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Chapter 435

Chapter: 435

Right in front of me, the power lurking near this forest is none other than dark mages researching offerings.

These guys, who inevitably experience backlash from their dark magic and seek to transfer it to their sacrifices, are as close to the evil god’s forces as you can get.

There are even a bunch of evil god’s followers mingling among them!

So figuring out who the evil god tangled up in this forest is won’t be a walk in the park.

Anyone could be involved, except for the usual suspects like fire or those puny shadows that have gone all shrunken down.

Still, based on the ominous vibes surrounding this forest, I suspect that the followers of the Void have made themselves at home here.

Donning the armor I rescued from the Tersha Empire, I loosened my body with a few stretches.

Thanks to the training over break, I felt like a pro maneuvering in this armor—no awkwardness at all!

Feeling satisfied, I hefted my mace and shield and took point.

“I think it’s better if I or that knight over there lead the way.”

Muir, who didn’t know me that well, looked a bit worried about that, but I just scoffed at his concerns.

“Are you telling me to trust the nose of a dog? While that’s a convincing argument, I’ll have to pass. Following a clueless mutt would probably land us in a trap!”

“Muir, Lucy is exceptional in this line of work. There’s no one more trustworthy than her.”

“…Well, if you say so, Lina.”

I was honestly surprised at the fox’s polite persuasion; I never expected this scatterbrained pervert to pull off something so respectful!

Can you believe it? This nutjob, who wants to be trampled right next to my bed in the morning, can act like this?

The Clumsy Fox, oblivious to my shock, gave a shy smile, lowered her head, and took a few steps back.

If you didn’t know any better, you might think she was a proper lady.

No! Why was she acting all prim and proper around me when she could do that all the time? If only she’d behaved like that regularly!

…Hmm. No. That would probably be equally creepy.

A girl who pretends to be sweet on the outside while secretly begging for a stomp on her head?

That’s horrifying!

Honestly, I’d prefer a straightforward pervert over that!

“My Lady, it seems everyone is ready,” said Karl.

Snapping out of my thoughts at his voice, I looked around at everyone present.

The sharpest-fanged wolf, Muir.

The crafty fox, Lina.

Karl, the knight of the Alrn family.

Adri, who is a necromancer and her sidekick, Bisi.

The Apostle of the Art Guild, Frete. And me, the Apostle of the God.

Aside from Bisi and me, everyone else could either be at the top of their respective factions or powerful monsters in their own rights.

I had full confidence that no matter what happened inside that forest, we wouldn’t be caught off guard. If I could handle the schemes lurking in the woods, we’d be just fine.

“Let’s go, losers.”

As soon as we stepped into the forest, an ominous energy surrounded us.

[Looks like they noticed us.]

‘As expected.’

Each one of us carried a heavy presence. It was wishful thinking to hope they’d be oblivious to us.

So, I decided to not bother hiding our presence.

Let them try to respond!

If they can stop us, please do.

I’ll figure out what they’ve prepped just by watching their trashy movements.

“Hey, elderly lady! Quit hiding back there and get to work. Your useless friend needs you to step up, okay?”

– Please wait a moment.

As Adri spread her cheer, the souls of animals began to rise from the ground around us.

The remnants of those who once lived in this forest, now lost.

Since they had lost their ease, they began to disperse throughout the forest at Adri’s command.

“Working with a necromancer isn’t all that delightful,” Muir grumbled, sounding annoyed at the disturbance of the animals’ peace.

Though his growl would strike fear into anyone, Adri remained unfazed by his anger.

– They aren’t being forced to move, Wolf.


– They asked for help and responded. I’m not strong enough to send the spirits deep into a forest filled with the energy of other mages.

“Oh, I see. My apologies.”

– No, it’s true I interrupted the dead’s peace, so I understand if you’re angry.

I could see why Adri, with her position as a necromancer, was often looked down on but she carried it gracefully.

No matter her inner turmoil, she appeared to be a girl. Seeing her bow her head like that, I couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for her.

Especially in the face of good-hearted Muir.

– Lady Alrn, I’ve encountered a bit of a problem.

“Did you get rejected by those pathetic little animals? Are you a loner now?”

– …Not quite. There’s something odd about this forest.

As I heard that a path was repeating, I was convinced that the forces occupying this place were from the followers of the Void.

The real path was hidden, and if you wandered off anywhere else, you’d just end up looping back.

“Good job, elderly lady. Let’s not bother with those quivering animals anymore. They must be miserable staying under you.”

If we’re facing the followers of the Void, further scouting is pointless.

It only serves to irritate when you’re trying to catch a spy hiding among allies.

Once we’ve become outright opponents, what power they possess is irrelevant.

I chuckled, channeling my sacred energy as I envisioned the map of the forest.

First, let’s move toward the area where the forest owner is located. I should be able to find a clue if I head into the heart of the forest.


To be honest, Muir didn’t feel particularly confident in Lucy Alrn.

He wasn’t concerned about all the bad rumors he’d heard about her.

Muir was not the kind of guy to evaluate someone based on hearsay.

It also didn’t bother him that his first encounter with her left an impression of the Apostle of the Art Guild and Lina crawling on the floor.

The bad reputation didn’t extend beyond Lina and the Apostle; Lucy Alrn’s ability to control them still reflected poorly on them.

Yet, Muir remained wary of Lucy Alrn because she exuded such confidence.

He could tell Lucy Alrn had overwhelming skills for her age.

She bore the fruits of her training within her petite body.

Her divine power was astonishing, unparalleled among priests.

Everything she had accomplished until now was impressive.

This was an undeniable truth.

However, such greatness doesn’t always yield positive results.

Those who do not know how to fall tend to crash from higher places, breaking faster than others.

Unable to carve out a place among others’ trust, Muir stepped back but still harbored worries in the back of his mind.

So, he always stayed alert, prepared for any problem that might arise.

Yet, Muir’s concerns never materialized into reality.

As we advanced through the forest, Lucy Alrn didn’t make a single mistake.

“Ugh. Are these idiots so foolish they don’t even think? It’s practically begging me to find them at this point!”

Being able to immediately detect the path hidden by the evil god’s power.

“Trash like that who serves nothing should be empty-headed too. What’s the point of hiding traps like this when their power is this weak?”

She not only found the traps but also obliterated them right in front of their faces.

“Why are they so weak?♡ I doubt this would even leave a mark on my shield!♡ Are they maybe trying to spare me?♡ Too cute, they can’t attack me!♡ Haha~♡ You’re so sweet!♡ Thanks~♡ I’ll kick you as a reward!♡”

She displayed overwhelming prowess even in battle against the dark mages.

With her divine power, she nullified their curses.

She batted away spells they had prepared beforehand with her shield.

While drawing attention, she’d retreat and let her allies finish them off.

From Muir’s perspective, Lucy Alrn was exhibiting a level of ability that no child her age could possess.

She was incredibly adept.

Instead of letting her youthful exuberance dictate her actions, she moved like an experienced mercenary, considering everything and countering the enemies’ maneuvers while advising her comrades endlessly on what to do. Her every action was optimal, far beyond what Muir thought possible—even more so than his own responses.

As this process repeated over several hours, Muir slowly began to acknowledge Lucy.

He realized her confidence wasn’t blind but came from a true assurance in her abilities.

After that, Muir began to earnestly follow Lucy’s orders, performing tasks as zealously as Karl and Frete.

He accepted her as the leader of their party and lent his strength to her commands.

This experience was refreshing for Muir, who had always lived as the leader, making him think it wasn’t such a bad role after all.

Just when Muir’s trust in Lucy Alrn began to solidify, the party arrived in the middle of the forest.

There, they stumbled upon a door leading down to a dungeon.

“…Is this really it?”

For some reason, Lucy Alrn looked incredibly disappointed.

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not work with dark mode