Switch Mode

Chapter 419

Chapter: 419

While moving to attend a class, I spotted Arthur chatting with a certain professor without thinking much of it.

There were countless nobles related to the royal palace around here, so I figured he might have a connection.

However, my thoughts changed when I overheard the professor’s words. Who could possibly be a friend of Arthur’s but one who would mock him with the most hurtful words, all while chuckling?

I, who confidently knew more about Arthur Soladin than he did himself, felt the heat rising in my head the moment I heard the professor speak.

What did that crazy bastard just say?

It would have been nice if he didn’t have such lowly blood, huh?

What the hell? If someone heard that, they might think he was a hybrid of god and human!

How dare he insult my friend! With my head growing warmer, I felt a rush of cold clarity.

I remembered that guy’s face—he was the villain from a side story.

Valian Cloch.

Once standing at the center of court power, he got pushed back when the First Queen appeared.

Out of bitterness, he allied himself with the Second Queen’s forces but was considered a nuisance even to them.

I thought he’d tone it down to avoid getting pushed out even further, but apparently not.

Well, if he could read the atmosphere, there’s no way he would’ve ended up in this deep of a hole.


As I smiled at the ridiculous setup of that loser, Arthur’s and Valian’s eyes fell on me.

Valian’s eyes were filled with confusion. He must have heard something about me from the Second Queen.

The message was clear: don’t mess with her.

But what could he do about it?

Even if he didn’t want to mess with me, I was bursting with ideas to poke him!

“Poor prince. What are you doing? Are you really so relaxed you can chat with a janitor from this pathetic academy?”

I tilted my head with a hint of confusion, and Arthur bit down on the corners of his lips.

Not even able to hold back his laughter at my sudden ambush! Is this what they call imperial studies?!

“Lady Alrn, it seems you are under a misconception…”

Valian forced a smarmy smile.

“You’re the one who’s mistaken♡ Do you really think a dumb janitor like you can talk to me?♡”

“First off, I am not a janitor. I am Professor Valian Cloch of the Cloch family.”

Despite my provocation, he didn’t wipe the smile off his face. I guess after surviving long enough in the court, he had some skill in keeping his composure.

But it wouldn’t last long, though.

“What’s that ridiculous place in the back?♡”

His comment crossed the line from rude to downright offensive, and Valian’s smile faltered.

“The Cloch family has been assisting the palace for generations.”

“Just kidding♡ Why are you getting all serious, old man?♡”

“The name of the family is not something to be taken lightly.”

“A little girl should appreciate the fun when she’s joking♡ This is so boring♡ Uncle is all alone, right?♡ No friends?♡ Isn’t that right?♡”

With each quip I added, Valian’s smile faded more and more.

What a shame. I wasn’t just using my Mesugaki provocation skill here.

I was leveraging my rotting knowledge to come up with words that would irk him.

In saying those words, I analyzed his weaknesses and found what he surely didn’t want to hear.

Selecting just the right words to get under his skin and spouting them thanks to my Mesugaki skills.

How could a mere extra like Valian manage his emotions against such well-prepared taunts?

“And you know, it’s not really a crime if I don’t know about your lousy family, right?♡ Why should I remember a weak family that can only move a quill on a desk?♡”


“If you’re a loser, you should just get used to it, right?♡ It’s embarrassing to not be able to do anything when a little girl nudges you, isn’t it?♡”


“Ah~♡ Looks like you’re someone who doesn’t have the confidence to fight back, huh?♡ I get it. You’d just look pathetic if you stomp around, wouldn’t you?♡”

“…You filthy little—”

“Puhuhuh♡ Are you mad?♡ Are you gonna hit me?♡ Are you gonna take a swing at me?♡”

With my Mesugaki skill’s boost still buzzing in my head, I watched as his face turned a shade of crimson that indicated he was about to blow his top.

“What a disgrace for a ruffian like you to dare…”


“Isn’t that the truth? A little brat born from some unclear mixed blood.”

Who the hell does this guy think he’s poking?

“Just because you have a decent face doesn’t mean you could charm the kingdom’s heroes, you know?”

As I wiped the smile clean off my face, I started to draw upon my divine power.

Once my smile faded, Valian grinned as if he had won.

But that grin lasted only a moment. With an aura of menace radiating from me, the piglet frantically shouted something as if urging me not to touch him.

Ignoring all that noise, I gathered my divine power into my fist.

Feeling the sense of urgency, the piglet attempted to conjure a spell in front of him, but the magic circle never finished.

As my fist shot out, it obliterated the magic circle and slammed straight into the flabby belly of the piglet.

“Urk! Ugh.”

Unable to bear the pain, he clutched his gut and collapsed to the ground.

Perfectly positioned, I stomped on the back of his head, opening my mouth.

“Want to squeal again?♡ I couldn’t hear you well since your voice isn’t quite right!♡”


“Seriously, when I say ‘squeal,’ that’s just a metaphor! What am I going to do if you can’t even comprehend that?♡”


“Have you decided to become livestock?♡ You look like it, but I hope you realize your dreams later!♡ I prefer talking to people!♡”


“Ah~♡ Sorry~♡ I was too busy cleaning up and didn’t say a thing~♡ Since you looked so eager, I thought you wanted more~♡”

I lifted my foot off his head, raising his chin with my toes to reveal the pale face of the terrified piglet.

“Hey, old man! Is it really true about your manhood?♡ I feel sorry for what’s hanging there!♡ Think you need a neutering operation?♡”

“I… I am… Cloch of the Count family.”

“Oh~ so what?♡ A pig who looks like livestock can’t pull off a self-marketing gimmick without looking disgusting?♡”

Since there’d be no point in continuing the conversation, I kicked the piglet in the face, noticing the blood on my shoe made me annoyed enough to toss it at the side of his head.

Argh, why can’t I cool down? How dare this trash talk about someone without knowing his place?

Should I hit him some more? Wait until he’s crying and begging for mercy?

“Lucy Alrn, please calm down.”

“I’m not even mad! The poor prince really lacks insight.”

“Look around. Aren’t they all scared?”

As I heard Arthur’s words, I finally came to my senses and shyly looked around.

Many more people stood here than when I came the first time.

Some were looking at me as if to say they expected this.

Others gazed at me with fear.

Some looked on in shock.

But no one was stepping closer to me.

Everyone was carefully avoiding my line of sight.

‘…Um, Grandpa?’

[Why are you calling? ]

‘What to do?’

[What do you mean? Isn’t everything lining up for you just as planned? ]

‘I didn’t plan for this at all!?’

[Didn’t you say you’d cause chaos if you had a legit reason yesterday? ]

‘Well… I guess that was true! But still! The atmosphere right now looks completely off!’

My reputation was about to hit rock bottom again!

They could easily say the troublemaker hasn’t changed her ways behind my back!

Just like Grandpa said, my plan had gone well.

No one would be able to treat me like they used to anymore!

As I chewed on my lips, rationalizing everything, I caught a bubble of laughter behind me and glanced around.

The fear etched into the eyes of the children nearby intensified.

Whoa! I really didn’t want to learn that there’s a deeper depth to hell like this!

I had no regrets about teaching that piglet a lesson, but still… maybe I should have picked a better location?

Eh! Whatever!

What will be, will be!

This is something I’ll already do!


Shaking off Arthur’s hand, I advanced into the crowd, barking at the boy in front of me.

“What are you staring at? Do you want to squeal like that pig too?”

“…Huh? No! Why would I!?”

“Then step aside. I don’t want to waste my precious time on someone useless like you.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

I watched the crowd part as I held my head high.

Everyone, step aside!

The troublemaker Lucy is back!

If they lay a finger on me, they’ll find out just how I’ll stomp on their dignity!

“Lady Alrn.”

Hearing the noble tone in that icy voice, I carefully lifted my head.

There stood Joy, her face concealed by a fan, but her eyes held a seriousness that was startling compared to her usual goofy demeanor.

Even I, who knew her true nature, froze up at the chilling resolve in her eyes.

Is she… mad? No, right? She’s just setting the mood, right?

“Please stop. Leaving won’t solve anything.”

As I halted and crossed my arms to show I understood, Joy turned her gaze from me to the others.

“Everyone else, please disperse. Classes have already begun.”

“Uh, Lady Partran. This situation…”

“I clearly said to leave. Do you think I’m joking?”

“N-no! I will leave at once! I’m sorry!”

Wow, seeing Joy like this is genuinely terrifying. It’s totally different from how she is when she’s beside me. Is this what High Society Joy feels like?

Joy let out a sigh, bending slightly, then gently grabbed my cheek with her soft, pale hand.

“Lady Alrn, why do you cause such scenes where everyone can see?”

She spoke in a lamenting tone, her expression reminiscent of the silly girl I knew.

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not work with dark mode