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Chapter 405

Chapter: 405

Chester Newman, a frail boy born into the Newman family, had often heard that he would be better off dead. Now, while taking in the sights of Academy Street, he couldn’t help but chuckle lightly.

Even though he had seen this scene before, it felt fresh every time. Living his entire life cooped up in the mansion’s room made every landscape seem nothing short of beautiful.

Just a year ago, life for Chester was nothing but suffering.

His days were filled with pain, constantly rising from the agony only to close his eyes and scream again.

But in that dark existence, a small girl had saved him.

She brought him medicine, a tiny girl nearly as small as he was due to her own ill health.

Having escaped the clutches of illness and regained his life, gratitude surged within Chester towards that girl.

His father mentioned how the family was doing so much for her so he shouldn’t worry, but Chester thought differently.

Gratitude was something the receiver had to return.

He couldn’t possibly pass on that debt to another, and so he decided to enroll in the Soul Academy to meet the girl again.

Normally, people would scoff, asking if getting into such a place is as simple as wanting to, but that didn’t apply to Chester.

Though frail, he was quite smart. All the books he devoured to stave off boredom helped him ace the written exams with ease.

Likewise, the practical exams, which he’d fretted about, had turned out fine since he had diligently prepared over the year.

His luck peaked when he found himself in a party with Lady Kent’s second daughter for the dungeon conquest exam.

She wasn’t quite as powerful as her elder sister, but she was more than enough to smash through the dungeon without breaking a sweat.

Recalling that moment filled Chester with a mix of gratitude and the desire to never see her again.

Constantly bubbling with positivity and chatting non-stop, she was simply more than he could handle given how much time he had spent lying in bed.

“Chester! Is that you?!”

Sadly, his wish went ungranted. While wandering the streets on his father’s business, he was spotted by Parna Kent, who dashed over excitedly.

“Wow! You passed too! Well, I mean, you looked super smart, so it makes sense!”

“Lady Kent also…”

“Just call me Parna! Calling me Kent will confuse me with my sister!”

“…Congratulations on entering the academy, Parna.”

“Thanks! I was so nervous about failing the written exams, I thought my head would explode!”

Chester broke out in a cold sweat as Parna continued, “Honestly, I totally bombed the written exams! If it weren’t for the Ken family’s swordsmanship, I’d have been balling at home!”

Her endless energy overwhelmed him, a boy who had spent most of his life in bed.

While it was nice being associated with the Ken family’s young lady, Parna was just too much for him. He needed to find a way to gracefully slip away.

“Oh! By the way, have you seen my sister?!”

“Are you talking about Lady Frey Kent?”

“Yeah! She totally ditched me! I have no idea where she ran off to!”

Chester realized he couldn’t evade Parna’s incessant prattling. No matter how much he fidgeted, she wouldn’t care.

But he couldn’t outright say he disliked her—his conscience wouldn’t allow it.

What could he do now?

Ah, of course! I could drop her off with Lady Kent!

That way, I could make my escape!

“You look troubled. If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to assist you.”

“You’ll help find my sister?! Really?!”

“Yes, if it wouldn’t inconvenience you.”

“Of course it wouldn’t! Thank you! Chester, you’re such a good person!”

Chester grimaced as he felt guilt rise within him.

I’m not a good person, just trying to shake off some annoying baggage.

But with her looking at him like that, he felt guilt gnawing at him.

“But how will we find her? She’s been missing for quite a while?”

“Lady Frey is quite the standout. The folks on Academy Street wouldn’t have missed her.”

Having been born in the Newman territory, which leaned towards the darker side of society, Chester had absorbed all sorts of stories from his family members during his time trapped indoors.

In doing so, he learned how to naturally draw information from others.

“Lady Kent? She headed towards the academy.”

From a street vendor he encountered.

“She passed by a little while ago, heading towards the dormitories.”

From a guard at the academy.

“If it’s Lady Kent, she’s probably at the training grounds. She practically lives there.”

From an upperclassman he’d bumped into.

Having garnered all that information, he effortlessly led Parna towards Frey’s location.

“Wow! Chester! There’s my sister! You’re amazing!”


Exhausted from entertaining Parna’s enthusiasm, Chester prepared to vanish as he watched her rush toward Frey.

If he got snagged again, he might really be trapped. He needed to make a stealthy exit before he collapsed from overexertion.


As Chester took a step back, Parna’s loud shout made him freeze.

Lucy…? Could it be?

Redirecting his gaze to identify the voice, Chester was momentarily speechless as he caught sight of the girl beside Frey Kent.

That girl was definitely the one who saved him. Nothing had changed; he knew he wasn’t mistaken.

Yet why did the small transformation she’d undergone feel so monumental?

He had heard stories about how beautiful Lady Alrn was, but he didn’t think it would be to this extent.

He figured she couldn’t have become more beautiful than he had remembered; he found himself feeling foolish.

Chester almost let out a gasp in admiration, but he quickly suppressed it—how rude would that be?

“Lucy! Tell Frey what’s up with her ditching me!”

“Not ditching; I had something urgent to attend to.”

“That’s ditching!”

As the Kent sisters engaged in their typical squabble, Chester cautiously approached Lucy.

“It’s been a while, Lady Alrn.”

He wasn’t sure if she would remember him; after all, their prior encounter was fleeting.

But he needed to mention it to express his gratitude.

“Yeah. Long time no see.”

Chester flashed a bright smile as he met Lucy’s gaze, but then—

“Look at you, the weakling from the Chowder family. Still looking like a fragile twig. One poke and you’d snap!”

In that moment, Chester blinked in surprise.

“…I’m male, though.”

“Really? I thought you might be confused with that height and lack of muscle. Hahaha, that’s a good joke!”

Chester’s face flushed bright red from her blunt comments.

“If you want to be treated like a guy, at least grow a bit. How sad!”

As Chester struggled to deal with Lucy’s straightforward insults, Parna stepped in between them.

“Lucy! Do you know Chester?!”

“Yeah, he’s that weakling I helped before.”

“See? You’re way cooler than Frey!”

“…Dumb brat. Please keep it down? My ears are about to burst with your chatter!”

“But Lucy, you’re so cool! Isn’t that right, Frey!”

“Yeah. Lucy’s cool. And adorable.”


Lucy, who had easily toyed with Chester moments prior, was rendered powerless by the demanding sisters before her.

Unable to make a statement amidst their spirited banter, Lucy hastily claimed she had something else to do and beat a hasty retreat.


[Watching you flounder is just too amusing, you know? ]

‘This isn’t funny! Being between those two feels like I’m losing my will to live!’

When it was just Frey, it wasn’t a problem at all. That girl had her own aloof taste.

But things took a twist with Parna chiming in. The girl’s endless positivity felt overwhelmingly burdensome from Chester’s point of view.

Seriously, why is she so attached to me?

It’s only been a few days since we met, yet she acts like I’m more important than her own sister!

I haven’t done anything for her! What gives her the idea that she owes me her life or something?!

[But, you know, isn’t Parna just like your guard? If you think about it that way, it shouldn’t be too burdensome.]

‘But my guard is constantly keeping an eye out for me! Parna? Not a care in the world!’

The guard feared being left behind, while Parna, blissfully naive, didn’t even consider being disliked.

With her ultra-positive demeanor, she viewed everything I say through rosy lenses, grinning at me.

Being around someone like that is burdensome for a guy like me who’s used to the malice of others.

Sure, it’s nice to have someone cheerful around, but there’s definitely a limit!

[Get used to it. If you follow your karma, you’re bound to meet more people like that. Moreover, if you look closely, you already have plenty of them nearby. It’s just their self-restraint that keeps it under wraps.]



As I pondered granddad’s words and recalled the people around me, I couldn’t help but realize he was right.

Parna isn’t that unique; her straightforward nature just makes it stand out!


Thanks to her, I might end up feeling overwhelmed by all the people I meet!

‘Don’t tell me that!’

[Why are you yelling all of a sudden?! I merely stated facts!]

‘This is all your fault! Apologize!’

[Is it really my fault?!]

Grumbling about the reality granddad had highlighted, I suddenly felt a strange vibe emanating from the Academy Street.

Feeling an odd sensation tickle my aesthetic senses was a normal occurrence, but this time felt off.

[…What’s with the sudden silence? Are you truly upset? ]

‘Granddad, don’t you sense something strange?’

[Strange, you say? Hmm? ]

As granddad muttered his confusion, a blue screen popped up in front of me.

[Eradicate the negativity!]

[Eliminate the negativity in Academy Street before the academy’s reopening.]

Just as I thought! It’s the energy emanating from the followers of the Evil God.

Hehe! Bet I’ll make a fool out of grandpa for sniffing out the abnormality before him. Today, I’ll have fun with this!

While grinning at my newfound target, I noticed what was written below and recalled an earlier resolution.

[Reward: Increase in reputation]

[Failure: Full makeup prayer!!!!]

Oh, right! I totally forgot I was supposed to offer a prayer to that pathetic God!

…But was it really that big of a deal?

Four exclamation marks?

Haha, this pathetic little perverted god is just ridiculously petty, isn’t he?

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not work with dark mode