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Chapter 432

Chapter: 432

Back when this world was still a game to me, the second year students at the Academy experienced the most chaotic time.

First-year students were focusing on building up their character strengths, so they only had to worry about things within the Academy.

Third-year students were wrapping up the game, meaning they could just focus on what was outside the Academy.

But being stuck smack in the middle, second-year students had to navigate both inside and outside the Academy for various tasks, making it an overwhelming experience.

Especially for the newbies who struggled most with venturing outside the Academy.

While taking on dungeons outside and engaging in quests through conversations with NPCs, they also had to juggle all the mundane matters within the Academy—talk about a brain drain!

Of course, once they became familiar with these elements, it was the second-year students who had the most fun.

With their personal stories with the characters progressing to a nice level, they could enjoy that and not worry too much about the main plot since the evil gods had their plans underway.

I, for one, had already detailed my plans for what I needed to do in my second year.

Since I’d entered this game world, there were so many things I didn’t want to miss out on.

But first, I had to deal with the immediate tasks at hand.

The next day after telling my friends about going outside, I headed out to Academy Street to use the teleportation magic circle, joining my friends early in the morning.

“Is it really okay not to prepare anything? Even if we’ll be back soon, we should have several things ready.”

“It’s kind of sad how you’re lacking initiative, Poor Prince. If you were going to say such things, shouldn’t you prepare beforehand? How long am I going to keep spoon-feeding you?”

“No, I—”

“Don’t worry. I won’t cling to your pant legs like Poor Prince here. I’ve got everything covered, so just follow along while whining.”

When I casually turned my eyes back, I could see Arthur biting his lip. The other friends were used to it and just smiled softly, but not Visi.

She was forced to join our group because we needed a healer, and she was sweating at the sight of Arthur getting angry.

“Visi, you don’t need to be too careful. This is just our normal day-to-day stuff.”

Visi looked concerned, and Fairby slipped in some words to ease the tension, but her intention backfired.

Even if she was just a bit forgetful, a sorceress was still a sorceress. To her, Fairby, the saint of the Church of the Lord, was a much tougher opponent than Arthur.

“Hmm? Why do you…”

“…it’s a bit sad that this is our normal.”

When Fairby saw the color drain from Visi’s face and was about to say something, Arthur let out a deep sigh. Joy then chuckled lightly.

“It’s not just the prince going through this, right?”

“Exactly. It’s not just the prince being pathetic. Putting on a show of being bullied is just… well, a bit off.”

“Still, does it really make sense to find comfort in knowing you’re not alone? Is it just me, or does it feel like something is really wrong here?”

“Yeah, it seems only you, Poor Prince, think so. Shocking that the only guy in the party is the biggest whiner. This would be the time to call it pitiful, right?”

“Okay, I got it. I’ll shut up, so just take it easy.”

Seeing Arthur raise both hands, I couldn’t help but laugh, only to hear a voice nearby gnashing its teeth.

“What a fool! He doesn’t even realize how lucky he is!”

The Clumsy Fox perched on my shoulder ignited with jealousy.

Her blunt feelings elicited a chuckle as I grabbed her by the nape and tossed her to Karl.

She flailed and tried to get away from Karl’s firm grasp, but it was futile. It was impossible for her to escape the loyal lapdog’s hold.

Before long, we had left Academy Street and were heading to the dungeon outside.

The teleportation induced nausea was still there, but falling over wasn’t an option anymore.

Taking a deep breath to settle my queasy stomach, I stepped outside while leaving my friends to wobble behind me.

The scenery of a small barony—far more tranquil than a city—lay before us.

In a place where if someone confessed to someone, the next day, the whole town would know.

Regardless of whether they were accepted or rejected, the next day, an old lady would surely come by, gasping and patting their shoulder.

With that thought, as I absorbed the sights, I couldn’t help but shake my head while recalling quests and events that existed in this city.

The moment I started talking to people, things would definitely unfold predictably.

My existence here would probably feel like way too much of a burden for this small, quiet place.


Just as I was thinking that and about to step back, a gaggle of kids came rushing toward me from so far away.

What’s going on? Why are they running at me?

Is it because of the Clumsy Fox?

Despite feeling uneasy, it seemed that my outward appearance was somewhat cute, prompting them to come over to pet the Clumsy Fox!

That’s the only reason I could think of!

With my lips pressed tight, I prepared to present the Clumsy Fox in front of them.

“That’s you, isn’t it!”

Upon hearing the bold address, I froze momentarily as the boy at the front pulled out a pendant with my likeness inside, and realization hit me.

So they saw someone in the accessory that looked just like me and came rushing over without a clue about who I really was!

That’s why they were looking at me with such excitement.

…What do I do? I’ve never been in a situation like this, and I’m really under pressure!

Shouldn’t I just babble on like usual?

I mean, sure, I’m a bit of a garbage human being, but I wouldn’t go losing my temper on these innocent kids!

Caught up in thoughts of shattering their fantasies, as I hesitated, the kids began chattering away without restraint.

“Of course it’s her! There can’t be this many beautiful people!”

“But she’s not saying anything!”

“She’s probably just shy.”

“No way! She looks way prettier than in the picture!”

Completely stumped on how to respond, I contemplated escaping, when I spotted a lady from afar running toward us in a panic.

“I’m so sorry! Noble One! My kids are just a bit young and foolish!”

“Mom! Look! It’s her!”

“You kids better hurry and apologize! Now!”

Even after the lady forced them to apologize, she kept glancing my way.

Can’t she just take them and leave? Why keep apologizing repeatedly?

[How can a noble move without showing mercy if the commoners don’t bow down?]

‘…Am I really in a spot where I have to say something?! That could only make this worse!’

Sweating, it was clear that whether I remained silent or spoke, it was a problem. Just then, footsteps approached from behind me.

“Please leave. I don’t want to make them responsible for their mistake.”

With that noble and firm voice, the lady bowed her head once more and hurried away.

Phew, I truly thought I was about to choke to death.

Turning to express my gratitude for the help, I found Joy wearing a satisfied smile, and I bit my lip.

“You really are weak against kids, huh?”

“Yeah, it seems so. Quite the surprising side of you.”

“Surprising? Come on, Prince. With her nature, it’s to be expected.”


…Wait, hadn’t they just been rolling on the floor with nausea a moment ago?

When did they start watching me? How long had they been watching?

“By the way, Lucy.”

“…What, you silly swordsmaster?”

“The fact that they called you means they thought of ‘Lucy’ as a brat, right?”

“Ugh.” “Hmph.” “…Pfft.” […Cough.]

Hearing laughter erupt all around, I tightly clenched my fist and grabbed the cheek of the dolt who was tilting their head.

“Ah! Ouch!”

“I’m not sure what you’re saying, but is it true that the Silly Swordsmaster is so dumb that they can’t even speak properly?”

After the little commotion faded, we pressed on toward the dungeon.

We didn’t bother getting a carriage. We’d all experienced the relentless march of the Alrn Knights, so why go through the hassle?

Right now, we were far faster and more efficient running on our own legs than renting a carriage!

Ah, of course, that doesn’t apply to Visi. This typical sorceress was as weak as they come.

So I just handed her off to Karl. I figured it would be more of a hassle to carry her myself.

But she looked so girl-like when being carried by Karl.

Thinking it over, it made sense. If you didn’t know the inner workings of this pathetic pup Karl, he was literally the embodiment of a knight! If he hid his worthless self, that’s what he would look like.

Just as I considered telling her about Karl’s true nature, I decided against it. Visi’s blushed face was just too cute to spoil.

Anyway, she’d understand eventually when we moved through the forest together, so why ruin her fun ahead of time?

Besides, wouldn’t it be more interesting to see how she reacts when her true self is revealed without any words?

With that in mind, we began running toward the dungeon—and not even an hour had passed before we entered the mountains where the dungeon was located and beheld the scenic forest beneath it.

“Is it really okay to go in there? It seems like a perfect place to get lost.”

The thick foliage looked so fierce it seemed even a person like me would lose their way in there.

“Dumbass. Do I look like an idiot to you?”

But I wasn’t worried. Having memorized the geography of all locations within the Soul Academy world, I completely knew the path through that dense forest.


[You’re sensing it too, huh?]

‘How could I not sense that?’

When I frowned slightly and turned my head, Fairby nodded along as well.

It was evident.

There was an ominous energy steadily radiating from within that thick forest.

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