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Chapter 433

Chapter: 433

The tranquil forest was thick with an ominous energy.

There were no birds chirping, no sounds of beasts stirring, and even the rustle of branches in the wind seemed weak.

However, finding a sense of foreboding in that stillness was far from easy.

The energies mixed into the air of the forest were hiding behind the calm, like little snakes waiting for their moment.

If I didn’t pay close attention, I could easily dismiss it as just a dark woods—what about the others?

“Lady Alrn.”

I saw Fairby sneak up beside me and quietly put a finger to my lips.

There was no need to inform the others about this.

After all, the unsettling feeling in this forest would dissipate once they were inside the dungeon.

It was better to let it all end without them worrying about it.


Fairby looked a bit uneasy, but she didn’t press me about it.

As soon as Fairby backed off, Adri, who was guarding beside Visi, started speaking to me.

– Is that the reason you brought her along?

What’s up with this old hag suddenly being all polite? I tilted my head at the absurdity when I realized that Visi was still in disguise.

She hasn’t taken off her mask yet? Is the old lady impressive, or is Visi just completely clueless?

I had a sudden urge to rip the mask off, but I held it back. This wasn’t the time for such antics.

Hmm. If I speak alone, would it seem weird?

Just nodding in silence, Adri crossed her arms in the air.

– People really can be such trash. I didn’t think there’d still be people like this around.

Trashy? Adri’s tone was so serious that I almost asked a question, but I forced myself to suppress that curiosity.

She found my reaction amusing, and with a light chuckle, she promised to explain it to me later as she walked away.

Ah. This is frustrating. I understand that it’s a complicated situation to explain on the spot, but her way of doing it was just amplifying my curiosity.

Argh. If even the necromancer calls it trashy, then what’s happening in that forest? Is the situation worse than I thought?

Well, it’s probably better to keep my distance from the forest. Let’s go around. Who knows what might happen if we step in there?

With my friends around, there was no need to take dangerous risks. I intentionally detoured toward the location of the dungeon.

“…I really didn’t expect a dungeon to be in a place like this.”

We arrived at the foot of a mountain a little further past the woods.

In a barren area that looked like no one would ever come unless they were out of their mind, there stood the entrance to the dungeon.

It was a hidden spot. Hard to find through normal routes, but if you rummaged around long enough, you’d inevitably stumble upon it.

As is common with this type of dungeon, it was a little tougher than the typical ones in the area and offered more special rewards.

From what I remembered, the reward waiting at the end of this dungeon was a passive related to magic, which would surely be beneficial for everyone.

“Are we going in right now?”

“You’re a bit scared by the dungeon entrance, aren’t you, Poor Prince?”

“That’s not what I meant!”

“Do as you please. I won’t be going in anyway, so go ahead and slack off as much as you want, Your Highness.”

“…You’re not going in?”

“Aren’t you coming with us?”

“Lucy. Not going?”

When I mentioned I wasn’t going in, my friends except Fairby showed surprise.

Geez. They really like me too much. They’re shocked that I’m not joining for a dungeon raid.

“Hey. You. Are you Lucy Alrn?”


“Lady Alrn. Are you unwell? You don’t seem to have a fever or anything…”


“This isn’t Lucy. Lucy never refuses a dungeon raid.”

It took me a moment to grasp the situation, and I bit my lip.

Ah, so it doesn’t make sense that I, the dungeon-obsessed heroine, would suddenly refuse to raid one?

With my insane dedication to dungeons, it seems implausible for me not to participate, right?

Sure, I won’t deny that.

I loved the game Soul Academy and thoroughly enjoyed its dungeons.

It’s not just that I liked them—I was obsessed enough to memorize the routes of every dungeon in the game.

Given that, I certainly wouldn’t easily pass up the chance to see one live.

But still, that doesn’t mean I’d be such a frenzied person as to alter my priorities just because of one dungeon!

If I said anything out loud, it would sound really bad, so I kept my voice suppressed as my friends’ worries only grew.

“Well, considering what this guy does, it’s more surprising that he’s still in one piece. Just look at the hardships he’s going through compared to us.”

“So you’ve been acting strong this whole time, huh? We didn’t even know.”

“Could we win if we attacked Lucy?”

“Freya Kent. That’s a no.”

“Lady Kent, I don’t think that’s true either.”


What’s infuriating is that my friends genuinely cared about me.

If it had been a joke, I would’ve laughed it off, but the concern on Joy and Arthur’s faces was too real.

Why does it make me mad? They seriously think I’m some crazed woman willing to risk my life for a dungeon!

I might have a memory of pulling similar stunts, but just the thought that they believe I’m insane annoys me!

“Hey♡ you pathetic losers♡”

Fueled with rage, I shrank my mace and popped it into my pouch before balling my fists.

“…Lady? Why did you put away your mace?”

“I’m just going to let you know how my physical condition is holding up, you losers. You like this over mere words, right?♡ Isn’t that right?♡”

“Umm, Lucy Alrn. Just take a breath. Just breathe.”

“Ah~♡ The whiny prince’s voice is so pathetic, I can barely hear you~♡ But since it sounds like you might be a fan, I’ll go now♡”

“Use words! Talk it out!”

It wasn’t hard to redirect the topic for the three of them.

Arthur and Joy were practically impossible to beat in close combat, and Freya didn’t even bother trying to partner up.

Once I quieted down, I stood in front of the three of them and spoke.

“You losers always depend on me when I’m around, right? No matter how amazing I am, it’s awkward if you just stick to me like that. You need to learn to stand on your own.”

They seemed to understand that with me around, they would unconsciously rely on me. It’s about time for them to try moving on their own.

Given that they knew better than anyone what joining me for a dungeon raid meant, it was unavoidable to accept that.

“Um. Lady Alrn. I understand we have to enter the dungeon alone, but what will you do? Do you have something planned with that person you brought along?”

“Why are you so curious about what I’ll do, you brat?”


“Hmph. I appreciate you caring, but that kind of obsession makes me uncomfortable, you know? Can you tone it down?”

“I didn’t mean to be obsessed!”

Thinking they somewhat accepted my reasoning, I dangled the carrot that I would ease the punishment after completing the dungeon raid, making them more determined to put their best foot forward as they headed in.

Then I turned to Fairby and whispered.

“Even if she’s a pathetic saint, a saint is still a saint. So watching over is fine, right?”

“…Of course, Lady Alrn.”

I got Fairby to agree to that, and as soon as my friends entered the dungeon, I turned my gaze to Visi, who was stuck firmly next to Karl. In that moment, Adri shrugged.

– I’ll need to find a way to come here alone next time. If I keep hanging out with Visi, she’ll become my companion before long.

“Are you worried about losing this sidekick?”

– Do I look so generous?

“Why even ask? It’s not every day you meet someone creepier than that lonely hag.”

– …just you wait.

“Hey. Young Lady.”

While I was snickering at Adri, I caught sight of Karl’s concerned expression.

“Why, mutt?”

“Who are you chatting with?”

Hearing the fear laced in Karl’s voice made me smirk.

“Strange, huh? Usually, dogs can spot the oddities pretty well, but you’re not one of them, huh?”

“Are… you kidding me?”

“Hey, mutt. Are you suggesting that I’m insane and muttering to myself?”

“Wha?! No! That’s not what I meant. I just…”

– I’m right here.

Karl, flustered and waving his hands, froze for a moment when he heard that voice from the side and turned to find Adri waving at him.

He totally fainted on the spot.

Wow. He can handle anything, but a ghost is where he draws the line.

What a coward.

“Adri?! What just happened?!”

– I did nothing. Visi. You can see that, right?

“Then why did Karl freak out?”

“Because he’s a coward. He’s scared of gloomy ghosts.”


“Why else do you think he ended up like that?”

Hearing that a ghost made him faint left Visi’s expression icy cold.

If he’s already reacting like this, it’s going to get rough. There’s still plenty of horrid things Karl can show her.

As I chuckled while anticipating the future, I glanced at Adri, who was trying his best to keep his expression serious.

I had received the message from him, and he wanted me to follow up on the conversation we’d started when we first entered the woods.

“Perhaps it’s because of his age that he’s so perceptive. Not like a lonely person at all.”

– Ah… Well. You know there’s a trace of dark magic in the forest, right?

“How do you know that, hag?”

– I’ll explain as if I’d assumed you knew. The dark mages lurking in the woods are trying to engulf the forest itself. To say they’re aiming to turn it into a dungeon would be the simplest explanation.

“…Oi, hag. Repeat that.”

– Enveloping the forest.

“Not that. The part after.”

– They’re trying to turn the forest into a dungeon?

“Right. That.”

So, a new dungeon is about to arise here?


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not work with dark mode