Switch Mode

Chapter 443

Chapter: 443

The alchemist watched all his schemes collapse before him.

The various potions he sprinkled were scattered before the divine and burned away by the wizard’s magic.

The countless creations he summoned fell apart in the face of many weapons.

The tentacles he extended burst under the blunt force.

The alchemist could hardly believe the reality he faced.

It hadn’t even been two years. Only this miserable time had passed since he lost that damn brat.

But to think someone could get this strong in such a short period—was that even possible!?

This wasn’t something that could simply be described as talent!

A stupid brat who couldn’t even swing his weapon properly had transformed into this!

In the midst of the approaching crowd, the alchemist saw the divinity standing beside Lucy.

A light warmer than the sun.

Now that he thought about it, it was divine intervention that had prevented him from capturing that brat that day.

A miracle had unfolded, forcing him to let her go to save his own life.

So, could it be that the gods chose her? Was she picked to counter the forces of the Evil God?

Not just a simple whim—it was a selection!

Damn it.

Yeah, I should’ve caught on back then.

I should have realized when someone who had lost most of their power intervened in front of the Evil God.


No, no.

Oh mighty Evil God, don’t abandon me!

Please, don’t leave me to my own ignorance and folly.

I dedicated my life to you. I gave you everything.

I sacrificed my life for you! Agra!

Return the favor for my dedication!

Help my life and my research to persist!

As he frantically struggled against the approaching foes, the alchemist felt a gaze from the darkness beyond.

O mighty Evil God.

—Such a fool.


—Do you not realize your usefulness has run out?

Run out, you say? There’s so much still left for me to do! So many things I will create!

How could this be?



—Disappear, useless thing.

The alchemist stared blankly as the gaze in the darkness vanished, releasing a hollow laugh.


I’ll curse you.

“Ha ha ha.”

Even in hell, I will curse you.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

I will wait for you to fall into that deep, dark abyss again.

I will—absolutely!

“Ugh♡ Why are you laughing?♡ Are you hoping to get hit?♡ Gross, I really don’t want to touch you♡”

The alchemist quickly lowered his head, encountering the mocking face of the girl who had just insulted him, and added more strength to his glare.

“…I swear, I will kill you with my own hands!”

“Puhaha♡ You’re angry♡ You’re angry♡ Being this old and still so intolerant?♡ Were you a premature idiot before you rotted?♡ Did it even take you 3 seconds to turn?♡”


As I watched the alchemist’s body crumble after all his futile struggles, I stretched out.


Feeling so much better after letting it all out on this pathetic loser. Hitting a punching bag really is the best way to relieve stress!

[…The vocabulary in the heat of battle certainly doesn’t reflect that of a noble young lady.]

‘It wasn’t me! I had no choice because of the blessing!’

[Did I hear incorrectly that venting felt refreshing?]

‘…Well, as long as it worked, that’s all that matters!’

The enemies I had provoked only targeted me!

I was merely fulfilling my role as a tank! I absolutely did not act oddly!

[Is it really okay to leave her like this?]

Ignoring my grandfather’s genuinely concerned voice, I turned to check on the two forest masters sprawled out on the floor.

“Pathetic Saintess.”

“You’re wondering if you can heal these two, aren’t you? It’s definitely possible. The Evil God’s presence was mostly withdrawn just now. It’s no tough task.”

Now that she was able to wield the divine power of the god, Phebe smiled as she made her way to the tree first.

Watching him, all the comments I threw at the giant tree during battle flashed in my mind.

‘Smelly virgin♡’

‘That’s why you’ll be alone forever♡’

‘Wouldn’t it be better to just rot away?♡’

Those memories… There’s no way he remembers, right?

Surely not?

He was in a daze after all.

He couldn’t possibly recall the many things I said.

Yeah. As long as I don’t bring it up, it’ll be fine.

No problem at all.


“Lucy Alrn.”


Startled by the fierce voice from behind, I flinched and cautiously turned around.

There, with her face covered by a fan, was Joy.

Usually, when Joy covers her face with a fan, it’s to hide her disheveled appearance, but not this time.

Her cold gaze was different from usual.

From beyond the fan, she looked down at me with a shaded glare that made me involuntarily gulp.

“I have a few things to say.”

“Hmm? What is it, airhead?”

Trying to act confident with the mesugaki skill before Joy’s noble tone, I was sweating buckets down my back.

What’s going on? Why is Joy mad at me?

Did I do something wrong?

I helped Joy, didn’t I? I didn’t do anything to her, right?

“First of all, I should thank you. Without your help, I, the prince, Lady Kent, and even Phebe would have been in danger.”

As I watched Joy bow her head in gratitude, my confusion only grew.

Am I misinterpreting this? Did I make a mistake?

Maybe Joy is just trying to keep her face straight because she’s embarrassed.

“However, regardless of this gratitude, there’s one question I must ask you, Young Lady.”

“What is it? Go ahead. As long as it’s not a dumb question like you usually ask, I’ll gladly answer.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”


“Why didn’t you explain what you were trying to do?”

Only then did I realize what Joy was getting at.

“Is there really a need to know? If you lot got involved, nothing would change anyway.”

I meant to convey that I didn’t want to worry them, but the mesugaki skill wouldn’t allow that.

Calling her name had been a moment of miracle, and as usual, the skill twisted my true intentions.

Seeing her eyebrow twitch, my heart tightened.

How am I supposed to fix this misunderstanding?! How can I speak in a way that won’t hurt Joy?

O mighty god!

Are you watching now?! Help me out like you did a moment ago!

I just cleared your quest, so please grant me my reward now!

“…Right. I can see why you would think that, Young Lady.”

Joy’s voice became heavier, pressing down on me.

Each word she uttered felt heavier than the giant tree’s fists moments ago.

So I kept my mouth shut.

I sealed my lips tight to prevent any more misunderstandings and tried to gauge how Joy was feeling.

In that silence, it was Joy who finally spoke first.

With a sigh, she lowered her fan and slightly bent at the waist to meet my gaze.

“Your Ladyship. If I were to become your burden, please tell me how I could avoid that. Let me be of help. Being friends isn’t just about receiving assistance.”


“In your most difficult moment, let me be the one to support you.”

As I watched Joy’s gentle smile, I was once again at a loss for words.

I had no idea how to respond.

No matter how I answered, it felt like my truth would twist again, just like before, leaving me completely paralyzed.

While I repeatedly opened and closed my mouth in silence, Joy let out an innocuous laugh.

“Don’t worry. I’ve known for a long time that you struggle to articulate what you mean.”


“I know this little brat is distorting her statements. I’ve already realized.”

Joy’s words took me by surprise, and I blinked, while Arthur, beside me, nonchalantly shrugged.

“Yeah, right. We’re not fools.”

“No, you’re definitely the fool, Frey Kent! Don’t meddle between us!”

“…How rude.”

She knew? That my words were distorted? How long has she been aware of this?

“If it were the old you, I would have understood, but the current you is a thoughtful person. A person like that wouldn’t just make harsh remarks randomly.”

“Right. No way a girl from a noble house would be using terms like ‘loser’ or ‘virgin.’”

“Prince! Choose your words more carefully! What are you saying in front of the Lady?!”

“I’m just returning the words she used!”

“Prince, you’re a perv.”

“Thus I—”


That was the sort of thing I said just to vibe.

It had been carefully chosen to provoke.

…This is a secret that should remain buried forever.

Yup. This was all thanks to the mesugaki skill.

I did nothing wrong here.

I’m not a shameless person at all.

“Anyway, Young Lady, whatever you have to say, we’ll interpret it our way, so feel free to speak your mind.”

Looking at Joy, her lips curling into a smile, I saw Arthur chuckle and shrug his shoulders.

I also glanced at Frey, who had her usual poker face, fidgeting with her hands.

And then there was Phebe, unable to tear her gaze away from healing the tree.

As I watched them all, I felt the worries that had been building inside me melt away, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Airhead Joy.”

“…It seems I didn’t mishear. Your Ladyship. You mentioned my name.”

“What you said just now♡ was so cute, like a girl confessing her love!♡ Just so refreshing!♡ How adorable!♡”


“This is all because you’re just too cute!♡…”

“That’s not what I meant! I didn’t mean it like that!”

“Ah, Joy. You’re a clever one.”

“No! That’s not it! What nonsense are you saying, Prince?!”

“Joy, the great god doesn’t discriminate at all.”

“Phebe! Don’t join in on this! Focus on the healing!”

As Joy, now flushed red, yelled, ringing in my ears was the sound of a spear appearing before me.

[Quest Complete!]

[You have resolved the conspiracy lurking in the forest!]

Hmm. Is it finally time for my reward?

What will I get this time?

After going through so much, they definitely owe me something decent.

It’s not like the pathetic god would skimp on rewards.

Awaiting the emergence of the blue spear, what followed wasn’t a message indicating my reward.

[An additional quest has been given.]

[Eliminate the remaining traces of corruption in the forest!]

[Accepting this will grant you additional rewards!]

[Will you accept?!]

So they want to do a two-for-one deal?

Puhuh. Fine. I got it.

I’ll gladly do it.

But make sure you prepare a decent reward.

If you give me something absurd, I’ll cover your entire profile with a Clumsy Fox’s spit!

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not work with dark mode