Switch Mode

Chapter 448

Chapter: 448

Ganshu’s face turned a deep shade of red as he glared at me in silence.

Despite being similar in size, he was still a god, and his gaze carried a heavy power that pressed down on me. Yet, I pulled up the divine aura of my master to counter it.

I could endure this.

As long as the God stood behind me, Ganshu couldn’t suppress me with just his authority alone.

“Are you trying to intimidate me?♡ Should I say I’m so scared?♡ Oh great Ganshu, I’m so sorry for being a nuisance!♡ Should I beg for mercy?♡ Huh?♡ Huh?♡”

“…Now that I’ve experienced it firsthand, I understand why your enemies come at you with such fury.”

“Hmmm~♡ The history nerd is as impatient as those pathetic guys, huh?♡ Well, what can you expect from a god who’s so socially awkward that he’s stuck in his room!♡”

The fact that Ganshu couldn’t press me down with his power means he needed my consent to record my story.

I had anticipated some resistance when he started talking about granting me power, but I never thought I could push back this easily.

No matter that I’m the apostle of a god, I’m still just a human.

Originally, I was a bit hesitant because of that.

But look.

Now, even with Ganshu furious and radiating his authority across the library, I remained unfazed.

The ground trembled with divine wrath.

Books fell from the shelves.

Things lay scattered across the floor.

Dust spread everywhere.

Even though his aura weighed heavily on my shoulders, I could still face Ganshu with a playful grin.

Why is that?

Maybe the authority of being the god’s apostle is higher than I expected.

Maybe I’ve grown stronger.

Or perhaps the power he wields is less than what I know.

In reality, it doesn’t matter what the reason is.

What’s important is that I can act defiant in front of Ganshu without any consequence.

“Apostle of the God, show respect! Reflect on the people who have led this world until now. If not—”

“If not what?♡ You’ll kick me out?♡ Go ahead!♡ I don’t want to be stuck in this dump either!♡ I thought the loneliness would seep into me, but hey, it works out!♡”

I spread my arms out wide, showing off my defiance, but Ganshu couldn’t retaliate.

Sure, he finds me unpleasant, but that doesn’t mean he’s giving up on the story I plan to write.

“Not going to do it?♡ Not going to show off your divine might?♡”

“…Tsk. If I had known this would happen, I should have just sent a proxy.”

“Ahaha♡ That would’ve been great! Then I wouldn’t have to see this ugly sight!♡”

With a clenched fist, Ganshu frowned, but then he raked his fingers through his hair and let out a long sigh.

“Hah. Fine, I’ll yield. Just don’t mistake this for respect towards you; it’s respect for the god who chose you.”

“Okay!♡ Got it!♡”

“You damn brat.”

“Puhahaha♡ You’re angry! You’re angry!♡”

Finally acknowledging defeat, Ganshu, I felt like I should hold back; otherwise, he might really blow a fuse.

Then Ganshu sighed again and waved his hand.

As he moved, the chaotic mess of books and papers began to organize itself, revealing a desk and chairs between us.

“Let’s get straight to the point. I want to keep my distance from the spectacle that is you.”

“Why? Are you shy about being close? Lacking social skills and so timid, huh?”

“Shut it.”


“Anyway, just tell me what you wish for.”

What I want.

Taking out a notebook from my pocket, I began jotting down the blessings I knew that Ganshu could provide.

I don’t need overwhelming powers reserved just for apostles.

The powers he gives to his apostles are good for side stories but not combat, and what I truly want is a bit more supplementary.

Passing him the page with my wishes, I noticed Ganshu’s brows furrow.

“You. Is it not enough to just talk? Must you also write it down like this?”

Hearing his complaints, I simply smiled.

If he’s unhappy, he can complain to whoever’s above him. Even though I’ve gained a degree of freedom in my actions, they sure insist on strict rules when it comes to communication.

“Whew. [Check History][Suggestion][Wisdom of History]. Are these three the blessings you desire?”

“I was worried your eyesight might be bad, but it seems fine after all.”

The three requests I made to Ganshu were noted.

The skill called [Suggestion] is literally a helping hand during difficult choices.

Once a day, when faced with a tricky decision, simply using that skill would yield the best solution.

Though in games it was a vague skill used for conversing with NPCs or solving puzzles, it would be much more useful in reality.

The skill [Wisdom of History] helps to make wiser judgments.

Simply put, it enhances intelligence. The skill I need most as someone with an intelligence score of 58.

And lastly, the skill [Check History] allows me to view the recorded materials written by Ganshu and his followers.

This is also why I chose to receive blessings from Ganshu.

The ability to record and store everything in the world will undoubtedly be incredibly useful, unlike in the game.

From confirming various records I want to check to catching weaknesses of others.

Hehe. Just thinking about other people struggling brings a smile to my face.

Am I going to turn into a real Mesugaki at this rate?

“For now, granting the blessing of [Suggestion] shouldn’t be a problem. I can provide that easily.”

“Yeah, I figured as much. That’s why I added it.”

“And discussing [Wisdom of History], well, that cannot be given.”

“Why? Is it too precious for you? You’re really stingy like you look.”

“It’s not that I’m being stingy. It’s that I cannot physically grant it to you. You lack the qualifications to obtain it.”


“Simply put, you’re too stupid. You can’t handle this blessing.”

Wait, what did he just say?

Perking my head up at Ganshu’s seriousness, I saw him looking down at me with disdain.

No way!

Are you saying my intelligence of 58 makes me unworthy of that blessing!?

Is that skill limited in who can acquire it!?


Excuse me! Grandfather!

Can you please refrain from stifling your laughter over there!?

I’m truly serious here!


While glaring at Grandpa who was struggling to hold back laughter, Ganshu continued nonchalantly.

“[Check History] is a blessing given only to those qualified. It cannot be bestowed upon you as you are now.”

I foresaw this answer. I also knew how to respond.

“Thought your eyesight was great despite being blind?”


“Want to test that? If you’re so confident.”

The skill [Check History] is given when one becomes Ganshu’s apostle.

To be specific, it’s almost the opposite.

According to Ganshu, I was chosen as an apostle because I qualified to check history.

So, if I have that qualification, I could obtain that skill without becoming an apostle.

“The trials I offer won’t be taken lightly.”

“Hey, you gloomy, pathetically nerdy god. Don’t you think you’re a little too clueless considering how you said you’d write an amazing heroic tale about me?”

I might have a low intelligence.

But the concepts of intelligence and my experience of stagnant waters are two separate things.

All the trials and dungeons in the Soul Academy are powerless before me.

“Enough chatter; try the trial. Or what? Are you scared that your pathetic trial will fall apart when I step in? I wouldn’t blame you; a pathetic little history nerd might just be timid!”

“Fine. I’ll grant your wish.”

With a voice thick with tension, a white scroll unfolded before me. And the moment I processed that, my body was pulled into it, and I lost consciousness…


“Finally quiet.”

Ganshu let out his voice, dripping with sarcasm, as he gazed disapprovingly at the spot Lucy used to occupy, before exhaling deeply.

“How does Ruel endure being next to that brat? I’d probably be so furious I’d explode by now.”

“Well, she may look like that, but she’s a kind child at heart.”

“That’s probably true, seeing as the god chose her. However, just because her heart’s fine doesn’t mean her annoying attitude goes away.”

Ruel, caught in Ganshu’s irritation, gave a nervous chuckle.

Indeed, the way Lucy just acted was beyond what one might call disrespectful.

If not for her position as an apostle of a god, it wouldn’t be surprising if a divine retribution fell upon her.

Yet, Ruel couldn’t bring himself to say anything.

After all, he understood why Lucy had abruptly burst out like that during their first meeting with Ganshu.

Lucy was overly sensitive to those around her.

He hadn’t expected her to react so strongly over something trivial.

It pleased him that she was seeing him up close, but he needed to have a word with her about it.

If this continued, it was only a matter of time before trouble arose.


“Yes, Ganshu?”

“Aren’t you worried?”

“Worried about what?”

“That the child you cherish is now in her trial?”

“Oh, is that what you mean?”

Chuckling softly, Ruel noticed Ganshu tilting his head slightly.

It was as if he couldn’t comprehend Ruel’s laughter. Sensing that, Ruel replied with a relaxed expression.

“The Lucy Alrn I know is someone who won’t crumble before any trial or hardship. Especially when she’s so full of confidence right now.”

Given how long Ruel had been around Lucy, he could tell her confidence was genuine.

“Sure, she’ll be fine this time too.”

Therefore, he wasn’t worried. Whenever Lucy showed such confidence, she had a tendency to treat trials like mere child’s play.


Ganshu’s expression soured at Ruel’s response but he didn’t argue against it.

After all, why would he want to spoil the mood when the notoriously difficult holy knight was smiling so jauntily?

“Well. Fine. You’ll find out soon enough.”

As Ganshu pulled a scroll out of his robes and unraveled it, a picture formed on its surface: a depiction of Lucy Alrn undergoing her trial.


Not long after, when the picture completed, Ganshu blinked in shock.

Something that shouldn’t have happened was unfolding within that scroll.

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not work with dark mode