the priests of the Church possessed greater power than their foes.

“That’s strange. The employer seemed so sure that the Church would be at a disadvantage.”

Karia, who had been asked to maintain a standoff and keep the peace, raised an eyebrow at the sight before her.

“Even the Young Lady can be wrong sometimes, right?”

“That’s true, but usually, when the employer is so confident, it turns out to be right.”

As she pondered what might be different, Karia shrugged it off.

“Let’s take a break. We’ll have to run like hell soon enough.”

If what the employer had said actually came to pass, it would be chaos. It was better to conserve energy for that moment.

As Karia relaxed her muscles, Frete cautiously spoke up.

“Karia, do you really think what the Young Lady said will happen?”

“Well… to be honest, it does sound a bit far-fetched.”

From Karia’s perspective, even trusting Lucy made her question the likelihood of those events.

“But you know it was the employer who said it.”

Had it been someone she didn’t know, Karia would have brushed it aside, but this was Lucy.

A heroic girl, one favored by the Lord, who had fought countless battles against the Evil God’s minions.

“We should choose to believe.”

“…That might be right.”


Yuden drew her sword and glanced outside.

Three figures donned strange masks, much like those sprawled inside the room, stood outside.

“This is amusing. Did you really think you three could stop me?”

Yuden openly displayed her disdain, but instead of replying, the opponents activated their powers.

The ominous aura that had enveloped the entire academy seeped into the masks of the Void followers, transforming their appearances.

“Does saying ‘it’s not impossible’ sound overly arrogant?”

The first to speak was a man who appeared to be of an age that suggested ‘geriatric.’ His muscular build and stance implied he was a martial artist.

“What do you care? If we’re talking about arrogance, I think it’s safe to say we both have it in spades.”

The next voice was that of a woman wielding a staff larger than herself. The magic circles she effortlessly produced were so stunning that it was hard to believe they belonged to a minion of the Evil God.

“Gentlemen, I don’t think you’re dealing with someone who can spare a moment for banter.”

Finally, the third follower adopted the familiar face of someone Yuden knew very well.

Luca. Her friend, the one who had lifted her to greater heights. The one she still held a small gratitude for.

“Ha, these fuckers crossed the line!”

Yuden’s expression turned fierce at the realization that they were mimicking her friend, and Phoebe urgently interjected.

“Wait, Sword Saint! Don’t underestimate them!”

“Why not?”

“That’s a power used by followers of the Void who hold a certain rank. They can partially replicate the abilities of the one they’re mimicking.”

The degree of replication is determined by the follower himself and the surrounding environment.

Based on what Phoebe had learned from facing followers of the Void, their replication accuracy was about 80%.

“Those folks are among the professors of the academy who have made names for themselves.”

The head of the Combat Studies department. The head of the many magical studies. And then there’s Luca, who may lack a bit in skill but excels in strategic thinking and leadership.

If they could recreate most of their abilities, taking them on wouldn’t be an easy task.

“Saintess, I’m just checking, is the real person still alive?”

“They’re safer for being the target. To achieve perfect replication, the original’s life must remain intact.”

“Alright then.”

Yuden’s aura began to swirl around her sword, bursting forth in a deep crimson flame.

With an intensity that seemed ready to incinerate everything, Yuden looked to her allies and grinned,
“I get what you’re worried about.”


“But the reason I became a Sword Saint is that I crushed all the grand champions, including the previous ones.”

With a sweep of her blade, the aura surrounding her tore through the space, igniting it in flames.

The area, once brimming with the powers of the Void, was now painted in the hues of Yuden’s fire, and she stood at the center, sporting a deadly grin.

“Bring it on, you bastards!”

Throwing insults is fine, but you should’ve respected the last line.

What the fuck? You dare to touch my friend’s likeness?

Did they think I’d hesitate to strike just because they borrowed Luca’s face?

If they were dumb enough to think that, they’d surely come to regret it.

They’d learn just how fierce I am and why I’m nicknamed the beast!

As soon as Yuden lifted off the ground, her figure suddenly vanished.

Luca and the head of Combat Studies realized something too late to react, but Yuden returned before them, faster than they could blink.

Standing in front of the head of the Magical Studies, Yuden tightened her grip on the sword, readying for a strike.

This’ll be the one.


Sensing the life-threatening aura, the head of the Magical Studies stumbled back, yet the deadly blade did not swing.

Just then, Yuden had suddenly retreated, quipping,
“You damn bastards. Are all followers of the Evil God as scummy as you?”

The one imitating Luca replied coolly,
“I don’t understand your words.”

“Stop acting all high and mighty. You have someone tied up right next to you, you fuckers.”

Hearing the accusations, Luca silently chuckled.

“Yuden, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“It’s just as I said, Saintess. Those pricks have someone tied up somewhere on their bodies. If they get killed, that person dies too.”

“…They actually did such a deranged thing.”

What they had done was so horrific it made Phoebe curse, yet the Void followers remained unfazed.

“What does it matter? Eventually, everything will return to the Void. What does the sins of this world matter?”

“Can you not regurgitate nonsense like that? You sound just like the real Luca.”

What they were doing was the same.

They intentionally displayed a changing figure right before the eyes to induce false security, while setting one more trap underneath.

Whether one figured it out, the hesitation works in their benefit, and if not, they’d use them as meat shields while sowing discord in their hearts.

There were grim similarities to Luca’s usual depraved schemes.

Is replication capable of such vile things?

“Do you recognize this person?”

“Hell yes, I know that bastard. I’ve been wandering around with him for years. So let me warn you, don’t go overboard! While he has his quirks, Luca’s not a crazy bastard.”

At the moment she showed her goodwill toward Luca, a strange laughter leaked from among the followers of the Void.

Seeing it as provocation, Yuden gripped her sword even tighter, but she still hesitated to attack.

She couldn’t pinpoint where precisely the person was tied. Until that’s revealed, it was unwise to blindly swing her sword.

Sure, fighting would gradually give her hints, but…

“If it’s concealed by the power of the Void, it should be easy.”

Just as Yuden contemplated shooting off an arm, Joy stepped forward confidently, a daring smile on her lips.

She was about to show her magic, creating existence from nothingness.

However, Joy’s spell yielded no results.

As she cast the spell, the head of the Magical Studies launched a counter-spell that negated her magic.


“Miss Partran, think a bit. Do we look like mindless golems standing here?”

Thinking the head of Magical Studies sounded almost reprimanding, Joy frowned as she recalled what had just happened.

The spell’s structure got twisted midway. It interrupted the assembly and distorted it.

“Joy, does it seem tough?”

“Just give me a moment. I’ll do it in a second.”

If she understood how the opponent unraveled it, she could reverse the trick.

If it were the real head of Magical Studies, it would be daunting, but this person was just an imitation, right?

She could do this.

With the lessons she had learned from Lord Erginius, surely!

“Miss Partran, please handle it within five minutes. Otherwise, I’ll be thinking of just chopping off an arm or leg.”

“I’ll do my best!”

Upon hearing Joy’s confident voice, Yuden shrugged and adjusted her stance.

Switching from the posture of a wild beast ready to charge to that of a knight protecting her comrades.

“Bring it on. I’ll play with you guys.”

Yuden’s fierce voice barely finished before the followers of the Void launched their attack.


These zealots were trash beyond my expectations.

Can you believe they plan to use innocent people as meat shields? My good mood while listening to Yuden rambling about Luca just disappeared.

[They’re brats who wish for the world’s destruction. What can’t they do?]

‘Did such idiots exist even in Grandpa’s time?’

[They were too numerous to count.]

There was a weight to the stoic grandfather’s words that spoke volumes.

So, without further inquiry, I watched Yuden battle the followers of the Void.

She’s truly overwhelming. I was sure that if they weren’t using hostages, those minions would’ve lost their heads by now.

It’s been ages since I felt so admiring, probably since Benedict and Lasha.

While I intensely focused on Yuden’s swordplay, I felt her gaze meet mine, and I froze.

Did she catch me?! I shouldn’t have joined in this early!

A cold sweat trickled down my back at the realization of my mistake, but thankfully, Yuden quickly averted her eyes.

She probably noticed me, but is choosing to ignore it.

…I’m thankful, but I won’t say a word to Benedict. But if another guy needs saving, I’d gladly help.

Fearing that even Phoebe would catch on to my presence, I carefully shifted away.

For some reason, I still needed to wake the sleeping actors…

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not work with dark mode