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Chapter 401

Chapter: 401

I dashed out of the funeral home and hid in the reception room of the guild, peeking through the curtains at the commotion outside. When I made eye contact with some of the guild members, I quickly shut the curtains.

“Ooooh! The incarnation of the goddess looked at me! She’s going to give me inspiration!”

“No! She was looking at me!”

“Stop lying! The goddess’s gaze was directed at me!”

The solemn atmosphere of the funeral had vanished, replaced by the insane spectacle of the street, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that those were indeed her devotees.

Ordinary believers, fine, but why are the likes of the overseer and bishop acting like this? They truly are the goddess’s followers!

I snorted, frowning while scanning for any signs of sanity and sighed as I turned my head inward.

There were two ridiculous figures on the ground, one a clumsy dog and the other completely bald.

Instead of defending their master, they just stood by and watched, clearly receiving a punishment for their lack of action, yet both seemed surprisingly relaxed.

Though they were merely knights in the Alrn family, they likely had held significant positions elsewhere, so bowing their heads was probably nothing to them.

Even knowing this, I didn’t feel the need to change the punishment’s parameters. The intention was more to diminish their pride than their physical strength anyway.

“…Over here. Lucy?”

“What is it? There’s nothing but fluffy fur to appreciate on this useless fox.”

“Couldn’t you just let me go now? I might genuinely lose my mind here.”

“Seriously lack of intelligence. That’s exactly why I’m doing this to drive you insane. Just plain dumb.”

The dumb fox in my arms trembled and protested, but I ignored her complaints.

Wasn’t it supposed to protect me from the other perverts? Why was she joining their ranks when I actually needed help?

Absolutely unforgivable. You’re going to be my mental healing doll until we escape the guild.

Gently restraining the struggling fox, I sat back on the sofa and surveyed the room.

When I first looked around the reception room before receiving the skill of “Aesthetic Sense,” I thought nothing of it. It was just nice and tidy.

But now, with my new skill from the creepy crow, I understood how meticulously designed this room was.

From the arrangement of the furniture to the color matching with the walls, to the designs of the dishes used. Each seemingly insignificant element was blended with an artistic sense.

Clearly, the one who designed this was the perverted apostle. Nobody else could create such bizarre artistry.

As I contemplated the impressive skills of the perverted apostle, a funny idea popped into my head.

In the game, the “Aesthetic Sense” skill was useless apart from scoring expensive items for cheap.

It was a handy skill for maxing out gold in merchant play, but otherwise, it had no real value.

But that was in the realm of the game. Now that reality had blurred, could things change? For instance, optimizing the beauty in martial arts…

“Clumsy dog.”

“Yes, my lady!”

“Can’t you keep it down a notch? It’s annoying. Or are you deliberately trying to protest to me?”

“I’m sorry! I’ll correct my behavior!”

“Aah. So you don’t want forgiveness? You’re intentionally stirring up trouble, huh? Perverted moron. You’re so disgusting I wouldn’t even want to kick you.”

“I truly apologize, my lady.”

“Fine. Quit the chatter and get up to swing that sword.”

Though it was a strange request, the dog immediately got up and complied with my order.

In a split second, the dog drew a sword from its side, cutting through the air. While I’d seen that sword endlessly in Alrn Territory, it looked new to me now.

First, the hand gripping the sword was noticeable. Over the years of wielding it, his hand had adapted perfectly to the blade.

Anyone ignorant of the weapon would be astounded, but to my newly enlightened eyes thanks to “Aesthetic Sense,” that hand appeared to me as a work of art.

The path created by the sword was similar. At first glance, it might look ordinary, but to me, it shone like gold.

Yet, it didn’t seem perfect. Something was lacking. Just a little more, and it would be genuinely beautiful, but I couldn’t figure out what that gap was.

Aaaah. This is so frustrating.

“Do you need anything else?”

As I furrowed my brow in thought, the dog cautiously spoke up.

“Go ahead.”

I focused on finding that missing quality from the dog’s swordplay, but the more I frowned, the more annoyed I became.

Eventually, unable to find the answer, I placed the sword back and sat atop the bald one next to me.

“Uh. My lady!?”

“Is my ear strange? Why is my chair talking?”

The bald one raised his voice, confused, but upon hearing my next words, he simply sealed his lips. He realized he was in no position to talk back.

The same went for the dog. Perhaps it was thinking about why its spot was now occupied by the bald one.

For reasons unknown, sitting atop the slightly quivering bald one, I mulled over the potential of “Aesthetic Sense.”

In the end, it truly is instinct. You see with your eyes and feel with your body, then you naturally come to understand.

In the game, they had no means to describe that instinct, thus it turned into rubbish, but now that it’s reality, it’s different.

I can comprehend beauty not just in appreciating items but in discovering every form of beauty in all I see and feel.

So, it’s no wonder the crow caused such an uproar.

This is a legit overpowered skill!

While humming with joy, I finally understood why the clumsy fox and the perverted apostle were in a frenzy, as I stood up from the bald one’s back.



Sure, it’s pretty and cute.

But is there really anything to touch?

Wherever you go, it naturally draws attention, sure, but…

Is it worth all this racket?

Staring at my reflection in a full-length mirror, I wondered if putting on some charm would change anything, moving around here and there, but ultimately, I just couldn’t relate to the perverts.

No matter how pretty I might be, getting absorbed in my own image is a tricky matter. It’s a big deal to be a narcissist.


Turning at the noise of a collapse, I was greeted by the sight of the perverted apostle sprawled outside the door, and I froze.

Wait. How long had he been watching? Not long, right? Surely?!

[Just to satisfy your curiosity, I’ve been watching since you puffed up your cheeks.]

‘…Why didn’t you say anything?!’

[What does it matter? A cute girl pretending to be cute is heartwarming.]

‘It’s not nice for the party being watched!’

Turning crimson with embarrassment, I stomped my feet while I heard some awkward coughing from the side.

Erin and Alsetin had turned their heads, desperately holding back laughter.

Realizing there was no escape from this dark history, I pulled my knees up on the sofa and buried my face in the fur of the dumb fox.

The dumb fox had fainted long ago, now serving as my shield for my burning cheeks.


After the whole guild had sent Lucy Alrn off on her way, the head of the Art Guild returned to his workplace, exhaling deeply in the heat of the street.

I was well aware that I had an overflowing amount of things to do, yet not a single task grabbed my attention.

The inspiration left behind by Lucy Alrn, a girl who seemed almost like a goddess, shook my very core.

Had it not been for my title of overseer, I might’ve been free to unleash my own inspirations like the other believers!

…Do I really have to get to work now?

I could easily postpone my tasks, but this inspiration might slip away if I didn’t latch onto it now.

Even if some issues arose, completing art that would elevate the guild’s prestige might actually benefit us more, right?

While I was lost in this rationalization, the office door swung open, revealing Frete’s figure.

Entering without even a knock was disrespectful, yet neither the overseer nor Frete paid it any mind.

For these two, who had been together for so long, minor etiquette held little significance.

“Did she leave without incident?”

“She shouted about throwing all those perverts in jail as she left.”

“Well, that’s quite a snag. It seems returning the young lady is a lost cause.”

“You never know. She firmly said she would never come to a place where a perverted scum like you is around.”

Seeing Frete smile smugly stirred a menacing glare from the overseer.

That damn bastard. Did he really think he could keep her all to himself this whole time? Those other believers, I could overlook, but this head of the guild should’ve thought about sharing the joy with me!

“Whoa there. Is something off about your expression?”

“It’s not off; I’m glaring at you.”

“You’re not showing proper respect to an apostle?”

“Shouldn’t you be showing respect to the head of the guild?”


As Frete chuckled, the overseer’s expression twisted, but her fury didn’t last long.

Just before she could genuinely yell, Frete pulled out a painting from under his coat.

The painting captured Lucy Alrn pouting at her reflection, and it vividly represented the scene.

“Who exactly should be the one keeping up their etiquette?”

“…What’s this?”

“It’s the moment when the young lady was being cute in front of the mirror. I swear on my honor as an apostle that it captures the scene precisely as it was.”

The overseer swallowed involuntarily at the sight but shook her head after a moment of deliberation to reject the temptation.

“There are surely five more similar paintings. Do you truly not want one?”

“…I apologize! As the guild’s apostle, I failed to see the subject!”

I couldn’t bring myself to answer. Frete had too much in his possession.

Despite the overseer submitting humbly, Frete’s arrogance refused to wane.

“Is this truly the best you can do as the guild’s overseer?”

What’s this? Does he have even more hidden treasures? What’s left to reveal?

Locking eyes with the overseer, who had raised her head in confusion, Frete crossed his arms before continuing.

“I’m just here to ask for permission to freely create art relating to Lady Alrn.”

“…Is that true?”


“I swear it on the goddess!”

“My art, I swear!”

“Holy crap! You! Frete! I love you, you bastard!”

“Get away from me! Head Guild Lady! Why are you acting this way?!”

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