Switch Mode

Chapter 456

Chapter: 456

At first, I thought the Perverted Apostle had bribed Karia or something.

I mean, it can’t be that he just blurted out such things the moment we met!

But Karia’s expression was serious the whole time.

“I’m not joking. I’m seriously asking if it’s possible.”

“Why do you need my jewelry? Are you trying to spread the word about how cute I am? You don’t need to waste your life just for that!”

“I said I wasn’t joking!”

“Come on, ‘Aunt’. Don’t scowl like that. If you keep doing that, you’ll look like some creepy pervert that nobody would take seriously!”


As Karia raised her voice, a smile crept onto the lips of the guy named Jackal standing behind her.

Looks like she’s got a lot built up against Karia after all.

But hey, Jackal, if you keep that grin, you’re going to get the short end of the stick later!

You know Karia isn’t the kind to let a smile slip by without a counter, right?

“Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

“Employer, I’ll just explain things, so stay quiet, okay?”

When I nodded, Karia sighed and continued.

“You know that the followers of the Void are active right now, right?”

“Am I supposed to not know that? I took care of those idiots since you couldn’t!”

“Just nod or shake your head—pick one. Anyway, it’s tough to root out all the followers of the Void. Their powers are specialized for hiding like this.”

Karia was right. The cunning of the Void followers is top-notch, even compared to other evil god worshippers.

Just think back to what happened before school started.

Neither I nor Phoebe was able to notice them lurking underground, right?

If they want to hide, it’ll be pretty tough to find them.

“I’m going to try to set up informants within the Academy, but that’s got its limits too.”

Ultimately, our countermeasures are just that—measures. We can’t truly solve the root problem, leaving us as the ones dragged along.

I nodded, understanding Karia’s thoughts, but one big question lingered.

“But, ‘Aunt’, what’s this got to do with my jewelry?”

Seriously, what does my jewelry have to do with this? I tilted my head, and Karia sighed again like she read my mind.

“Employer, you know that the jewelry with your face has divinity attached, right?”

“I’ve heard of it. I mean, who wouldn’t know how pretty I am…?”

“Just nod your head!”

Pouting, I nodded as Karia smiled with satisfaction and went on.

“You might not realize it, but that divinity is more impressive than you think. It can even repel the powers of evil gods. Maid, you’ve seen it too.”

“Yes. I have.”

Erin nodded, recalling what she witnessed. When Karia took out the jewelry, she said the evil god’s power stepped back.

I’ve heard that my decorated jewelry has some divine quality, but to repel evil god powers? Never thought it would go that far.

How much effort did the followers of the Crow Goddess put into that for this phenomenon to occur?

“So, spreading your jewelry could help keep their invasions at bay.”

Thinking it over, Karia’s theory made sense.

Just like how Adria felt overwhelmed on the street colored by my jewelry, filling the Academy with such pieces could automatically protect against evil god powers.

Plus, if each individual had one of those pieces, it would definitely help block off evildoers.

“What do you think? Sounds plausible, right?”

“I get what you’re saying, ‘Aunt’. But this plan seems like it has more holes than your old lady skin, ya know?”

Despite the plausibility of the plan, there were clear problems.

First, how are we even supposed to gather enough jewelry to cover the Academy?

Currently, there isn’t even enough jewelry made by the Art Guild to sell.

Sure, I could probably snag a few for my close friends if I beg the Perverted Apostle, but spreading them through the entire Academy would definitely take time.

And one more thing.

Even if we managed to gather that much jewelry, we can’t just hand it to every single person in the Academy.

The first-years might not know much about me, but there’s no way those who are tired of my antics would welcome jewelry featuring my face.

“It’s not going to happen in one go. It’ll be a gradual spread.”

“Like how your wrinkles gradually increase?”

“…Seriously. Can you ask that brat Frete for help?”

“No problem! Convincing that pervy guy is a piece of cake. Just give him the ol’ stomp treatment, and he’ll be licking my feet in thanks!”

I’m not worried about the difficulty of persuading the Perverted Apostle.

With just a little nudge to suit his whims, he’d probably be willing to fetch the jewelry in no time.

“Then I’ll leave it to you. I’ll think of more countermeasures against the followers myself.”

As I finished my chat with Karia and stepped out, I heard Karia’s low, sharp voice from behind the door.

Looks like she noticed Jackal’s smirk creeping up behind her.

Well, tough luck, Jackal. You’re the one who made this mess. Just deal with it. Who knows, you might get something out of it.



As I walked down the stairs, the Clumsy Fox on my shoulder quietly spoke up.

“I have a secret weapon to help with that plan.”

“From you?”

“Yeah. While professors may not help, students can be affected by the main girl’s charm!”

What kind of crazy nonsense was this? I shot a glare at the Clumsy Fox, wondering if she had lost it, but she just continued excitedly.

“I don’t expect much in return. Just that pervert from the Art Guild draws your picture, and you give him a leash…”

I turned my ear away from the nonsense she was spouting and spotted a man in Karia’s shop. I headed over to him.

“That suspicious-looking dude.”

“…Are you talking about me?”

The guy had initially given me fierce vibes the first time we met, but now he was being excessively polite.

He’s well aware that I could overpower him, so naturally, he’s being cautious.

“Hold this.”

I grabbed the Clumsy Fox by the back of its neck and held it out in front of him.


“Hold it. Can’t you understand that? You’re denser than you look!”

“I-I understand! Yes, I’ll do it!”


Watching the Clumsy Fox thrash around in the man’s arms, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Being held by a guy so far removed from beauty—talk about the ultimate humiliation for the Clumsy Fox, right?

Time to pay for all that dog talk! Clumsy Fox!


“I heard you went to conquer a dungeon, Lady Partran. How was the outside dungeon?”

“It wasn’t exactly a walk in the park. Unlike the Academy dungeons…”

After finishing conquering the dungeon, Joy found herself at a gathering with several noble ladies.

It wasn’t exactly her ideal way of passing the time.

Even before entering the Academy, Joy had felt uncomfortable around noble ladies.

Now, she would have preferred training in magic, chatting with her friends, or even just hanging out with Lucy rather than being here.

Yet, despite her indifference, Joy was properly mingling with the noblewomen because it was a duty for a duchess.

When surrounded by friends, she was teased about being scatterbrained, but in public, she held herself as a proper duchess.

Joy, with her sense of responsibility, didn’t think of running away from her responsibilities.

“We’ll have to conquer an outside dungeon eventually. That’s scary.”

“Don’t worry, ladies. If you can just apply what you learned at the Academy, it won’t be a problem.”

“Of course, Lady Partran is right!”

“That’s amazing!”

“Uh, Lady Partran, can we go conquer a dungeon together sometime?”

“Wooow! That’s such a great idea!”

“If you’re with us, we’ll feel really secure!”

“If the renowned mage Lady Partran is with us, any dungeon will be cleared in a flash!”

Surrounded by so many praises, Joy didn’t feel happy at all.

She knew half of what they said was flattery and that most of the rest was born from jealousy, not genuine praise.

She’d much rather hear some sarcastic remarks from Alrn—er, Lucy.

Sure, Lucy wasn’t one to genuinely compliment much, but at least there was no sarcasm beyond that.

While trying to pass the time, Joy noticed people waiting outside the social event and tilted her head.

“Those must be the newcomers this semester, right?”

“That’s right, Lady Partran.”

The noble ladies participating in today’s gathering were familiar faces for Joy.

Having often attended social events, she knew the names and faces of most ladies well.

But a few stood out as especially familiar.

For instance, there was the lady from the Kent family.

The younger sister of Frey Kent, one of her friends, and someone close to Lucy was practically bursting with excitement at the sight of Joy.

She seemed to try and hold herself in check, but her eagerness was evident to everyone nearby.

Hmm. If left like that, she would only stir jealousy among the other ladies. I’ll have to say something to her later.

Though I doubt she’ll actually understand if I just talk to her previously.

Hmm? Wait, what?

That lady next to the Kent girl? Did her mood always feel like that?

Something seems off.

It’s almost like I’m feeling a familiar aura from the dungeon.

Is it just my imagination?

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not work with dark mode