Switch Mode

Chapter 481

Chapter: 481

Yuden remembered the day she first saw the beast known as Freya Kent.

That day was strangely amidst the chaos wrought by the former Sword Saint.

Being a Sword Saint is not merely about swinging a sword well. If you’ve earned that honorable title, you should act in line with it, even inadvertently.

Usually, Yuden paid no mind to the chaotic cries of the former Sword Saint, letting them slip in through one ear and out the other.

If you dislike me that much, then come and try to reclaim that title.

You can’t even muster the courage to challenge me, yet you just stir up trouble.

Had I known it would turn out this way, I should’ve just thrown the match at the end.

With her usual regrets swirling around, Yuden nodded at the former Sword Saint’s request.

If she acted up any further, it looked like a competent swordsman might just drop dead from a fit of rage, leaving her with no choice.

Planning to just show her face and kill some time, she caught sight of Freya Kent in the tournament hall.

She was an overwhelmingly impressive presence. Even swordsmen of several weight classes above her could hardly even threaten Freya.

When Freya walked into the arena, the audience was betting on just how long she would last.

Yuden was among those spectators.

‘The second son of the Brota family. One of the tournament’s promising contenders. With the age gap, surely he’ll…’

‘Ten seconds.’


‘No, 7 seconds? It should be decided within that time.’

‘…Whose victory are you betting on?’

‘Why are you asking when you know the answer?’

‘Still, the size of Brota Young Master is rather intimidating.’

‘How long do you think it’ll last?’

‘A gold coin.’


Each time they placed bets, Yuden reliably took money from the former Sword Saint, recalling her past self as she watched Freya.

The beast-like sword skills that were devoid of basic techniques were strikingly similar to her own in the past.

The only difference was that Yuden had become a beast due to her inability to grasp her surroundings, while Freya continued to thrive as a beast in her blessed environment.

Watching Freya wield her sword, Yuden wondered why she lived like that and saw indifference reflected in Freya’s eyes.

She wasn’t looking at the opponent in front of her. She wasn’t examining her own sword either. Freya was merely observing something within herself.

Swordsmanship. Others. Whatever it was. Everything was just a means to an end.

Yuden didn’t know what Freya desired, nor did she particularly find it intriguing.

Regardless of her outstanding talent, it was clear that she wouldn’t ascend beyond a certain level living like that.

Even now, as Yuden stood poised to meet Freya Kent near the academy, she could not shake off her uneasy feeling.

Is it possible to teach the sword to a Young Lady from the Kent family? She likely doesn’t even wish to learn.

Ah. Just thinking about it knots my head.

If it were up to her, she would have preferred to just fake it to finish, but that bratty spoiled girl wouldn’t let her slack off.

But if she tried to do it seriously, she doubted she had the confidence to tame a beast.

Sigh. If it weren’t for the business related to Benedict, she would’ve just ignored it entirely. Why is this connected to that pretty boy’s affairs?

What should I do? Should I just go ask Luca directly? He must be teaching Young Lady Kent too, so I bet he knows something.

“Greetings, Sword Saint.”

“Hello. Are you the Sword Saint?”

A polite man’s voice mixed with a casual feminine tone. Yuden had sensed their approach long ago and subtly turned her head away.

“Greetings to both of you. I am the current Sword Saint, Yuden.”

“I am Arthur Soladin, the Third Prince.”

“Freya Kent. Nice to meet you.”

“Feel free to speak openly. It gets a bit uncomfortable if highborn folk keep their etiquette up too much.”

“That wouldn’t be appropriate for the Sword Saint.”

“Oh really? Okay then. Yuden, I’ll keep it casual.”

Unlike Arthur, who took a step back as a matter of courtesy, Freya took a bold step forward.

Seeing this, Yuden couldn’t help but notice how much Freya had changed from her memories.

The little girl, who had been closer to a sword-wielding doll than a person, now radiated a proper vitality.

“Hey, Freya Kent.”

“It’s okay, Your Highness. I would actually appreciate it if you treat me so casually.”

“There is an authority that comes with being a Sword Saint, though.”

“Do you need to ask three times?”

“…Alright. If that’s what you wish, I can’t help it.”

“See, Your Highness? I was right, wasn’t I?”


Watching the back-and-forth between the two, Yuden lifted her lips in a smirk and assessed their physiques.

Neither side appeared to be neglecting their training. No, rather, they seemed to be pushing their bodies to the limit.

The Prince of Soladin appeared to be a textbook swordsman, while the Kent family’s Young Lady seemed to have integrated what she had pursued all along into Kent’s swordsmanship.

It’s hard to judge just from the stances.

“Um, can I proceed with the conversation, you two?”

“Oh, my bad. This fool was provoked too much.”

“That’s the idiot you, Your Highness.”

“Shut it. You’re the fool!”

“Ahhh, alright, you two. Let’s settle this with a spar, one at a time, so we can judge accurately.”

Yuden interjected to stop their bickering and positioned Freya in front of herself.

“Looks like you don’t have a favored sword?”

The sword Freya held was just a common blade.

Seeing a weapon that hardly seemed fitting for someone born into the distinguished Kent family, Yuden’s curiosity was piqued as Freya tilted her head.

“Why does it matter what sword I use?”

“Yeah, it’s quite significant. A bad sword means more chances of getting exploited.”

“Even if it’s like this?”

As Freya wrapped her sword in a colored aura, Yuden raised an eyebrow slightly.

Yet that was all. Yuden managed her surprise and nodded.

“Well, wrapping it in an aura doesn’t magically make it a legendary sword, does it?”


“Just tell Count Kent about it later. He’ll surely procure you a good sword.”

This heartfelt advice stemmed from Yuden’s own past struggles with her weapon, but Freya’s expression turned subtle.

If it’s not delivered directly with clear demands, convincing won’t be easy.

“Well, it’s not important right this moment. Let’s just go for it.”



“Got it.”

Generally speaking, when someone says to engage seriously, it’s common to still pull punches during a spar. Normal people would naturally hesitate.

But not Freya. She aimed her sword straight at Yuden’s throat from the get-go.

Yuden parried Freya’s strike with a slight flick of her blade as her eyes narrowed.

“Is that it?”

“Not even close.”

The storm of Freya’s onslaught came crashing toward Yuden.

It looked like a beastly sword that disregarded all defenses.

But as Yuden subtly slipped in, the beast drew back its teeth, taking a step back.

Aggressive, yet just aggressive enough.

Even when tossed into a gamble, she kept her last line of defense intact.

Fascinating. How did that beastly little girl morph into such a skilled swordsman?

Who on earth corrected the beast back into a human?

Was it Count Kent? Nah, if he had, the aggression would have been reduced.

It didn’t seem like the nearby Prince had a great influence either.

Judging by the tact it took to demolish defenses, however…

“Do you often engage in duels with someone wielding a shield?”

“Yup. How’d you know?”

“It’s obvious. In many ways.”

As she exchanged blows, Yuden answered with steady breath, instantly modifying Freya’s technique.

“If you want to create openings, I’d suggest doing it this way.”

As Yuden threatened Freya with the moves she’d altered, Freya also smiled back at her.

“You really are the Sword Saint, aren’t you?”

“Of course! Didn’t I become a noble just for kicks?”

The exchanges between the two transformed on the spot.

Freya’s tempest of strikes. Yuden’s claws parrying it. It was a dynamic dance that kept evolving, each threatening the other.

A few steps back, Arthur observed the scene, feeling the gap in talent anew. Is this the kind of clash of geniuses?

Ah, how sad it is to have just mediocre talent at a time like this.

If I had no talent at all, I wouldn’t have realized how incredible they are, and had I possessed true genius, I might have tried to intervene amidst them.

While chewing her lips, Arthur kept his eyes locked on the duel.

Just because it looks distant doesn’t mean I can afford to give up on walking forward.


“That Sword Saint swings her sword savagely, doesn’t she? Hard to believe that she was the one pretending she didn’t want to come.”

Karia, having observed Yuden sparring outside the academy grounds, shook her head in disbelief.

“Do you really think the orc girl can teach those two fools anything?”

“The Prince might not get it, but Kent Young Lady will change quite a bit, you know? They have their similarities.”

Similarities, indeed. So in the game, Yuden had harbored a hatred for her own kind.

At least Yuden was relieved that Freya had changed quite a bit since the beginning.

Had she acted out of line, she would have gone back to blackmailing Benedict.

“Let’s keep her away from this rundown street for a day. Meeting that pervy professor is gonna ruin all the fun.”

“Is tomorrow the start of midterms?”

“Yup. It’s also when that perverted professor will expose my foolishness.”

I wonder what Luca is planning to show me tomorrow. I imagine he has some means to tackle the academy’s professors, at the very least.

But I wonder if a Sword Saint, who doesn’t fit the mold, falls within that scope of action?

“More importantly, lady. What about the thing I asked you for?”

“Here. Why do you want me to fetch these dangerous items?”


“Just a bit?”

“Pfft. Keep dreaming. You’re too old and decrepit to understand if I told you. I don’t want to waste my time.”

“Excuse me, employer? Are you serious right now?!”

“…Ah, caught.”

“It just can’t end there, you know?!”

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not work with dark mode