Switch Mode

Chapter 479

Chapter: 479

…What did I just hear? Am I hallucinating?

Right. It must be that. There’s no way a Sword Saint would say something ridiculous like, “Please give me Lord Alrn!”

“Just to clarify, in case you misunderstand, I’m not joking. I genuinely want to meet Sir Benedict Alrn. His… uh… hrmph.”

This guy’s smile was so loose it reminded me of a Clumsy Fox.


Feeling a familiar pang of disgust from the Sword Saint’s actions, I instinctively took a step back. That’s when I heard the sound of people around me collapsing one by one.

…Should I just run away? At least take the Sword Saint with me. No, this guy is one of the sources of the problem, too.

There’s no solution. If the being who’s supposed to be a god isn’t helping, everyone else in the world ends up like this.

As I tried to deny reality, the perverted Apostle made his entrance behind the Sword Saint.

The perverted Apostle rushed towards me, eyes locked on mine, then suddenly froze in his tracks and covered his nose with his hand.

Seeing the blood seeping through his fingers, it must be a nosebleed.

He looked decent enough at a glance, but really, he was just another lolicon pervert huffing over girls.

Truly horrifying. I really need to slap some handcuffs on him and throw him in prison.

“…My apologies, Lady Alrn. You seem to have become even more beautiful than before. Your every movement is so adorable I almost lost my mind.”

“Why didn’t you just faint? That would’ve been way more helpful than smashing your head into the ground.”

“Haha. I couldn’t do that. I still have the mission of spreading word of your beauty to the world.”

“I seriously hope you drop dead soon.”

Despite my harsh words, the perverted Apostle didn’t wipe that silly grin off his face.

It’s utterly pathetic. What do I have to do to make this guy experience a fraction of the hell I’ve gone through? He laughs off everything, even when gods are being insulted, so it’s just pointless.

“So, what brings you here? If it’s about our last conversation, I still haven’t prepared.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not interested in someone like you, you sick pervert.”

“Well then,”

“I came to find this orc girl here.”

At the mention of “orc girl,” the Sword Saint flinched.

“Uh… excuse me, Lady Alrn. I don’t think I could be called an orc girl.”

It was a flustered retort, and judging by her appearance, she was actually pretty decent-looking. One of the strongest characters in the game, with a backstory to boot, she couldn’t look grotesque, could she?

“What I mean is, that it’s not you who’s an orc on the outside, but rather the one on the inside, isn’t it? A monster who doesn’t belong in human society.”


“That kind of reaction means I hit a nerve, huh? Haha! If you’re going to use your head as decoration, couldn’t you at least get a prettier one? Why settle for something that looks like it was picked up from a junkyard?”

With every word I threw, the Sword Saint’s face got more and more red. It was proof that my taunts got through.

But this isn’t what I should be doing. I need to ask the Sword Saint for help, so I shouldn’t be pissing her off.

Yet, for some reason, I can’t stop myself from wanting to poke at her with my words.

“Glad you followed me. I almost thought we’d be in trouble.”

Just as I was pondering where to poke next, a voice came from behind.

The suddenly appearing Karia rushed in between me and the Sword Saint, hands held up.

“Long time no see. Though I doubt you remember me. It’s been what, ten years?”

“No, I remember you, Karia. You’re not someone I’d easily forget.”

“Wow, you actually remembered a little nobody from the underworld, Sword Saint? I’m honored!”

The Sword Saint visibly recoiled in discomfort at Karia’s presence.

I honestly didn’t get why.

Karia had lost most of his former strength by now. So, a skillful Sword Saint should have no reason to fear him, yet the Sword Saint stepped back at Karia’s smile.

“I heard you’d been hiding out for a long time before recently returning, but to see you again like this…”

“Don’t worry. I have no business with you, Sword Saint. I just had a feeling that something would blow up if I left you two alone, so I hurried to catch up.”

Karia’s statements were all over the place, but instead of being flustered, the Sword Saint frowned thoughtfully.

“Just how did you read my mind? I concealed my expression and actions perfectly.”

“Haha. Can’t share such trade secrets. I’ve got neither the power nor connections to brag about that anymore.”


“If I’m awkward for you, just sit back and listen to whatever your employer has to say. That way, we can split sooner.”

“Understood. I was hoping to talk to Lady Alrn as well, so I’m happy to comply.”

As the Sword Saint nodded, Karia subtly turned to the perverted Apostle. The Apostle, who had been staring blankly at me, finally caught Karia’s nod and urgently spoke.

“Should I guide you to the reception room?”


Sword Saint Yuden sat before a girl wearing a skirt, her legs crossed.

That girl, resting her chin on her hand while glaring at Yuden, was undeniably stunning.

She was so beautiful that Yuden thought the Apostle of the Art Guild couldn’t do her justice when he first laid eyes on her.

But once that admiration faded, other things became visible.

She bore the scars of someone who’d dedicated their life to something, a badge of honor.

It was incredible that she looked so beautiful, born to a monster. Yet, she had the talent to prove she was that monster’s daughter.

Just as Lasha had once assessed her, it made sense how that crazy girl was drooling over her potential growth.

If I hadn’t been who I am, I might’ve asked her if she’d like to learn the sword.

“Hey, orc girl,”

…Yeah, if it weren’t for this joker’s tone.

With that irritatingly casual way of speaking, Yuden frowned slightly but held back her annoyance when she met Karia’s gaze.

“What’s up?”

“Before we get to the point, I have a question. How does a brainless orc like you know our dumb papa?”

“How could I not know someone as outstanding as Sir Benedict Alrn?”

“Really? You wear that like a decoration? That’s not what I was asking!”

When Lucy’s cutting tone silenced Yuden, Karia chuckled playfully.

“Oh, I can explain that.”

“Are you the one who’s going to share?”

“Of course. This is my prime time.”

“Please, Karia! Let me handle this myself.”

It’s been over ten years since they quit, yet that insufferable personality of theirs hasn’t changed a bit.

This is why it’s such a hassle. They always hide their true feelings but rummage through everyone else’s.

With a long sigh, Yuden tilted her head back, staring at the ceiling.

“Lady Alrn, to cut straight to the point, my relationship with Sir Benedict Alrn is one of one-sided admiration.”

Yuden hadn’t always been the Sword Saint.

If we’re being technical, she once stood far from that title. Without a proper master to guide her, she relied solely on her own talent to navigate the world of swordsmanship; how could she ever become the Sword Saint?

While it was true that Yuden was born with remarkable talent, she couldn’t simply leap over the entire history of swordsmanship on her own, nor did she ever aim for that; she would’ve just remained at the baseline.

The first turning point in Yuden’s journey came when she unexpectedly encountered a monster.

Having been hired as a mercenary and placed on the battlefield, she witnessed a monster with humanity’s form rampaging from a distance.

The massive sword it wielded was about the size of a stout adult male, rough and crude.

Honestly, it was way different from the direction Yuden aimed for with her swordsmanship.

Even so, Yuden was overwhelmed by the monster’s weapon.

If I stood against that, could I hold my ground? Could I endure that sword? Could I surpass it?

Yuden’s talent quickly answered these questions for her.


That mere mercenary could never surpass that sword.

Having experienced overwhelming power eye-to-eye, once her mercenary days ended, she traveled around various swordsmanship schools with the little money she had saved.

Until she could imagine herself standing in front of that monster’s sword.

She learned the sword.

She earned money to work.

She learned skills in various places.

She worked as an adventurer.

Again and again.

And then, at the moment she felt she could stand against that monster’s sword and even possibly defeat it, Yuden became known as the Sword Saint.

“Now, you can just go find our dumb papa. Even a dumb orc like you ought to be able to meet a Sword Saint father.”

After listening quietly, Lucy raised her eyebrows in confusion as Yuden faltered. It was clear she couldn’t find the right words, and Lucy’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“I just want to clarify, you aren’t looking for excuses to avoid meeting our dumb papa because it feels too embarrassing, right? Haha, that makes no sense! A brainless orc wouldn’t have such girlish thoughts.”

“Is it so wrong to be a little shy!? I admire him! Sir Benedict!”

When Yuden shouted, her face flushed to an adorable red, and Lucy burst into laughter.

Lucy giggled so hard she teared up. As she wiped her eyes, her voice had that playful tone.

“Let me just tell you beforehand, it might be best if you don’t harbor any vain illusions. As far as my dumb papa’s tastes go, he’s miles away from girls like you.”

“I get that! I appreciate you pointing that out!”

“Well, I won’t say give up. I’d love to see you cry your heart out after being betrayed.”

“…I’ll take your advice and keep it in mind.”

“No need to really do that. You’ll forget by tomorrow anyway, so why even bother?”

“My brain isn’t that empty.”

“Is it really?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Alright then, here’s a real piece of advice. Find someone stupid enough to embrace you, who’s also dumb and utterly un-feminine. Hmm, for example, a pervy professor type.”

“Who the heck is this pervy professor?”

Lucy’s unexpected term threw Yuden off balance, prompting Karia to step in and answer for her.

“He’s a professor named Luca. I think you might know him, Sword Saint?”

“You mean that Luca?”

“Yep, that’s the one.”

With Karia nodding, Yuden chuckled softly.

“Ha! That poor guy has it rough. He has to deal with noble brats with terrible personalities. I’d never survive that kind of gig.”

Yuden’s tone was filled with fondness as she spoke about Luca.

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not work with dark mode