Switch Mode

Chapter 436

Chapter: 436

When I first stepped into the forest, I felt the eerie energy enveloping the entire place and couldn’t help but get excited.

I know the situation is pretty serious. My performance might determine whether I can save someone or not.

But hey, it’s not wrong to feel eager about new content, right?

Do you know how thrilling it is to discover something new in a mundane and predictable cycle?!

While tackling the new content in the Academy Dungeon, I was reminded of why I ended up as a washed-up gamer.

The thrill that comes from challenging something that’s nearly impossible and actually succeeding is what kept me clinging to the now-dead Soul Academy!

Since I had enjoyed going beyond the preparations set by the professors, I hoped they’d surprise me again this time.

After all, I had been at odds with the forces of the evil god, so I couldn’t imagine they’d be caught off guard this time around.

I was secretly hoping for something mind-blowingly tough, even if it wasn’t something on the level of user-created mods.

But my hopes were dashed. The scenery I encountered while wandering to the center of the forest was no different from a typical dungeon they usually create.

[…Isn’t it good if the enemy’s schemes are half-baked?]

Seeing my disappointment, the old man showed a baffled look, but I just couldn’t nod along to his words.

Logically, I knew he was right, but my feelings were stubbornly shaking their head.

Upon reflection, the Academy is the real issue!

Those fools have been making rather decent dungeons, so I ended up expecting the same this time!

If it weren’t for the professors, I wouldn’t have been set up for this disappointment!

Damn it! Just you wait, professors! I’ll make sure your painstakingly crafted dungeon gets wrecked!

[But hey, Lucy. Isn’t it possible that those occupying this forest might have dedicated everything to the dungeon? Wouldn’t it be better for them to display their power inside rather than out here? ]

‘That’s possible.’

[Right, so it’s too early to let your guard down…]

‘But still, it’s just a dungeon. And a dumb one built off bears, at that.’

Had I entered this forest before seeing how it was structured, I might have remained optimistic.

But after seeing the layout of this forest, all my hopes vanished.

Even this place, which seemed to have been worked on, was still trapped in the characteristics of the Void that I knew. What would be different in that dungeon?

Even if they poured their hearts into it, it wouldn’t stand against the wickedness of the mod—how could I expect anything good?!

Thinking back to that mod dungeon that made me want to puke, I can’t help but admire its creator.

Damn pathetic god! Can’t you at least whip up a decent dungeon as a reward?

If you’re the one who designed that damn mod, you might as well throw me a couple of good dungeons!

“So, who’s gonna take the plunge?”

As I continued my grumbling in front of the dungeon entrance, Muir’s question snapped me back to reality.

“It seems only one person can enter this dungeon.”

Back when I first met him, Muir had his doubts about my leadership, but now he was waiting for me to make a decision.

His sudden change in attitude made me a little uneasy.

On the one hand, I could see that Muir was starting to acknowledge me, but given the weird company I’ve had around me, I began to wonder if Muir was just blending in.

“What’s that look for?”

In response to Muir’s curiosity, I shook my head and surveyed our group to decide who to take with me.

Considering what I had seen in the forest, I doubted we’d face any major strength problem. However, I had no idea what was lurking inside.

“Perverted Apostle.”

It made sense to take someone with significant strength, who could counter necromancy.

Though it annoyed me a little that I’d have to team up with this revolting guy, it was the rational choice.

“I’m giving you a chance to roll around and die for me. Aren’t you thrilled?”

“Yes! Of course! I will do my very best!”

As he jumped forward the moment he heard his name, his confident smile made him turn to the surroundings.

There stood Karl and the Clumsy Fox, looking dejected at having missed out.

The Perverted Apostle—does he feel superior just because he was picked before those two? Is it even okay for an Apostle to act like that?

“…Is this because I’m weak?”

“…If the main body had just come to this place…”

“Hey, you two idiots. I’m not leaving you here to chill. You’re supposed to roll around outside like the little pups you are.”

Even as I pointed out the importance of them guarding the outside, their spirits showed no sign of lifting.

Even Bisi and Muir looked down on those two.

Watching the scene unfold, I sighed and placed a hand on my forehead while I offered them enticing words. Maybe if they worked hard, they’d get a special accessory made by the Perverted Apostle!

“I will do my best!”

“I will meet the Young Lady’s expectations!”

As soon as I heard those words, seeing them lift their heads up so eagerly made me feel like a hound chasing after a bone.

I’m not just calling you guys dogs for nothing! Just when I say we’re going out for a stroll do you get all tail-wagging happy!

Anyway, with the two finally motivated, I stood before the door to the dungeon, mace and shield in hand.

“My Lady? Why are you preparing?”

“What? You don’t want to enter with me, Perverted Apostle? You were all excited, but now you want to back out?”

“No, it’s not that—it’s just that dungeons of this kind usually only allow one person in.”

“Those are your pathetic rules. I’m an exception!”


Facing the Apostle’s question, I pondered how to explain this, realizing there was no point to talk it out. Instead, I literally kicked the Perverted Apostle into the dungeon.

Then I told the others that I’d be back soon before following him.


The Perverted Apostle, who had entered before me, looked bewildered as he examined my face.

“Am I witnessing an illusion?”

“You can’t even tell the difference between me and an illusion?♡ For an Apostle like yourself, how can you be this clueless?♡ At least you should know the level of the crow you serve!♡”

“This burning feeling… It truly is the Young Lady. It’s astounding. How is this possible?”

I shrugged off the Perverted Apostle’s admiration and fixed my gaze upon the scenery of the dungeon.

The place we landed was eerily similar to the forest we had just seen.

The only difference was that we were in a dark area void of light, with a chilling fog lingering around.

Sensing the evil god’s energy in that fog, I utilized my shield to radiate a sacred force around us.

As a result, the fog began to dissipate, revealing the path ahead.

“You have grown even more since the last time I saw you.”

“Of course. I’m a genius, after all.”

The scenery inside the dungeon was just what I expected.

The ominous energy wafting through the forest was similar as well.

This fog, designed to confound the senses, was undoubtedly a characteristic of the Void dungeon.

Hmm. Is it not the same as the boring stuff I’d seen enough of through my monitor?

That must mean what’s lurking at the end is just as dull.

Rescuing the bear shouldn’t be too difficult.

“Perverted Apostle.”

“Yes, what is it?”

“I don’t want to linger in this annoying place, alright? If you fall behind, I’m going to stomp you.”

“Hmm… Saying that makes me want to lag behind.”


“Haha, just kidding. I’ll give it my best shot.”

Disregarding the Perverted Apostle’s laughter, I prepared to sprint.

Closing my eyes, steadied my breath, radiated the sacred energy all over, relaxed my muscles, and plotted my path.

Finally, I looked ahead again.

“Follow me.”

The moment I took a step, the surrounding scenery shifted.

The overwhelming speed generated by my superhuman body.

Though the roots shot up trying to ensnare me, they couldn’t catch me.

Knowing where and what would happen, what was there to worry about?

“Your strategy is truly at a level of foresight.”

The Perverted Apostle, trailing behind me, looked awestruck.

It seemed that for him, the speed I displayed was something you could at least try to keep up with.

I had anticipated it, but there was still a long way to go.

Watching the laid-back Perverted Apostle made me chuckle and I accelerated even more.

I dodged the threatening plants and weaved through the attacks of the animals rising around me.

Eventually, I arrived back at the heart of the forest, ready to face the bear.

The bear, the owner of this forest, was definitely strong.

A single punch would be enough to tear a person apart.

But if you asked me if it were at the level of a true powerhouse, I would say I don’t think so.

A force that is impossible to withstand is something akin to Lasha’s attacks I faced in the arena.

As long as it isn’t that kind of overwhelming strength, I believe I can block just about anything now.

While I might not possess the power to stand up to someone head-on, my shield can protect against anything.

With all the aggro on me, I was certain the Perverted Apostle would handle things from there.

[…Oh? ]

Just as I was moving forward, thinking of my battle with the bear, the old man’s voice echoed with curiosity.

‘What is it?’

[How strange. I can sense the god’s divine energy emanating from within.]


What does that even mean?

Why can I sense the divine energy from inside the dungeon?

It’s the evil god’s dungeon, there shouldn’t be any resting zones!

[It’s definitely. Yeah, it’s similar to that of your friend.]

‘Phebe? Why is she here? She’s supposed to be tackling another dungeon right now.’

[I’m aware of that. However, the energy felt from there is undoubtedly hers.]

The old man’s senses could never be wrong.

His instincts, as one of the heroes, are unparalleled.

There’s no way he would be misled by the energies of the Void.

Then why in the world is Phebe’s energy emanating from so far away?

‘…Just point me in the right direction.’

[I understand. If you head northwest from where you are now…]

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not work with dark mode