Switch Mode

Chapter 426

Chapter: 426

Honestly, what I’m about to do is downright absurd.

To think I could use dot damage to take them all out at once without any info from the monitor is just wild.

If anyone in the stagnant community found out I was attempting this, they’d probably label me a psycho or an outright lunatic.

But, you see, I’ve always been the crazy one.

Adding a couple of eccentricities isn’t going to change that.

When I decided I needed to take down all the bosses in one go, the first thing I did was analyze the damage my mace could inflict.

I needed to estimate the boss’s HP based on my attack damage, after all.

The various monsters in the academy dungeon helped with this.

Even though the dungeon’s appearance had changed, the monsters inside didn’t transform entirely. So, I whacked them around to gauge my attack power.

After that, I figured out how much HP they had while battling them. Then I ventured into the back streets to gather poison and explosives, formulated my theory, and put my plan into action.

Unlike in-game where you can visually see the numbers, I faced several trial-and-error moments, but I’ve got it sorted now.

I’ve perfectly adjusted the variables, so there shouldn’t be any issues anymore.

[Doesn’t this kind of confidence usually lead to a big tumble?]

“Do you think I’m a fool? I’m not Joy!”

After snapping at Gramps, I took a deep breath and reinforced my body through my holy powers.

Thinking about all the time I wasted, my friends probably already reached the 100th floor.

The fact that I’m holed up here suggests they likely encountered some barrier—I just have to ensure that wasn’t a dead end.

But it’s not like I’ve lost just yet.

No matter how much time I burn, as long as I clear the 100th floor first, I’m still the winner.

I’m confident.

During my thirty previous attempts, I optimized the route.

Theoretically, it would only take thirty minutes to defeat all four bosses.

I’m moving on to the next room and wrapping up the boss smash within those thirty minutes!

I’ll make those professors who doubted me regret it, and repay my friends for the humiliation of the past!

With my preparations complete, I immediately set out for the first checkpoint.

My running, transcending the human form, was so swift it could be described as flying through the air.

Naturally, the monsters in the first dungeon couldn’t even manage to snag my clothes.

In just five minutes, I reached the first boss room, observing the giant with eight arms.

As it raised its top two arms, I burst forward, laughter spilling forth.

You probably don’t remember, but I’ve fought you enough times to find you boring.

I already know how you’ll come at me.

And you’ve conveniently picked the path that makes it easiest for me to crush you.

I took a step back to dodge its arms.

Then, I dived in, dodging the follow-up strikes and whacked its torso with my mace.

Feelings need to be set aside. I must be calm. Like a machine. Attack with only the predetermined power.

After confirming the boss was now caved in like meat ready for a pork cutlet, I forced its mouth open and fed it poison before heading to the second boss.

Taking down the second boss was far easier than the first.

This one is fine as long as I don’t kill it.

Having smashed its arms, I kindly placed a bomb on its head before moving on to the next boss.

With the wraith in the third dungeon, I didn’t even need to strategize.

Once I slammed in the holy power, it fell into a near-death state instantly.

Setting up a sanctified area over the wraith, I dashed toward the next boss.

So far, everything’s gone perfectly.

None of the mistakes I’ve made up till now have occurred.

Now, I just need to time the death of the last boss.

“Gramps! How many minutes have passed?!”

[It’s been about ten minutes since you poisoned the first boss. Five minutes since you set the bomb.]

As I raced toward the fourth boss, Gramps immediately replied.

“Let me know when it’s time!”

Messing with the last boss isn’t too difficult.

After all, I’m a holy knight.

If I wanted, I could even keep the opponent alive just for kicks.

The moment I faced him, I slammed down on his head, bringing him to a near-death state and softly healed him to keep him hanging on.


And as soon as Gramps signaled, I snuffed out his life.

With the guardian of the room gone, silence enveloped me as I focused on my surroundings.

No door leading back to the starting point had appeared. This means I haven’t failed yet.

But now’s not the time to celebrate. Errors can pop up at any moment.

Having been too quick to rejoice before and then faced disappointment, I held my breath, waiting for something to change.

Just then, after a few seconds, I heard the sound of machinery activating.

A sound I’d never heard before.

Upon hearing it, I swiftly exited the dungeon and headed back to the place with four forks in the road.

There, a fifth path had spawned—one that never existed before.

“I did it!”

Succeeding in what seemed an impossible feat was exhilarating in itself.

And it felt the same this time.

Having achieved something utterly absurd, I jumped up and down, grinning like a fool.

This is why I love challenges!

It’s about banging my head against what seems impossible!

The bigger the absurdity, the greater the joy when I succeed!

“See, Gramps! I told you I could do it!”

[Ha. I never imagined this was possible.]

“Isn’t this the divine might a servant of the God should possess?! Do you get it?!”

After flailing my arms wildly for some time, once my excitement cooled down, I covered my face with both hands.

I was so happy to finally succeed after countless attempts that I had to do something comically foolish.

Gramps remarked I was cute for acting like a child my age, but that’s the problem!

Being called cute is, in itself, a humiliation for me!

[Heh heh. You don’t need to act strong around someone who knows you so well.]

Gramps seemed to find it amusing that I was embarrassed and kept throwing playful remarks my way.

“Can you stop teasing me?!”

[What’s wrong with calling something cute?]

“I’m afraid you’ll turn into a clumsy fox just like her!”

[…Even I can’t stand such an insult! There must be levels!]

Deflecting the topic by bickering with Gramps, I took a deep breath and set my course for the 100th floor.

What awaits me at the end of this dungeon?

Given that I’ve been so attentive from the lower floors, the final challenge shouldn’t be a light opponent either.

As I pondered which boss from the academy dungeons would be the most formidable, upon meeting my opponent on the 100th floor, I understood the academy had truly invested itself seriously.

What awaited me at the 100th floor was a little girl.

With pristine white skin, red hair tied in silky pigtails, gem-like sparkling eyes, and a doll-like face adorned with a mischievous smile.

Lucy Alrn.

What awaited me on the 100th floor was me. More precisely, a golem mimicking me.

Wow. I can’t believe I’d find one of the hidden bosses after completing all the Soul Academy’s story in the academy dungeon.

My dungeon really seems to have ignited the professors’ motivation.

As I giggled to myself, I felt a sense of lightness in my heart.

The academy’s special doppelgänger is certainly a tough opponent.

Imitating the player’s specs means the effort the player has put into it bears down on them.

Yet, there’s a glaring flaw.

Unlike doppelgängers from other games, the academy dungeon’s doppelgänger has limitations.

For instance.

The academy’s doppelgänger can’t perfectly replicate the Apostle’s powers.

It can imitate, but it’s nothing more than a watered-down version.

Furthermore, the academy’s doppelgänger can’t mimic those stronger than the dungeon’s output.

In that case, it’s burdened and ends up in a state worse than just not imitating.

In addition, the academy doppelgänger has several weaknesses, which is why it has been labeled the weakest hidden boss since its first appearance.

Having played a part in dubbing it “the weakest among hidden bosses,” I felt no pressure facing my own doppelgänger.

Actually, aside from the difficulty, I felt pressure in other ways.

I felt guilty.

Looking at the giggling little girl, I couldn’t help but think of the old Lucy.

To attack that cute girl with my mace?!

This is a matter of humanity before rotten actions!

Wow. How horrible were the foes that attacked me until now?

Even I can be a bit snarky, but to attack a girl like this without even a second thought!

I’m really not much of a human.

“Wow! Hi there, pretty lady!”


“You look super cute, but why are you holding such a clunky thing? Are you too dumb to notice your own cuteness?”

“Stay careless and you’ll age overnight! You’ll turn into a wrinkly old lady!”


“With you being so little, if your back curves, you’d practically look like a baby! I mean, what a strange sight—a deformed baby that’s old and wrinkly. Is that really worth living for?”

As I watched the giggling brat, I felt my conscience lighten, and I tightened my grip on my mace.

Now, I’m ready to teach this arrogant little brat a lesson without any hesitation!

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not work with dark mode