Switch Mode

Chapter 474

Chapter: 474

The reason I asked Joy for help was a bit of pride.

I just didn’t want to say sorry to Grandpa, so I moved my feet without thinking.

Among the people around me, Joy was relatively low-pressure for asking for help.

Phoebe seemed like she’d drop everything to help me, which felt burdensome.

Arthur would help, but he’d definitely grumble a lot, trying to pay me back for all the things I’d done. So, I’d rather not deal with that.

Most importantly, I felt that he’d be shocked that I didn’t know the basics of things.

But Joy was different. She may look scary, but deep down, that soft-hearted girl would surely help me without saying much!

She wouldn’t mind the fact that my head was filled with nothing but air!

What I liked the most was that Joy’s ears flutter when she’s excited!

So when I got tired of studying, I could suggest going out, and she’d probably say something like, “Should we?” right?

After going through these thoughts, I walked into Joy’s room with my shoulders back.

“Ugh, so this is…”

After a while, I was feeling very wrong.

What is happening? Why is Joy suddenly crying?

I know Joy is a sensitive girl, but this is just too weird.

Where’s the reason for crying in this situation?

Did I suddenly lose my memory? Did something happen I don’t know about?

But no? Even looking at the log function, nothing weird happened!?

“Uh… I’m sorry, Lucy. Just a moment, please.”

Wiping her tears with a handkerchief, Joy took a deep breath and held my hand tightly.

“Lucy, no matter what happens, I will make sure you regain all your knowledge!”

Regain? What does that even mean?

I never had knowledge in my head, so what will I regain?

All I’ll regain is my stupidity!

Feeling her bloodshot eyes from crying, I sensed her determination and instinctively pulled back.

Something… something is wrong.

I don’t know exactly what, but still, something is off!

“I’ll explain this part from the beginning. No, I’ll explain everything from scratch! Don’t worry! It won’t take long!”

Her claim that it won’t take long was definitely a lie, unless she mistook herself for an elf.

How can twelve hours seem short by human standards?!

“Lady Partran, is Lady Alrn here?”

“Yes, Lucy is here. What’s wrong?”

“Curfew is approaching soon.”

“Really? Is it that late already? There’s still so much left to do!”

Seeing the regret-filled gaze from Joy, I hurriedly closed the book and stood up.

I quickly slipped away from the regretful Joy, only to stumble and ask Erin for a hug.

I was mentally too exhausted to walk on my own.

I hate studying. I hate grammar. I hate math. I just hate everything!

[Why are you so weak when you usually train all night without issue?]

‘…Honestly, it was easier fighting against the Evil God, risking my life back then.’

[Ha ha! Is it that bad?!]

‘Pretty much.’

This study session with Joy wasn’t what I had in mind.

I thought we’d study lightly, gossip a bit, and occasionally take breaks for snacks and movement!

So why has my study session morphed from a youthful comedy into a heated drama! Why has Joy’s room transformed into a cram school!?

‘Well, but it’s over now.’

[Over? That’s what you think.]


[I assure you, your friend has no intention of letting you go.]

‘T-That can’t be!’

[You’ve chosen this hell, Lucy!]

Grandpa’s words came true the following day. As I tried to move at the training grounds after class, Joy found me.

“Lucy! We don’t have time! The exam is coming up soon!”

“No, silly. Sleep!”

“Hurry! I’ve got everything ready!”

So, on that day, and the next day, and the day after that, I found myself locked in Joy’s room until curfew.


“It’s hard to see your face lately.”

Arthur casually asked Joy in magic class, to which she gave an awkward smile.

“What are you doing with Lucy Alrn?”


“Study? Lucy Alrn is studying? Ha, that’s quite a story!”

In Arthur’s view, Lucy Alrn was a genius.

She hardly paid attention in class, always buried in her own world, yet never missed being at the top.

Even though she invested most of her day in training her body, she overwhelmed students who glued themselves to the library.

Meetings were rare between Lucy Alrn, who had never shown study habits, and studying all day with someone else.

He thought to criticize her lame excuses as a noble girl, but seeing Joy’s expression, he swallowed his words.

“Are you really studying?”


“Wow. That’s surprising.”

He found it hard to believe that she actually opened a book.

“Then why not do it together?”


“Even if you know magic better, I’m better with everything else, right?”

“That may be true.”

“Plus, I want to see how Lucy studies. Or do you not want to lose your special time with her?”

“Do I look like a bother?”


Arthur shrugged while observing Joy’s expression.

It seemed she tried to maintain a poker face, but it was pointless in front of me.

How long have I known this guy?

Something’s definitely being hidden here.

“Tell me the truth.”

“Huh? What about?”

“If not, I’ll spill all your embarrassing secrets to Lucy Alrn.”

“O Prince? What are you even saying?”

“I should probably let the Saintess know too. If we talk about sharing our memories, I’ll happily oblige. Oh, Saintess.”

“What’s going on?”

As Phoebe appeared in the distance, Joy’s eyes started to tremble.

“Joy here wants to monopolize Lucy Alrn.”


Phoebe’s tone was gentle, but her eyes were anything but.

Her reaction to anything involving Lucy was unreasonably sensitive and terrifying.

“I’ve been feeling a bit jealous, you know.”

“I’m sorry! Please spare me!”

Arthur’s pressure could withstand, but Phoebe’s tone was unbearable, and Joy lowered her head.

“So what now?”

“What is it?”

“…Uh. You have to keep it a secret.”

Seeing Arthur cast a sound-proof barrier, Joy cautiously recounted something from a few days ago.

“Well, Lady Alrn…”

Phoebe’s expression wavered a bit upon hearing Joy’s story.


Arthur tilted his head as if he couldn’t quite digest something.

Joy’s thoughts weren’t far-fetched. If the usual top student suddenly turned into a complete idiot, it would be strange.

But still…

Lucy Alrn was never really that diligent with studying, was she?

She had solved everything with her talent alone, so asking someone for help after forgetting something didn’t quite add up.

Besides, is it even possible to lose only specific study-related memories?

Even if it were, why do that? Typically, stories about memory loss involve losing the most valuable memories.

Was there anything in her notes that stood out? If there was anything strange, the Great Mage Erginius wouldn’t have looked so perplexed.

As Arthur felt his suspicions stacking up, he wisely chose to keep them to himself.

If he spoke out in front of two people who firmly believed in Lucy’s integrity, he’d definitely be treated like garbage.

Arthur didn’t want to step into hardships anymore, having already faced the wrath of the women around him.

“Joy, if there’s anything I can do to help, just say it. I want to repay Lucy’s sacrifices.”

“Uh-huh. Same goes for me. If you need help, just ask. You’ve done so much for Lucy Alrn.”

“Yes, if anything comes up, I’ll let you know for sure.”


“The exam dungeon will be different from the Academy Dungeon! Lady Alrn, look forward to it!”

Watching the dungeon studies professor declare his warning, I couldn’t help but chuckle and shrug.

It seemed that after I took an unconventional approach last time at the Academy Dungeon, the professor was quite annoyed.

Really, who leaves openings like that? If you care, then make sure it can’t happen!

Thanks to that instance, the proud professors had painstakingly prepared for the midterm dungeon along with their students.

For me, that was welcomed news. Conquering a new dungeon is always a fun time.

However, my excitement didn’t last long.

Sigh. I guess I’ll be captured again by Joy and forced to study late into the night.

I really hate this. Just looking at books makes me want to scream.

Can’t I just refuse?

If someone’s out to torture me, I might’ve!

No matter what, I could have done whatever I wanted!

But Joy treats everything with such good intentions!

If I even slightly show discomfort, she’ll act all wounded, so how could I possibly refuse!

With the thought of walking back into hell weighing down on my shoulders, someone suddenly blocked my path.

I didn’t recognize them. Judging by their appearance, they seemed like an academy servant.

“Auntie, what are you wasting time on here?”

As soon as I popped the question, the word “auntie” came out naturally, thanks to my Mesugaki skills.

“…Could you please be a little more considerate when I’m disguised?”

I was taken aback to realize it was Karia. Her voice was totally different!

“Don’t answer a question with a question, you impudent aunty. So?”

“Ugh, fine. Don’t tell me. I’ll figure it out myself.”

Nodding to acknowledge, Karia sighed and continued.

“Employer, haven’t you noticed anything strange happening within the academy right now?”

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not work with dark mode