Switch Mode

Chapter 467

Chapter: 467

The skeleton that had been sprawled on the floor staggered to its feet upon seeing us.

“…Who the hell are you guys?”

“Don’t you know who the legendary archmage is? Or has your empty skull lost all its wisdom? Or was the previous scene just too stimulating for a virgin wizard?”

The skeleton was about to shout something back at me but clutched its staff tightly instead.

Looks like it decided that extending the conversation would just make it angrier.

A wise decision that suits an archmage, or perhaps just plain foolishness, responding like that to being mocked.

As I watched the magical energy gathering at the end of its staff, I shrugged and thrust my mace forward.

The skeleton stopped forming magic and stared blankly at the end of the mace.

“…That is.”

“So you can recognize your comrades even without eyes? It’s too pitiful to be called friendship. Is it perhaps a love that cannot be spoken of?”

[Lucy. Don’t cross the line.]

“Can’t you just shut up for a moment?”

Hearing both Grandpa and the skeleton chime in, I shrugged and sealed my lips.

After all, I was here to seek advice from that skeleton. There was no need to cross the line entirely.

It felt like I might be about to, though. Would that be alright?

As I closed my mouth, the disgruntled skeleton slowly examined us.

“Lady behind you is someone who receives the love of the gods. I’ve never met anyone this sincere amidst the dimmed glory of the land.”

“Thank you for the compliment, Ermginus. However, there are those among us far more sincere than I.”

“…I understand, but I don’t want to admit it.”

Seeing the skeleton shift its gaze with a sigh after observing Phoebe’s light laugh, it moved on.

“The gentleman next to her is indeed a descendant of Soladin.”

“The third prince of the kingdom. Arthur Soladin. Please speak freely.”

“Accepted. So, how did it go? Did Soladin seize the opportunity presented to him?”

“The kingdom’s current glory is essentially his creation, so surely he did not miss the opportunity.”

“Indeed, that’s good to hear. And the other ladies beside you?”

“Joy Partran, eldest daughter of the Partran Duke.”

“Frey Kent.”


Once again, the skeleton turned its head toward me and sighed dramatically, tightening its grip on its staff.

“Here you are, possessing two artifacts of my dear friend. What is it that you do?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know? Or do you just want to hear how stupid you are? If it’s the latter, I can accommodate you all you want.”

“…Huh. How does the divine choose such a person?”

The moment the skeleton pressed its nearly bony hand to its forehead, I noticed Phoebe moving forward to intervene.

If Joy hadn’t caught her shoulder, she probably would have had something to say.

“Right. Little brat receiving the love of the gods and attracting the attention of countless deities, what are you doing?”

“Just wanted to ask the washed-up skeleton wizard something.”

“That’s not what I asked. I wanted to know what the hell you’re doing.”

The skeleton pointed to the completely open ceiling above us.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Are you serious?”

“Why? Are you annoyed that things aren’t going your way? Frustrated? Well, if you had built the dungeon sturdier, this wouldn’t have happened.”

Originally, there were several annoying steps required to come here.

Since Ermginus himself was the one who created a similar dungeon, he would have put considerably more effort into constructing his fake one.

As a result, this dungeon, which offers very little in return but requires endless suffering, was a place nobody preferred, even in the game.

Until it was discovered that you could break the ceiling by combining specific scrolls with bombs, of course.

“That ceiling was sturdy enough! It had never been broken before!”

“How stupid and incompetent must those past fools have been to not break down such a flimsy wall?”

“What kind of trick are you pulling?”

“Curious? If you really want to hear it that badly, I’m more than willing to tell you.”


The skeleton glowered at me with a clattering sound, but it couldn’t exactly refuse my words.

It was probably curious about how I had managed to break something it had labored on.

Even if it was a fake with the memory of an archmage, it was still a wizard.

A skeleton that prioritized curiosity over its pride would never refuse my suggestion.

“Or there’s also the option of a trade. If this crazy washed-up wizard gives me a bit of advice, I’ll gladly tell you where it was lacking.”

Thinking I had made an irresistible offer, I stared intently at the skeleton, which chuckled in disbelief.

“You come in here, break the ceiling, and then demand something in return?”

“Don’t want to? Then too bad. You can spend your whole life pondering with that empty skull of yours.”

“Show at least some sincerity to pass the trial I present, brat.”

“Window of the third room. Second tree’s fruit from the center. Left eye of the demon statue.”

Listing the answers to the trial that Ermginus had prepared made the skeleton noticeably bewildered.

I grinned at its pathetic state.

“That’s done, right? The delusional skeleton lord here will probably crumble under this ridiculous trial just like that flimsy ceiling. So just give me your answer.”

“How brazen.”

“Well, I can afford to be. After all, I’m cute and pretty enough to charm a pathetic deity.”

“Ha! Sorry, but a brat like you is nowhere near my type. Even if you were somewhat decent-looking, you’d still just be a kid.”

Watching the skeleton’s reaction as it sneered, I forgot the words I was about to say in sheer amazement.

Yeah! That’s the normal response!

It’s not that it’s begging for attention; it’s totally right that a brat is just a brat!

So cool, my hero! Unlike the beasts around me, you have a normal taste! How admirable!

As a gift for you, I will present you with something!

The gift of a clumsy fox who only looks normal!

“Wow! I can’t believe I have to show this blemished little thing to such a sophisticated being.”

The clumsy fox, who had been perched on my shoulder, grumbled but didn’t step back.

I had made a deal prior to coming here.

If it behaved properly, it would get a chair for about an hour.

I didn’t know what was so good about it, but it seemed determined to do its best, drooling at the thought of a reward.

The moment the clumsy fox leaped off my shoulder, smoke billowed up, and a human form began to emerge from it.

A female with an appearance capable of ensnaring anyone, regardless of gender, crossed her arms below her chest and smiled lightly.

“You called me a brat, huh? Then what about me?”

Using its powers to play tricks, the clumsy fox now looked even more attractive.

Had I not known her true form, I might have been enchanted myself.

“Are you not going to answer?”

As the skeleton kept quiet, the clumsy fox stepped forward and tilted her head.

Still dazed, the skeleton collected itself and retreated a step.

“Ah, just… just hold on a second. I need a moment to prepare myself mentally.”

“Hah! Mental preparation? What a juvenile thing to say. It’s not fitting for a skeleton like you.”

“G-give me a moment.”

Retreating and bumping into the wall, the skeleton slouched as if it had encountered a thug in an alley.

[Kwahahaha! That Ermginus guy! He hasn’t put any charm into his doll!]

‘…Was that how bashful the archmage really was?’

[ Bashful might be an understatement! He fainted when the princess held his hand! He’s come a long way since then! If it had been when he first set off, he’d have already passed out!]


At that level, it’s not just a simple aversion to women.

This is impressive in a different way. That archmage really is something.

“Hey! Little brat! Don’t just stand there; do something with this beastly woman!”

“Why should I? I’m quite enjoying watching the virgin wizard squirm!”

“Let’s make a deal! Make it happen, please!”



After a brief moment of commotion passed, Joy stood before the skeleton, her gaze filled with skepticism.

She wasn’t doubting Lucy’s words.

But that skeleton we just saw was vastly different from the Ermginus I had seen in storybooks.

The Ermginus I knew was the wizard among wizards and the noblest of nobles, yet this guy in front of Lina was just a shy guy.

Even now, he glances sneakily at Lina without being able to approach her, looking utterly pathetic.

Could a skeleton like this really provide us with good advice?


The skeleton seemed pained by Joy’s sharp gaze, clearing its throat and straightening its shoulders.

“Are you a magician seeking my advice?”

“Yes, I am, Ermginus.”

“Show me your magic.”

Joy suppressed her doubts and drew out the magic she held within her.

Before today, she had been discussing magic manifestation with the other friends thoroughly.

She modified her steps in various directions, managing to produce a somewhat decent shape compared to before.

With her minimal framework established, Joy completed her magic circle and waited quietly for the skeleton to speak.

However, the skeleton remained silent for several dozen seconds.

Is he pondering what this magic circle is about?

Is this really Ermginus?

Did Lucy make a blunder?

The longer Joy stared at the skeleton, the more her doubts grew when the skeleton slowly muttered to itself.

“So this is what magic has become two hundred years later. It hasn’t significantly progressed.”

Hearing that from the skeleton sent shivers down Joy’s spine.

This guy… he’s been stuck in the knowledge of two centuries ago?

But he managed to bridge that gap in just a few dozen seconds?

No, that can’t be.

No matter how much of a transcendent mage Ermginus is, that kind of thing can’t be possible.


“Yes? Yes!”

“Is this magic you created to combat the powers of the Void?”

“…Yes, it is.”

“Your concept isn’t bad, but your ability to realize it is somewhat lacking. If you want to create magic in your own way, it’d be better to do it like this.”

The moment the skeleton’s words ended, the magic circle began to move erratically, slipping from Joy’s will.

Did it just get stolen? Did I not even perceive any signs?


Blinking in surprise, Joy snapped out of it and stared at the magic circle floating in front of her, left dumbfounded.

The magic circle reformed in the skeleton’s hands, transforming into a creation so beautiful that any magician would have been moved.

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not work with dark mode