Switch Mode

Chapter 434

Chapter: 434

– Do you know how much power the owner of the forest possesses?

“Clumsy Fox, what can you do?”

“If we’re talking about the main essence of the owner, I’d say there are many aspects where they approach omnipotence while within the forest.”

The term “owner of the forest” refers to a guardian chosen by a forest that has reached a certain scale.

These forest owners, who do many things on behalf of the mindless woods, can manage almost everything regarding the forest.

For example, they can alter the structure of the forest, balance the lives within it, and call forth new life. If they fully harness their powers, they can shape the forest as they desire.

Listening to the Clumsy Fox’s explanation, Adri lowered her voice a bit and continued.

– Since the forest owner can exert a lot of power within their domain, if one could steal that power, transforming the forest into a dungeon would certainly be feasible.

“…Stealing that power isn’t easy, though.”

– As the Fox says, seizing the power of the forest owner isn’t a walk in the park. The name of a spirit isn’t a mere façade. However, if the evil god’s powers interfere, the story changes entirely.

The power held by the forest’s owner belongs to the spirit. No matter how skillful a dark mage is, it’s a tall order to take the strength of someone whose existence is on a different level.

But if the evil god gets involved, that changes everything. The stature of the forest owner becomes trivial in the face of such a transcendent entity.

As I listened to Adri’s explanation, the Clumsy Fox leaped off my shoulder and took on a human form.

Visi’s eyes widened in surprise at the transformation from a purely white fox to an alluring woman, but the Clumsy Fox didn’t pay her any mind, only gazing at Adri.

“Is the theoretical explanation… possible?”

– Of course, my Lady.

The theory regarding dark magic brought up by Adri was something I couldn’t fathom, given my limited understanding of magic.

However, the serious expression on the Clumsy Fox was unusual for her, so I instinctively took a step back.

[I might not fully understand the theory of dark magic, but I believe it can be done. I’ve faced forests turned into someone else’s territory by evil gods in the past.]

Now I understood what grandpa was talking about.

The fairy forest that had been occupied by the dark evil god has now become a hermit’s lair below the ground.

The power of the evil god that cloaked that place.

Recalling the scene I saw through the monitor, I couldn’t help but frown.

Was what I witnessed on the screen going to unfold here in this forest?

As I silently gazed at the still forest, I pondered who its owner was.

She was someone imbued with the power of bears.

Though her size could be compared to Rasha, whom I had seen months before, she was gentle at heart.

She hadn’t been the forest owner for long and had complained about not knowing how to conduct the trials, which made her seem quite adorable.

Well, the forest owner was still a force to be reckoned with, so her fighting appearance was certainly not cute.

While reminiscing about my personal fond memories from beyond the monitor, I felt my hands tighten instinctively.

If I had arrived just a little earlier, could I have saved that bear? What a tragedy it faced at the hands of the occupying hoard.



“Clumsy Fox! If that gloomy guardian of the forest disappears, won’t the lousy power vanish with it?!”

“…Hmm? Yeah, I guess so. But why?”

“Then that means the pathetic loser we’re talking about is still very much alive, huh?”

– That’s likely. They talk about seizing power, but it’s practically like making the forest owner into a lackey.

Still alive.

What a shy little thing, awkward and pitiful, just waiting to be played with, that bear is lurking there.

Grinning widely, I squeezed between Adri and the Clumsy Fox and kicked the fainted Karl to wake him up.

“…Oh? Why was I fainting? Ah! Young Lady! There’s a ghost here!”

“You pathetic excuse for a knight♡ I think any puppy who cries over ghosts is pretty useless, don’t you?♡”


“If you want to be abandoned, you can faints again♡ I’ll gladly kick your rear end♡”

With cold sweat pouring down Karl’s face, he hurriedly got up and assumed a knightly pose.

“No! That won’t happen again, I promise!”


“Yes! I, Karl, will overcome my fears to protect you, Young Lady!”

Seeing Karl’s serious face, I motioned for everyone nearby to follow me and dashed off quickly.

To meet the perverted apostle and the wolf waiting at our promised place.

“It’s so good to see you again, Young Lady Alrn. Even this gloomy forest seems to be warming up under your light.”

The perverted apostle, who had already arrived at the meeting spot, flashed a bright smile before babbling nonsense as usual.

Having been getting used to this kind of nonsense, I was just about to let his words wash over me when he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket.

What he revealed was a drawing of me—my smiling face looking at someone beyond the paper.

The ugly distortion showing his preferences immediately soured my expression.

Even with pure contempt flooding my heart, the perverted apostle continued casually.

“This will be the design for the accessories next time. I’d like to get your evaluation, my Lady…”

Before he could finish, I grabbed the drawing, ripped it to shreds, and threw it on the ground to stomp on it.

“My life’s masterpiece!”

The perverted apostle looked at me with lifeless eyes, falling to the ground while letting out a scream close to a wail, but I had no regrets about what I’d done.

After seeing the little speech bubble drawn beside my face, there was no other choice.

Why the hell did he write the words ‘Apostle’ next to me?

Well, that much was fine, but why show it to me when he could just keep that fantasy to himself?!

This is clearly begging for a smackdown! Perverted bastard!

“Lucy! What do you think you’re doing, tearing such a precious thing apart?! Step back! I’ll restore my paper!”

“…Clumsy Fox, can you please shut up?”

“Or step on me with those lovely feet! Then I’ll graciously accept my fate!”

“Me too! If you stomp on me, I’ll gladly accept my fate!”

“…What is going on here?”

At this point, it felt like I wouldn’t be found guilty of smacking both of their heads with my mace as I nibbled on my lips when a flustered voice reached my ears.

Muir, the wolf with the sharpest fangs, expressed genuine disbelief at the bizarre spectacle of the Clumsy Fox and the perverted apostle.

“Perverted Apostle! Lina! What on earth are you two doing?”

“I’m just following my instincts!”

“I’m merely dedicating my body to the beautiful art!”

Even before the amazement of a normally sane person, the two perverts stayed loyal to their desires.

Under the pressure of their enthusiasm, Muir inadvertently took a step back, while the two asked fervently why they found themselves in this peculiar situation.

Realizing that if we didn’t move on, the story wouldn’t progress, I sighed and sat on top of the Clumsy Fox.

At that, the Clumsy Fox let out a joyful voice and kept quiet, while the perverted apostle looked on in envy, alternating his gaze between the Clumsy Fox and me.

“Disgusting trash♡ It’s ridiculous that a person with no talents can only draw me like this♡ Don’t you feel ashamed?♡”

“…Was there a problem?”

“Is there a problem?♡ Are you seriously asking me that?♡ The distorted version of me from your imagination is way too disgusting!♡”


“Leaving it to your disgusting imagination means you’ll just draw something even more perverted, so I’d better see it for myself♡”

“Lady, does that mean you’ll be a model for me?”

“Who knows?♡ What could that possibly mean?♡”

“I’ll do my best on this! I’ll impress you!”

“Kurhh♡ You’re really desperate now~♡ Alright. Let’s see how good you can be♡ If it impresses me, I’ll kick you♡”

Easily wrapped around the two’s fingers, I shifted my gaze from the Clumsy Fox to Muir.

“Hello, you silly pup.”

“…Uh. Hello. Lady of the Alrn Family.”

“You know me? Your ears aren’t just for decoration, huh?”

“Haha. You truly are as they say, my Lady.”

For some reason, the complicated look in Muir’s eyes as he looked at me puzzled me.

I had just helped him out, so why was he wearing such a face? I couldn’t begin to understand.

[Maybe you don’t truly understand after all.]

‘…Please don’t say anything ridiculous just because you’re trying to deny reality.’

I can’t believe I’m noticing these things!

As what they saw or avoided would say I’m denying it; it’s the utmost disgraceful thing!



After managing to sort out the situation, I explained everything to Muir and the perverted apostle.

The forest gradually being consumed and turning into a dungeon. The forest owner who was losing her power in there.

Dark mages and the followers of the evil god lurking in the shadows, carrying out their sinister plans.

And my goal to defeat all my enemies and save the forest owner.

“It shouldn’t be too difficult. How strong could those losers be when they can’t even handle a dull bear?”

Everyone who had been with me until now didn’t say a thing about my words. They knew well I could make the impossible happen after multiple times, so they were ready to follow my orders.

However, Muir wasn’t having it. As my story unfolded, his expression grew serious as he crossed his arms and spoke in a heavy tone.

“I understand you wish for something great, my Lady. But realistically, is it possible?”

“What’s up? Are you a trash dog without any of that comrade spirit?”

“…I do feel a strong desire to save my comrades. But there are things in this world that can’t be achieved through mere enthusiasm.”


Caught off guard by the normality of his thoughts and statements, I couldn’t help but exclaim, only to see Muir furrow his brows at me, prompting me to laugh.

“Clueless pup. Isn’t it fine to just follow someone else’s lead when your ability isn’t up to par?”

“What are you trying to imply?”

“That even a loser like you can put his faith in impossible situations like mine.”

As the rotten water of Soul Academy, I have repeatedly turned the impossible into reality.

Even through the monitor, and even now that this world has become reality.

Today won’t be any different.

In this forest transforming into a dungeon, there’s no way I will fail!

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not work with dark mode