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Chapter 452

Chapter: 452

At the top of the first page of the book that Ganshu handed over were the names of various gods.

From names I remembered perfectly to obscure ones with minor powers.

While scanning the names, I inadvertently lifted my head.

Was I confirming whether that brat Ganshu was for real?

Perhaps he understood the implication of my glance. Ganshu shrugged his shoulders with an annoyingly smug grin.

“Are you really doubting whether I can grant you this?”

“Of course! How can a punk like you give me powers from other crappy gods?”

“You don’t need to worry about that. It’s not me giving them; it’s those so-called crappy gods who’ll have to fork it over anyway.”

The moment I saw Ganshu’s sly smirk, I realized this brat was up to something.

Well, considering that what he was planning was nothing different from what I was also intending to do, it made sense.

Hmmm. This annoying brat must have something good lined up to splash around with such words.

He didn’t just have the dirt and weaknesses on all the gods for nothing; I felt like he’d be trustworthy enough when it came to those shady aspects.

But there was one odd thing, though.

“Hey, little creep. Why’s that pathetic god not in this book? That perverted dude must have weaknesses enough to fill a whole chapter!”

“…You, don’t fear divine punishment? Even if you’re in the sight of the gods?”

“Why? It’s a fact that that pathetic god is a pervert lacking any ability, right? Do you think I can’t complain about the hellish time I had because of that miserable god?”

Thinking back on all the nonsense I’d suffered because of that pathetic god made my teeth grind in frustration.

Sure, in crucial moments, he’d do something godly, but that didn’t mean the idiotic stunts he pulled just vanished into thin air.

No! Honestly! I think what that perverted jerk asked for—wanting to dress his apostle in bunny costumes—was just a whole new level of disgusting!

Seeing my evident disdain, Ganshu sighed and ran a hand over his face.

“Should I call it bold, or just sheer stupidity?”

“Maybe that brat is simply trembling away like a coward against someone higher up?”

“How great it is to experience the mercy of the great gods once again.”

I couldn’t understand Ganshu, who was shaking his head.

What on earth does this little jerk do when no one is watching that brings about this kind of reaction?

How great is that pervert at pretending to be nice?!

He should at least try to act decently around me too! Why’s he getting all weird with only his own apostle?!

“Anyway, I’m not planning to defy the great god. So just let that part go.”

“You cowardly little brat. No wonder you’re cooped up in some corner only reading books.”

“Do you want me to snatch that book back from you?”

“Go ahead. Then I’ll just blabber about how much of a stingy brat that history nerd is. I bet your followers would enjoy that, right?”

“…Damn it.”

As I threw a tantrum watching Ganshu curse, I managed to settle down in a nearby chair and opened the book.

I already had plenty of skills on my mind.

But there’s no reason not to check the book out, right?

I only knew the blessings from the game, but Ganshu? He definitely knows more than I do.

I’ll need to ask for blessings from various gods in the future so knowing what they got wouldn’t hurt.

With that thought, I opened the book and naturally got sucked into its contents.

Most of it was familiar, but there were many things I didn’t know either.

There were blessings like Balance, which lets you adopt the optimal posture in any situation. Combat foresight that allows you to predict a few moves ahead during battle. The charmer, who makes first-time opponents like you. And the instincts of a beast that sharpens your gut feelings.

Plus many other intriguing blessings written inside that book.

“If only I’d studied like this usually…”

As I put in my best effort to digest all that info, I noticed Grandpa nudging me with a smirk.

I shot him an annoyed glare, but he just shrugged as if to say he hadn’t done anything wrong.

Ugh. Honestly, the more I spend time with him, the more I feel he’s being a pain in my side.

At first, he seemed like a heroic mentor, but now he’s just becoming a nuisance.

“Ah. Ruel. You’ve changed so much.”

Seems I wasn’t the only one thinking those thoughts; Ganshu chuckled slightly.

“It’s been ages since that time.”

“If you were like this back then, I would have heard something resembling a decent conversation.”

“…Those were tough times, weren’t they?”

Noting Grandpa’s suddenly heavy expression, I slammed the book closed with a loud bang!

“What are you doing? That book might get ruined!”

“Just because a book gets scuffed doesn’t mean you gotta throw a fit. Honestly, how pitiful is it for a god to be so stingy?”

“What does that have to do with it?!”

“Whatever. Just hurry up and give me the blessing I’ve decided on.”

“You insufferable brat!… Fine. Speak up.”

“Risk Perception.”

Risk Perception is one of the powers a god of martial arts grants to its apostle.

When something dangerous approaches the one blessed, they’ll notice it before anyone else and get moving.

This skill even reduces the perceived time it takes to dodge a danger, and it was a major reason I was torn between the god of martial arts and Ganshu.

“Of course, it had to be that wild beast, right? Not the best company…”

“Aren’t you the one who said you could grant anything? Don’t tell me you were bluffing?”

“I don’t mind who you’re with; that doesn’t mean I’ll give it to you.”

“Oh, is that so? You sure it’s not just me thinking this is a bad idea, and you’ve really got the goods?”

“Just go already. And don’t come back. Talking to you gives me a headache.”

Ganshu waved his hand dismissively as if he were tired of me.

A giant book materialized above my head with a thud.

I was just thinking it could be dangerous when it was already too late. The massive white surface of the book…


With a scream, I quickly looked around and let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness I was back in that room from yesterday.

“Phew, heh heh.”

As I turned to see who was laughing beside me, there was Joy, chuckling with her hand over her mouth.

Her eyes narrowed playfully as she smiled at my face, flushed from surprise.

“Looks like Lady even makes cute sounds.”

“…Keep it up and I’ll make you squeak too.”

“Pinching is off-limits! If you do that, it’ll truly hurt!”

I opened and closed my hand menacingly, which made Joy jump up in fright and shake her head. Tch.

Too bad. I was thinking about mercilessly pulling her cute cheeks.

As I pouted my lips, Joy just laughed again and lightly exhaled.

“It’s good to see you’re well. I was really worried when you collapsed yesterday.”

“Looking back, it does send shivers down my spine. There were a couple of perverts lurking around me then.”

“Don’t worry. Nothing happened.”

As Joy kept grinning, I asked her a bunch of things.

Arthur and Frey were outside sparring under the guidance of Karl.

Phoebe had decided to spend time here and was helping people at the church.

“And the forest lords are waiting for you. They want to repay you in some way.”

“Those pathetic losers. Are they both okay?”

“Yes. They’ve both recovered well. Lady, you performed a miracle when you collapsed.”

So, the effort I had put in while collapsing wasn’t in vain. Relief washed over me…

“Hey, that indecisive tree didn’t say anything?”

“…Well, from what I saw, it seems they don’t remember what happened at that time.”

Phew. Thank goodness. If they remembered everything I mumbled, it would have been hard to face them no matter how brave I thought I was.

Alright. Let’s go visit those two. Just thinking about that bear’s silly expression makes me excited.

I’ll tease them a little, then ask for my blessing.

As I rose to get going, I noticed Joy’s hesitant expression and tilted my head.

What’s up? Why does it seem like she’s holding something back?

She clearly wants to say something…

Oh! Right! Let’s use that skill Ganshu gave me this time.

I’d better check if that comment skill actually works in real life.

I mentally asked the skill why Joy was acting that way, and a blue window appeared before me.


What the skill gave me was incredibly straightforward, but it hit the nail on the head.

When it comes to titles, that’s the only one it could be referring to.

“You’re not fuming about me calling you a little dimwit, right?”

“Of course not!”

Really? She’s looking a bit too stiff for that not to mean anything.

“Are you really okay? If I keep calling you a dimwit, you’re okay with it, right?”


“If you don’t tell me the truth, I’ll stop calling you and go back to the default name! Seriously!”


“Okay, got it. Dimwit Lady. Maybe I’ve overstepped my bounds.”

“…I wish you wouldn’t.”

“Yeah? Then call me by my name too!”

“In a mean way?”

“It wouldn’t be fair if I just called you by your name, right? Since I’m such a good soul, I thought I’d give you a chance to call me by name too. Why? Dislike it? If you don’t want to…”

“I never said I hated it!”

“Really? Then go ahead and call me.”

I looked at Joy, who was beaming with shyness. She opened and closed her mouth nervously as she finally whispered.


“What? I couldn’t quite catch that; Dimwit Joy’s voice is way too soft!”

“Lucy! There! Is that better?”

“Puhaha! Yeah, good job. Now bow down. I’ll give you a scratch behind the ear.”

“No need for that!”

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