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Chapter 417

Chapter: 417

In the realm of the First Queen’s faction, there was Monsel, the second son of the family, a knight who prided himself on his achievements.

He keenly observed Lucy Alrn and Frey Kent, who were warming up.

He had never thought of stepping away from his status as a knight, and the reason for his presence here was related to them, so he couldn’t help but pay attention.

A few months ago, after the closing party of the Academy, during a gathering of the First Queen’s faction, she had explicitly mentioned her desire to bring the Alrn family into their fold.

The content itself wasn’t shocking.

Considering the long history and tradition of the Alrn family, it was completely reasonable for the First Queen to want their support, especially after their rise following the war with the Empire.

In hindsight, it was odd that they hadn’t actively sought them out until now. The moment Benedict Alrn declared his support, any potential threats from the Second Queen’s faction would vanish; there was no reason not to seek his help.

Excited by the First Queen’s words, they discussed various strategies to win over Benedict Alrn.

However, the First Queen, after glancing at their conversation, let out a slight sigh.

“Really, everyone. I’m not talking about Sir Benedict. How can we convince someone who has stepped back to fulfill the role of a noble lord, leaving behind countless glories?”

Her faction appeared taken aback by her statement.

Not to draw in Benedict Alrn? Then what about someone from the collateral line?

Were there any usable individuals from the collateral line of the Alrn family right now?

Other than Sir Possell, it seemed like everyone else had some kind of flaw.

While observing the confusion of the faction, the Queen revealed her true intentions with a sly smile.

“I was speaking about the Young Lady of the Alrn family. I believe everyone knows her.”

Indeed, no one in attendance was oblivious to Lucy Alrn.

In the past, she had been notorious for her mischief, and now she had risen to fame as the most talented individual in the Partan Kingdom.

Anyone who failed to catch wind of such news could hardly deserve a place at this meeting; they knew at least a bit about Lucy Alrn.

Including her father, who would throw his life away for his daughter, Benedict Alrn. If she were to join a faction, surely her father would follow suit.

So far, her perceived danger had kept everyone at bay, but it seemed the Queen thought differently.

While the First Queen’s faction waited, trying to guess her thoughts, she continued.

“In my opinion, to draw in the Young Lady of the Alrn family, it would be better to influence those around her first. So…”

After that meeting, many from the First Queen’s faction were summoned as professors at the Academy.

No one harbored any grievances.

Those who followed the First Queen believed she would elevate the kingdom in place of the incompetent king.

Monsel was one of those enthusiastically following the First Queen.

Having fought alongside her on the front lines in the past, he vividly remembered her charging into battle, even with her noble lineage. He trusted her judgment about bringing Lucy Alrn into the fold.

In simple terms, he didn’t trust much of what the First Queen hadn’t specifically mentioned.

For instance, rumors that Lucy Alrn had become the best talent on the continent seemed too exaggerated to him.

How could a notorious troublemaker turn into the greatest talent of the continent in just a year, even with the noble blood of the Alrn family?

Rumors were often prone to exaggeration, so Monsel believed Lucy’s talent, while formidable, wouldn’t be as great as said.

Many of the professors summoned at the Academy shared similar sentiments.

No one could swallow the current rumors without consideration of Lucy Alrn’s utterly disastrous past.

For example, her pathetic physical fitness that made climbing stairs a challenge.

Or the time she had fallen, unable to wield a sword due to its weight, and cried.

Or when she fainted in a fit of rage.

Such memories were widely known, making Lucy Alrn’s newfound strength hard to accept.

Monsel, among the doubters, felt an intense curiosity about what Lucy would show in front of Frey Kent, whose overwhelming talent was undeniable.

“When are you going to stop just watching, you foolish knight? At this rate, just staring will get you nowhere!”

“Do I need to go first again?”

“Hmm~ scared to jump in, huh? Seems like you’ve been hit so much you’re filled with etiquette now!”


Monsel’s eyes widened as he saw the aura surrounding Frey’s sword.

Not just any aura—a colorful one! A second-year student manipulating this much energy like it was nothing!?

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he’d have dismissed it as a ludicrous rumor. Momentarily shocked, he became even more flustered as he watched Frey charge in without hesitation.

No matter how exceptional Lucy Alrn’s talent may be, that wasn’t something a student of their age could overcome.

Even professionals must unleash their full force against such attacks, and here was an Academy student countering them!

Fully convinced an accident was imminent, Monsel rushed to intervene, only to be halted by the senior professor, Anton.

“Is he out of his mind?! Instead of intervening in that attack, he’s trying to stop me from jumping in?!”

All he could do was watch the inevitable clash, hoping for the best while bracing for the worst.

Frey accelerated her attack even further.

Aimed squarely at her opponent’s neck, the swiftest strike was about to be unleashed.

Despite the razor-sharp precision capable of splitting steel like leaves, Lucy Alrn remained eerily calm.

The gaze she fixed on Frey’s aura-wrapped sword was that of an experienced knight, almost alien for a girl her age.

How could such a young girl possess such a gaze?

Just as Monsel was astonished by Lucy’s prowess, she raised her pristine white shield.

With her slender limbs in motion, there was something captivating about her, like an actress on stage.

Even Monsel, who had initially worried for her, became entranced, following her movements.

She was beautiful and noble.

But there was something awkward about it.

As if an actress had forgotten her lines.


The moment Monsel was evaluating Lucy’s movements subconsciously, he snapped back to reality as Lucy’s shield met Frey’s sword.

Surprisingly, and yet somehow expected, Lucy Alrn effortlessly blocked Frey’s strike.

“…How is that possible?”

Frey’s aura-imbued sword not only failed to push Lucy’s shield back but bounced off helplessly.

“That’s how it always goes.”

At Monsel’s bewilderment, Anton chimed in.

“Always… you say.”

“It means that during sparring between Lady Alrn and Lady Kent, the sword has rarely penetrated the shield.”

Listening to Anton, Monsel shifted his gaze away from the relentless fight and to the other students.

Then it clicked.

Anton was right.

Students new to the Academy were in shock watching the duel, while the seasoned students observed it like a lesson.

“Such sparring is common? A fierce duel like this is something you don’t even see easily among the knight orders?”

“Lucy. Are you really just going through the motions again? Can’t you try harder?”

“Haha! Unable to even touch me, yet you’re boasting? HA~R-D! Instead of talking, why not swing that arm around?”

During their fierce duel, both displayed an effortless confidence that made Monsel chuckle despite himself.

They were all under an illusion.

Lucy Alrn wasn’t overestimated.

In fact, she was underestimated.

Born of the Alrn bloodline and the child of the monster, Benedict Alrn, this girl was truly a hero destined to lead the Kingdom!

Ha. To treat such talent as merely a means to attract Benedict Alrn—it was infuriating.

The others who shared that sentiment were utterly laughable.

Was there any question why the First Queen showed such profound interest in this girl?

As Monsel lamented his own foolishness, he caught a glimpse of a frown from Frey Kent.

“Professor Anton, is that kind of attack the norm?”

“…Uh, uh?”

At Monsel’s question, Anton’s bewildered stammer echoed just as Frey grinned.

“Got it. I’ll give it a shot.”

Seeing the thickening aura, Lucy Alrn imbued her shield with holiness.

The moment the divine magic shone on her pristine shield, Frey’s sword, charged with aura, swung down.

It was an overwhelming attack that disregarded the people around, enough to injure anyone in its wake.

In a moment of carelessness, what was meant to be a preparation lesson could have turned into a scene of tragedy. Fortunately, the aftermath of the attack posed no threat to anyone.

Lucy Alrn’s divine magic perfectly negated Frey’s onslaught.

“Now you’re finally giving it your all? Are you having fun?”

Frey, carefree and laughing, soon found her smile cut short.

“Hey! Pathetic knight!”

As the aftermath faded, Lucy Alrn revealed her face, with a wild look resembling that of a beast.

“Yeah! Just as you said, it was fun! I knew you were dumb, but I didn’t expect you to be worse than a goldfish!”

With a light tone and an intimidating aura that made it hard for anyone else to breathe.

“So, I’ll repay you with some fun too! Until the pathetic knight makes a funny sound!”

In that instant, the girl, proving her prowess amidst the battle, resembled knights of the Alrn family who once instilled fear in the battlefield.

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