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Chapter 468

Chapter: 468

“Since you’re all entering the Academy, I assume you’re familiar with the origins of magic, but let’s quickly touch upon it since it’s fundamental to magical studies.”

“There was a time in the distant past when opinions on the power of magic were as varied as the stars. Some said it was a miracle bestowed by the gods. Others claimed it was the power of rebellion against the established order. Still, others viewed it as a stepping stone to reach the divine. Countless views were poured out.”

“However, modern-day sorcerers don’t dwell on these debates because the great archmage Ermginus has unveiled the origins of magic.”

“Magic, you see, is the act of wielding mystical energy to express one’s will to the world. It’s the mercy extended by the gods toward us weak mortals and the collective wisdom of the ancient sages.”

“To you aspiring magicians, while what’s in the textbooks will be your foundation, don’t get too caught up in them. Magic is as diverse as the people who wield it. Keep exploring yourselves until the day you discover your own unique magic.”

When Joy first entered the Academy and met the esteemed professor of magic, this was how the first class began.

Most students thought her lecture was just the usual talk that magicians give, letting it go in one ear and out the other, but not Joy.

Having directly witnessed what magic meant for an individual, she recognized the professor’s words as sincere, not mere rhetoric.

And knowing it to be genuine made her understand how challenging it was to reach such a level.

Her father, the Duke of the Partran family, performed miracles that seemed unreachable, even if she dedicated her whole life to it.


“…Yes. Four?!”



Joy, having momentarily zoned out, regained her senses at the skeleton’s voice. She took a deep breath, exhaled, and redirected her gaze towards the magic circle.

Until now, Joy had believed that nothing could surpass the sights her father had shown her.

For the Duke of Partran was hailed as the greatest magician in the kingdom, not falling behind the numerous geniuses of the Mage Empire.

But at this very moment, Joy had to admit she was wrong.

What the greatest magician, revered throughout history, displayed—someone who had refined the fundamentals of modern magic—brought a new depth to her world.

“Now, let’s begin the teachings.”


When the skeleton snapped its fingers, the completed magic, a product of the great magician’s abilities, reverted to its initial state.

Joy sighed in disappointment, but the skeleton continued undeterred.

“What’s the intention behind this part?”

“I intended to counter illusions. I brought this reference from magic related to the spirit…”

“I didn’t mean that.”


“Magician. Did you really think you needed the spirit to break the power of the Void?”


“That’s unlikely. However, because you lacked confidence in yourself, you tried to consider everything, resulting in the initial misalignment.”

The skeleton criticized Joy, erasing anything spirit-related from her magic.

As a result, Joy’s magic became much cleaner than before.

“Magic is about expressing your will through mystical energy. If the god of magic were to hear that, they might get angry and deny it, but who cares? That’s how I see magic. Magician?”


“Think of it like praying. Between a singular, fervent wish and a rambling mix of every desire, which stands out more clearly?”

“A singular wish.”

“Magic is the same. A single heartfelt desire is far stronger than dozens of trifling whims. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

“To clarify your intent and contain just one meaning within your magic.”

The answer flowed from Joy’s lips as if she had been waiting for it, earning a small chuckle from the skeleton.

“Good. Now, move on. Eliminate what you think is unnecessary from this magic.”

Receiving the skeleton’s instruction, Joy focused intently on his words as if entranced.

Not even her friends standing nearby or the soft snoring sounds from the corner could distract her.

For Joy, the magician, all that mattered was learning about magic.

“…This is difficult to follow.”

From behind Joy, Phoebe, who was also listening, let out a small lament, feeling dizzy.

Even though she was learning about sacred magic under Bishop Johan and expanding her knowledge of regular magic, there were limits to her understanding.

Ultimately, what Phoebe chose to pursue as her craft was sacred magic.

With her limited foundations in regular magic, she couldn’t fully grasp the skeleton’s teachings.

The same was true for Arthur, who was close by. While his academic grades were on par with Joy’s, that wasn’t the case right now.

While Joy nodded in amazement, he was frantically trying to comprehend the explanation.

As Joy’s words brought a smile to the skeleton’s face, Arthur gained insights from hearing Joy’s responses.

There was a significant gap in talent between the two.

He had always known deep down that Joy was a genius, but strangely, today, she seemed to stand further away.

To a place that felt utterly unreachable. Joy sparkled with enthusiasm, her voice flowing ceaselessly.

The skeleton responded with various stories.

The time spent by the other two, desperately trying to keep up with the skeleton’s explanations, came to an abrupt halt when the skeleton finally closed its mouth.


“By now, I believe I’ve provided enough counsel for you.”

“But not yet.”

“Helping from start to finish isn’t advice. You’ll need to figure things out on your own from here.”

“…Is that possible?”

“It is. I, the great archmage Ermginus, assure you of that.”

Ermginus turned away from Joy, who was still feeling a tinge of regret.

Having been alone for such a long time, he was excited to meet considerable talent.

He had spilled unnecessary knowledge, even details that weren’t required.

…Time is a truly frightening thing.

While internally lamenting, he wished to say a few more words to the others.

Since they were to accompany the Apostles of the God, it was only natural to offer some parting counsel.

“Faithful one, you are indeed on the right path. If you persevere, surely the gods will respond to you.”

“Don’t worry. I am already under their guidance.”

“Indeed. That is fortunate.”

Facing Phoebe’s radiant smile, the skeleton’s gaze shifted to Arthur, briefly pausing before cautiously uttering a word.

“Descendant of Soladin.”

“Yes, please speak.”

“Do you remember what I said at the beginning?”

“Um… about earnestness?”

“To truly have earnestness, you must not doubt your own earnestness. Don’t turn away; face it. That is the best advice I can give you.”

“…I’ll remember that.”

The skeleton looked like it had more to say, its lips moving restlessly, but it ultimately turned away.

At that moment, it spotted Lucy, who was energetically repeating various stances in one corner of the room.

At first glance, it seemed like she was wildly swinging a mace, but she was actually fine-tuning her posture. She was searching for movements that suited her.

As the skeleton observed Lucy’s naturally captivating movements, it gained a realization.

When it first encountered this damn brat, it had its doubts, but now it was clear.

The one advising the little brat now was surely…

The skeleton approached Lucy and created a space only the two could hear.

Having sensed the skeleton’s approach long before, Lucy checked the barrier and shot him a disdainful glance.

“What do you want? Seeking advice from the virgin wizard on how to get closer to the clumsy fox?”


The skeleton nearly nodded in agreement but managed to suppress the impulse with superhuman patience. This brat would chatter on and on with even the tiniest opening.

“Listen up, brat. You’re seeking advice from that Ruel fellow, aren’t you?”

“That old man is trying to help this oh-so-cute me, so I have to cooperate. Really a nuisance!”

“…Cough, cough, ha ha ha!”

At Lucy’s insult of its comrade, the skeleton let out laughter greater than any time before.

Ha ha! To think someone could speak like that to that uptight jerk!

We could never have imagined that while living as heroes!

Is Ruel just sitting back and taking that? Swallowing it down inside?!

The guy’s really rusty!

“Virgin wizard! Have you finally lost it?”

“No! I’m still fine! Can’t let Ruel see me in a state of disarray! Absolutely not!”

“Is that so? Then I guess I’ll bring over the clumsy fox.”

“Don’t do that! Just give me good advice!”

“Sure. Go ahead. I’ll listen and then decide.”

Though her attitude was far too cheeky for addressing a great archmage, the skeleton put up with it.

If that charming woman approached, he might completely lose his mind.


He would never do anything that would make Ruel happy.


“You’re now searching for movements that suit your own body, right?”

“Wow! How did you know? Were you watching me with some leering eyes? The clumsy fox is merely a smokescreen; in reality, it’s my charm!”

“Be quiet! Why on earth would I—…Ahem! Anyway, returning to the main point. If you’re creating something new, it’s better to be cautious about Ruel’s advice. That old coot instinctively hunts for rules and regulations.”

When creating something new, there’s no need to completely discard your existing knowledge, but relying on it too heavily isn’t good either.

If you cling too much to existing knowledge, what you create will inevitably be a mere derivative.

“Ruel’s probably stirring up some nonsense by now. Pass it along. I’ll rebut everything.”

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