Switch Mode

Chapter 484

Chapter: 484

“Oh, so annoying.”

Luca clicked his tongue, glancing at the sword laid out before him. Putting that one to bed wasn’t easy at all.

Even with the powers of the Void on top of various spells he had cast, the sword still resisted.

“It’s the Young Lady’s command!”

If the Apostle of the Void hadn’t shown up just as he drew his sword, Luca might have wasted his time.

“There’s a hole in the barrier?”

Startled by the Apostle’s words while observing the fallen sword, Luca couldn’t help but ask back.

“Yes. We’re sending forces to respond right now.”

“That’s interesting.”

What surprised Luca wasn’t the fact the barrier had been breached; it was the fact that it had already been breached.

“Do we know who did it?”

“It’s the Sword Saint.”


“The Sword Saint Yuden. She has entered the barrier.”

The moment he heard who his opponent was, Luca’s eyes trembled slightly. Why? Why was she here?

…Alrn Young Lady. It’s her. She must’ve summoned Yuden somehow.

A week ago, when she had mentioned my name, I thought there might be something to it.

What the heck? How does she know so much about my past?

Did the God give her the ability to delve into the past of the child he cherishes?


“Ah, sorry. I was just lost in thought.”

Shocked at the fact that the one who had made him give up on becoming a star had arrived here, Luca finally snapped back to reality when the Apostle called him.

Calm down. In the end, nothing really changes.

The traces I leave behind for the Alrn Young Lady will someday bloom, making her a star greater than anyone else.

By then, Yuden’s light will mean nothing.

“Let’s respond as planned.”

“The situation keeps getting more tangled.”

“Haha. It’s better than Sir Benedict leading his knights into the fray.”

The worst-case scenario they had contemplated was truly terrifying.

They had even considered the possibility that all the monsters keeping the Kingdom of Soladin afloat would show up here.

In comparison, just one Sword Saint Yuden’s arrival was nothing.

“Let’s head to the place where the barrier’s magic is located. No matter what happens, as long as we fulfill our purpose, we win.”


Joy sprang up the moment she woke, quickly surveying the Young Ladies around her. They all looked the same.

The darkened barrier engulfed them all in a deep, deep sleep.

From the occasional mumblings, it seemed they were all trapped in hellish vistas.

Joy wanted to wake her friends with her magic, but soon realized that it was out of her hands.

This is something you shouldn’t just poke at. Forcing someone out of a dream they’ve been stuck in could cause who-knows-what to happen.

If Phoebe were next to her, it could be different, but if she stirred the pot…

That’s it! Phoebe! First, let’s find Phoebe! If anyone would notice it was a dream and wake up, it’d be her!

Lucy would be the same! She’s been preparing for this situation for ages, so she’s probably already out and doing her thing!

Had she known something was about to happen?

Joy managed to keep her cool even when faced with danger.

What would have happened if she had suddenly found herself in crisis without knowing anything? Probably doing something goofy, like many others do often.

Remembering her friends’ playful laughter calmed her down.

She would meet them soon, right? Just as she thought about heading outside, she heard footsteps approaching from afar and instinctively silenced her movements.

Those who move freely in this place where everyone is asleep must be the followers of the Evil God.

If they were moving in a hurry, something must have happened.

Lucy? Or perhaps someone she prepared?

“…The barrier… has been breached…”

“The academy…”

“…Hold on…”

The voices were muffled and distant, making it hard to catch everything, but Joy managed to understand enough.

Something went wrong in the barrier controlled by the followers of the Evil God. That’s why they were on the move.

She couldn’t grasp the exact situation, but it was enough to know that something unexpected had shaken them up.

Once the commotion died down, Joy utilized a spell to hide her presence.

This was originally a spell she used when she wanted to take a break from the Young Ladies at social gatherings. Having used it countless times, she felt confident in it.

Phew. Where could Phoebe be right now?

If she was anybody, she’d surely have escaped the nightmare faster than Joy.

No, maybe she didn’t even fall into a nightmare at all.

But let’s think in reverse. From their standpoint, Phoebe would be a high-profile target.

With the title of Saintess, she’s certainly taken down many already. Naturally, she’d be on guard.

If that’s the case, it’s entirely possible the followers would move to eliminate her as a variable.


Just as Joy came to that conclusion, she darted her feet to the ground, using wind magic to muffle her footsteps as she hurried toward the place where Phoebe was staying.

Because of the academy’s opinion that if they didn’t treat her specially, the followers of the Church of the Lord would reproach them, they had begrudgingly assigned her a room among the higher ranks of noble dormitories.

Having visited that room several times, Joy arrived there in less than a few minutes.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Joy.”

Phoebe, with a soft smile, seemed at odds with the unsettling scene there.

“You’ve been attacked, haven’t you?”

“As you can see.”

There were several people sprawled around her.

All of them wore bizarre, indescribable masks, and foam was dripping from the corners of their mouths.

“What did you do?”

“You know how recovery magic causes extreme pain, right?”

“And why is that?”

“It is possible to manipulate the senses to erase that pain, but is it impossible to amplify it?”

Joy felt a chill run down her spine from Phoebe’s words.

Did they really amplify the pain of recovery magic?! If they did that, they might die from the pain!

“By repeating the restoration of the injured parts through the light of purification, they all soon fell into a deep sleep.”

“…Can you stop saying that with a smile? It’s super creepy.”

“Is that so? I thought I was making a reassuring face.”

“No matter how good your expression, it doesn’t change the situation around you, Saintess.”

“Yikes… Uh!?”

As if not understanding the meaning of being scary, Phoebe tilted her head when a voice suddenly came from behind Joy.

Startled, Joy screamed, but her voice was cut off by a rough hand braced over her mouth.

“Calm down, Lady Partran. I’m not a bad person.”

“Why is the Sword Saint here?”

As Yuden calmed Joy, Phoebe, regaining her composure, expressed her confusion.

“I was summoned by the Alrn Young Lady. I’m still not clear on the details. I’m just being swept along in her plans.”

“The Young Lady?”

As soon as Yuden mentioned the Alrn Young Lady, Phoebe’s smile blossomed wide, causing Yuden to inch back slightly.

The last time she had met the Saintess, she had such an adult demeanor that it naturally cultivated a newfound faith in her.

And now?


Not much had changed, but somehow there was a dangerous vibe bubbling beneath the surface.

No, let’s not get distracted. This isn’t the time for that kind of thinking.

“Have you not heard anything from the Alrn Young Lady?”

“We heard something was going to happen, but details are scant.”

“Ugh! Ugh!”

As Phoebe shook her head, Joy roughly touched Yuden’s hand.

“Oh. Sorry, Lady Partran. My bad.”

“That’s alright. Lucy had informed us of something from before.”

“What was it?”

“About the barrier in the academy. The way to fix it.”

To be precise, it was the Great Mage Erginius who had taught them, but Joy didn’t mention that. Bringing it up would just complicate things further.

“The issues happening at the academy are due to the barrier, right? If that’s the case, fixing those problems might resolve the current situation.”

By now, Lucy must have made her way to where the academy’s barrier was located. Even if it’s a place that’s kept secret, she’s bound to know about it.

So, if we also head to where the academy’s barrier is… we’ll naturally meet up with Lucy and resolve this issue together.

“Lady Partran, I get what you’re trying to say, but… where exactly is the barrier?”

“Um… Well…”

“…You don’t know?”

“No! It’s just that… Phoebe! Can you tell me where Lucy’s divinity can be sensed? Because you can detect it!”

“I’m really sorry, Joy, but with the power of the Void saturating this place, I’m finding it difficult to sense anything right now.”

“…So what now?”

“It’s not something you should ask me.”

While the lost lot blinked in confusion, Yuden placed a hand on his sword.

“I don’t think you need to worry. There are some idiots coming here who want to share information with us.”


“Simply put, there are morons itching to die.”

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not work with dark mode