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Chapter 464

Chapter: 464

The thought of meeting the heroes of the past had been on my mind since I encountered the skeleton.

There were various reasons for this.

For one, the countless artifacts they possessed could be incredibly useful to me and those around me.

Just like the skeleton I met in the academy’s underground, I wondered if they might bestow some great skills upon me.

But above all else, the biggest reason was simply that I wanted to meet them.

Despite being mere fakes imitating heroes, they were undeniably renowned heroes, and I felt that talking to them, crossing swords, and seeking their advice could help me take another step forward.

Under normal circumstances, I should have met all the heroes by now, but with so much happening during vacation, I hadn’t been able to.

While those memories were precious to me, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of regret that the anticipated meetings had been delayed.

Now that I was in a position to venture into external dungeons, I thought that whenever I had time, I’d try to meet them right away, and that’s when the name of an old hero came to mind.

The great archmage who had performed miracles with his magic.

He fought on the front lines against the evil gods and is credited with establishing modern magic. If it was him, then surely he could greatly assist Joy in her magical endeavors.

Even if he was just a fake imitating the real deal, what lay within him would surely be no different from the truth.

[Erginius. Such a nostalgic name.]

As I was preparing to reach the place where the archmage’s doll awaited, I asked my grandfather what kind of person he was.

Although I had some knowledge of old heroes, I figured my grandfather’s understanding would be more accurate than mine since he had been there alongside them.

‘What kind of person was he?’

[Hmm. It’s a bit tough to describe that guy. He was so out of his mind that it’s hard to summarize in a word.]

‘Do I really need to summarize?’

[What I mean is that no words come to mind to accurately express him.]

After grappling with thoughts for quite some time, my grandfather eventually gave up on summarizing with a sigh.

[I’ll just tell you about the things he did. You can imagine the rest.]



While preparing to meet the hero, I didn’t neglect to train myself.

I had rolled around so much that it felt like rolling was ingrained in my soul; if I didn’t roll, it felt uncomfortable.

Staying with the Alrn family naturally led me to be gaslit.

Having a noble family force a little girl to do hard work—sounds pretty sketchy when you put it that way.

In reality, the Alrn Knight Order was just a place for knights obsessed with training and self-accomplishment.

If those guys had a chance to meet a girl, I could easily see them preferring to swing their swords a few more times instead.

Anyway, returning to the main topic, what I’ve been doing lately is developing a blunt weapon technique for myself while minimizing any sense of discomfort.

I could only seek advice from my tutor once a day.

So, to make the most out of that opportunity, I had to solve any problems on my own.

This was my strategy for using my limited time and opportunities efficiently, but there was one problem with it.

Since I kept promising to only use my tutor’s advice when I really, really needed it, it became common for the day to end without me using it at all.

It was like saying I’d only use healing potions when it was truly vital in an RPG and then carrying them all the way to the end of the game.

[If it’s just ambiguous, then just use it. Whining all day only to regret at night about not using it is something you’ll do once or twice.]

‘But I feel like I might find a breakthrough if I keep moving!’

[Haah. Looks like I’m in for another night of listening to your whining.]

Just as I was about to echo my grandfather’s complaints back to him, I lost concentration and wobbled, tumbling down.

Ugh. I was in a good flow, but he interrupted me.

I felt like I was just about to realize something.

[Stop your nonsense. You still have a long way to go.]

‘…Don’t hit me! Do you have to torment this little girl like this?! You’re such a total creep, Grandfather!’

[If you have energy to chatter, get up and swing your mace a few more times. This time…]

“Young Lady, are you okay?”

While I was contemplating what words might anger my grandfather, a voice came from above.

I turned my gaze slightly and saw Karl with a towel in hand. He cautiously handed the towel to me as I reached up with my arms.

Since the last time my arm got wrecked, Karl had been overly cautious every time he came near me, like he was dealing with a fragile glass bead.

In training among knights, it seemed that level of injury was just a daily occurrence, so I couldn’t understand why he was making such a fuss. It really baffled me.

“Did you do everything I asked you to do?”

“Yes. I submitted the application for the dungeon conquest.”

“Did that scoundrel say anything?”

“He seemed a bit surprised at the region, but upon seeing the Young Lady’s name, he nodded.”

So it got approved? I half expected it to be rejected once.

I had even planned to threaten the academic dean to ensure it went through.

The place where Erginius’s doll resides is not somewhere you just waltz into without understanding the risks.

While it’s true that I’ve built up quite a bit till now, I didn’t think I’d be easily granted access there.

Hmm. Ugh.

Well, whatever.

As long as the results are good, that’s what matters.

“I’ll take my leave then. Guess being a professor at the start of the semester means a lot of work.”

After Karl left with a few parting words, I re-gripped my mace once more.

With my current skill level, there was no time for rest. I needed to swing my mace even a little more during every spare moment.

[Lucy. Just a random thought—but when you met Lord Ganshu the last time, you hoped for the blessing of the god of martial arts, right? Has that blessing been given to you yet?]

‘Not yet. Perhaps Ganshu’s such a recluse that he needs a mental preparation just to go outside.’

[…Were those words not translated by the blessing you received when you met Ganshu?]

‘Well, I meant most of it in earnest after the halfway mark.’

[Haah. Seriously. I’m glad you’re a divine apostle. If you weren’t, I can only imagine how many divine punishments would have fallen upon you.]

As I shrugged off my grandfather’s lament, I resumed swinging my mace.


While Lucy was preparing to meet Erginius’s doll, the others weren’t just sitting around either.

Joy, Arthur, and Phoebe had gathered in a private room, working hard together.

Before going to seek advice from someone, they aimed to make their plan as concrete as possible.

“If we go without knowing anything, we won’t even know what to ask. So we have to at least have some idea of what questions to verify.”

“Well, I asked the magic professors for related books.”

“I also asked the bishop from the academy’s church for advice on the powers of the void. The bishop had already gathered some knowledge due to the last incident.”

The three geniuses, lacking nothing, were making an effort to build their own fortress on this desolate wasteland.

They were preparing to seek out the right advice from an exceptional archmage worthy of Lucy’s confidence.

“By the way, who is that archmage Lucy Alrn mentioned? I can’t think of anyone that stands out.”

“Me neither. As the young lady of the Partran family, I have connections with many mages, but I can’t think of anyone who could offer advice on the powers of the evil gods. She seems serious, so I doubt it’s just boasting.”

“Everything Lady Alrn attempts is so outlandish. Hmm… Could it be that we’ll meet the old hero Erginius?”

“Haha. Saintess, that’s not possible.”

“Exactly, Phoebe. How could we meet someone from a myth?”

“Still, wouldn’t it be great if we could meet him? Meeting that great archmage and cultured noble would be an honor in itself.”

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